Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, December 28, 1972, Page 4, Image 4

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    Pago Four
Thursday, D»c»mbv 28, I97j
The Nyssa Oat* City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon
Engagement Announced
OSU Open House
Slated Jan. 20
Oregon State University has
scheduled open house Saturday,
January 20, 1973, for high
school and community college
students who are interested in
attending the university in
years to come. Parents and
teachers are invited also.
The all-day orientation pro­
gram will focus on academic
offerings and career opportuni­
ties. Half of the schools and
departments will outline their
offerings in the morning, the
other half in the afternoon.
Question-answer periods will
be included.
General sessions are sche­
duled throughout the day on ad­
missions procedures and re­
college costs,
housing, financial aid, advis­
ing-counseling, honors pro­
summer term, and
The registration charge for
those attending is $3 per person,
according to Dr. J. Franz Haun,
director of new student pro­
grams. Lunch in one of the
university dining halls is in­
The engagement of Ann Monson to Dan Coleman has been cluded.
may pre-re­
announced by her father. Mr. Ernest Monson of Vale. Cole­
man is the son of Mr. Albert Coleman of Nyssa. Both are gra­ gister in advance by mail or
on Open House day in the O6U
duates of Vale Union High School.
Colliseum from8:30until9a.m.
The couple is planning a March 23rd wedding.
when the opening meeting
Samba Group Meets
Between 3,000 and 4,000per-
Samba Club met Friday with
sons are expected to attend.
lunceon and gift exchange. Mrs.
Mrs. S. P. Bybee, hostess.
Guest players were Ida Miner
and Stella Morris. Prizes were
This week and next week
won by Virginia Brandt and Lola
the churches of Nyssa and
Adrian are calling their con­
" "NX
gregations to noon-time prayer.
They join together with 200,000 OREGON TRAIL GRANGE
Mrs. A. C. Sallee hosted the local congregations throughout
The regular meeting of Ore­
Tuesday bridge club, Decem­ North America. This is the first
ber 19 with a potluck salad phase of Key 73 and its purpose gon Trail Grange was held
luncheon and gin exchange. Mrs is so the individual Christian Thursday evening, December
Joe Cundall was a guest and re­ and the Church of Jesus Christ 21, with Master Ernie Metcalf
ceived the guest prize. First might be renewed through presiding. Mr. and Mrs. M. Doty
of Huntington and Mr. and Mrs.
prize winner was Mrs. Harry
At noon, when the noon whis­ Bryan Vinsonhaler of Adrian,
Miner and Mrs. Jesse Morgan
tle at the Amalgamated Sugar visitors from Stanfield Grange,
second high.
Company blows, you are en­ were introduced and welcomed.
couraged to pause for a mo­
It was announced that instal­
ment of prayer. Many of the
PRESENTS PROGRAM churches will open their sanc­ lation of officers would be held
at Vale Grange Hall Thursday
The annual Christmas pro­ tuary for prayer but one does evening, January 11, 8 p.m.
gram, under the direction of not need to be at church to pray. County Deputy Dale Teter will
Mrs. Mark Moncur was pre­ Pray in your homes, at your have charge of the installation.
sented at the LDS C ultural Hall place of business or work or
Refreshments were served by
December 21 by the children of where ever noon may find you. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price. The
the Jack and JUl Kindergarten. Pray for our nation, our na­ next regular meeting will be
The program consisted of tional leaders, our servicemen, held Thursday evening, January
Christmas songs and poems, a for peace and for the Work of 4.
AU grange members are
and numbers by the Christ throughout North Ame­ urged to attend.
rhythm band.
Each mother rica and the world. Last of
was presented with a gift from all, but not least of all pray
her child. A tea was served for yourself that through prayer Journal Classifieds
Bring Results!
after the program.
you might be renewed.
Children's Clothing
NU ACRES - Mr. and Mrs. dinner and supper with them.
Gerald Russell and family went I
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw,
to Twin Falls Sunday to spend I Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Christmas with his parents, Shaw, Jr. had Christmas dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Russell. in Ontario at the Ray Winters
They returned Tuesday after­ home.
Visitors at the George Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bingaman home during the holidays was
of Boise were dinner guests their son. Delbert and family
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. from Molalla, Oregon.
