Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, October 26, 1972, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pago Two
Nyssa Gate City Journal
DIRICK NEDRY.......................................Editor and Publisher
RUBEN LOPEZ.......................................Production Manager
BETTY TALBOT.................................. Office Manager, News
MARGARET NEDRY................................. Social, Circulation
RUTH KLINKENBERG.................................. Production Staff
LUCILLE CALLAHAN...................................Production Staff
Thursday, October 26, I97j
The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon
1 utters
Nora W. Vest
Nora W. Vest, 89, died Thurs­
day, October 19, 1972, at the
Malheur Memorial Hospital.
She was born April 7, 1883,
in Denver, Colorado. She had
lived in the Nyssa area for 41
years. Her husband. Grover
Vest, proceeded her in death.
She is survived by a nephew,
Lester Weeber. Mountain View,
California, two nieces, Mrs. R.
F. Pall, Marager and Mrs.Cur­
tis Jones, Caldwell.
were conducted,
Tuesday, October 24, at the
Nyssa cemetery by the Rev.
Robert Manley, pastor of the
Nazarene Church of Nyssa. Ser­
vices were under the direction
of the Lienkaemper Chapel.
li òi tm
SATURDAY: Junior High and
High School youth go to Middle­
ton for Halloween Party.
SUNDAY: Sunday School at
9 45 a.m. Be sure to come
early enough to register to vote!
Morning service at 11 a.m.
Message, "What Will I Give th«’
Master’.*’ Part 4 based on Luk«
6 46-49.
Evening service at 6 p.m.
Message, "Tradition vs. the
Word of God" based on Mat­
thew 151-20.
MONDAY Progressive Sup­
per for adults. Meet at th««
church at 6 30 p.m. to travel
together to the first home.
TUESDAY W omen’s rally at
New Plymouth at 9:30a.m. Miss
Melba Means, returned mis­
sionary, will be the speaker.
Take a sack lunch.
WEDNESDAY Midweek ser­
vice ot Bible study and prayer
at 7 30 p.m.
Faith Lutheran's 25th Anniversary
To Be Held Sunday, October 29
Preparations are being made
to observe the 25th anniver­
sary of Faith Lutheran Church
on Sunday, October 29. As with
all anniversaries, it is a tune
to look at the past as well as
to the future.
The history ofthischurchbe-
gan on Palm Sunday, March 30,
1947 when the first service was
held at the Veteran's Housing
Administration building then Io
cated on South Third and King
Avenue with an attendance of 20
members. This building was to
be their church home until June
when evening servh es were held
at the Episcopal Church until
be completed
for their own church building.
Pastor Roland G. Wnest was the
first pastor.
Lots at the corner of I’ark
and NorthFlfthStreet wen pur
chased and on October 7, 1948
the old Christian Church
building »as purchased and mo­
ved to the present location, Th«
first service to I»' held III this
church was Thanksgiving Day.
1948 Plans for remodeling the
church began with the front
addition being built.
Pastor Wuest was succeeded
by Pastor Sherwin Schmidt.
When Pastor Schmidt left, the
Lutheran Church was without
a pastor for almost a year.
PUtOr John I . Bi u til VU
installed on July I, 1951 This
(Hie 1 Illi. I Uth. i an W a-. I ■ ■
joy a pastor (or the next ele­
ven years and with it came
Editor, The Journal
Editor, the Journal:
The Nyssa PTA is sponsoring
It may be political suicide,
a Halloween Spaghetti dinner but I’m not a politician,
Pvbliihad (very Thursday at Nytta. Ora«an 97913
and Carnival October 28 from want you
to know that I'm
5 p.m. to 9 p.m at the High opposed to Ballot Measure
Second Class postage paid at Nyssa, Oregon 97913,
School. There will be many Number
Nine and I'll vote
under act ot Congress of March 3, 1879
games for all ages and a spook against it on November 7th.
alley. We are having this around
I will vote against this mea-
Halloween time to have good sure
for several reasons.
entertainment for the family to Among them is the fact that its
I ■ MB Publishers
attend and to help keep the young supporters have not been en­
and Payette and Canyon
people off the streets. We want tirely
■ et ■! Association
truthful about it.
