Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, May 04, 1972, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page Four
Thursday, May 4, 1972
The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon
Hometown News
Fosters Observe 60th Wedding Anniversary
W.W. I Barracks
A delicious pot luck dinner
was enjoyed by thirty five
members of World War I Ve­
terans and Auxiliary of Bar­
racks #352 in the Vale Grange
Hall Sunday, April 23.
Jessie Scott directed the kit­
chen and table decorations. The
group commends her for her ef­
forts and joy in serving others.
After dinner the Veterans
and Auxiliary held their busi­
ness meetings separately.
The Veterans decided to keep
the same officers for another
term spending the remainder
of their time discussing the
various bills that are before the
House and Congress.
The Auxiliary chose Vivian
Laurance as president. Anelory
Coppie was elected Sr. vice
president by a unanimous vote.
Other officers elected by una­
nimous vote were:
Virginia Sandy, Jr. vice pre­
sident; Mary Glaves, treasu­
rer; Jessie Scott, chaplin; Ag-
Call 372-2233
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shar­
pies of Burley and Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Butcher enjoyed
the weekend at the Malheur Re­
servoir fishing and camping.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Capper
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Capper
of Nyssa and the Hank Storms
of Boise spent the weekend in
Hermiston visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Capper. Enroute home
they visited Mr. and Mrs.Cecil
Richards are formerly of Nyssa.
Ethel Laye, Francis Kratz-
burger, Edith Heiser and Earl
Crocker visited Saturday eve­
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers
and Sunshine Dunten visited in
the Floyd Somers home of
Parma Sunday afternoon.
Some of the local residents
seen fishing at the Unity Re­
servoir over the weekend were
the John Mullins; the Arthur
» »
Cartwrights; the Garold Ropps
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc­ and family and Garold’s parents
Clure and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde of Idaho.
Schurr of Caldwell were dinner
guests Sunday at the home of
Elton Clapp and his two grand­
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb. children reported the fishing
real good although cold at Mal­
heur Reservoir last weekend.
Mrs. Chester Chapman of
Meridian visited her sister
Mrs. Orma Cleaver, April 26.
In the afternoon they visited
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur W.
Mrs. Cleaver’s daughter, the
Foster were honored at anopen
Delbert Cleavers.
house reception in observance
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann and of their 60 wedding anniversary,
their grandson, John Looney, held in the social hall of the
enjoyed a camping and fishing United
trip at the Malheur Reservoir Sunday, April 30. The event was
from April 27 to May 2. John’s sponsored by Mrs. Raymond
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Crete) Sager andM ss Frances
Looney brought John home Sun­ Foster.
day after spending the weekend
Mrs. Sager greeted and re­
at the Reservoir with the Ganns. gistered the 125 guests who
called during the afternoon to
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Jones and honor the couple.
son. Keith and his son and dau­
Guests enjoyed tying green
ghter of Baker were Saturday bills to the pink blossomed
visitors at the home of Mr. money tree,
with ribbons
and Mrs. Jim Griffin.
from Mrs. Foster’s original
Mrs. Jim Griffin, Mrs. Judy wedding bouquet.
Favorel and Zoan went to Boise
Miss Ruth Childers and Wil­
Mr. and Mrs. George Pulsi­ Saturday where Mrs. Griffin bur Foster were marriedathigh
pher of Nu Acres wish to an­ visited her son Lonnie Gorrell noon, May 1, 1912, at the home
nounce the engagement of their and family while Mrs. Favorel of the bride’s parents Mr. and
daughter, Leia Jeanette Fry, took care of some business in Mrs. T. H. Childers at Boulder,
to Maurice E. Fokken of Omaha, town.
Ruth came to Nyssa as a
Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Harold- bride, her husband Wilbur
Leia graduated from Fruit­
land High School and is pre­ sen spent the weekend with having come a year earlier to
sently attending Brigham Young their daughter Mr. and Mrs. establish a bee business. He
University in Provo, Utah where Orlee Sipes of Homedale. While is known to many as “Honey
she is training to be a lab there they attended a house­ Foster.” The couple have been
technician. She had previously warming for the Sipes’ son, members of the Methodist
Mr. and Mrs. Rrett SiDes also Church since that time.
attended BYU for one year and of
For the reception, Mrs.
was employed by United Air­
Foster wore the same beauti­
lines as a stewardess before
Mrs. A. H. Keck attended the ful wedding gown that she had
returning to school.
open house Sunday, April 30 worn as a bride 60 years ago.
