Thursday, December 23, 1971 Dairy Group Tells of Princess Coronation TRINA KAY BLACKBURN Coronation of the 1972 Oregon Dairy Princess will highlight simultaneous meetings of the Oregon Dairymens Association, Oregon Dairy Council and the Oregon Dairy Wives scheduled January 15-18 at the Portland Sheraton Motor Inn. The coronation, sponsored by the Oregon Dairy Products Commission, will occur at a noon banquet Monday, Jan. 17. According to Ray Kozak, ex ecutive secretary of the OD PC, 12 representatives of county or regional districts will compete for the princess title. They are: Susan Elizabeth Hess, Yamhill County; Vicki Van Dyke, Washington County; Terry Christensen, Tillamook County; Patti Wall, PolkCounty; Carla Jean Mikkelson, Marion County; Trina Kay Blackburn, Malheur County; Ivalene Hill, Linn-Benton County; Terri Lynn Lorang, Lane County; Anna Estelle Brunnell, Coos County; Deborah Lee Droz, Clackamas County; Starla Rae Grant, Central Oregon and Ginny Sue Veldsma, Rogue Val ley. Retiring Oregon Dairy Prin cess is Susan Gourley, of Brownsville, who was crowned in Portland last Janyary. The meetings mark the second consecutive year that the state’s dairy groups have con vened concurrently, Kozak noted. He said ODA commit- The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Thirteen •oooooooooo _NU ACRES HAPPENINGS BY MARGARET EVANS NU ACRES - Nineteen grand children were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Effie Nielsen, and enjoyed a Christmas tree trimming party afterwards. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Nielsen of Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nielsen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nielsen and family of Sunset Valley; Steve, Mike and Tom Kersey of Fruitland. Mrs. Omar Maine visited with Mrs. Freda Thomas of Apple Valley Sunday. Mrs. Thomas recenty had surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Maine visited his stepmother, Mrs. Ella Maine in Payette last Thursday. They also visited his aunt, Mrs. Laurie Maine in Pay ette. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Heap and three boys were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter. The members of the Farme rette Club held their annual Christmas party at the home tees will meet Sunday and Mon day with the general session set for Tuesday. The Dairy Wives will also meet on Sunday, Mon day and Tuesday and the Dairy Council will meet Monday morning. The princess candidates will gather Saturday for orientation. Interviews with judges will be conducted Saturday and Sunday. The three judges will be named at a later date. The inter view sessions will culminate with a Sunday night dinner dance. Each contestant will present a three-minute talk out lining her suggestions for pro moting milk and milk products. The coronation activities will be carried over a special Prin cess Network to more than 25 radio stations across the state. Once selected, the dairy prin cess becomes a part time employee of the Oregon Dairy Products Commission, receiv ing a salary and travel ex penses to cover promotional activities. Awards include a $400 scholarship from First National Bank and a fashion scholarship from the Bassist Finishing & Modeling School of Portland. Malheur I Memorial | Tattler z ^<^.By DONNA BARTRONi Jesse Shuster was admitted to the Nursing Home last Thurs day. Andrew Graham has been transferred to the Nursing Home in Vale to be closer to his family. Mrs. Nora Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lawrence and Dick helped him move. * * * Those entertaining the resi- dents the past week were Mrs. LeRoy Bair’s Beehive class from the LDS Church, They sang Christmas carols and brought cookies. Lutheran Church members sang carols. Y-Teens of Parma sangcarols. The Hospital Auxiliary held the annual Christmas Party. Se veral visitors called on the residents. Many gifts, candy and cookies were received from individuals, churches and or ganizations. Mrs. Alcorn’s class made nut cups for the resident’s trays. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. BIG BEND PHONE 674-2074 —-BY GOLDIE ROBERTS of Mrs. Sherman Keck on Wed nesday afternoon. The potluck dinner was enjoyed after which visiting, a program, and a gift exchange were enjoyed. It was decided to help with the Christ mas gifts for the Malheur Hospital Nursing Home at Nyssa and area residents. Mrs. Effie Nielsen and Mrs. Arvin Kersey drove to Boise Thursday where they met Steve Kersey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Kersey, and Dennis Jen kins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Jenkins, all of Fruitland. The boys are in the Army, lo cated at Fort Ord, California. They then go back to the base January 2 for eight weeks be fore being sent elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans at tended the Christmas party and potluck dinner held at the New Plymouth Grange Hall Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cantrell of Meridian were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Grasmick. Friday evening Willie Grasmick and Miss Joan Pebbles of Ontario were dinner guests of the Grasmicks. Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Gilbert have moved to their new home which they recently purchased from Marvin Snoderly. If7ink, Blink Before Driving in the Dark Your vision will improve 20,000 to 30,000 times if you wait a few minutes before driving off into the dark, according to the British Association of Optical Prac titioners. The Association claims it takes about 15 minutes for a driver’s eyes to become com pletely accustomed to the dark—but few motorists wait even 15 seconds. They come out of a lighted build ing, jump into a vehicle and drive off. They are, in fact, partially blind. For minimum safety, 17- year-old drivers shoulld wait two or three minutes and 60-year-old drivers at least five minutes for dark adap tation, but it still takes 15 minutes to gain your best dark vision. Cleve Clucas arrived home Wednesday from Salem where he has been attending Western Baptist Bible College. Mrs. Horace Chaney and Mrs. Pete Graham attended the pro gram of Rosielee’s class at Van Buren School in Caldwell Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stubble field of Parma were Wednes day evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett. Mrs. Dyre Roberts enter tained the Happy Dozen Card Club Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. David Krause in Nyssa. There were four tables of pinochle playing. Guest players were Mrs. Elsie Diven Mrs. Frank Morris, Mrs. David Krause of Nyssa and Mrs. Mary Hatt of Owyhee Corners. Prize winners were Mrs. Mabel Piercy, Mrs. Thelma Hammon, Sharon Krause and Mrs. Minnie Stam. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Tallman came home from Oregon State University to spend the Christ mas vacation with their par ents Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tall man of Ridgeview and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seuell. Mrs. Harvey Bennett called on Mrs. Anna Hamilton Fri day afternoon near Wilder. Mrs. Edythe Prosser was a Saturday visitor in the Delno Brock home in Ontario. Gayle and Cleve Clucas went caroling with the Baptist young people Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Murle Burns of Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sillonis. Mrs. Margaret Wood of Mar sing and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett. COMING EVENTS SATURDAY, DEC. 25 - Merry Christmas Everyone! SUNDAY, DEC. 26 - Maso nic Lodge#147,Installation, Ma sonci Hall, 2 p.m. MONDAY, DEC. 27 - Jobie Installation of officers, Eagles Hall, 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY, DEC. 28 - Yellow Rose Rebekah, IOOF Hall, 8 p.m. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Newell Heights APPLE VALLEY ITEMS BY DALE WITT n=»> PHONE 372-2163 twra ............................BY FRANCES SMALLEY........................... NEWELL HEIGHTS-Michael Pratt came to Boise Saturday by plane from Treasure Island, San Francisco. He was met by his sister Shelia Pratt and Lorna Hardman. He has a three weeks leave. Cherrylee Chamberlain came home Saturday afternoon from Provo, Utah where she attends BYU. She rode home with Merlia Ashby. Terrilyn Chamberlain went on a tubing party Friday and Saturday at Pinetop. Mrs. Bobbi Jo Boren and two children, and her mother, Mrs. Vivian Davidson and son Charles of Vale left for Huntington Beach, California Friday where she has employment. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leedy of Huntington were Friday luncheon guests of Mrs. Lydia Worden. They were on their way to Sacremento, Calif., to visit his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leedy, who were former Newell Heights residents, and will visit their son in San Fran cisco. C.B. Hill was a Friday afternoon caller and visited with the Leedys. Mrs. Stanley Hill visited Mrs. Lydia Worden Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer, Mrs. Vernon Ward, Mrs. Ila Gustosson of Caldwell, andC.B. Hill were guests at a birthday dinner at theCarl Lee Hill home Sunday, honoring Mrs. Jim Phi fer on her birthday anniversary. Marcia Topliff came home Sunday from Pacific University at Forest Grove. She has three weeks to spend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff. Mrs. Bill Webb went to Provo, Utah Thursday and visited her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hastriter and family. While there they celebrated the birth day of her grandchildren. She returned home Sunday morning. Melanie Webb, Susan and •Johnny Stam decorated the Christmas tree at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Conant of Nampa were Sunday dinner guests at the Bill Conant home. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Van De water and son Kent of Big Bend were Sunday dinner guests of her sisters, Mrs. Dale Witt and Mrs. Rhea Percival. Mr. and Mrs. Bud McDermott and family of Caldwell were Friday afternoon visitors in the L.C. McDermott home. Mrs. Dave Savage and girls and Mrs. Jeanie Fenn and girls of Ontario visited their mother, Mrs. Carl Fenn Sunday after noon. Ray S’mpson and his son Gene went on their trap line Sunday. They caught two bobcats near Shellbark. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Eason and son Jon were Sunday din ner guests in the Ray Simpson home. Mrs. Alfred Simpson and Mrs. Marion York were Sun day afternoon and evening visi tors. Thursday Mrs. Rollo Fenn was a dinner guest in the Ray Simpson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson attended ths funeral of Mrs. Mabie Thompson in Parma Fri day. They were friends when they lived in Colorado. Charles Pitman entered the for the bank and seed company. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston Caldwell Hospital Monday for were Sunday dinner guests of tests and observation. George Shoemaker of Nampa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shippy at visited Thursday with Mr. and the Eastside Cafe in Ontario. The Susannah Circle met Sa Mrs. Roy Rookstool. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sells at turday afternoon in the home of tended the Sells family Christ Mrs. Waldo Smalley. It had been mas dinner given in the Carl postponed from Thursdayafter- Sells home at Nyssa Sunday. noon due to memorial services Mrs. Ed Sells visited Mrs. for Mabel Thompson. A Christ Frieda Thomas Tuesday after mas program was given and Christmas gifts for shut-ins noon. Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Fritts at were prepared. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smalley tended the Tuning familyChrist- mas party given in the Paul of Ontario were Saturday eve Parsons home at Boise Satur ning guests in the Waldo Smal ley home. day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Smalley Callers during the past week to visit with Mrs. Ethel Wild visited Mrs. Elizabeth Grimes in the Dwight Seward home at Caldwell hospital Wednesday were; Mr. and Mrs. Robert afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Honey Martin, Mr. and Mrs. John Price, Dorthy Pattee, the Rev. were Sunday evening guests in Manley, Mrs. Cleta Saunders, the Leeland Dewey home at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wild all of Gayway Junction. Helen Wilson visited Mrs. Nyssa; Mr. and Mrs. David Saunders of Fruitland; Mr. and Tuella Breneman at Ontario Mrs. Ed Topliff of Rupert; Dal Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sim las Rogers of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pierce of Boise and mons and family of Boise were Lester Robinson of Connell, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nichols. Washington. Marvin Jackson left Friday Mr. and Mrs. Lester Robinson and family were overnight for his home in Portland after Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. a two weeks visit with friends Dwight Seward. They left the and relatives. George Shoemaker of Nampa next day for Joplin, Mo., by plane to visit relatives during visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool. the Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Finley Simmer of Bates, Oregon were Satur JACK AND JILL day afternoon and overnight CHRISTMAS guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Honey. Sunday morning they PROGRAM all went to the Don Derryberry Mr. Mark Moncur’s Jack & home in Payette for a morning breakfast. After doing some Jill Kindergarten will present shopping later in the day the their annual Christmas pro gram Wednesday (today) Dec. Simmers left for home. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Honey 22 at 10 p.m. The children will present a visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Christmas program for their King Friday evening. parents. After the program they Nicole Dewey visited her will have a gift exchange. grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Griffin Friday and Sa turday evening while her parents Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Dewey attended the Christmas banquets nettùni As you rejoice on Christmas, may you gather many blessings and gain deep spiritual contentment. FELIZ NAVIDAD Oue las bendiciones y el carino del Santo Niño sea con ustedes. St. Bridget'« Catholic Church Fr. Robert Simard, Pastor and Pat Buckley, Jesuit Volunteer