Pag« Eight KINGMAN KOLONY NEWS p. DALE PY WITTI’HONE 372-2183 ’«-« KINGMAN KOLONY - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stott of Gothen­ burg, Nebraska and Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Hircock of Arnold, Nebraska came Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers, Wednesday evening callers in the Bowers home were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bowers and family and Mr. and Mrs Charles Chapin. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers were Mr and Mrs. RichardCallaham and children of Boise; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wright and chil- dren of Boise. Sunday afternoon and evening callers were Mr. and Mrs Mar­ vin Bowers and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer, Mr and Mrs. Jerry Freitig, of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Dc.i Bowers and family of Nyssa. The Pollyanna Club w ill meet with Mrs. Charles Bowers Thursday afternoon. September 7. Mrs. Bill Toomb will be co-hostess. For roll call-bnng a joke. August 17, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamelton and eight chil- » dren of Saugus, California came to visit Mr. and Mrs. Olen Arnold and Mrs. Louise Landes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Butler of Wilder brought Mrs. Bertha Babcock and Mrs. Lawerence Jarvis of Phillipsburg, Kansas to visit Mr. and Mrs. Carl Be- geman Sunday afternoon. They were all from Phillips County, Kansas and »ere old friends and schoolmates and had a wonder­ ful visit Mrs. Al Thompson celebrated her 85th birthday Saturday, Au­ gust 26, Mrs. Don Fox, Mrs. Anna Long and Mr. and Mrs. Garv Thompson of Nyssa were Saturday afternoon visitors Their granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Andrew s and family of Everett, Washington were Sa­ turday evening visitors. Mrs. Dorothy Fox and Mrs Evelyn Thompson visited Mrs. Bill Toomb Friday evening and took her a plant from the Polly­ anna Club Mrs. Bill Toombs returned home from the Caldwell hospi­ tal Tuesday. She was there two weeks following surgery on het­ knee. She now has a brace on it. She wishes to thank her many friends who sent her cards and letters and visited tier w hile in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Osborn and Scott left Thursday for Coos Bay to go Deep Sea fishing and visit friends in that area. Mrs. Mabie Piercy and Mrs. Sue Ashcraft visited Mrs. Bill Toomb Tuesday evening Mrs. Mary Hatt was a Saturday eve­ ning caller. Mrs. Gnvtty Piercy played cards at the home of Elsie Dtven in Nyssa Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs Ed Nedrow and Jimmie went camping and fish­ ing at Unity on th«1 South Fork of Burnt River from Tuesday through Thursday Michael Po­ well was choreboy Jimmie Nedrow went to Mike Castro’s birthday party Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gehrke and Mr and Mrs Tony Pitty and family visited Mr. and Mrs. \y lllis Conant Saturday evening X T TUNA a. ..< b^2 oz TIM r // ÌS3 12 PAK TREAÒUR.E VAH-E/ AWAK£ ™ kJAM /¿.AD TAR ßUKWlBNBRö e/.-p GROVNPFeBF POTATO ^AlAP CHUNK BOktëNA- ^ ... PRINK-0^ puwcH C.Sä3 wet amits own with thi $ coufon 3 r. -» » |w/o C0UP0M... 41.03 JklK )•’* Good only at C lover farm stores hj Coupon expire* SEPT Z-xid 1472. MM í TJCO v PDKJ PEE ITe/A BtTTreeocKFe ifc« aa # POTATO BVP6 03 A-l MEAT 5oz 45' A-l MEAT Wie ¿AUCE /□ i O ôz . 'J 'J % - _ 45e 29* MORME l CAMMED .HAM 3¿ 29Í MAR&HMAHÚWSS’ 25^ BORINE 75' POTATO CHIP6:s™,49'; NAWY6 PICKbfô 'Ä45A l( Mi and Mrs J< s Asiinx ndl Mrs J»- A .um< ndi was h<»s- t> for a Mis< < llaih'ou Sis, •er in honor of Miss [mtb n. (•rm, Augu t 12. Mr>s tnni will 1« niariieii .»Min to Kevin W it ham ol Mil. lu ll Mr amt Mt Harb y Wil .rm, Kenneth, Donnie, Bru» • and Christy Wilson l» ft Saturday for a camping tup into th» Unity area. They r.'turm-d hum»* Tuesday Mrs From Stiadby »a a vi >it»»r at th» home of Mi »nd Mrs. N. wgin on Finlay Mr and Mrs OraN» wgetiat­ tended a family pn nn at the Dorothy Ri<» horn, in M. ri- di-»n Sunday, who ti w , in honor o' Mrs Gary Grov» .»ml »lau­ ghter <>f Carson City, Nevada. Mrs. Gmvi s, th» form» r Pa­ tricia Rice, is a daughter »J Dorothy Rice. On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mt L»»i Mitchell visit»-») Monty McCoy, at th* Holy Ro- >ary Hospital Monty, th« on of Mr and Mrs. Charles Me- Coy of the Ironsid» area suf­ fered s< nous injurie lnafr»-ak accident n-cently H»' is re­ covering satisfactorily at tins time. Tin Jerry Gordon family »4 Payette and th»' Garner Clea­ vers of Iowa were dinner gue1 ts Sunday August 20 at the home of Mr and Mrs. Magnus Ekarig»r. Mr. and Mrs, Claud S»-c and Tim Miller of Ainsworth, Ne­ braska wer»' visitor» Thursday at the Harriet Turner home, Mr*. Alzma Salter and Mrs. Harriet Turner were dinner guests in Caldwell, Monday, August 28 in honor of Mrs. Turn» r's birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen att> nd»'d a banquet at th» East Sid»1 Cab1 honoring countyag» nt Harry Saridquist which was held Friday Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen were among those who attended th» Billy Graham Crusade which was held at th»1 Simpiot Stadium in Caldwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Whit­ man wer»- overnight guests at th»1 home of Mr and Mrs. Elver Nielsen Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lorraaen, Harriet and Gloria were in Twin Falls this past week lea­ ving Monday and returning home Wednesday afternoon They at­ tended th»- wedding of Carleett Hirnpl»- and Robin Gregory which was solemnized at the Tyler Street Baptist Church in Twin Falls pastored by Car- leen’s father, the Rev. Ken­ neth Hlniple. The w»-ddtng was Tuesday evening A reception was held following the ceremony on the parsonage lawn. Guests were received in the home of th»- Rev. and Mrs. Himples. The young couple after a brief visit in this area will depart for Sapin where the groom has been serving in the United Sta­ tes Air Force. The Rev and Mrs. Fred Mo- xom were among those who went to Twin Falls to attend the Hlmple-Gregory wedding Tues­ day, August 22.