The future bridegroom is
in honor of the W. W. Fosters. The floor-length gown of Swiss
presently employed in in­
eyelet embroidery featured
suranceprogramming at Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Keck stitched pin-tucks on the bo­
The couple is planning a June
of Richland, Washington were dice and two tiers with stitched
23 wedding in the Nyssa LDS weekend guests of his mother,
pin-tucks formed the skirt. Im­
Mrs. A. H. Keck.
Auxiliary # 352
ported Swiss lace enhanced both
bodice and skirt and the waist
was accented with a white satin
sash. Completing the attire was
a petticoat and pantaloons. Her
corsage was a white orchid with
a seed pearl and pink lace
The bridal colors of the 1912
wedding were carried out at the
reception and decorations were
in keeping with May
charms. The table was graced
with a three-tiered white wed­
ding cake trimmed in pink and
May baskets of pink and white
mums. The cake was cut and
served by Mrs. Melvin Spitze
and Mrs. Ben McConnel. Mrs.
Ruth Klinkenberg presided at
the punch bowl and Mrs.
Lewellen poured
Mrs. Robert Wilson catered
the affair, with Mrs. Don 01-
demeyer and Miriam Kunkel
Of special Interest to the
guests attending were the dis­
plays of old souveniers, keep­
sakes and memories of the Fos­
ters. Among them were Wilbur
Foster’s black broadcloth wed­
ding suit, Mrs. Foster’s gra­
duation dress, and some items
of her going away outfit. Also
hand-made baby dresses and
home-made baby
Pictures, taking the observer
from early Foster ancestors to
the very youngest great-grand­
child and many highlight occas-
sions in between were dis­
played and arranged by Miss
Frances Foster.
Mrs. Tom
Nishitani designed and made
the plaques for the various
The couple have seven chil­
dren, 19 grandchildren and 18
great-grandchildren. A family
reunion is planned June 17 and
18 for the 60 immediate mem­
bers of the family.
The honorees received tele­
phone calls Sunday from their
daughter, Mrs. Charles Wil­
son, Juneau, Alaska; and sons
the Rev. and Mrs. Tom Foster,
Madras and Mr. and Mrs. Cur­
tis Foster, Atlanta, Georgia. I
They also received a telegram
from Mr. and Mrs. Ward (Doris) I
Richardson of Traverse City,
The Fosters wish to thank
their many friends for their at­
The Golden RuleChapter #131
tendance, money gifts, floral of­ met at the Masonic Hall May 1,
ferings, cards and letters.
with Lucille Steiner presiding.
Among the out-of-town guests The meeting was preceded by
were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Har­ a potluck honoring members of
tley, North Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Bethel #33 and the Owyhee
Carlos Buchner, Logan, Utah; Chapter of DeMolay. Approxi­
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Whitaker, mately 50 people attended the
Boise, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Har­ potluck.
lan Sager, Idaho Falls, Idaho;
The Rev. and Mrs. Floyd White,
Kathleen Wheeler and Edna
Kennewick, Washington; Mrs. Bacon were in charge of the
Frances Ludlow. Bothell, Wash Mother’s Day program.
Mrs. Julia Beaman,
Nampa, Idaho; Mrs. Grace Pa­
Under the escort of conduc­
The Malheur Memorial Hos­ terson, Boise; Mrs.
Fanny tress, Amelia Pratt and five
pital Auxiliary is scheduling a Cheldelin, Portland; and Mrs. members
representing the
Benefit Card Party for Satur­ Maude Cooper, Vale.
Mothers of all the Chapters
day, May 13 at 1:30 p.m. There
were conducted to the several
will be a charge of $1.25 per
Star Points where appropriate
person and proceeds are to be
compliments were paid. While
used for hospital equipment.
they journeyed around they were
Area women are being con­
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
The Baste and Bake 4-H club
tacted, anyone interested in
Foy Sasser singing with Mrs.
playing who has not been con­ went on a weiner roast Monday Jessie Brown accompanying
tacted is asked to please call evening, May 1. We went in them at the piano.
