Thursday, March 1, 1973 The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon SEMINAR ON ALCOHOL PROBLEMS BEGINS MARCH 1 OUT OF The Malheur County Council on Alcohol and Drug Problems will sponsor a Seminar on "The Dimensions of Alcohol Pro­ blems" fur ail Professional Persons, Community Leaders and Interested Persons. This seminar will begin on Thurs­ day March 1 at Treasure Val­ ley Community College In Room 10 of the Weese Building and will continue for nine conse­ cutive weeks from 100 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. There will not be a registration fee for the Seminar and you are urged to attend any and all sessions of this area wide program. The program has been outlined by the planning council and will be developed by the following outline: THE PAST <10 YEARS AGO k- Word has been received that J4Jean Peterson and John Lytle ;<)ong with 78 other boy« from ;j(cross the state, have been sc- *>epted to receive State Farmer -3iegrees. The State FFA Con- *Mention will be held March 20-22 ?ession of the Jaycees’ board ot directors. Also discussed were plans for the Jaycees’ Easter Egg „Hunt, scheduled for Saturday, April 4. L. L. Wright was named chairman to be assis­ ted by Jerry Stengel and Jim Nicholson. About 800 youngsters are ex­ pected to participate. There will be 2,000 colored eggs hidden In the city park and the assis­ tance of the Boy Scouts will be given in “policing'' the area prior to the time for the search. • ♦ • Mr. and Mrs. J. Elwood Flin­ ders announce the engagement of their daughter, Cleo Ann to Lorin Saunders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Saunders of Vale. An early June wedding is planned. 30 YEARS AGO Miss Helen Sallee and Miss IMr Thel Bybee were leading Wednesday noon in the con­ test, which las been conducted among townspeople and students for the position of queen of the Cinderella tall. Miss Verna Greenlee was third in th»- race at the time of the Wednesday check-up. (Xher candidates were Phyllis Schire- man, Gayle McCoy, Merry Nor- cott, Geneva Duncan, Virginia Troutner, Marie Seburn, Be­ verly Donahue, Dentil Lee Ho­ well and Dona Dimmick. Boys leading for the honor of being prince of the ball were Dennis Fife, Gene Stunt, Al- 4 vin Nye and Ray Larson. Other candidates were Lyle Miner, Don Putman, Jay Bybee, Dick Tensen and George Billings. « <• • Inclusion of dry beans ana dry peas on the list of rationed foods brought a reminder to county growers yesterday from Peter Tensen, chairman of the county USDA war board, the Oregon production [ ' for * goals these two crops have been in­ creased to 28,000 acres for peas and 5,000 acres for beans. 40 YEARS AGO A throng of people, estima­ ted at 900 filled the Christian Church and street outside when March 1 funeral services were held PERSPECTIVE ON ALCOHOL PROBLEMS In Caldwell last Friday forCora Schaffer and six children who F. Verne Flock, M.A., Field were drowned when their car Representative Alcohol A Drug ran off the Owyhee ditch road Section, State of Oregon Field last week near the Oscar Pink­ Office IV Ontario, Oregon March 8 ston home. Mrs. Schaffer’s mother Mrs. ALCOHOL ADDICTION Richard Takei, M.S.W., Direc­ Pinkston of Nyssa, was accom­ Mental panied by her daughters from tor, Union County La Grande, Nebraska and Wyoming who had Health Cllnir, come from their homes for the Oregon funeral, ft was one of the March 15 largest saddest funerals ever EMOTIONAL ASPECTS OF ALCOHOLISM witnessed. Neil McNaughton, M.S.W., A large crowd attended the Field Representative, Alcohol 4 Drug Section, State of Ore­ spring fashion show presented by Caldwell’s store last Satur­ gon, Field Office III, Eugene, Oregon day afternoon. New house March 22 frocks, knit dresses in "flying PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS variety of colors," angora woo­ OF ALCOHOL lens, sweaters, hats and silk Richard Johnson, M.D., Clini­ dresses were modeled. cal Director, Mental Illness Unit, Eastern Oregon Hospi­ 50 YEARS AGO tal and Training Center, Pendleton, Oregon Sheriff Lee Noe and Dis* March 29 trict Attorney R. D. Lytle have MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF tightened the screws in the AUOHOl K liquor lid just a little tighter Stella Thomas, R.N., Team during the past few weeks and Nurse, Mental