Counties, Idaho,
everyone to come and have a believe all voters in Malheur
good time at the dinner and County should take the same
One Year................. $5,00
carnival. Approximately a third position because they have been
Six Months............... $3.00
of the child's life is spent in told only half the truth about
Elsewhere in the U.S.A.
school. Parents should always that proposed constitutional
One Year.................. $6.00
attend the school functions in amendment.
Six .Months..................$4.00
which their children partici-
Glen S. Adams
You have heard many of the
pate, if at all possible, and confusing pro-and-con argu­
Services for Glen S. Adams, many others. The PTA is in-
68, former resident of Nyssa, terested in helping tobridge the ments on the subject. It’s hard
to know what one should believe.
who died Friday, October 20, gap between the school and the
But there are other factors
1972, in Pendleton. Services home. We wish more parents
about that measure which its
Two weeks from today (Tuesday) is the general election, and were held Wednesday, October
it is hard to remember when there seemed to be so little interest. 25, at the Lienkaemper Chapel would take time to come to supporters have failed to tell
our PTA meetings and meet you.
Particularly in the presidential race. Polls indicate that
in Nyssa. Interment was at the more often with their child’s
tion eve prayer meeting will be
President Nixon is ahead about "O'! to 30 over Senator Mc­
Nyssa cemetery.
teachers. Parents who are in Ballot Measure Nine would held beginning at 8 p.m. on
Govern, but we know that gap will close to about 55' to 45? by
He was born September 17, knowledgeable about and intere­
make it virtually impossible to November 4. The purpose of
election day. The curious thing is, though, that we have failed
1904, in Gandy, Nebraska. He sted in the subjects their chil­
again pass a school dis­ the meeting »ill be to pray for
to talk to anyone who admits he will vote for Senator McGovern.
married Norma Snow in Neb­ dren are studying may also in­
trict bond issue in the State God’s power to make the elec­
This is the first election in memory where we couldn’t get an raska in 1938.
crease family ties. Parents who of Oregon.
Furthermore, it tion a successful contribution
election argument, let alone a bet.
He worked for the railroad respect the school are likely to
any op­ to the democratic way of go­
Things have heated up locally, with seemingly good races in Nebraska until 1946 when he
portunity for the state’s com­ vernment.
between Denny Jones and Tim Gallagher for State Repre­ and his family moved to Ontario
You are always welcome at
sentative from this district, and between Oscar Bratton and where he operated a grocery the authority of the school. We munity colleges to get capi­
this back-to-the-Bible church.
Robert Pierce for County Assessor.
store. He also operated a gro­
—Arthur W. Coats, jiastor.
Ballot Measure No. 9 has all the interest among the ballot cery store in Nyssa. He later rents will take more interest local taxpayers.
Let me quote from the pro­
measures in this area. Proposed and strongly supported by purchased a ranch at Vale and in PTA and come out and learn
the Farm Bureau, it seems to have drawn opposition from almost lived there until 1962 when he more about their shcool, chil­ posed constitutional amendment
every other group. School financing has become the whipping moved to Pendleton where he dren, and community. Thank itself. In Paragraph 2, Section
7, Article 8, it says: “If ap­
boy, but those who feel oppressed by property taxes should operated an outdoor surplus you.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Yours truly,
proved BY A MAJORITY OF will sponsor a Rummage sale
come up with an acceptable alternate.
store, until he retired in Ja­
Ruth Beck, President of
THE LEGAL VOTERS OF THE Thursday through Saturday, Oc­
If the election is dead, how about that world senes? Perhaps nuary of 1972.
Nyssa PTA
DISTRICT, a taxing unit opera­ tober 26, 27 and 28, in the
the last two weeks have been baseball's finest. Starting with
He is survived by his wife,
ting a common or union high Church basement 5th and Bo­
the five game playoff for the American League pennant, five Norma, Pendleton; two dau­
school may levy an ad valorem wer.
SUNDAY Sunday School, 9 4r.
games to decide the National League champions, then seven ghters, Mrs. Kay Bergam, Ri­ Editor, the Journal:
games in the series, and every game except one a thriller. chland, Washington and Mrs.
