Thursday, May 25, 1972 Th« Nyssa Oat« CHy Journal, Nyssa, Oregon (Continued From Ptgs 6) |___ 7,500.0(1 i2,ooo.nn : 1,000.00 8,000.00 15,000.00 OSC Graduation Planned June 4 Equip—nt Raasrva__________ ffgllfp—nt m— rgannp Paaarva 2,000-.00 11,300.00— 608.33 T D epa rt—n t S e rv ies* 60,483.00 . 10,438.32 J65,842.11 71,060.00 Water FUND ------- Water_____________ dcbartmknt FOR THE FISCAL. YEAR 1 S J2 - I *73 BEGINNING JULY I. I* 72 ■UDOKTFOR HISTORICAL DATA ■uoarr ACTUAL ■■CONO HixeraiRS VKAR AFowovao 8.7OÒ.OO ] 13.150.00 Bl BBT FRBCBDING VBA« 6.156.00 14,242.95 4,035.26 26,052.00 17.652.00 .... 3.000,00 7,262.40 14,919.56 8.436.00 u nnn nn 23.620.00 2.484.00 11.750.00 22.400.00 13,000.00 11,300.00 6,000.00 11’750.00 BBBSONAL SIWVICBS: Operating Vater lais and Sup»l>es Bond Sinking Fund (19653 Transfer to Gen'l Fund Administrât! ve 23.500.00 Transfer to Bond and Interest Fund 2,000.00 Oregon State University will graduate its 103rdclass Sunday, June 4. The number of degrees to be conferred this year will approach 3,500 compared to 3 in 1870, according to Registrar Wallace E. Gibbs. The colorful commencement program is scheduled for 2 p.m. in Gill Coliseum. Ticket-holding parents and other relatives are expected to fill the 10,000 seats of the Coli­ seum but the graduation exer­ cises will be televised again this year by KOAP-TV,Channel 10, Portland, and KOAC-TV, Channel 7, Corvallis, so thou­ sands of others can watch. The number of bachelor’s de­ grees conferred by the univer­ sity passed the 50,000 mark last year and the master’s degree total will reach 10,000 this June. Pag« Sevan GRADUATES AWARDED SCHOiARSH/PS The Oregon Scholarship Commission has notified Mr. Buchtel, guidance counselor, that state scholarships and grants will be let on May 19. Since many students will have beer, graduated before they know what scholarships and grants they have received for next year, the following list of win­ ners are only those known at this time. A complete list of winners will appear in the Gate City Journal after school is out. Recently Jim Dail received word of a tuition waiver from TVCC where he plans to enroll this fall. Jim is the son of Mr. Lee Dail. JON REECE Jon Reece is the recipient of the Royal Neighbors of America scholarship for $100. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reece. Jon plans to attend either Boise State and major in History, or TVCC where he will take inflight training. JIM DAIL PINOCHLE PARTY Street Equipment Reserve 11,750.00 5,000.00 11,750.00 664.00 ttop'r Fnr 6L000.00 Sary Building 6 Equip. Reserve System Oneratine Cash TOTAL BXPINBITUBBB ■ndin* Bund Balance 87,888.21 71,335.96 Water_______ 1 65,100.00 TOTAL ■■QUIRBHBNT« 76,250.00 FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1 »72 —GINNING JULY Herb Sez... - 1 >7X RRKCBOING VKAR ■uoarr BIBBT PRKCKDING VKAR CURRBNT vBAB 33.122.48 57 CI7Í AQ ‘212IOQ .327,00 632.96 - 10.180.72 9.600.00 ’720,00 315.00 L_ 1,258.17 598.66 50Q.00 200.00 1,200.00 11.750.00 11.750.00 11.750.00 ARRBOVBD •—innin* Bund B s I srss : ConnectionCharges Deposits MifirpHanpnns Receipts Interest nn CertificatM of Deposit A (- 1,600.00) 53,000.00 500.00 250.00 1.200.00 4 11.750.00 Equipment Emergency Fund Reserve Plant Fund 2,484.00. _i From Rond Sinking Fund Yases Necessary to Balance Budget Tases Collected in Year Levied 76,250.00 81,029.55 L 98.068.93___ .. Total Resources 65,100.00 ] Sswer----------- FUND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ■SgWSI------------------------- DEPARTMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR I »72_ - 1 *Z3_ REOINNINO JULY I. I» 72 Ruoarr for HISTORICAL DATA ■■CONO RRKCKDINO VKAR BIBBT FRttCBOINO VKAR ABBROVBD CURRBNT VKAR 6,960.00 6,241.99 ENSUING VKAR ■uoarr ACTUAL 4.736.98 7.860.00 BBRBONAL •■■VIC««: 6,750.00 7,220.00 Operating Materials and