Th« Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oi«yon Page Hv« WEEKLY T.V. SCHEDULE NOVEMBER 28 —DECEMBER 4 get the job done | CHANNEL 2 I^^HANNE^^ SUNDAY Miscellaneous Services For Sale Miscellaneous SINGER SALES 4 SERVICE, complete service on all makes. Free home demon strations. Ontario Sewing 4 Vacuum Center. 309 S. Ore gon Street. 889-6167. 44-tfc ELECTROLUX - SALES, SER- NOTICE OF ANNUAL vice and supplies of vacuum ELECTION cleaners and floor polishers. Harold Potter, Phone 549- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1745, Wesier, Idaho. 1-tfc that on the 6th day of December, 1971, at the City Hall of Nyssa, SIGNS, WE’VE GOT ‘EM—FOR in the County of Malheur, State RENT, FORSALE.NOHUNT- of Oregon, the annual election ING, NO TRESPASSING, Gate for one director of the Nyssa City Journal. Letuscustom- Rural Fire District will be print your order. 36-tfnc held. Melvin Spitze has been nominated for director WINTER - WEARY CARPETS for another four year term from show their spring colors when the first day of January, 1972. you clean ’em with Bissell The election will be held at Rug Shampoo. Rent an elec 2:00 o’clock p.m. and will con tric shampooer for just $1. tinue until 8 o’clockp.m. of said a day, save your energy for day. Spring fun. Firestone Store, Dated at Nyssa, Oregon this Call 2124. 47-ltc 16th day of November, 1971. Wilbui Atherton, Secretary of FULL BEE BOARDS, SIX the Board of Directors. available now. Mrs. Seward, Published November 19 and 1015 Park, phone 372-3055. 25, 1971. 47-tfc For Sale — Real Estate RESIDENCE LOTS - 165 FOOT frontage on Park Avenue at N. 1st Street. $3,000.00. Nyssa Insurance Agency - Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent 105 Main, Nyssa , Oregon 97913._______________ 40-tfc For Rent or Lease FURNISHED APARTMENT. Prefer single person or young couple. References required. Phone 372-3662. 46-tfc FISCHER’S MOBILE HOME Park. Large spaces available. Can accomodate double wide or expandoes. VA approved and natural gas hook-ups. Phone 372-3393. 47-tfc FOR SALE AUTOS 1965 FORD MUSTANG F AST- back. Needs clutch work. Call 372-3127. Nocallsafter 9 p.m. 46-tfc 1969 BUICK SKYLARK- 2Door hardtop-low mileage or 1966 Buick LeSabre - 4 door, both excellent condition, for in formation Call 372-2568 47-2tc SPEED YOUR WORK WITH’ A rubber stamp. For speedy service order direct from the Gate City Journal. 36-tfnc 1971 SECURITY 11’WITH REF., Monomatic furnace - Delux, Wilton C. Jackson Sales, Phone 372-2215. 44-tfc REPOSSESSED 19-INCH POR- table color TV set. Balance on warranty. Used less than four months. See at Peter son Furniture Co., Nyssa. 47-ltc Pets BE GENTLE, BE KIND, TO that expensive carpet, clean it with Blue Lustre. Rent elec tric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast Store, Nyssa, Phone 372-3545. 47-ltc DOGS. WE HAVE DOGS WHO need homes. All breeds. Pay only a small service charge. Atherton Kennels. Five miles north of Nyssa. Phone 889-5045. 47-tfc REPOSSESSED 4-PIECE WAL- nut bedroom set. Box spring and mattress, 6-drawer dres ser. Good condition. Big re duction, see at Peterson Fur niture Co., Nyssa. 