Illness Unit, assert they intend to make it Eastern Oregon Hospital and tigtiter yet. Training Center, Pendleton, Six arrests have been made Oregon in the past two weeks. Fines April 5 have been from $200 to $350 PHYCHOLOGICAL MANAGE­ with 30 to 60 days in jail. MENT OF THE ALCOHOLIC Edward Scott, Ph.D., Director, Roscoe Clark, who bought Alcohol Treatment Clinic, Al­ the blacksmith shop formerly cohol A Drug Section, State owned by E. M. Achilles, is of Oregon, Portland, Oregon moving his family into the M. April 12 A. Thomason house this week. INTERVIEW TEC HNIQUES FOR SOCIAL AGENCIES Joseph Colistro, M.S.W..Chief Journal Classifieds Social Worker, Alcohol Treat­ Bring Results! ment Clinic, Alcohol A Drug Section, State of Oregon, Port­ land, Oregon April 19 I I IMMUNITY RESOURCES Representatives from local Mental Health, Health, AA, NYSSA, OREGON DVR, Employment, and Coun­ cil Resources. April 26 FIELD TRIP Visit Baker Detoxification and Rehabilitation Center We invite you to share in this program of education for you in youi special area of work and responsibility. The AKH Home Extension Study Group met Thursday af­ ternoon with Mrs. Oscar Scha­ fer in Adrian. Mrs. Myron Osborn and Mrs. Marie Moore gave the lesson "Changing Family Lifestyles.’’ Marge Griffin, State President of the Oregon Homemakers Council gave a report about Extension work. The Golden Age group will meet Weikiesday, March 7 in the Library meeting room. A lun­ cheon will be served at 12 noon with the meeting to follow. The county nurse will be pre­ sent between 2 and 3 p.m. to take blood pressures and help with weight problems free of charge. Anyone over 55 is wel­ come to take advantage of this service. riii. t k.- ANNUAL SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER PANCAKES, HAM, APPLESAUCE,COFFEE, MILK Sz MARCH 6 - 5 30 to 7:30 p.m. St. Paul's Episcopal Church Basement 5th 4 BOWER-NYSSA Link bu> io mother who juii return­ ed home From the hospital with trip- Mom. we d better gel bu»y on lhe phon., righi jwe> I hey re going to be runkr lo get rid of then killcat c x Topic of Dinner Meet Pool Eliminations EVERY SUNDAY AT 2 P.M. Free Pool For Women WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Open 8 a.m. to 1 a m. Daily "Fun With Fondue" will be the special feature presented by Mrs. Gary Nielsen ofNyssa, at the monthly dinner meeting of Christian Business and Pro­ fessional Women's Council to be held March 6 at 7 30 p.m. at the Boulevard Grange near Cairo Junction. The music will be presented by Mrs. George Schiemer of Adrian. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Janet Howard of Salt Lake City. Reservations must be made by calling Lynn Dohner, 642- 2041 or Nora Haines, 889-8948. /. f EAT conomy T % BARGAINS Practice RAY’S FOOD FAIR’S kind of EAT-ECONOMY and notice the difference in your food costs. Our policy is summarized by the word itself. You eat better and MORE ECONOMICALLY with our STOREWIDE (d LOW PRICES AND SUPER SAVER SPECIALS. RAY’S FOOD FAIR’S 'J EAT-CONOMY BAGS BIGGER BARGAINS EVERY TIME! SALE DATES: Thurs., Fri., & Sat. March 1, 2, 3, 1973 U.S.D.A. CHOICE il Blade ¡I 1 si We J Folgers 3 lb rl > ' n % tin c.i«”"'’’ ORO**" Folgers coffee !2 I r ^fl » lb USDA CHOICE Seven Bone w// ROAST. 890 \/// STEW MEAT / BONELESS BONELESS zvl ROAST. $1.09 T^CHUCK STEAK B Lean Tender Ji a . . . . . . 890 xÄLx lb Juicy Texas Pink GRAPEFRUIT Silk 150 ct pkg 1 /9 o-v 1/2 oz. 980 Ice Cream Alpin« Vz gal 69’ Hash °r-ida Browns $1 5 Meat Pies Morton 8 os 39‘IS’l ■1ST ANT JELLO 3 lb 12 oi FACIAL TISSUE CELERY Fr,,h ™‘p HEARTS Cut f A COFFEE T T O 9 Now Contracting ADULTS $1.50 FAMILY TICKETS $5.00 CHILDREN UNDER 12 75? PURCHASE TICKETS AT THE DOOR “Heck, I\r tried ewery- thing else .. Recently Remodeled "Fun With Fondue” ». /1 nPv * f fA ' l L . — NYSSA TAVERN 114 MAIN ST. My Neighbors GOLDEN AGE MEETS MARCH 7 AKH Home Extension Page Throe HAMBURGER HELPERS b.> 49« SWEETIE PIES 3 boxes $1 14 oz ■ HUNT’S 32 oz. CATSUP Ray’s Fresh Delicious jar ACREAGE 49( Apple Cinnamon flfl WESTERN FAMILY Hot or Mild CHIU 4 tin* Early Garden $1 dozen PEACHES FOR FULLER INFORMATION See or Call NYSSA 372-2291 Ask For Francis Hight Albertson’s Feed Lot 2’A ▼ > 26 oz WESTERN FAMILY 48 oz. ■ ■ JI COOKING OIL I« 89« LIBBY’S 46 oz. A /J ssa * Vale J 89*