Anyone wishing to donate a.m. follow« d with special choir
HOLLOWE’EN RESOLUTION tax against property for the pur­
pose of paying bonded indebted­ rummage may do so by bring­ numbers by the Young People
For two weeks fellows like Catfish Hunter, Blue Moon Odom, Joyce McEntee, Brighton, Co­
WHEREAS, our children are
Gene Tenance, Pete Rose and Johnny Bench have pre-empted lorado; one sister, Mrs. Beulah beginning to express fears about ness or the interest thereon ing it to the church during sale directed by Gary Condon.
or for the purpose of paying hours.
Morning Worship, 11 a.m.
guys like Johnny Unitas, Fran Tarkenton and Joe Namath.
Kelley, North Platte, Nebraska, the possiblity of
capital construction costs as
Evening Gospel Hour, 7 p in.
What’s the name of that team up in W isconsin, the Green seven grandchildren and four harmful Hallowe’en treats:
defined by law.”
TUESDAY - Young Women’s
Packrats, or something like that? Too bad the seasons have great-grandchildren.
Measure No. Nine which have
WHEREAS, the local incidence
language requires a not been revealed to the public Bible Study, 9 45 a.m. at the
to overlap so badly.
of harmful objects or materials
"yes” vote by the majority of and I think the voters have a home of Mrs. Dwight Seward.
And how about the opening of pheasant season? Can anyone
being placed
in Hallowe'en
Juan P. Ybarra
all registered voters rather right to know everything about
WEDNESDAY - Nov. 1, Mis­
remember any nicer weather, more hunters, and fewer phea­
treats is increasing; WHERE­
sants' We talked to hunters from all over Oregon Saturday,
Juan Primitivo Y'barra, 23, AS, some children from rural than by those who may vote in such an Issue before they de­ sionary study, 7 30 p.m. with
If 49? of cide its fate.
review by Mrs. Joe
and they seemed to enjoy tramping around in the beet fields, Nyssa, died Sunday, October areas are brought into strange the bond election.
talking about how their dogs did this and that, and the pheasants 22, 1972 in Nyssa of natural neighborhoods for Hallowe'en the registered voters turned
All of us hate the high pro­ Hobson.
out to approve funds for a new perty taxes and all of,us will
Caravans for children 4 years
were incidental We can testify that the fairways were never causes.
treats, and town children are
school and they voted unani­ continue to work toward some through 6th grade, also devo­
greener, the greens never smoother, and even a few putts
He was born October 10, increasing the distance of their
for Teens.
1949, in Eagle Pass, Texas. visits to include streets and mously in favor of the issue, relief. Those are reasons we tional service
The fact is that this is a wonderful country. And if elections, He had been employed by the neighbors other than their own, it would fail because of the lan­ are very hesitant in coming out
guage contained in Ballot Mea­ against a measure which is
About twenty young people
world senes, football games, hunting, fishing, golf, and other Nyssa Sugar factory.
WHEREAS, the larger numbers
diversions don’t interest you, there’s still a lot of crops to
He is survived by his pa­ of children, in some areas up­ sure Nine, Check with your supposed to bring us a new, were present forth« nu.»ionan
harvest and things to button down before winter sets in.
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Primitivo wards to tw hundred, c r«at«s local school official* and they’ll brighter future.
However. I study on Italy last Wedne t»v
Speaking of winter, Saturday night is the end of Daylight C. Ybarra, Nyssa, and two sis- a hardship for some of our snow you that special elections, urge all citizens to shake the night and enjoyed the special
Savings Time and we can quit work in the dark. Then the cows ters, Mrs. Gloria Lucero, An- elderly or ill citizens, W HERE­ even budget elections, never fear and intimidating threat, by Italian dinner planned by lr> n«
can get back on a regular schedule and we can hole in until ton Chico,
New Mexico, and AS, this is a growing statewide attract a sensational 50? voter fully and openly discussing Bal­ Hobson, supervisor ofthe Ham­
lot Measure No. Nine before we lin Chapter, assisted by Mrs.
Connie Ybarra, Portland.
problem; THEREFORE, be it turn out.
Miss Ruth
Incidentally, don’t forget to go to Nyssa’s Homecoming
In addition, 1’11 vote against see it in front of us next month. Robert
Services were conducted at resolved that the Oregon Cong­
football game with Kuna Friday night. We think the Bulldogs 2 p.m., Wednesday at the Lien- ress of Parents and Teachers, Ballot Measure Nine because Let’s find out what else might Steinhaus, and Miss Ruth Fra-
are the best ever!
kaemper Chapel and at 2 p.m. through education and publicity it threatens the closure of our be hidden in the language of denburg.
