Pag« E»gh( Thursday, November 9, 1972 Th« Nysta Gat« City Journal, Nyi»a, Oregon Bond Sales Set R<-( •o rd Oregonians continued to ex­ years with ComDesRon 11 at press their confidence in U. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The S. Savings Bonds as a sound last year, he has been at Wash­ investment package by purchas­ ington, D. C. after attending the ing $3,431,116 worth of Savings Military Justice School at New - Bonds in September. Th, Sep­ port, Rhode Island. tember sales raised Ore­ gonians' purchases to $36.- Major Ronald Roth 010,416 for the January through OKINAWA— Manne M.ijor September period. This is an Ronald K. Roth, son of Mr. and increase of $4,205,815 in sales Mrs. Carl Roth of 706 N. Third over the like period of 1971 St., Nyssa, is a member of the when Oregon led the nation in Okinawa-based Battalion Land­ percentage of goal attained m ing Team 3, 4 conducting read­ U. S. Savings Bond sales. iness training in the Pacific. Local Savings Bond officials attributed Oregon's stimulated activity in Savings Bond:- first to the new 5 1,2' interest rate and the shortened maturity A total of 69 women and 14 date of 5 vears and 10 months minority students are attending combined w ith the vast numtier la* school at the University of of Oregon industries who have made the Payroll Savings Plan Jim Ableman, son of Mr. and Oregon this fall, where only a available to their employees. few years ago either was a Mrs. Joe Ableman, »ashome Nationally. Sales of Series E for a few days last week visiting rarity. According to George Dawson, Savings Ronds were $452 mil­ his family and old friends. He flew in last Thursday to see his director ot the U of O Law lion in Septem’ier, setting »27- brother Scott play in Nyssa’s School’s admissions office, the year record for the month. H- final game of the season against increasing number of women Bond sales came to $20 million, Weiser Friday, and left Mondav. and minority law students is 31 percent over last September, Jim is stationed at the La» significant because la* tradi­ and the highest for any Sep­ Center, Headquarters Naval tionally has been a white male tember since 1967. Total Bond District, Washiagton, D. C., pr’fession. "Women who apply sales set a 20-year record for were he is a Yeoman 2nd class tend to have relatively better the month and exceeded redemp­ and court reporter. He expects credentials, as a group, than tions, at a cost price, for the to be discharged the latter part do the men as a group," he 24th consecutive month. of this month, and will drive stated. "Generally a woman is Exchange of Series E for home through New Orleans, highly motivated and dedicated New Series H Bonds were $26 across the southern United before she ever decides to apply million for September, 17 per­ States and will visit his to law school. Because of these cent above last year. brother Glenn in Sacramento, higher credentials of women Holdings of E and H Bonds California. He plans to return applicants, a relatively higher reached $56.7 billion, $241 mil­ percentage of women applicants to college and resume his stu­ lion over last month. W ith the dies towards an engineering de­ are accepted than men." Of the minority persons addition of Freedom Shares — gree. withdrawn from sale on July 1, His service included one year attending the UOLaw School this 1970 -- holdings reached $57.2 aboard the USS CHARA AE- fall, five are Black, three billion, another all-time high. 31) in the Western Pacific. He are American Indian, five are James Leslie, Malheur attended the Commumcatioos- Asian-American, and one is County Chairman, reports sales Yeomar. A School at Norfolk, Mexican-American. Four of the of $236,182 . 