» Thursday, March 29, 1973 The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Reverend NV ACRES HAPPENINGS NU ACRES - Mr. and Mrs. Keith Keck of Moscow came LeRoy Howard took their aon, home last week to visit his pa­ David to Salt lake. He will be rents the Sherman Kecks. leaving by plane from Salt lake Mr. and Mrs. Clsrence Pugh to go to the Philllpplne Island and two children, Rebbeca and to fill a two-year mission for Scott of Ukevlew, Oregon visi­ the LIS Church ted with her parents, the Sher­ The Nu Acres Farmerettes man Kecks. Clarence is tea­ met at the Le Roy Howard home ching musical lakevk wand had Wectiesday afternoon. There a week off for spring vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wil­ were seven memtiers and one visitor, Mrs. Omar Betts. Day- son and baby daughter Nicki lene Peterson from the County I*a came Friday to visit his Extension office demonstrated parents the George Wilsons. the use of sour dough and made Their twooldergirlsCheryland same English muffins and a Beverly went to the Hawaiian pizza which was very delicious. Islands with their grandparents, Mr. and Mra. Omar Betts' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schoen- daughter Mrs. Dyann Miriyland born for a week. daughter Paula from Blackfoot, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wil­ Idaho have been visiting them son visited the Robert Shaw this past week, also a grand­ Jrs. Saturday evening. daughter Sue Jones of Pocatello. Mrs. Lyn Dohner called on Their granddaughter Jan Hayes Mrs. Effie Nielsen Thursday came to Boise with Blackfoot’s afternoon and brought flowers winning debate team and were from her and Mrs. Pheral Dod­ participating in the State meet son. at Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Payne Mr. and Mrs. Omar Maine visited at the Ernie Spellmans went to Northern Idaho to the in Eagle Sunday and also visi­ funeral services of her sister- ted the Carl Van Havers. in-law, Martha Rood. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson The Omar Maines and Mrs. of Kimberly, Idaho were week- Maines’ sister Mrs. Mary Burk- end guests of the Cecil Evans, ham of Denver, Colorado went They were here to attend the to Salem to visit their sister Lay Witness meeting at Nyssa. and her family, Mrs. Dorothy He was Coordinator for the Bones who wasn't able to attend Lay Witness meeting at the the service for their sister- United Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans in-law, After returning home, they took Mrs. Burkham to and two sons, Rex and David of Boise airport to go back home Livermore, California came Friday to visit his mother, Mrs. to Denver. Mr. Howard Rood, brother Lucy Evans who is in the Nyssa of Mrs. Omar Maine visited Hospital. While here, they sta­ (hem tor two days. He was going yed with his siter, Mrs. Sher­ to Jerome to visit his two sons. man Keck and their son, David Mrs. Frank Johnson tad stayed at his uncle's home, the misfortune of falling Sa­ the Bert Pattee's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malone turday morning and breaking her hip. Hope she has a quick and family had Sunday dinner at recovery She and her husband the Dave Weavers. Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Howard had their plane tickets and were going to California for a few visited last week with their daughter and husband, Mr. and days. Mrs. Harley Sager's niece, Mrs. Thomas Kennison in d Mrs. [Javid Wood and five-year their baby daughter, born Fe- old son Dennis of Portland have bruary 1 at Provo, Utah. been visiting the Sagers from Monday to Thursday. Mrs. Ben Payne and Mrs. Robert Shaw called on Mrs. Effie Nielsen Thursday after­ noon and took her a plant from the Nu Acres Farmerettes. Mrs. Kyle Sager and two daughters Sabrina andAndna of John Day, Oregon, have been visiting the Harley Sagers this past week also her parents in Fruitland. Kyle came Friday evening and they will return home Sunttay. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sag* r Jr. and four children came Sa­ turday to visit his parents, the Harley Sagers. They are from Heppner, Oregtm and will also visit tier mother, Mrs. Huey of Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Ander­ son of Ontario were Sunday af­ ternoon visitors at the Robert Shaw home. Mrs. Ben Payne drove to Nampa Frittey to visit her mo­ ther Mrs. Stells Newell. They went on to Boise to shop and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook of Utah and Mr. and Mrs Syl Woodland of Arena Valley visited the Hen Paynes W ednes­ day evening. Nolan Field- -Waldo Co. INSURANCE AGENCIES Alt TYPES OF INCLUDING FARM Va le Ontario Nyssa 372-3162 Antelo|M‘ Season The Oreg'vi Game Commis­ sion Friday, March 23, adopted antelope hunting regulations for 1973 similar to those of re­ cent years but increased the total number of tags by 200 over last year. The regulations were adopted following a public hearing held at the Commis­ sion's Portland headquarters, 1634 SW Alder. The general antelope season is set for August 18 through 22, a five-day season similar to the past. A total of 1,615 tags is authorized, 185 tags above last year's quota, in­ creased tag numbers are au­ thorized for the Beulah, Hart Mountain, Juniper, Malheur, Owyhee, Steens Mountain, and Warner units. August 18 through 26 are the dates for the Gerber Re­ servoir archery antelope sea­ son, four days longer than ar­ chers had last year. The Com­ mission also increased the tag quota from 50 authorized last year to 65 this season. Addi­ tionally, the Commission chan­ ged the Gerber Reservoir boun­ dary for better definition. Bob's (x)lumn The cross was the most dis­ graceful and cruelest instru­ ments of death ever Invented. Romans would not allow a Roman citizen to be crucified, but reserved it for slaves and people who lived in the lands conquered by Rome. The stake of the cross to which Christ was nailed was first placed in the ground. Then Christ was made to lie upon the ground and His hands were nailed to the cross members. After this the soldiers heaved the cross member up with His whole weight held by His hands until His feet were nailed to the cross. Here He hung, not se­ veral feet off the ground as most artist portray Him, but with His feet barely off the ground, where He was in full reach of every hand that might choose to strike. In close proximity to every gesture of insult and hatred, every tor­ tured by the constantly moving multitude, who with that desire to witness that which is hor­ rible, laughed and tormented Our Lord, when they should have wept for the wrong being done unto Him, who was dying to save them. It was during this time He said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." One of the thieves Joined in with the mob and the soldiers; jeering Christ with these words, "If thou be the Christ, save thyself and us." These words, which sounded as a prayer, were not, but they were words spat out in contempt and scorn- hard, mean and angry words. But the other thief said,"Don’t you even fear God when you are dying? We deserve to die for our evil deeds, but this man hasn't done one thing wrong." Then he turned to Christ and spoke the strangest, most star­ tling words ever spoken to one being crucified on Calvary’s Hill. But he poll in to Jesus Christ, God's Son, who was dying for the sins of every sinner, tor you and tor me. For the Bible says, "All have sinned." "Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom *' Oh, how could he believe that one being crucified could have a kingdom, indeed? A kingdom - the kingdom of the I crucified is the place of the I Skull, Calvary, or Galgatha. | NHS CALENDAR ATTfNTION FARMERS LOSE WEIGHT OR MONEY BACK Odrmei can help you become the trim slim person you want to be Odnnex a a tiny tablet and easily swallowed C ob tains no dangerous drugs No starving No special exercise Get nd of excess fat and live longer Odnnex has been used successfully by thousands all over the country for 14 years Odrmei Plan costs J3 25 and the large economy size 15 25 You must lose ugly fat or your A RUSTIC SHAKE MARQUEE around the newly enlarged clinic of Dr. Charles E. Vanetti at the corner of Second and Good Avenue adds much to the appearance of Jiresj NYSSA REXALL PHARMACY ¡2'3 Main St. Mail Orders Filled TIRE CENTERS NYSSA Phon* 473-3935 r money will be refunded No questions asked Sold with this guarantee by the building. The new addition is at far left, and is about to receive a coating of stucco and paint. VALE Phone 372*2297 ■yi BATTERIES I g For Any Vehicle from A Volkswagen to A 0-8 Cat.... ♦ / Toya Stool Belted Radial V IN y 40,000 Milo Written Guarantee U- i L * • . • . ■ » > ► i > ’Z > A < i «■ - > < > >. I * 1 J • 1 Size White Tax 165-13 39 12 2 02 185-14 44 54 2 62 F78-14 48 26 2.82 G78-14 53.85 2.95 H78-14 59 27 3.08 165-15 45 38 2.31 G78-15 58 59 2.99 H78-15 63 33 3 10 J78-15 70.11 3.21 L78-15 3 32 71 46 All prices______ _______ Exchange With ____ Old Tire Off Your Car Add $1 if no Tread w w f X X SEIBERIING Ax F V .