47-ltc Personal QUESTION Did Pilate write: “Yah- shua of Nazareth, the King of the Jews”, or did he write; “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews?” --John 19:20. ANSWER He wrote the words in languages the people then knew and understood. It was written in Greek, Latin and Hebrews. -- Luke 23:18 We believe the Messiah told Paul his correct name on the way to Damascus, and it says he spoke from heaven in the “HEBREW TONGUE.” — Acts 26:14. P.O. Box 142 Parma, Idaho 83660 Legal Notice USED-CLOTHES DRYER, $40 Stout Appliance, 218 Main Street. 45-tfc BUSINESS CARDS - RAISED- letter styles, $8.00 per thou- sand. Gate City Journal. 36-tfnc Auction Furniture & Household Auction November 28, 1:30 p.m. Terms - Cash 3 miles north of Parma on Highway 20-26-95 - Watch for Auction Signs- M.W. Osborn Shelvadoor refrig.; Hot Point Range; Olympic 23” B/W T.V.-real nice; newly recovered davenport; com plete bedroom set (cherry wood) chest, dresser, night stand - exceptionally good mattress & box springs; blonde finished bed 4 dres ser-mattress 4 box springs Sewmaker portable sewing machine-never used, brand new; Custom Automatic washer; Hotpoint dryer; ex erciser; high chair; brand new barbecue set w/hood 4 rotisserie; 150 lb. anvil; misc. hand tools; electric light cords; double Navajo saddle blanket; horse blan ket; split ear double stit ched bridle; braided horse hair hacamore; misc. horse equipment, many other misc. items. Wanted W 5 TO 10 ACRES WITHIN 1 mile of Nyssa city limits. Phone 642-4201 evenings. 46-2tp Nampa 466-4007 SEE US - FOR - SALES-SERVICE 1/ie 0ld1i/m&L WE SERVICE TWO LOTS ON NORTH THIRD Would like to trade for small piece of property one or two miles outside of Nyssa. Phone 47-2tc 372-2726. ALL MAKES! CALL Nyssa Co-op BUY-SEUrRBiFHIRf A psychiatrist is a fellow who makes you squeal on yourself.” 4th Street $16,000. 2 BR. EMISON AVE. COMPLETE BUILT-IN-BED - BUILT in stove and oven, part carpeted, utility room, elec, cooler, auto, furnace, $8,500. - NEWLY PAINTED - IN AND OUT- 5 BR. 610 N. 1st new carpeting, $11,500. 120 ACRES ROW CROP AND PASTURE, 6 MI. SW NYSSA on Enterprise, concrete ditches, dwelling, full basement 2 Br. up, 2 down, furnace, bam, 2 car gagage and other buildings, $65,000. Good terms. 3 BR. HOME ON 99 AC RES ROW CROP, CONCR ETE DITCHES CB storeage, other bldgs. Enterprise Ave. $65,000. Good terms. EXCELLENT BUSINESS LOCATION ACROSS FROMSCHOOL Family restaurant occupied. Good investment return $7,500 2 BR. HOUSE, GAS FURNACE, ELEC. COOLING, CAR- peting, fenced yard, paved street. $8,700. 212 Bower. EXCELLENT BUSINESS - EAST SIDE MARKET, 2 BR. dwelling, 3 rentals, real estate, equipment and stock $45,000. 1/2 down. 22 ACRES COMMERCIAL LAND CORNER HIGHWAY #201 and Market Road. 24 LEVEL ACRES - CONCRETE DITCH 24 ACRES WATER 11 mi. SW Nyssa, no bldgs, only $9,000. - PHONE 372 - 2186 of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Ira “He has an all-time aver Price, Joel Price and Douglas Share, visited Ed Price at his age of 5 proposals of mar home and helped with the fall riages per week.” work on the farm. SEVERAL PORTABLE TV Mrs. Harriet Turner of Owy sets, at various prices, hee Junction, Mr. and Mrs. Ken 30 day guarantee. Lorensen, Harriet and Gloria, PARKER TV SERVICE and Mrs. Maude Cooper of Vale, 509 Maple Avenue were dinner guests at the Star- Call 372-352 9 44-tfc lite in Vale Sunday. The Loren sens’ and Mrs. Turner visited at the Greer home in Payette Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wood and Adah Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Chapin,Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lorensen, and girls were among those attending the dinner