94 > of the county Virginia. He then served two group are women. goal. i ^ ohoko Jim Ableman Home For \ isit 69 omen At Ixiu School SUGAR BOWL L«ogu« Standing» SUGAR BABES 11 21 Parma Wtr. Lftr. 13.5 Idaho Power 21 11 Owyhee Btv. Shop 18.5 14 18 Nyssa Auto Parts 21 11 Brackens 17 15 Owyhee Bartier Shop 20 12 Michaels 15 17 Hi M Equipment 18 14 Farmers Fd a Sd. 18.5 13.5 Bass Union 76 16 16 Kassmans 19 13 Parma Water Lifter 13 19 Holcombs 22 10 Q’s Trophy Cabin 12 20 Green's Jewiry. High team game and series Idaho Sporting Goods 12 20 Oregon Concrete 11 21 Bracken 604 602 1 777. Owv- Beauty Shop. 610 1695, hee High Team jame and Senes Kassmans. 1676. Owyhee Barber Shop, 991 980, High Individual game and 2941 Oregon Concrete, 2842. Nyssa Auto Parts, 282’. Idaho senes Carolyn Pruyn, 182 498. Stella Ross. 188 486. Bon­ Sporting Goods. 984. High Individual Gam and nie Nichols, 190 480 Senes Joel Mitchell, 209 551, Emil W thick-, 191 5443, Dwi­ MMERCIAL LEAGUE ght Barnt s, 524. Jem Huntlw, 204. 1 astman Insurance 22 14 »» Nyssa Co-op 14 MONDAY NIGHT MIXED Hiatt Bros 21 15 Johannesen Adams 18.5 17 I Sarazin-Larson Howard’s Texaco 18.5 17.5 Holcomb-Stacy First Nat’I Bank 17 19 Laan-Stam White Satin 16 20 Takann-DeBoer 9 M & w Market 27 Lundv-Snvder High team handicap gam-s Stedman-Hill and senes howard's Texaco, Jefferies- Proctor 1014 1 04 4 3031, E astman Ins., Stam-Friends 1026 2982, W hite Salm, 1026. Know Mor-Jones 2963, M A W Market. 2849. Armstrong-Daudt High individual cratch games Mens high game and senes and serie-. Shav Bvtiee. 213/ Klaas Laan.231 211 631, David 235 635, Jim Robinsoo218/525; Sarazin, 183 543. Rudi Mato.- Emil W’ohlcke, 199/551, Roger tica, 195/503, Ray Larson. 202. Carter, 531. Women's high game and series Mardi Larson. 187 474, JUNIOR LEAGUE Lineta Proctor, 159,458. Bar­ bara Sarazin, 155 429. The Dummies Team high game and senes Yo-Yo’s Laan-Stam 802 805/2373. Pin C rumbiers Nasel N'uzzlers Z«ts Pritt Alley Micekateers Brown. Ttnel, 10.5 and Michaels 11 Truckers •3 Rodrigrez, Wah­ lert, Fehlman 6 14 15 5 Starlighters Team high handicap garnv and series Yo-Yo's, 563, Na­ sel Nuzzlers, 1570. Girls high scratch game and senes Sara Marcum, 137/131/ 408. Shelley Myrlck. 137/ 132/ 1386 Cheryl Pounds, 137/352. Boys high scratch game and series Bill Marcum, 1)1/491; Petr Lesebery, 160/432. Roger Glenn, 159, Larry Haney, 444. ■TURKEY ith Each Pair of Mud & Snow Tires Purchased (New or Recaps) Offer Good Through Nov. 24, 1971 MONARCH MAGNA GRIP SNOW TIRES AT LOW PRICES ! TAX N/W A-78-13 ....... .......... 21.23 ........... .......... C-78-14 E-78-14 ....... .......... 22 81 ...................... 2.08 ....... .......... 23.60 ........... ........... 2.24 F-78-14 ...... .......... 24 89 .......... ........... 2.39 1.86 G-78-14 ....... .......... 26.21 ............ ........... 2.56 H-78-14 ....... ........ 28 57 ........... .......... 2.75 H-78-15 ........ ......... 29.30 ........... .......... 