Supplies Contractual Services 178,801.00 5,000.00 Sewer Cnntrart - CnnatrnrUnn Fngln^r- — Legal - 1,800.00 10,683.02 - Contingency Emergency Fund 6,500.00 à J uni an 6.500.00 6.500.00 8,347.50 13’701 OO 17,000.00 14'000.00 49’838.50 94'487.00 558.67 6,500.00 Svstem and Plant Reserve Rnnrl anH Funrl Trsnfffffr General Fund Transfer Admini stratIv » Rond Ret1 remant Kinking Fund Operating Capital 20,487.00 15.500.00 60.000.00 67.00 Transferred to Other Bunds 2,000.00 2,000.00 21000.00 31.323.99 290.918.86 To Street Department for Services Plant Improvements 2.000.00 General Fund—Repay 1171 Bond Paym' i J 14.QÛQ.Q0 TOTAL BXBBNOITUBBB 1 ■ndin* Bund Balance 250,255.^87. ___ Sewer_______ TOTAL RKQUIRKMKNTS FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR I *72 - 1 »72. REOINNINO JULY 1. 1 »12__ MIDTODICAL OAT A tuoatr ACTUAL_____________ ,_________ 7.055.90 __ 6.500.00 18,254.27 80.00 616.46 6,182.64 . 245.000.00 27,651.36 __ 205.00 __ 74.5Q 7.825.07 5QJ1OQ.0O 8.568.48 95.287.19 6,500.00 2,477.00 .Sewer 28,500.00 _ 5QÛ.Û0 ____ 500.00 2.200.00 3 600.(30 .Interest nn Certificates of Deposit 7,600.00 0,255.67 .1970 Bond Fund___ _________________________________ Tefal »Moure,« NANCY BRATTON Nancy Bratton, a senior at NHS is a recipient of a full tuition waiver and a work-study grant to Boise State where she plans to take fashion merchan­ dising and mid-management. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bratton. RON MOFF1S 1. I» 72 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Mrs. Wilma Ostrom hosted the Wednesday Pinochle Club last week at the home of Mrs. Louise Wernick. High prize winner was Mrs. Bessie Mc­ Connell; low, Mrs. Orma Clea­ ver; and traveling, Mrs. Hazel Smith and Mrs. Louise Wernick. 4 I We have been told by the experts that we had better go easy cooking our foods in ani­ mal fats because they produce cholesterol andcause high blood pressure or something or other. We have also been informed that we must not use an ex­ cess of vegetable oils in our cooking because they may cause cancer. Now I ask you,“ain’t that one hell of a choice, heart failure or cancer?” Of course we have a third alternative, keep right on like we always have before the dis­ NETTIE ALONZO covery of the F.D.A. Since the Nettie Alonzo, daughter of Federal Government has be­ come so solicitous of our well Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Alonzo, being we have been warned will receive a grant from TVCC against everything from soda and a community college grant pop to white bread. Just about to TVCC. everything we eat is either no good or harmful. It seems that nobody is supposed to eat some­ thing just because they like it. Hundreds of people have told me all of my life that chewing gum was bad for the teeth. For years I chewed gum, teeth or no teeth and still get along with my own teeth. 1 also ate a little more than my share of candy. Of course I ain’t no picture of health but feel good and enjoy living. That’s more than some can say. I have arrived at the con­ clusion that there is positively nothing that won’t hurt some people and can’t be safely eaten by others. No matter how hard ETHEL CARTER our government tries to erradí­ Ethel Carter, daughter of Mr. cate all of the evils of food it can never stop the death of and Mrs. W.D. Carter, re­ ceived a scholarship from the its citizens. Council of hair Lately the powers that be have National which can be used a nasty habit of shooting from stylists, the hip and if the wrong people at a beauty school. get hit that’s their tough luck. For example, Phosphates caused polution, and still do, so they had to be removed from the washingpowders. Now they find that substitutes for the phosphates are poisonous and phosphates are the lesser of the two evils. This inde­ cisiveness has cost industry millions of dollars. For