Mrs. Bob Wilson, auxiliary pre­ the hills this side of Vale. Ro­
bin Wood caught a lizard which
At the close of the meeting
sident at 372-2981.
Edna Bacon sang, “That Irish
Bridge hostesses for the she brought home.
Our leaders Mrs. Adams and Mother of Mine.” Ray Bacon
event are: Mmes. L. A. Maul-
ding, Ken Danford, Boyd Wilson, Mrs. Hopman took us in their conducted the Good of Order and
members reported on visits to
Howard Myrick and David Sara- cars.
We are going to Vale Saturday Cambridge, Nampa, Parma,
hostesses are: to the training day for Spring Caldwell and Homedale.
The next meeting will be
Mmes. Wilbur
Holcomb, Ed Fair.
May 15.
Michaelson and Jim Nichols. —Chris Hendrick, reporter
nes Jordon, conductress; and
Eulalia Curl, guard.
The newly elected president
appointed the following: Clara
Corder, patriotic instructor;
Blanche Burgess, muscian; Mi­
nna Conrey, good of order;
Grace White, Americanism;
Elva Palmer, legislative chair­
man; Birdie Vaughan, publicity
chairman and banner bearer;
Gladys Moore, historian; Car­
rie Moos, flag bearer; Mary
Gloves, membership chairman;
Beaulah Points, Jean Scott,
Ruby Franklin and Gladys
Moore, color bearers.
Mary Glaves, past president
and out-going Jr. vice presi­
dent installed the newly elected
The Veterans and Auxiliary
extend a hearty “Thank You”
to Radene and Ravona, dau­
ghters of the Rev. and Mrs.
Scott of the Christian Church
in Vale. The girls come faith­
fully to wash the dishes each
Benefit Party
Slated May 13
' I
The engagement of Roberta
Asumendi to Charles Belveal,
Jr. is announced by her mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Smith and
by her father, Mr. and Mrs.
Jess Asumendi of rural Nyssa.
Roberta will graduate in May
from Adrian Union High School.
Charles, is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Belveal, Sr. of
He graduated from
Nyssa High School in 1968 and
served in the U. S. Navy. He
is now employed in farming by
Dwight Seward of Parma.
The couple are planning a
May 24th wedding.
Delroy Mathews, laboratory supervisor, is doing a differ­
ential blood count with the microscope.
Mrs. Ellen Mills, Medical Record Technician. Every medical
record since the hospital opened in 1950 is on file in this office.
Mrs. Vera Wilhite is operating the NCR 400 accounting ma­
chine, on which all of the hospital’s business records are pre­
Andy Louie, R.P., comes daily to the hospital’s licensed
Ernest A. King, hospital administrator, and Mrs. Margaret
Mrs. Jane Kobs, RN, operating room supervisor, is showing
Tensen, Candy Striper advisor, are shown in the J.J. Sara- her mother, Mrs. Frank Parr, center, and Mrs. Dick Tensen
zin Memorial Medical Library.
Mrs. Tensen is a daughter the anesthesia equipment in the hospital’s modern surgery,
of the late Dr. Sarazin.
Tours Will Be Conducted Sunday
From 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. All Areas Öif The
Hospital Will Be Open To The Public
And Children Are Invited,
Accompanied By Their Parents .
Lois Luther, maternity technician, is preparing the delivery
table in the Maternity Ward.
Nursing Home residents are busy knitting, embroidering,
and enjoying crafts work under the direction of Donna Bart-
ron, craft supervisor.
The women are, from left, Minnie
Tyrrel, Hazel Vinsonhaler, Mrs. Bartron, Belva Gabriel and
Elizabeth Clayton.
Benefit Card Party
Coffee and Punch
Saturday, May 13
Served By Members
1:30 P m
$1.25 Par Parton
Bridge and Pinochle
of the Auxiliary
Sponsorad By
Malheur Mamorial Hospital Auxiliary