The Golden Hour Missionary
Thursday, (today) at the chapel in the schools, community, and schools .... poses a serious this controverisal
Chapter m. • ts t tu.-t.i !:.
with interment in Nyssa.
various news media, encourage:
My position will cost votes day) at the home of Mrs. Robert
parents to limit their children’s maintain local control . . . and
trick-or-treating to the night may eventually cost even more but that’s the cost of trying Martin.
By W.L. McPartland
Thought for th»« week "No
of October 31st, parents to limit to provide educational opportu­ to be an honest, non-politician.
Now, let’s get on with the man can find life's highest good
their children’s Hallowe’en nities for our children.
Ballot Measure No. 9 to be taxes that would be able to ob­
Being a farmer and a tax­ job ot talking about this and without spending time worship­
voted on in the General Election tain an affirmative vote.
We take this opportunity to visits only to people who are
I cannot vote for an issue any other public issue that may ing God, working (or Him, and
Personally 1 believe that pro­ thank our friends and relatives known to eachtrick-or-treater;
November 7 would eliminate the
which, in the end, may result be bothering us.
Let’s not walking in fellowship with Him."
property taxes for operational perty should not be the major for the many acts of kindness parents to accompany their
in a hodge-podge of new re­
Robert W. Manley,
expenses of elementary, se­
expressed in word and deed,
venue measures that may cost
I would like the supporters
condary and community col­ gets. However, it seems to me following the death of our loved visit only in their immediate
neighborhood, or generally, not me more than what I’m already of this measure tocome out with
if any semblance of local con­ one.
a full explanation of why they Latin Assembly of
The measure as proposed trol is to remain, then property —Mrs. Ola Chard and family more than twenty to thirty
There are too many un­ have failed to admit all there
homes; parents to check their
does not provide or suggest any should be a source of revenue.
God Church
children’s treats immediately answered questions about this is to know about Ballot Measure
replacement revenue sources of
For example, Nyssa’s opera­
measure. Until all aspects of No. Nine.
Sunday, church activities be­
approximately $772 million.
while the children can remem­ this issue are admitted, dis­ some questions to answer and gin with Sunday School at 10
First, a review of taa sources than the state average.
ber from whom the treats were
I, for one, would like to hear a m., followed by worship ser­
Should the people of Nyssa be
of revenue to replace the pro­
received, and children not to continue to maintain the flatus from them.
vice, 11 a.m
perty tax is necessary The required to pay more for
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
eat any treats until the treats quo, out of fear of getting some­
I think they owe that to me,
Sunday night service, 7 30
personal income tax, sales tax, schools just because the State will be having a Halloween pot­
not as a candidate in this year’s p m.
excise tax, and business tax are average is approximately $870. luck and with a Halloween party have been approved by their pa­
rents. And be it also RESOL­
election, but as a voter.
the major sources. If the mea­ A uniform state teachers’ sa­ to follow for the children, Sun­
Bible Study every Tuesday,
my neck out on such a hot issue,
Oscar B. Bratton
7 30 p.m.
sure passes, the legislature will lary with the determination day, October 29 at the church VED that each local Parent-
Teacher Association promote
Independent Candidate,
meet and develop a tax package. being made at Salem is not in at 5:30 p.m.
Royal Rangers, every Tues­
citizen who
has mustered
Malheur County Assessor
day. 7 30 p.m.
The proposed new taxes would the best interest of local con­
Everyone is cordially invited organized Hallowe’en fun in enough guts to do so, but there
their own areas and/or schools;
Route #1, Box 363
be referred to the people for a trol.
people’s service,
to attend.
and be it further RESOI VED are these aspects about Ballot
Ontario, Oregon 97914
I believe a realistic look at
vote of acceptance.
every Thursday, 7 30 p m.
I doubt very much if a yes our state tax program is in
But, are you as an UNITED METHODIST
vote on $772 million could be order.
inform the public through the
obtained by the beginning of the individual taxpayer going to be
news media of their program
school year. A crisis such as better off if the utilties and
and of the fact that with fewer
the closure of schools would large industries are taken off
Sunday School for all ages
probably be necessary in order lhe ,ax ro*p by a drastic mea- each Sunday morning, 9:30a.m. homes being visited, any indi­
vidual giving a harmful treat
to get a combination of new sure such as ballot Title No. 9?