a hun­ dred years this nation has rocked along in its erring way. Now, suddenly, we find that corrections must be made. In our slam-bang drive for purity in everything we have a 'busi­ ness be damned' attitude. We MARIANN SIFUENTES think, “Nuts to big business,” Mariann Sifuentes was but big business is everybody’s business. Our nation was built awarded a National hair sty­ on big business and I hope that list scholarship to any parti­ She we don’t learn too late that some cipating beauty college. cures could be worse than the is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sifuentes. disease. SCOTT ENGSTROM Scott Engstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Engstrom will receive a trustees scholarship to Brigham Young University. He has been awarded several other Elk’s Most Valuable Stu­ dent Award and the Elk’s Leadership Award. He went to state where he placed 5th in Elk’s Leadership and 2nd in the district Elk’s most valu­ able student scholarship. DAN GARNFR Dan Garner received a Letter of Commendation from the National Merit Scholar Qualify­ ing Test. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Garner. MARLENE JAMIESON Marlene Jamieson was named recipient of the Malheur County Woman’s Council of the National Assoc, of Realters scholarship, which she will use to further her education at Kinman Business College in Spokane, Washington. U of O Plans Alumni Week Four classes will be holding reunions at the University of Oregon during Alumni Weekend, June 9-11. The Classes of 1922, 1932, 1942 and 1947 will meet during the weekend, attend events that have been especially for them, and hold reunion dinners. Events open Friday, June 9, with an Alumni Reception. The Alumni luncheon Saturday will honor the reunion classes. The reunion dinners are also on Saturday. An alumnae breakfast is on the schedule for Sunday morn­ ing, followed by the traditional Flower and Fern Comme­ moration. Final event of the weekend is the University’s 1972 Com­ mencement Sunday afternoon. 1 150,253.67 .343,438.5 1 ]_ Among those observing wed­ ding anniversaries during the month of June are; June 2 - Mr. and Mrs. Ernie King. June 3 - Mr. and Mrs. Duane Buchtel. June 9 - Moffis, June 11 - Mr. and Mrs. Craig Northrup. June 14 - Mr. and Mrs. Hiro Kido. June 15 - Mr. and Mrs. David Sarazin; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kurtz. June 17 - Mr. and Mrs. Eg- gert Oft. June 18 - Mr. and Mr.->. Ja- vier Gotneza. June 20 - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holmes. June 21 - Mr. and Mrs. Da­ vid Beers; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Haney; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wil­ liams. June 22 - Mr. and Mrs. Dean Blaylock. June 23 - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rankin; Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ vin Jefferies. June 25 - Mr. and Mrs. Foy Sasser. June 26 - Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Talbot. June 28 - Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Debientes. ♦ laeept T»« h to Be Levied •—- __________________ Anniversary * FUND RESOURCES Swimming Pool FOR THK FISCAL VKAR LX2.5Q6.63 Ron Moffis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moffis also won a tuition waiver to TVCC. 1*72 . ,, 73 £ ■(GINNING JULY 1. IS Swimmin g Pool ---- FUND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 72 ■UDGCTFOR HISTORICAL DATA Swi ami ng Pool ACTUAL department FOR THE FISCAL YEAR I I »72. - ««73 ISU INC* VI __ BIBBT BBBCBOINO VKAR APBBOVRD 495.52 i C-2.239.00) (-3,750.00 J________ _____ f>29.79 J__ REGINNIND JULY I. IS______ •uoerr FOR HISTORICAL DATA ■uoarr ACTUAL i 7**** t - BSOOT 6.219.18 2.729.28 2.7OO.OO 1.620.00 1.939.00 12.295.78 AFORO V«» CWBBBNT VBA* 4.861.82 2.613.96 3.2CO.OO 5.725.00 - BKBBONAL «OOVIC««: Opere«.»* este»