Thursday, January 4, 1973 » » NEWELL HEIGHTS ITEMS ■ ■ ■ BY DALE WITT B ■ « PHONE 372-2183 ■ ■ ■ NEWELL HEIGHTS - Mr. with he and his daughter who is and Mrs. John Fahrenbruch left visiting there, Sunday for Yakima where they Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fenn and spent Christmas. They visited family of Quincey, Wash., and her two sisters, Mr. and Mrs. . Mrs. Carl Fenn were Christ- M O. Dyrstad and Mr. and Mrs. . mas dinner guests at the Gene Clarence Franklund and fa­ • Simpson home. The Dick Fenn milies returning home Tues, ■ family left for home Thursday day evening. morning. Christmas dinner guests in i Christmas dinner guests in the Leon Chamberlain home > the Alfred Simpson home were were Mr. and Mrs.ClintCham- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson, Mr. berlain and son, Paul Butler and Mrs. Bill Hold) and boys of Ontario, and their daughter of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Cherrylee, home from college i Marion York and girls of Vale, at BYU. Alene and Selma Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spence Willey and Scott Gillette of and family of Pocatello and I Ontario. Gene Worden of Boise were Mr. and Mrs. Benny Beach Christmas eve guests of their and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Justus mother Mrs. Frankie Worden of Vale were afternoon callers and grandmother Mrs. Lydia in the Alfred Simpson home. Worden. Mrs. L.C. McDermott ac­ Christmas day dinner guests companied Mr. and Mrs. Floyd at the Luit Stam home were Eason of Parma to Caldwell • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stam and Christmas day where they had family, Mr. and Mrs. DickStam i dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ear! and family and Mr. and Mrs. Province. Jim Miller and family of Big Mr. and Mrs. George Schie­ Bend. mer were Christmas dinner Michael Zamora of Coos Hay guests of his mother, Mrs. Tina came December 24 to spend Schiemer. „ Christmas with his parents, Christmas d.nner guests of ;Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zamora. the Dick Kriegh home were Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Zamora and Mrs. CarlStolker of Fresno of near Nyssa were alsoChnst- who flew in the day before mas dinner guests in the Za­ Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Urben mora home. Keyser and two sons of Buhl, ' Christmas dinner guests at Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hill, the Eugene Pratt, Sr. home Mrs. Nellie Stewart ofCascade, ; were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hill and Pratt, Jr., Moscow, Idaho, Mrs. family, Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Amalia Pratt, Ontario, Mr. and Marvin Hill, Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Pratt and Shelia Mrs. Glen Palmer and Karen Pratt, Boise and Mr. and Mrs. of near Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Brady of Mike Pratt of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Top- were Christmas dinner guests liff and Marcia visited Mrs. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Topliff in Nyssa Christ­ mas Eve. Merrill Call and family. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff and Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Tim­ merman and family spent Marcia and Mr. andMrs.Chuck Christmas Eve with Mr. and Brady of Boise wereChnstmas Mrs. Jim Miller in Big Bend. dinner guests of the formers - Christmas dinner guests in sister, Mrs. Edith Suter in the Gerrit Timmerman home Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Conant Were Mr. and Mrs. John Tim­ merman, Caldwell, Mrs. Fran­ and family spentChristmas Eve ces Timmerman, Ontario, and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. they were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brewer. Norman Cutler, Christmas dinner guests in Christmas dinner guests of his the Carl Lee Hill home were parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ward and Conant. Ross Mills was a Christmas Dennis Ward of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Monty Spel- dinner guest of his sister, Mr. man and Curtis of Caldwell. and Mrs. Ronald Batt in On­ Their son Robert Batt Mi and Mrs. George Schie­ tario. mer were Thursday evening vi­ of Boise was also a dinner sitors in the Carl Lee Hill guest. Christmas Eve guests of Mr. bum«. Mrs. Rollo Fenn took Mrs. and Mrs. Don Linville were Carl Fenn and Johnnie and Mr. and Mrs. Max Linville and Ronda Ward to the Christmas family, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Lin­ play at the Owyhee Ward Fri­ ville and family, Mrs. Edna Stam and family and Mrs. Char­ day evening. Keith Lane and LeroyChurch- lene Livesay and son. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb spent hlll hunted ducks in this area Christmas Eve with Mrs. Mar­ TuesiMy and visited the formers garete Payne and Mr. and Mrs. mother, Mrs. Rollo Fenn. Other Mrs. Dale Witt andMrs.Carl Ted King in Ontario. Begeman of Kingman accom­ guests were Norma King, who panied Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Van was home from O6C, and Mr. DeWater and son Kent to Nampa and Mrs. Ted Kings oldest daug­ Christmas day where guests at hter, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Welty, the Van De Water family dinner Theodora and Allyce of Med­ at the home of Mr and Mrs. ford, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stam and 1 Ivin Fogleman and family. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob John Grottveit of Nyssa, Mr. and Webb and family were Christ­ mas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water of Big Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mrs. Bill Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Luit Stam cele­ Fogleman and llene of Nampa, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowen, brated their 45th wedding an­ Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Dick niversary Saturday. They took children and grand­ Reed and ’Jurie of Boise were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Dick afternoon visitors. Stam and family, Mr. and Mrs. M and Mrs. Chas Bailey and Larry Withers were Christmas Louis Stam and family, and dinner guests of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller and Mr. and Mrs. William E. Scott family to the East Side Cafe in Ontario to dinner. and family in Weiser. Christmas dinner guests in the Herb Wenke home were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawson, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Utecht, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Law- Calling shoplifting a direct son, Reno and John Lydon of reason why consumers are pay­ Ontario. higher prices for goods, Tuesday Jim and Lysle Kirsch ing of Scio, Oregon came to visit Governor Tom McCall has ur­ the Herb Wenke’s and do some ged Oregonians to assist the chucker hunting. They left on Oregon Retail Council sponso­ red STEM (Shoplifters Take Thursday. Mrs. Marie Moore, Hank Everybody's Money) program. Moore, Miss Emily Bump and “Shoplifting is regarded as Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jacob­ an almost invisible crime,” son and family were Christmas the governor said, "We hear dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. little of f it and most of us see K.l. Peterson in Adrian. none of it, yet it is a most Tuesday Hank Moore and enforcement pro- serious law I Miss Emily Bump went to New­ blem.” port, Oregon to visit her added, "Oregon McCall parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ja­ newspapers, radio and tele- cobson and family left for their vision stations are participa­ home in Chester, California ting in the program to curb shoplifting. 1 encourage all Ore­ Thursday. Wednesday Mrs. Marie Moore gonians to assist our business­ accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Cla­ men and law enforcement agen­ rence Jacobson to the Fast Side cies to rid our state of this Cafe for a Jacobson family invidious crime.” luncheon. It was sponsored by ORC President Lawrence Mrs. Earl Faw with 30 rela­ Winthrop told newsmen last tives attending. week the STEM program has Karalee and Peggy Faw of been widely received and will Vale were Tuesday evening din­ run through the 31st of January ner guests of Mrs. Marie 1973. Moore. "We’re talking about a crime Mrs. Mabie Piercy and Mrs. Robert Long of Adrian were that takes $25 million from Ore­ Thursday luncheon guests of gonians every year," Winthrop said. “We’re extending our pro­ Mrs. Marie Moore. Mrs. Rollo Fenn spentChrist- gram one month past the ori­ mas Day with her son, Mr. and ginal cut-off date in the hope Mrs. Leroy Churchill in Vale. that more potential shoplifters Thursday, Mrs. Rollo Fenn will take warning of the con­ went to Homedale and visited sequences what shoplifting of­ Elsmore Fenn. She had lunch fers and STEM talks about.” Th* Nyssa Oat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Coatil (»uard Adds Women APPLE VALLEY ITEMS Coast Guardsmen soon will I be seeing more of an unusual • item in their clothing stores: skirts. The skirts are an indication • of a change coming to the nearly ' all-male service as the Coast 1 Guard expands its active duty t program for women. Currently 'he only women in i the Coast Guard are Reser­ vists serving on active duty. The Service presently lacks 1 authority to appoint or enlist 1 women into the Regular branch 1 of the Coast Guard, however it 1 will seek legislation permit­ ting women to serve in the Re­ gulars on the same basis as 1 men. Under the new program about 125 women (25 officers and 1 100 enlisted) will be accepted 1 each year. Depending on the needs of the Service, women officers will be allowed to serve in any speciality in which the Coast Guard can utilize their educational training. Enlisted 1 women will be eligible to enter any one of six career fields ranging from Hospital Corps­ man to Photojournalist. Nei­ ther officers nor enlisted wo­ men will serve aboard Coast Guard cutters, at isolated sta­ tions oi as aircrewmen mem­ bers. ............................ BY FRANCES SMALLEY.................. APPLE VALLEY - Mr. and ner - Mr. and Mrs. Vear Halle Mrs. George Griffin were and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Haile Christmas dinner guests in the and children. Jim Favorell home. Larry Hunt of Baker was a Mr. and Mrs. Rick Fitzsim- visitor Wednesday in the J. mons of Boise and Mr. and D. Gooing home. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nichols en­ Mrs. Estes Walker of Notus were Christmas dinner guests tertained for Christmas din­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles of Mr. and Mrs. David Bay. ner, Christmas eve, Mr. and Mrs. Simmons and family, Mr. and Albert Hopkins received a tele­ Mrs. Larry Simmons and fa­ phone call from Frankfurt, mily and Mrs. Verda Nichols Germany, from their son, 2nd. all of Boise. Lt. Charles Hopkins and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fritts to wish them a very Merry entertained for Christmas din­ Christmas. ner, Mr. and Mrs. Baily Ar- A/2 Tom Hopkins from Ja­ macost and Mr. and Mrs. Cla­ cksonville, Florida is home on rence Tuning. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fritts a two weeks leave from ser- vice. and daughters of Hermiston Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopkins came in Wednesday evening to entertained for Christmas eve visit for several days with Mr. dinner, Mrs. Bertha Herold, and Mrs. C. L. Fritts andother Nancy Roberts and Rick White. relatives and friends. Gary Barties visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hop­ Nichols Tuesday thru kins and family were Christ­ Mike mas dinner guests of Mr. and Thursday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Smalley Mrs. Glenn Harper at Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Whittom Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cowling of of Boise were Christmas din- Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. George ner guests of Mrs. NellCorrell. Farrell and family of Madera, Mr. and Mrs. Del Bale and California were Christmas din­ baby son of Lebanon, Ohio vi­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anders of Caldwell. sited Tuesday-Thursday with William Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Smalley his mother, Mrs. Laura Bale. On Wednesday, they visited were Tuesday luncheon guests Mrs. Leo Montague at Nu Acres of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Henshaw and Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Bale. of Meridian Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dibble Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gooing entertained for Christmas din- and family of Cambridge were HOP WILSON’S b Pago Five Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble. Joann and Lloyd Jr. stayed to visit during vacation week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Waiburn were Christmas dinner guests and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ni­ chols and family were evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wagner entertained Christmas eve with a family party. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wagner and son, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bale and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stri­ ker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wagner entertained for Christmas din­ ner, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Tracy, Mrs. Alf Daniels, Doug, and Dick also Andy and Monica Tracy. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wagner were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bale and family. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller and sons were Christmas din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Miller of Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward entertained for Sunday dinner, December 24 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson and family of Bend, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pierce and family of Boise; Mr. and Mrs. Burton Smith of Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawkins and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Robinson and EVERYDAY family of Connell, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wild of Nyssa and Mrs. Mabel Fox. Mrs. Jennie Seward enter­ tained in her home Christmas Day with dinner and a gift ex­ change for 50 members of her family. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward entertained Mr. and Mrs. Gene Saunders of Las Vegas and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kellogg ofOgalla, Kansas Friday, for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Don Boston and family left Saturday morning for their home in Seattle, after spending a week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston, and Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston and Mrs. Betty Bolton and sons were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shippy and family at Weiser. Wednesday, Mrs. George Coleman of Ontario entertained for Tony Boston’s 6th birthday anniversary. Mrs. Earl Boston, Mrs. Betty Bolton and sons, Mrs. Robert Shippy and family and Kim Boston were among the guests. Mrs. Earl Boston, Mrs. Don Boston and Laura and Mrs. Betty Bolton visited Friday af­ ternoon with Mrs. Marion Shippy at Weiser. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Honey of Victorville, California came in Saturday for the Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Honey. On Sunday mor- My Neighbors “Well-apparently not all of them «tick.” Of the developing countries’ 1.1 billion children, half do not receive any formal education. UNICEF helps to train teachers and to produce teaching ma­ terials. ning, the Gene Honeys had a special breakfast for them with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Honey of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Bowen of Payette as other guests. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Key of Boise were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Gene Honey home. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Honeyen- tertained for Christmas dinner, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Honey, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Honey, Mr. and Mrs. John Lilly and J. J. and Mrs. Helen Lilly. LOW DISCOUNT PRICES + BUDGET S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R-S USDA CHOICE ROLLED BONELESS LEAN SLAB USDA CHOICE ROUND BONE TEXAS PINK 75 FRESH FROZEN TURKEY W c HINDQUARTERS lb. FRESH CRISP FRESH CRISP RAPEFRUIT CABBAGE $ ONLY MB Z-T-RETCH-ER o STEM Program Meeds Our Help ALPINE ICE CREAM ' a gal 68 49‘ WIFF'S 16 oz. PKG. PUFFED WHEAT EVERYDAY LOW DISCOUNT PRICE MA1D-0-C LOVER BUDGI 1 BUDGI I S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R S-T-RET-GHE-R I ZEE GIANT ROLL PAPER TOWELS 28 FABRIX BLEACH GAL. BU0GII BUDGII S-T-R-E-T-GH-E-R 5-T-R-ET-GH-E-R \ BUTTER ... 79c _______________ 48 SALE DATES: BUDGET STRETCHERS JAN. 4, 5, 6 48 ox. BOTTLE DEL MONTE CATSUP ALL OTHER PRICES 32 oz. BOTTLE BUDGI! S-T-R-E-T-GH-ER EVEREADY ' D BUQGI I S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R DOVE LIQUID DETERGENT XX BOTTLE 7 DAYS A WEEK