Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, December 23, 1971, Page 7, Image 7

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    Thursday, December 23, 1971
and Mrs. Emerson
Bingaman of Fruitland were
Saturday evening dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Elver Nielsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen
spent Saturday December 11
thru December 14 at Pendle-
ton, where they visited Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Burnett and
and Mrs. Vernon Burnett. Mr.
Nielsen also attended Regional
Meetings of the ASC.
Nielsens enroute, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Doyn Price at La
Grande, spending Monday night
with them. They arrived home
Mrs. Clara Price attended a
monthly meeting of the Pleasant
Hour Club, Monday afternoon
which was held at the home of
Mrs. John Strickland. Thirteen
members and one guest attended
They exchanged gifts and held
their usual business meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell
returned Friday from a months
trip, spent visiting relatives
and sight seeing near Kim, Colo.
Ten days of it included attending
the National Finals Rodeo, held
at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma;
visiting relatives at Hollis, Okla
and Dumas, Texas. They ar­
rived home Friday evening ac­
companied by Mrs. Mamie Dud­
ley of Twin Falls who came to
drive her car home.
Dudley is a sister of Mrs.
Myrtle Hillis.
The Home Extension Club
Units of AKH, Big Bend and
Tri-Valley, met at the Pres­
byterian Church basement in
Adrian Monday noon, for a pot
luck dinner.
Mrs. Marjorie
Griffin of Vale, narrated her
trip to Norway which was toured
by the ACWW Extension group,
of which she was a member
last fall.
H Carmen and Audrie Astoreca
Here among those attending the
game, played at Huntington Fri­
day night.
< The nurses staff of the Vale
Nursing home, held their Annual
Christmas Party and gift ex­
change Friday evening.
Malheur County Employees
held their Annual Christmas
Party at the La Paloma in On­
tario on Saturday night. Mrs.
Gabriel Astoreca and her gue­
sts, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatch
of Adrian were among those
attending from this area.
Harriet and Gloria Lorensen,
Gail Barnes and Josephine Ph­
elps, with Rev. and Mrs. Fred
Moxom attended the concert
which was presented at the
Caldwell Auditorium Saturday
evening, by several Musical
Groups for the benefit of the
State School children. Admit­
tance was obtained by bringing
a gift for the Children.
Miss Mertrude King of the
Nyssa Nursing home is a pa­
tient in the hospital again this
week. Her condition remains
the same.
Owyhee Community
Church presented their Christ­
mas program Sunday evening.
The Young People of the Church
will sing carols Monday eve­
ning and upon their return will
have a social time with re­
freshments in the Churchbase­
Mrs. Sarah Hobson returned
home Monday from a months’
visiting at the home of her son,
Richard Hobson and family at
Leota, Kansas.
"The Crusaders” an adult
Sunday school class of the Naza­
rene Church at Nyssa were
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Hobson of rural On­
tario on Sunday evening, for a
time of fellowship. Refresh­
ments were served to the fami­
lies attending.
Mrs. Robert Smith visited
Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Lois Counsil.
Mrs. Kerry Winn was a Sa­
turday evening visitor at the
Counsil home.
John Knottingham, Charles
Moore and Mrs. Lois Counsil
were Sunday afternoon visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon
Glenn Knottingham in Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stubstad
and Sandra, and Leanne Nielsen
were Thursday evening dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Elver Nielsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schultz
and son, Rick and their guests,
Mr. and Mrs Elver Nielsen
dined Friday evening at Nampa.
Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ekan-
ger called Friday on Elver and
Betty Nielsen.
Mrs. Gabriel Astoreca, Car­
men and Audrie and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Hatch and family of
Adrian, Roberta and Louis Asu-
mendi were Sunday afternoon
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Lenon at Boise.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price were
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Province at Caldwell.
Mrs. Adah Schweizer, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Woods and Adah
Louise, Mrs. Due Marshall,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen McGinnis
and Mr. and Mrs. Al. Baker
were dinner guests at the Twi­
light in Nyssa. The Dinner was
in honor of the birthday of Adah
Some of the members of the
Adrian High School Chorus and
Band were caroling Tuesday
evening at the Vale Nursing
at the Presbyterian
Nursing Home and at the Nyssa
Nursing Home. They presented
Christmas music and carols
under the direction of Miss
Cummings, who is the music
director at the Adrian School.
Mrs. Ora Newgen was a Satu­
rday guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Avery in Big
Mrs. Avery and Mrs.
Newgen attended a "Bell Ring­
ers Musicale’’ at the Gem
Academy in Caldwell,
which was staged by the NW
Nazarene College of Nampa.
Bill Wilson and family of
Roswell were dinner guests
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harley Wilson.
Mrs. Melvin Wilson andchil-
dren of Ontario were Sunday
afternoon callers at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson
Katrina Holly spent Monday
at the home of her grandpar­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. HarleyWil-
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite
spent from Wednesday to Satu­
rday at the home of Mrs. Bl
rday at the home of Mrs. Blan­
che McKie at Emmett.
TVCC Selects Cast For
“Fiddler on the Roof’
Page Seven
Ternura Named
To Onion Board
Selecting a cast from the fident that this musical with
more than sixty people who its emphasis on family life and
tried out for parts in Treasure rich humor (especially the fun
Valley Community College’s the cast is going to have simply
forthcoming musical “Fiddler pronouncing the names) will
on the Roof”, now the longest bring much enjoyment to the
running, prize-winning musical Treasure Valley theatregoers.
on Broadway, proved to be a
difficult though happy task for
the directors Wayne and Eleanor
Phillips, Dorothy Hansen, Sally
Seiler, Dick Dalzell, Dave Par­
ker, and Lorene Skousen. The
The Civil Air Patrol con-
task was made more compli­
cated by the extremely intri­ tinues on its record shattering
cate qualities demanded by the course for the number of hours
play. All actors are required flown in support of search and
operations, and by
to dance or at least move grace­ rescue
fully as well as sing. Very year’s end should easily top the
few songs are without dance previous high of 27,626 flown
movements of some descrip­ by that organization’s volunteer
fliers in 1969.