• 4-Ply Nylon 110 h ì no Size 650-16 700-15 700-16 750-16 NEW DISCOUNT PRICES ! 4 Size 600X13 650X13 735X14 775X14 825X14 855X14 775X15 825X15 855X15 915X15 Black 11.55 12.83 17.44 18.31 19.30 20.81 18.31 19.30 20.81 V 'A Toyo W-8 Commercial Traction V White 14.25 19.39 20.36 21.46 23.12 20.36 21.46 23.12 25.47 Trade 20 94 24 72 24 86 32.31 No Trade 23 94 28.72 28 86 37 31 Tax 2.80 3.10 3 48 4.20 Exchange Price with Cappable Casing, Like Size All Prices C’change with Old Tire off Your Car Add SI if no Trade Tax 1.47 1.73 1.96 2.09 2.24 2.43 2.11 2.30 2.47 2.86 Flats Fixed FREE For Ladies ! I Mr. Farmer k - ON THE FARM TIRE SERVICE FREE WITH purcham °f tire (20 MILE RADIUS) Include»...Mounting, Service Call, Pumping of Fluid CHECK OUR SUPERMARKET PRICES ON TRACTOR TIRES ! ! 13.6 x 3» . 4-PLY NYLON 23 DIORII TRIAD 83 15.5 X 38 - 6-PLY NYLON 55 23 DIGRKI Plus $6.23 Tax TRIAD C 99 29 Plus $7 73 Tax Home of the Sudden Service Boys”--^^-—- — ■ PAYETTE, IDAHO 83661 .nyltody who think* it's hard to move mountain, never reada geography ex­ amination papera.” BOB ELLIOTT We are now contracting sweet corn acreage. Call Payette 642-3384 or Nyssa 372-2271, or come in and visit with our fieldmen at your earliest convenience AMERIUN FINE FOODS, INC. 7/f Old THURSDAY, MARCH 29 - Parent-Teacher Conferences, 12 to 4 30 p.m. B-T Conferences, 7 p.m., attend PT A meeting at 8 pm. and then conferences until 9 p.m. Frosh- Soph Baseball Payette, 4 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 30 - Pa­ rent-Teacher Conferences, af­ ternoon. SOC Skills at La Grande, all day. Track, Payette and Vale, here 4 p.m. SATURDAY, APRIL 1 - Dis­ trict Declamation at LaGrande, all day. MONDAY, APRIL2 • Frosh Soph Baseball, Weiser, here, 4 p.m. TUESDAY, APRIL 3 - Var­ sity Baseball, Vallivue iiere, 4 p.m, THURSDAY, APRIL 5 - Spring Concert, cafeteria, 8 p.m. Here their bones reign on the crocs or on the stony ground where the scavengers picked their bleaching bones in the noonday sun. Kings aren't crucified, kings aren't spat upon, reviled, taunted or ridiculed. Kings aren’t treated thus, but they are loved, worshipped, adored and respected. But there was some­ thing so far different about this MAN on the cross in the middle, that day. Something about the way He was dying that made the thief believe that Jesus was truly the Son of God. And so he believed and prayed. And Jesus replied, "Today you will be with Me in Paradise, this is a solemn promise.” Today, 2000 years later, 1 say there was something so dif­ ferent about THAT MAN, JE­ SUS CHRIST, which 1 believe He was the Son of God, who died for my sins and yours. According to rules estab­ lished, antelope hunters have until May 1 to file applica­ AHS CALENDAR tions fot tags. The drawing is THURSDAY I FRIDAY, scheduled for May 11. Special tag application cards will be MARCH 30 A 31 - Athena Base­ available at license agencies ball tourney at Athena. TUESDAY, APRIL 3 - Var­ within a week or ten days, as will a printed notice of the sity Baseball, here with Vale, antelope hunting regulations. 4 p.m. Girls Track meet at Emmett WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4 - Full details regarding filing and drawing procedures in ad­ Baseball at Wilder, 4 p.m. THURSDAY, APRIL 5 - Boys dition to other general regu­ lations are contained in the Track Meet at Middleton THURSDAY A FRIDAY, antelope regulations notice. APRIL 5 A 6 - District III at Boise. Regulations for hunting deer, Music Festival ~ s ■ elk, bear, and other big game animals will be set by the Commission at a public hearing to be held in late May or early June. The Commission also ad­ vised that possible changes in well informed man 1» the rifle regulations for taking whose wife ha» ju»t big game will be discussed and acted upon at that time. Pago Nino * WEISER 179 Hines Blvd 573-6578 402 East 1st 549-2534 * NAMPA 133 Nampa-Caldwell Blvd 467-212? • ONTARIO 523 East Idaho 889-9651