Cecil Evans Saturday. They
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson
helped set up their tree and and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wil­
three daughters,
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ziegler Cheryl, Beverly, and Nikki Lea
and family had Christmas din­ were Christmas dinner guests
ner in Payette with his parents, at the Laverne Rash home in
the Frank Zieglers. Larry’s New Plymouth.
sister and husband, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wil-
Mrs. Earnie Neill won the trip Ml visited with the Robert
to Hawaiian Islands from KSRV Shaw Jrs. Christmas eve.
and their sponsors.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Payne
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson visited the Earnie Spellmans
had Christmas dinner in Boise Eagle, Wednesday.
with his grandson and family,
Christmas dinner guests at
the Rodney Burts.
the Ben Payne home were Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Drexel Lewis and Mrs. Bill Newell, Mrs.
of Nampa visited and had dinner Stella Newell, and Kenneth Ne­
with her parents, the F. A. Jo­ well all of Nampa.
hnsons, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Craner
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Jones were dinner guests at their
had Christmas eve dinner with sons, the Hal Craners in Pa­
their son and family, the Glen yette Christmas day. Their
Jones. After dinner they opened grandson, Bobby came home
their gifts.
with them to visit until Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Jones
Mrs. Armine Hartman and
visited with Ralph Baxter her son, Nuby were Christmas
Christmas afternoon at the Holy dinner guests at the John Stells
Rosary Hospital where he is of Roswell.
recuperating from a fall. On
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Payne vi­
their way home, they stopped sited with the Robert Shaws Sr.
at the Sid Scotts in Fruitland. Christmas eve.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale McDaniels AKH EXTENSION
and children of Parma had
Christmas dinner with her pa­ STUDY GROUP
rents the Harley Sagers. Their
AKH Extension Study group
son, Kyle from John Day, Ore­ met Thursday with a potluck
gon stopped by on his way home. Christmas luncheon at the home
He had been to Fruitland with of Mrs. Helen Osborn with ten
his wife’s folks for Christmas. members present.
Mrs. Kyle Sager and the chil­
A business meeting was held
dren are visiting her parents following the luncheon. The
during the holidays.
President, Mrs. Eleanor Top-
Mrs. Lorete Hamlow of Boise liff had charge of the meeting.
visited with her daughter and The program was “History of
family, the Dave Weavers, Sun­ Oregon.” given by Mrs. Hazel
Schafer and Mary Morse of
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McKague Adrian. A gift exchange fol­
had Christmas dinner in Meri­ lowed the program.
dian with his nephew and fa­
The January meeting will be
mily, the Paul McKagues. His held at the home of Mrs. Mary
dad and mother, the Roy Mc­ Laan, January 25.
Kagues were there also.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dohner
spent Christmas eve at his
brothers, the Harold Dohners of
New Plymouth.
The members of the Chris­
tian Business and Professional
Womens Council are having
fellowship meetings
throughout the Treasure Val­ Dec. 21 - Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
ley. These meetings are re­ Brown, Vale, girl.
placing the prayer breakfasts Dec. 22 - Mr. and Mrs. Martin
formerly held in Ontario. These Elquezabal, Nyssa, girl.
groups will be meeting in the Dec. 25 - Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
towns throughout the valley, Mecklin, Vale, boy
^monthly). A meeting will be
Mr. and Mrs. John Lara,
held at Annette Haney’s Jan. Nyssa, girl.
6 at Nyssa.
Dec. 26 - Mr. and Mrs. Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cantrell Cleaver, Nyssa, boy.
from Nampa, sister of Mrs.
Bill Grassmick had Christmas
THURSDAY, DEC. 28 - Rum­
mage Sale, Methodist Church,
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Toastmistress Club, Library
Mtg. Room, 8 p.m.
SATURDAY, DEC. 30 - Pub­
lic invited to card party at
IOOF Hall, 8 p.m.
Recovery Inc., First Christ­
ian Church 8 p.m.
TUESDAY, JAN. 2 - »494
TOPS, Adrian Grade School,
7:30 p.m.
Eagles Auxiliary postponed
until January 9.
Golden Age, Library Mtg. Rm.
1 p.m.
Dec. 19 - Mr. and Mrs. Fran­
cisco Rodríguez, Ontario, siri.
Dec. 20 - Mr. and Mrs. Jef!
Davis, Jordan Valley, girl.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fell, On­
tario, girl.
Dec. 22 - Mr. and Mrs. Ken­
neth Divine, Fruitland, boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymundo Ro­
drigues, Ontario, boy.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cole,
Nyssa, boy.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Haddad,
Ontario, boy.