Thus far this year, Civil Air
At this point there are still
one or two speaking parts to be Patrol has averaged slightly
named. The orchestra is still better than 3,000 hours per
and month for a seven month
would-be members are urged to 21,003.6 total flying time on
contact Dave Parker at TVCC. aerial search missions called
The chorus members have not by the Air Force Aerospace
Rescue and Recovery Service.
yet been selected.
In July, Civil Air Patrol
• The large cast, in order of
is as follows: volunteers logged 3008.6 hours,
Tevye, the milkman - Clint paced by the California Wing
Bellows; Golde, his wife - Mil­ with 474.7.
Nine lives have been saved
dred Wettstein; Tevye’s five
daughters, Tzeitel - Kathy Ti­ by Civil Air Patrol members in
ger, Hodel - Wendy Kenning­ 1971, according to the Aero­
ton, Chava - Helen Wilson, space Rescue and Recovery
Shprintze - Teddy Skausen, and Service.
Civil Air Patrol, the official
Bielke - Dawn Whipple; Yente,
Millie civilian volunteer auxiliary of
Whipple; Motel, the tailor - the Air Force with a national
John Greif; Lazar Wolf, the membeiship in excess of 73,000
butcher - Leonard Burns; Per­ also launched 1,623 sorties on
chick, the student - Ken Edert 43 missions during July.
Mordcha, the Innkeeper - Dell
Anderson; The Rabbi - John
Grandma Tieitel -
Nancy Seward; Fruma-Sarah -
Dorothy Hansen; Mendel, The
Rabbi’s son - Carl Foster; Con­
stable - Mike Stanton; Fyedka -
Greg Schultz; Shandel, Motel’s
mother - Mary Wahlert; and a
Russian (the lead dancer) - Fn Kenneth Cannon
Steve Chandler. Many of the
leads will also function as
Navy Firemen Jose Bernal,
chorus members.
son of Mrs. Estella Taylor,
TVCC students Antia Dorroh
and Kenneth Cannon, son of Mr.
will be stage manager and Becky
and Mrs. Walter T. Cannon,
Throm will be assistant dance
are members of the commis­
director for the production,
sioning crew of the new ammuni­
which will be staged February
tion ship USS FLINT, home-
24, 25, and 26 of 1972.
ported at Concord, Calif.
The production staff is con-
After extensive shakedown
drills, their ship will begin
its first deployment to the Wes­
tern Pacific with the> Seventh
Both men are 1971 graduates
of Nyssa High School.
CAP Fliers
Set Records
News About
The National Onion Associa­
tion with offices in East Lansing,
Michigan met on December 4,
for their annual meeting.
An Ontario onion grower was
elected to serve a three-year
term as trustee for the National
Onion Association. He is well
known Kay Teramura who farms
west of Cairo Junction with his
son, Ken. Mr. Teramura will
represent the onion industry
of this Idaho-Oregon district
on this national organization.
He will be assisted by Tom
Iseri, onion grower and shipper,
who is serving and has been
serving as a trustee from this
area for many years.
In other business conducted
at this meeting, Ontario, Oregon
was selected as the site for the
fall western regional
meeting of the National Onion
and Southwest Idaho
Growers and Shippers will have
the honor of staging this event
29-30, 1972.
Several hundred onion industry
people from all across the
United States will be in atten­
Sports Ambassador,
Ed Mallet of Stockton, Cali­
champion golfer Lee Trevino is driving for a new record of
fornia was elected president of
contributions to the Seal campaign. “More money is needed
the National Onion Association
to fight emphysema, tuberculosis, and air pollution." he says.
and Danny Baldwin of Stock-
"Give more this year . . . There’s more to do!”
bridge, Michigan was elected
Christmas Seal Drive!
^4444444444444 14444 44
Mrs. Alma Kingrey enter­
tained the Wednesday Afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. (Sue Ann Schatz) Pinochle Club with a luncheon
Gary Jones of C lac kamus, Ore­ and Christmas party Dec. 15.
Prize winners included Mrs.
gon are proud parents of a baby
girl, Kerra Lynn born December Wyatt Smith, high; Mrs. Fred
Guthrie, low; Mrs. Tom John­
son and Mrs. Orma Cleaver,
Maternal grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Schatz
A gift exchange followed the
of LaGrande. Paternal grand­
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Jones of Nyssa and great grand­
parents are Mr. and Mrs. G.W.
Knowles of Nyssa.
DEC. 17 - Mr. and Mrs.
Eluetrio Martinez, Nyssa, a
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Romero,
Ontario, a girl
Mr. and Mrs.
DEC. 19
John Robert Taylor, Nyssa, a
DEC. 20 - Mr. and Mrs.
Warner Hunt, Fruitland, a girl
Greetings* Jk t
üfcnutr we realize how much our zuccezz
iz due lo you, we are mozt zincerely appreciative.
A and W Drive In
Virginia Bybee was
hostess to the White Satin Sugar
Bowling team’s annual Christ­
mas party Tuesday, December
A delicious dinner was en­
joyed by all and the group ex­
changed gifts. Members attend­
ing were Mabel Fangen, Sadie
Butcher, Vivian Jones and Ruth