Th* Nyssa Oat* City Journal, Nyssa, Orogo NEWS FROM BIG BEND BY GOLDIE ROBERTS..................... dren of Nampa, Sheila and Lorna BIG BEND - Mr. and Mrs. Pratt, Teresa Lane and the Leonard Wood of Seattle, Wash­ John Foster family. ington came to visit Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Gud- Mrs. Elmer Wood and to attend gel of Nampa were Sunday eve­ the graduation of Janell Wood ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. from the Marsing High School. Lee Lovitt. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett Becky and Susan Carroll of also attended. Sunset Valley spent the weekend Mrs. Edythe Prosser and with Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Ro­ Mrs. Dyre Roberts accom­ berts. panied Mrs. Noel Tuppeny to Those from Big Ben gra­ Nampa Wednesday to see Mrs. duating Sunday evening from Florence Henderlider and Mrs. the Adrian High School were Marie Douglas. In the after­ Denise Mausling, Bruce Ishida, noon they visited Mrs. Anna Danny Miller and Richard Oca- Hamilton in the St. Alphonsus mica. Hospital in Boise. They found Mrs. Hamilton improved enough to be moving to the Elk’s Re­ habilitation Center Thurs­ day for further treatment. Mr. Donald Roberts is re­ joicing over the arrival of his first grandchild, a baby girl born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Joey Olinek of Marsing. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts are the baby’s great grandpa­ rents. Mr. and Mrs. John Packwood and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mus­ grove of Marsing took ice cream and cake and spent Monday eve­ ning in the M. L. Parrott home in Caldwell in honor of Mrs. Parrott’s birthday. Mrs. Ruby Sassaman and Mrs. Corn of Boise were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Clucas. By mistake Mr. Ernest Maus- ling was last week reported to have had his 82nd birthday in­ stead of his 83rd. Sorry about that Ernest. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lovitt and Judy spent Mother’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lovitt and family in Adrian. In the eve­ ning Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hodge of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas and Carl Lovittscalled on them. Mrs. Mike Sillonis enter­ tained with a birthday party for Angie’s fifth birthday Thursday evening. Guests were Darlene and Carlene Carroll, Joey, Todd and Amy Bennett. Miracle Mr. and Mrs. John Foster and Whip family of Chicago, Illinois came Friday evening to visit his pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Erie Maus- ling and for Denise's gradua­ tion. Mrs. C. K. Smith and Mrs. Edythe Prosser attended a ga­ thering of Simplot Alumni at the home of Ethel Tierchert in Middleton Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Julia Callaham of Nampa is visiting the Lee Lovitts this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Packwood and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mus­ grove of Marsing called on Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Parrot in On­ tario Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Mausling Denise and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corn and Pat and Pete Sillonis attended funeral ser­ vices for Emmett Gaviola in Homedale Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts returned home Monday from a vacation at Hagerman, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bell and family of McNary, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bell of Hermiston, and Bud Prosser of Pilot Rock spent the week­ end with Mrs. Edythe Prosser. Mr. and Mrs. Delno Brock of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buckles and Joey joined the group Saturday and they painted Mrs. Prosser’s home for her. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Blades of Nampa called on Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ida Packwood went with Mrs. Harry Packwoodof Nampa to Boise to visit Mrs. Ida Pack­ wood’s sister Mrs. Dorothy Ward in St. Luke’s Hospital where she is recovering from surgery. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erie Mausling for an after-gradua­ tion party Sunday evening in honor of Denise, were, Mrs. Selma Gaviola and Nick, Mrs. Delaine Frank and three chil- Oregon Men On Potato Board Senator Mark O. Hatfield, announced the appointment of three Oregonians to the newly created National Potato Pro­ motion board. George Sadamori, Nyssa; Dwight Macy, Culver; and Ed­ win Stastny, Malin, have been named to the board which will administer the potato research and promotion plan. Sen- Hatfield co-sponsored le­ gislation creating the program. The new board will formu­ late plans to promote potatoes and potato products by expan­ sion and promotion of potato markets.___________________ Karma To Graduate With Honors LEGION AUXILIARY Karma Kesler of Nyssa will be this year’s valedictorian for the Health Science Dept., of the College of Physical Education, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Miss Kesler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Kesler, Sr., Route #2, Nyssa, will be graduating cum laude in com­ mencement exercises May 26. A graduate of Nyssa High School, Miss Kesler went on to Treasure Valley Community College, Ontario, Oregon, gra­ duating with an Associate of Arts in Humanities. Since 1970 Members of the American Legion Auxiliary will meet at the Legion Hall Friday, May 26, it was announced by Louise Heldt, publicity chairman. The meeting will start at 9 a.m. and women will be making floral wreaths to be placed upon the graves of our war dead Memo­ rial Day. LEAN GROUNP REEF MEATY H0KMFL- CANNEP HAM TREA-SURH VÄPLEY' PICNIC HEADQUARTERS tkb $ we & t a POTATO CHIPÔiÂo HgSY VIENNA IZoz. TIN« «AUÔAÔE PI-ANTATIOM LINOSA Y 6AMT PiTIÇP AN&EU FOOD CAK.E^ Uoz. RIPE OUVBS a!°w ÊVÉREAPY FlA<&HM&HT P4C- 2 PACK FRESH FUFL EAR CORN Treasurtllalley Y. P'NT WHIPPING® CREAM.. 99 Bvye PLATE 4>z ÔZ. Jn addition to the business meeting and election of 1972- 7$ State officers, there were training seminars conducted on Narcotics, Inheritance Tax re­ turns, closing statements for real property transactions and legal assistant program. 100 CouhJT «HP &REEN HEAPS' lettuce , Ä1 CHERRY UINBRIPE TOMATO Ff? S p R)TAT0CHIF&Äoz PFTMIK PET Ml IK 8 quart BAKER'S OVEN FRESH IT? IF> COOKIES 10 o 1 ^ANJ NOW... 89M MS» lB -|4oz. LEGAL SECRETARIES Those attending from Mal­ heur County Legal Secretaries association were President Nancy Biechler, Presidentelect Billie Willis and OreAls go­ vernor Maxine Ryan who were the voting delegates from the local chapter. Also attending were the alternate delegates, Alice Ceniga, Hope Grtder and Wilma Fleming. 59^ 49 E CU&E ÖTEAK e*T£A RUMP R0A5>T B oneless -». MlRACIrB WHIP ATTEND SEMINAR health education. She worked as an office nurse and medical secretary for Dr. L. A. Maulding from 1954 to 1970. KARMA KESLER USDA CHOICE QUA KT JAR she has attended BYU where she has been a member of BYU White Key, a group of top forty senior women who have ex­ celled scholastically while being of service to others; sec­ retary of the Health Science Majors Club; and secretary for the College of Physical Edu­ cation Correlation Committee. Prior to graduation, Miss Kesler will be initiated May 18 into Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society. Upon graduation she will uti­ lize a $1,200 internship grant towards a master’s degree in PJ~ RIERS CLOVER FARM [ NYSSA, OREGON MTE ¿.GOLD GIVE STRIKE J