Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, December 23, 1971, Page 10, Image 10

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    Pag« T«n
Th« Nyssa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon
Speaking To The Consumer
New Help for Consumers:
From kindergarten through the
retirement years, we are con­
fronted with the need to make
decisions about when and where
and how to buy goods and ser­
Our purchases range
from a candy bar at the super­
market to the once-in-a-life-
time investment in a house.
When averaged for all consum­
ers, these purchases total an
almost unbelievable $1 1/2 bil­
lion each day.
So all of us, individuals and
familes, are consumers. Spen­
ding decisions are made dif­
ficult by constantly changing
methods of merchandising and
advertising--some of which are
misleading. New goods and ser­
vices continually being offered
for sale add to the confusion
that canconfoundtheunwaryand
the unsuspecting.
Federal and state laws have
been enacted to protect the
consumer through a variety of
government agencies. Thepur-
pose of this column is to in­
form you,
the consumer, of
these services, and to provide
information useful in
managing your money.
Cooling-off Period: Did you
know that you have a three-day
period in which to cancel a
contract made with a door-to-
door salesman if the amount
of the sale is more than $50?
The salesman must inform you
Dedicated to the children at Christmas
By Harriet V. Turner
of your right to cancel the con­
tract or the contract continues
to be rescindable until the no­
tice is given. (Excepted are
sellers of insurance,
equipment, and motor vehicles.)
If you decide to cancel a con­
it must be done, "in
writing,” before midnight of
the third business day after
the buyer signs.
This aspect of consumer pro­
tection is included in HB 3037,
the consumer bill passed by
the 1971 Oregon Legislature.
The act contains provisions that
enhance the private right of
consumers and it also enumer­
ates the major powers of the
Attorney General and District
Attorneys to provide consumer
Humpty Dumpty--who sat on the wall,
And Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the kings horses, all the kings men,
Could never put him together again.
Now he’s been mended the modern way,
Really thinks he is wise and cute.
When he begins to fall, he pulls a ring,
And floats gaily down in his parachute.
One-Step Complaint Service:
If you have a consumer com­
plaint-- a defect in a product
you have bought, for example--
and you cannot get a satisfact­
ory adjustment from the dealer
or manufacturer,
there is a
state consumer agency to help
... and many thanks to all you wonderful people whose
friendship has been so heartwarming during the year.
Nolan Field Agency
The Consumer Services Di­
vision will refer the letter to
the appropriate state or federal
agency, or may write the man­
ufacturer asking him to take
suitable action.
My Old Mother Hubbard went to her cupboard,
To get her poor doggie a bone.
When she got there her cupboard was bare,
And her poor hungry doggie had none.
Now she feeds him chuck wagon even gravy train,
She gives him a new plastic bone.
He chews it now and is very content,
Over and over -- again and again.
The agency can
help the
consumer only if he has a
justifiable complaint and can
provide adequate information
about the transaction.
It is
Little Miss Muffet who sat on a tuffet,
the responsibility of the con­
Eating her plain curds and whey.
sumer to keep important papers
Along came a spider, sat down beside her,
and other records in case he
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
needs them to support a com­
She’s forgotten the spider and dines on lemon creams,
! plaint.
Her strudle made of red apple, pheasant must be under glass.
Served with crepe suzettes and frapple.
The cow who jumped over the moon.
Wears blue ribbons at the dairy shows.
The happy little dog who laughed at her sport,
Now mushes the sled for the Eskimos.
’ I’ve many more Mother Goose Rhymes,
I could bring up to our modern times.
‘But do you agree--l like them the best,
' In my old time Mother Goose Rhymes.
tMi Mt Mi Mi Mi Mi M< Mt Mi Mi Mi Mt Mt Mi BU:
Write to the Consumer Ser­
Division, Commerce
Building, Salem 97310.
plain your complaint, including
all pertinent information. Des­
cribe the product or service,
time and place of purchase,
manufacturer’s name and ad­
dress, nature of the complaint,
and your efforts to get satis­
faction from the seller and/or
the manufacturer. Attach cop­
ies of any papers that could
help explain the situation.
Old Mother Goose of Ancient Lore,
Decided she must keep up with the times.
So in order to be quite modern,
She has changed her Nursery Rhymes.
Now, the little lamb that Mary had,
Creates quite an innovation.
She is growing what we call rock wool,
We use it for insulation.
Thursday, December 23, 1971
'tax Mi Mt
time for
us to express
our best wishes
This beautiful Christmas tree is in the
nave of the Faith Lutheran Church, Nyssa.
Rev. William Lewis said that the decora­
tions are called Chrismol'S, which means
Editor, The Journal:
Were you cozily asleep in
warm bed at 4:30 this
marning? Not a lighted window
showing in the homes about
you? Our newspaper delivery
boys were not.
Eyes heavy,
they were dressing with cold
fingers, that you and I might
find our daily newspaper on
our door step - come rain,
hail, sleet or snow. One cus­
tomer whole, hearty and retired,
Nyssa Co-op Supply
show that it s
Christian symbols. They were hand-made
by women of the church under the direction
of Mrs. E. D. Michaelson.
complained bitterly because the
paper was not brought thru the
gate and laid symetrically along
.the lower edge of her door. All
this for around two or three
pennies per issue to the de­
livery boy.
But it does not end here.
When this same small guy comes
to collect at the end of the month,
do you have his money ready or
must he return again and again
for it? Why not have it on
a kitchen shelf? We know the
amount due.
It takes a special type of boy
to continue carrying our paper
month after month. Follow them
into adult life and note how
many become successful men.
Let’s remember these young
lads with gratitude and respect.
- Bessie E. Long
Cascade 'ìlaiutial
In Poland, a watch is a Zegar!
and thanks to
our good friends.