Thursday, May 3, 1973 Engagement Announced tí HAPPY ANNIVERSARY COMING EVENTS TODAY, MAY 3 • Job's Dau­ ghters, Masonic Hall, 8 p.m. FRIDAY, MAY 4 - Rummage Sale, Methodist Church 9a.m. to 3 p.m. Golden Age Rummage Sale, Western Hotel 9 a.m. to 5 p.m SATURDAY, MAY 5 - Jr. Varsity Quiz - Nyssa vs Parma tor Championship, Channel 7 5 30 p.m. Golden Age Rummage Sale, Western Hotel, 9 a.m. to 5p.m. Mrs. Jane Kobe. of Nyssa, along with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Beutler of New Plymouth, are proud to announce the coming marriage of their children Karen Rigney and Russell Beutler. Karen is presently enrolled in Nyssa High School. Russell is a 1970 graduate of Burley HighSchool, Burley, Idaho. After attending one year at Treasure Valley Community College as a music major, Russ is currently playing with "Brandywine” booking out of Oregon City, Oregon. A July 17 marriage IS being planned NEW S FROM BIG BEND MONDAY, MAY 7 - »131 Eastern Star hosts potluck for Job’s Daughters, Masonic Hall 6 30 p m. Chapter meets at 8 p.m Spaghetti Feed, Adrian Ca­ feteria, Adrain Drill Team, 6 to 8 p.m. TUESDAY, MAY 8 -CBPWC, Boulevard Grange, 7 30 p.m. TOPS »494, Adrian Grade School, 7 30 p.m. Yellow Rose Rebekah Lodge, IOOF Hall 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MAY 9 - Se­ nior Citizens, MethodistChurch Social Hall, 10 30 a.m. Sack lunch. FRIDAY, MAY 11 - Friend­ ship Circle, IOOF Hall, Mothers Day luncheon, 1 p.m Rummage Sale at Methodist Church, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. BIIY-SRlWltiRL^^ .................................. BY GOLDIE ROBERTS......................... .. MG BEND - Th«- Big Bend Extension Study Group was well represented Friday at Spring Homemakers' Day at the East- side Cafe in Ontario. Guests were Mrs. Kenneth Price, Mrs. Leroy Bennett and Mrs. Bra- seth. A skit "Is this a new ley ‘ was given by the Big Bend Players as part of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Clyd«- Riggs of Parma and Mrs. Deloo Brock of Ontario railed on Mr. and Mrs. Liyre Roberts Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Lester Campbell and Mrs. Earl Campbell called on Lester Campbell and Mrs. Carla Palmer in the Nampa Mercy Hospital Salurtby. Both had undergone surgery earlier in the week. Mrs. Winifred Bennett was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cla­ rence Kniefel in Parma Wed­ nesday until Friday. Thursday they ail went to Boise where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dotson for an ea­ rly birthday dinner for Mrs. Bennett at the King's Table. Susan Carroll of Sunset Val­ ley was a weekend guest of Judy Lovitt. Be« ky Carroll also vi­ sited Judy Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Phil Clucas underwent major surgery Thursday morn­ ing at the Holy Rosary Hos­ pital In Ontario. Lester Auker of Salt Lake City, Utah called on his mother Mrs. Mary Auker Saturday. Guests on Sunday al the Alan Bennett home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray VanderOord and boys of Nyssa and Julie and Angle SUIonis. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thomas and Toshia are staying at the Ralph Thomas home in Ros­ well this week while the Thomas' are In Portland called there by the death of Mrs. Ralph Thomas brother. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hopkins • • Z • • _ TtRR Y & MAX L HART CHAVEZ has a job that will pay you more than '340 a month (aft«r four months) 1 were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Roberts Tuesday eve­ ning. Mrs. Lester Campbell atten­ ded church services at the Bo- rean Baptist Church in Nampa Sunday. Later she visited Les­ ter Campbell at the Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Talich of Walla Walla, Washington, dau­ ghter of the Campbells met her at the hospital for a visit. In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Talich and Mr. and Mrs. Vir­ gil Story of Roswell came to visit with the Noel Talichs and also called on LesterCampbell. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Tailman and Michael of Corvallis came for the weekend to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ernest SeueJI and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman. Other gue­ sts in the Ernest Seuell home Saturday were Mrs. Del Ziegen- bein, Mrs. Norman Nelson and baby of Ontario and Mrs. Dar­ ryl SeuellandChristyofNampa. Mrs. Gert ye jooes of Adrian called on Mrs. Edythe Prosser Sunday evening Mrs. Margaret Wood and Brenda of Marsing came Sa­ turday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bennett and family. Mrs. Winifred Bennett was also a dinner guest of the Dick Ben­ netts Saturday. Mrs. Wood and Brenda were Saturday overnight guests of Mrs. Winifred Ben­ nett. The Dick Bennetts joi­ ned them for Sunday dinner with Mrs. Barnett. While there Brenda painted Dick Bennett's barn for him. Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater left Tuesday morning for Ontario where she joined the County Agents and others to go toCor- vallls for the State Extension meeting, where Mrs. Van De­ Water's original skit "Is This A New Day ?” will tie presented. Mr. ami Mrs. Clyde Riggs of Parma and Mrs. Winifred Ben­ nett were Monday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts. Rosie Shirk spent the week­ end visiting her sister andbro- ther at the Carpenter residence at Owyhee Dam. Mrs. Noel Tuppeny and Mrs. Persls Brumbaugh took Mrs. Susie Miller of Roswell to On­ tario Sunday afternoon where she was admitted to the Holy Rosary Hospital for medical treatment. Mrs, Elmer Wood and Mrs. Winifred Bennett helped Mrs. Mary Auker tie out some quilts Tuesday. Among those who will tie ce­ lebrating anniversaries (hiring the month at May are May2 - 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhodes. May 5 - 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Osborn. May 7 • Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Forbess. May 12 - Mr. and Mrs. Don Baker. May 16 - Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawrence. May 18 - Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Don Moss. May 22 - Mr. and Mrs. Le- Roy Sprague. May 24 - Mr. and Mrs. Geo­ rge Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Belveal and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney. May 25 - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wahlert and Mr. and Mrs. Don Engstrom. May 26 - Mr. and Mrs. Eu­ gene Dockter. May 29 - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eastman. Samba Group Meets A ------- A Mrs. Ida Miner hosted the Samba Club, Friday, April 27 at a luncheon in her home. Guest player was Mrs. Stella Morris. Mrs. Lola Guthrie and Mrs. Virginia Brandt were prize winners. ADRIAN NEWS ADRIAN - Mrs. Myron Gok- sard attended a county extension meeting at the Recreation Hall in Ontario Monday. Tuesday, Mrs. Myron Gos­ sard, Mrs. Vera Webb, Mrs. Mickey Webb, and Mrs. Mary Morse of Adrian attended the AKH Home Estension Outdoor Barbecue dinner at the Myron Osborn home in Kingman Ko- lony. Friday, Mrs. Vera Webb, Mrs. Mickey Webb, Mrs. Mary Morse and Mrs. Luicille Gos­ sard attended the Home Exten­ sion Festival in Ontario. Lucille Gossard, Vera Webb and Eleanor Topi iff spent Wed­ nesday eveing at the Klaas Laan home making name tags for the Home Extension Festival Friday in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. K.I. Peterson attended a piano recital at the Christian Church in NyssaSun- day. Their granddaughter Karen Hutchinson »as in the recital. Mrs. Bill Looney and Mary went Io La Grande Friday. Mary »on one of the Eastern Oregon College Literary Contest awards. Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Mackey were Friday overnight guests of her mother, Mrs. Florence Gowey in Boise, and brought his mother, Mrs. Minnie Mackey home after her spending several days visiting her sister, Mrs. Hannah Gage in Boise. Novy money's pretty good So are the |obs and the travel and even the food The Navy's got a lot of new programs that can help you go ploces inside the Navy, and when you get out Like the new three year enlist­ ment like the pin now, report up to-six months later program Like the Naval Reserve two year active duty plan If the Novy sounds like a place you’d like to be when you get out of high school, call or see TERRY L. HART, STI, USN A MAX CHAVEZ 67 S.W, 2nd Avenue Ph 6«9-«384 Ontario, Ore. Be oomeone special in Th« New Navy. MALHEUR MEMORIAL HtBPITAL April 28 - Mr. and Mrs. Ri­ chard Mesinger, Vale, boy. April 29 ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ turo Pino, Nyssa, girl. Mr. and Mrs. James O. Dur­ fee, Vale, boy. HOLY ROSARY HOSPITAL April 25 - Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crosswhite, Payette, boy. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Skin­ ner, Vale, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Islas Arroyo, New Plymouth, boy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haile, Nyssa, boy. April 26 Mr. and Mrs. Da­ vis Glauner, Weiser, girl. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber, Fruitland, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton (Mill- zaies, Ontario, girl. April 27 • Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Platz, Fruitland, girl. April 30 - Mr. andMrs.Cur­ tis Harrod, Vale, boy. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Os­ born, Payette girl. May 2 - Mrs. Patricia Ch­ ronister, Vale. girl. Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Mackey received a telpehone call Sun­ day from their son Sgt. Joe Mackey in Washington D.C. Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Mackey »ent fishing from Tuesday until Thursday at Beulah Reservoir and Bully Creek. They got 14 trout and 25 perch. Brenda Sims, Tami Mayden and Katrina Sword. Second row, Rhonda Hendrick, Valerie Fan­ ning, Holli Pittz, Renate Hanson, Mary Lili Longoria and Ronda Pruyn. Third row, Mrs. Hutchinson, Sheila John­ son, Jeanette Hutchinson, April Teague, Rebecca Tyner, Starr Sha* and Mrs. Pruyn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deffer spent the weekend at Beulah Reservoir fishing. Mr. and Mrs. MyronGossard attended the American Legion Pancake Fry in Adrian Saturday evenng. Myron Gossard and Ray Simp­ son went to Malheur Reservoir baturday and caught their limits, Some of the fish were 17 inches long. Mrs. Andy Begedi and girls of Nampa »ere Sunday dinner guests in the Vernon Parker home. Mr. and Mrs. George De Haven spent Sunday in Hunt- ington visiting his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Galen Raney. Z2 / < -i 'v LEAN-WELLTRIMMEP MEAT , MONTE GARDEN SI PFb M0NT6 3 ROUND STEAK... USDA CHOICE CATSUP iHORMEL BACON Ä pa T ¡6M0K6P PORK CHOW rump roast --S*. 26 OZ aoNeLess- 99‘. 1 4?^« BEEF STEW MEATÄ1 42% TÖP ROUND STEAK C hoice CUBESTEAtó TENPER-TA4TY 4% * if °^b °6k M0NT^«hB6N MONTB GARDEN Ï -"i PEU MONTE FRUIT- À ^CO [^COCKTAIL < • so» i7ox. TIN a DARGB 59! ‘ QUART SIZE CUP ' fi »I 9' LA I L-ARGF VINE RIPE FANCY V 4HCIN0 TOMATOES ------------- PARGE ^>N0-WHITE HFAP6 Treasure Halley WHIPPING CREAM I RHFRE5H0 35!. CAULIFLOWER now ..... 6 PAK. TA^Ty M.C.P 12OX CAN • RE&ULAR LEMONADE 8iQUiKÊ?.."J9 RH0PE6 WHITE BREAD > 3 LOAF PACKAGE Lß. 4- purext N0W--2leir EXTKA TA^TV i ^2 GALDON ICE-Ml UK BARS PACKAGE h I “ 29 ? «• DEL MONTE GARDEN SHOW i •ue- L MONÎE PRINKSSH.. 331 lAROE 5oz. Probably a lot more than you could earn in a run of th« mill job when you think thot that $340 is |U»t »pending money when you don't have to pay for food, housing, medical or denlol bills when you get some of the best job training in the world free when you can travel to plares like Hawaii and the Caribbean BROWNIE TROOP NO. 169, under the lea­ dership of Mrs. Ron Pruyn and Mrs. Mervil Hutchinson, visited the Journal last Thurs­ day to learn ho» newspapers are published. The troop is composed of 2nd and 3rd grade girls. Front row, from left, are Jennie Rieb, Lisa Sarazin, Nancy Longoria, Vicki Haney. BHTIR V/UUÍS HELLO WORLD! ( Pag« Seven Th« Nyssa Oat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon U11KA-BRITE TOOTHPASTE... I PINEAPPLE 20 GALLON 42.99 VAuUÊyT**^. PIASTI C CONTAINER f J ÿ A 5 l 'J WHITE KING SOAP^e.. WHireKING'D' m .- im ox. . 63 ¿ WHITE KINGÄ r Sin. 63< COOKIES Ä' 20» pm ., ! • SLICED • CRUSHED PEL MONTE « 303-lbox. nCAZ* rupj rl whole PEL. MONTE CORN 3K fA. • CUT &«EEN ’• WHOLE K.ERNEL- ^ weet now DOUBLE ! ! 25< 59? • CREAM k *303 Ibox • wich iffictivi MAY 3 4, 6 th. 197 3 WE GIVE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS EVERY DAY T ip .STAMPS»" ON POTATO CHIPG q ?^^« 99* A l QIIIIKD w PURCHASES MON .IDES. WEP. Helping Wettern Familie» Live Better I 23'1 gieOLD STRIKEJmeno PIOVVI I ípPivv» EXTKAWTL lunTRMiKlC T t GARDEN SHOW • F rench erne PEL MONTE * 303- Ifeoz EAR.I-Y ÖACPEN WkLlIl'fi *011 MRS 11” DEL MONTE [ÎIÎTi] A NYSSA, OREGON