Morning Worship at 11 a.m.
will more readily be identified
Bible Study, Galations 2 -
and apprehended.
Youth group meets in Church
Tom McCall, Governor
basement with Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Russell, 7:30 p.m.
—Adopted at State Convention
Performance ... leadership .... responsibility ....
Monday morning - men meet
for prayer breakfast at Brow­
experience .... ability. These words all
nies, 7 a.m.
An Interesting lime of Year
growth in membership ng:
church Improvements, izu.gffi
jacent to the church »ere pur-
chased in 1959 and a new ¡a/
sonage was built and dedicate«
on September 25, I960
Pastor John A. Milbrath ac­
cepted a call to 1 «•|iaafl^
Oregon, he was succ«»^
Pastor Orville Jacob»:® »¡¡J
remained almost fjy( wart''
until he accepted a call loDc^i*
Shores, Washington.
The congregation has no,
been served the past year by
Pastor William R. Lewis
came from Bethany I utherW*»
Church in Spokan, Washington
The little church which in '
moved onto a lot cleared f
sagebrush lias undergone nu--"
merous changes during the past '
25 years. No longer doe, <•
occupy a lot surrounded by ■
■agebrush. Homes, lawns
trees now surround it. Its in-”
terior has had a face lifting '
with carpeting, wood panelling, ’
light oak jiews replacing the '
<iark ones, the altar rail- •
mg being removed and air con­
ditioning having been installed
Church records now (how 190'.
and 138 confirmed
members. Time and progress^
have changed God's house 4 ■
worship twit lie remains the ■
same -yesterday, today audio-
mor row.
Members of Faith Lutheran
extend an invitation toall to jus
in th«' anniversary celebration, ■'
«y ov ye
Sunday S-hool
classes for all agi s, 9 45 a.<
Morning Worship, 11 a.m.
Sunday evening, youth gtoupc
meet at the church, grades 4
through high school, 6 30 p.m.
MONDAY - CWF - Craft day
at th<- church
WEDNESDAY • Choir prac­
tice, 7 p.m.
Bible study, 8 p.m.
Womens Hibte
study, 9 a.m.
Friday - Good News Club,
for children of all ages, 3 30
—E rledene Johnson, pastor
Ruth McNeill
Sister Huth M< Neill, Ma<LiU
President of Fraternal
Order of Eagles of Pendleton,
is a native Oregonian. Stic joined
the Pendleton Eagles Auxiliary
•28 in 1951 and served as the
Auxiliary Drill Team Captain
for eight years, before holding
an office. She served as their
Madam President in 1964-65
and just completed her -.ixtlh
year as Madam Trustee She
was elected to her first state
office at Klamath Falls in 1966
and was installed as Madam
State President in Tillannok
in 1972
A no-host dinner was in Id
at th - Twilight Cafe, with a
meeting following. At the meet­
ing Hie State President repor­
ted on her official trip to At­
lanta, Georgia to the Graaf«
Auxiliary Convention.
Grand Madam President?
Ruby Bigoni from Portland waif
installed as Junior Past Grin#;
Auxiliary President for 19'2»*
It was reported the next Na--
tional Convention will be h«M
in Seattle, in 1973.
Wednesday, Bible Study and
prayer, 7:30 p.m.
Women’s Bible Study Fellow­
ship meets in Caldwell, Thurs­
day. Bus leaves swimming pool
at 8 20 a.m.
The Methodist Church ex­
tends a cordial invitation to all
to attend these services.
characterize House Speaker Bob Smith's
We, members of the family
of Marie Earp, would like to
express our appreciation for
the many acts of kindness dur­
ing her illness and following her
Special thanks to the Malheur
Memorial Hospital and Nursing
Home and Dr. Vanetti.
Mrs. Herschel
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Me Ling
Sponsored by
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Thurs., Fri., and Sat.
Oct. 26, 27, 4 28
From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
service in the State Legislature. And they are
all good reasons why Malheur County needs
Oregon's Speaker in the Senate.
Please join leading citizens of both political
Parties in supporting
Bob Smith for the State Senate.
Robert F. Smith
Speaker of the House
Church Basement 5th and Bower
___________________ Gene Rose, Malheur County Chairman