2 81 BATTERIES \ zi a ma a a S1R ■ W 8S _ _ EXCH. EX( 30 Months Guarantee VALE - PHONE 473-3935 Martin-Hatch 24.5 11.5 Holmes-Mynck 24.5 11.5 Murphy-Miller 20.5 15.5 Allen-Heitzman 20 16 Vanself-Hiatt 19 17 18.5 17.5 Riggs-Card Stell-Seward 18 18 McDaniel-Wagner 18 18 VanderOord-Pounds 17 19 Morrison-Reed 13 23 Focht-Morris 12.5 23.5 8.5 Shultheit-Clary 27.5 Team high handicap frame and series Murphy-Miller, 843/ 2407. Women’s high scratch game and series Carolyn Pruyn, 194, 188/523, Carolyn Cooper, 184, Arlene Holmes, 183/505, Nellie Pounds, 485. Mens high scratch game and series: Bill Morrison, 213/567, Jon Heitzman, 202; Dick Pounds, 201/574. Ken Hill,201, Dennis Martin, 560. GROUP 24 THUNDERBOLT $ ■I 28 W 3’ _ _ LEAGUE STP Strike Outs 19 5 Alley Smashers 15.5 8.5 Red Hots 14 10 The 3 Muskateers 12 12 Bombers 12 12 Bob Cats 9.5 14.5 Belly Stampers 8 16 Pink Panthers 7 17 Team high game and series handicap The 3 M jskateers, 492/1302. Girls high scratch gam-' and series Less Allen, 131/266. Tern Morrison, 112, Teri Pounds, 108/282. Kan Helman, 262. Boys high scratch game and series: Kevin Toolev. 172/370, Mike Wahlert, 124. Dana Max­ field, 120/327, Mike Wilmot, 317. TïcTSïc'l BOB ELLIOTT THURSDAY NIGHT MIXED DOUBLE« BANTAM GROUP 24 3000 SERIES «ybod»-*"* SPORTSMAN LEAGUE FREE! SIZE —~~ EX< EXCH. 5 Year Guarantee TIRE CENTER TUESDAY DARING DANCE FOR DAIRY occurred when th> Dukla Ukrainian Dunce Company visited Oregon for performances in Port­ land and Corvallis Intrigued by current Oregon Dairy Products Commission outdoor board featuring a Ukrainian dancer leaping ® ® leJ (fl [•) « ffl ® ® ® so ® ffi Sil ® [•) [«1 (i) W K1\GMA> KOIOM \FUS 'Al IT —*-*e-*- i’H' Ni 37 /18 Mts. Alziiu Salters visited KINGMAN KOLONY Mrs. in Boise Sunday with Ruth Cal Bill Toomb and Mrs. Mabie lister, a former resident of this Piercy visited Mr. and Mrs. area. Ruth is at tlw Handle Rub«' Graham at Star Sunday Retirement Center, 117 Over­ afternoon and evening. land and Curtis. She is very lonely and » mid love to have individual scratch gam«* and series Jess Asumetidi. 225, am of her old friends visit Mt and Mrs Jim Phifer 760; Don Bullard. 226 Ken Hill, 221 729. Gan Jackson »f higtier learning, of which 21 are in Ore­ gon. ; The directory, the only one of its type in Oregon, has t»-«n . distributed by the U. S. Hank for the past seven years j The Pollyanna Club met • Thursday afternoon with Mr*. • W illis Conant, 10 members and two guests »ere present. Roll call was "wtiat 1 like most * about America". Mrs. JR Osborn, president had charge of the business meeting. It * was d»-cided to give a sum of < money to the Nyssa Nursing • Home in memory of Mr? Man« ¡ Earp. Plans were mad« forth« ; Christmas potluck dinner tobe J held at (he horn« of Mrs. l>>nn» * Webb Thursday. l*‘<«int»r 7. • Th« r«st of ((w afternoon »as • spa-nt visitng. Mr Hill Toombpla/«dcards at th« home if Mrs. Klaas Hart ; in Nyssa Wednesday. J CATTLE FEEDERS Reduce your feed costs, Use fess hay, And supplement your feed with RANCE BLOCKS RANCE NIGHT PARMER’S LE AGUE Twilight Cafe 40 20 Eastside Cafe 36 24 Farmers Fd A Sd. 34 26 Home Dairies 33.5 26.5 32 Dessert Sd. Co. 28 31 TV Farm Ser. 29 Adrian Oil 29.5 30,5 Elliott Tire Str. 28 32 28 Nyssa P.D. 32 Murdock 4 Men­ 25.5 diola 34.5 22.5 Palmers Equip. 37.5 20 Mtn. View Equip. 40 Team hifjti handicap game and senes: Flliott Tire Store, 857/3234, Farmers Feed and Seed, 852; Home Dairies, 833/ 3239; Twilight Cafe, 3217. a ) into the air to salute “Every Body Needs Milk" foreign language campaign, Dukla dance master Jozef Semjati duplicated acro­ batic leap. Semjan and accompanying ladles ft 'tn dance troup explained dance movement is called (hr hopak, an exciting Cossack dance dating back to the 16h century. CHECKERS I Place your order now for winter needs | Nyoo, Oregon Farmers Feed & Seed 372-2201