Dec. 23 - Mr. and Mrs. Gua­
dalupe Salazasr, Nyssa, girl.
Dec. 25 - Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Sturn, Fruitland, girl.
Dec. 26 - Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Buckhart, Payette, girl.
E n g a gement Announced
Workshop Scheduled
A Children’s Clothing Work­
shop sponsored by the Malheur
County Extension Office will be
held in Malheur county in Ja­
nuary, 1973. This three session
series will include lessons on
meeting the clothing needs of
the growing child, sewing te­
chniques in making a child s
dress and shirt, and special
effects that can be used for
children’s clothing such as de­
corative stitching as well as
economy measures in sewing
for children.
Monday mornings, January
15, 22, and 29 from 9 30 until
12 00 will be the dates for the
Ontario sessions, the sessions
will be repeated in Vale on the
same Mondays from 7 30 p.m.
until 10 00 p.m. On Tuesdays,
January 16, 23, and 30, the
lessons will be given in Nyssa
from 100 until 3 30 p.m. at
the Expanded Food and Nutri­
tion House, 801 Ergood. The
exact locations for the V»fo
and Ontario meetings will be
announced later.
The children’s clothing work­
shop is open to all regardless
of race, religion or creed.
Please call the Malheur County
Extension Office, 889-9129. to
pre-register for the workshop
or for further information.
Mrs. Ruth Klinkenberg of Nyssa announces the engagem»«
of her daughter Eva Mae to Wayne R. Tucker, son of Mr. in*
Mrs. Wayne Tucker of Dram, Oregon.
Eva graduated from Nyssa High School in 1970. She attended
Merrit Davis School of Commerce in Eugene, and Is now employe^
by the State of Oregon at the University of Oregon in Eugene,
Wayne graduated from Dram High School In 1968. He receive*
his Associate Civil Engineer Technology degree in 1970 from
Umqua Community College in Roseburg. Oregon.
A May wedding is being planiwd^^^^^^^^^^^^
Concert Choir
At Tabernacle
«««BY AVO MOELLER « PHONE 372-2733
The Nyssa High School Con­
cert Choir, under the direction
of Gary Condon, has been se­
lected to sing in the famed
Mormon Tabernacle. in Salt
Lake City, Utah, March 22,
1973. The concert choir will
Idaho and
Northern Utah for six days,
with their performance at the
Mormon Tabernacle being the
highlight of the trip, The Mor-
mon Tabernacle is world re-
known for it’s
acoustical design.
Mr. Condon stated, “This will
be one of the greatest thrills
of our life. To sing in a
structure such as this, is every
musician's dream.’*
In the past year the concert
choir has received a superior
rating in two choir contests.
"A philosopher is a man
giving other jieople advice
about troubles he hasn’t had."
William R. Lewis. The
Lynden (Wash.) Tribune.
Gamble from Lakeland, Florida
and the her parents, Mr and
Mrs. Lloyd Orris from Nyssa
visited Mr. and Mrs Otis Bul­
lard last week Mrs (.amble
is the former Erma Lee Orris
and was raised in the Arcadia
The Arcadia Community ex­
tends their sympathy to the
Joe Bailey family for the loss
of their wife and mother
Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Carroll
and family from Mountain Home
visited December 10 in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Carroll. Other visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Carroll
and family from Horseshoe
Bend and Mr and Mrs. Orville
Carroll from Ontario.
Ruth Carroll arrived home
from Corvallis, Sunday night
for the holiday vacation with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Carroll.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Haney and
family from Nyssa were dinner
Gary Moss, son of MarguerMt
Moss, arrived home last »»4
with a discharge from the I'.t
The Arcadia club will haw
their Christmas party De.
cember 20 at the home of Mrs.
Orland White on Chestnut Ave­
nue in Nyssa.
Major Vard Olsen from Mt
Home spent the weekend herf
with his wife, Micky and di»
ghter Tiffany.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest St»-
and Mr. and Mrl.
Dennis Cindell and Todd w<ut
to Boise, December 15, to he*
Mr. and Mrs. Art Richards»*
celebrate their wedding anni­
Mr. and Mrs. Id Mason has
moved from the Darwin Jenwa
house on Clark Boulevard t6
the tennant house on Ernest
Stepbensen farm on Clark
Mr and Mrs. Marvin Jen­
sen and family from Boise
visited In the Otis Bullard hows
December 10,