at the Owyhee Church Thursday. Mrs. Harriet Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Martin and fa mily were among thoss who were guests of the Owyhee Young People at a dinner Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Loren sen, Harriet and Gloria were evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Abbe in Ontario November 20. It was in honor of Marcie’s birthday anniversary. Others visitingin the home were Mr. and Mrs. Steen and Mrs. Rogers of that area. TV OMN IO A.M. - • F.M. C olor ■ B lack and W hitk R adio . S tereo and H i -F i Free Estimates in shop All Work Guaranteed For 30 Days. Call 372-3529 Between North 5th St. and North 6th St. 509 M aple A venue NY1SA, OREGON 97913 Newly listed house located in Nyssa. Consists of 4 bedrooms, l’/j baths, living room with cathedral ceilings, dining room, built-in china closets, kitchen with built-ins, den, family room, utility room, lots of storage, double garage, beautiful landscaping. $25,000.00 - Terms. REAL ESTATE For Sale BUSINESS BUILDING 1/2 block off Main Street. $3500. WE HAVE SEVERAL choice building sites about 3 miles from town. Most sides have excellent view of entire valley. Lots will be approx. 11/4 acres and will be on dead end road with good access to paved road to town. Priced from $2000 to $2500, VERY GOOD 2 BEDROOM home with extra large lot. Includes large dou ble door shop completely lined. Suitable for small auto repair shop. Easy to heat. Good location. $9,750 with terms. Other Listings Including Commercial Properties EASTMAN REAL ESTATE Insurance 315 MainSt. Phone’’’2-3535 NYSSA, OREGON 1970 NOVA 2-DOOR SEDAN CYL., STANDARD TRANSMISSION. AND ONE OWNER. Flying Really & Associates,Inc. Office 1221 S.W. 4th Avenue Ontario, Oregon Box 295 372-3355 2tc Phone Ontario 889-6473 LOW MILEAGE 1966 PONTIAC GTO SPORT COUPE V-8, STANDARD TRANSMISSION 1966 DODGE CORONET 2-DOOR HARDTOP V-8, AT, PS, PB. GOOD RUBBER AND REAL SHARP 1970 MUSTANG BOSS V-8, 4-SPEED TRANSMISSION, POWER DISC BRAKES, POWER STEERING, STEREO. THIS IS A CLASSY LITTLE CAR 1963 FORD GALAXIE XL 2-DOOR HARDTOP V-8, PS, PB, AT. BUCKET SEATS Contact 7:00 - 7:25 - 7:30 - 8:00 - 8:30 - 9:30 - 10:00 - 10:30 - 10:55 - 11:00 - 12:00 - 12:30 - 1:00 - 1:30 - 2:00 - 2:30 - 3.00 - 3:30 - 4:00 - 4:55 - 5:00 - 5:30 - The Today Show Analysis Seven The Today Show Dinah’s Place Sesame Street Hollywood Squares Jeopardy Who, What or Where NBC News Let’s make a Deal The Newlywed Game Today in Idaho Another World Bright Promise Somerset Bewitched That Girl Love American Style Daniel Boone Bill Cunningham (Thir) NBC Nightly News Analysis Seven - - - - - - - TUESDAY Wild Kingdom mo vie, “Brian’s Song” Mod Squad Cannon Dragnet Bill Graham Crusade WEDNESDAY Eyewitness News Movie,“Enemy Below” 6:00 - Winnie the Pooh Morning Headlines 6:30 - Hallmark Hall of Fame 8:00 - Studio in the Sky WEDNESDAY 6:00 - Carol Burnett 7:00 - Movie,“Never Too Late” 9:00 - Billy Graham 10:00 - Eyewitness News 10:30 - Buck Owens Ranch 11:00 - Movie,“Rawhide” 12:30 - Morning Headlines 9:00 - Sarge 10:00 - Analysis Seven 10:30 - Tonight Show THURSDAY 7:00 - 1971 Macy’s Thanks giving Day Parade 10:00 - NBC Pro Football 1:00 • "Mouse on the May flower” 2:00 - "Cricket on the Hearth" THURSDAY 3:00 • That Girl 3.30 - Bewitched All in the Family 6:30 - 7:00 - Movie,"The Impossible 4:00 - Daniel Boone 5:00 - NBC Nightly News Years” 5:30 - Analysis Seven 9:00 - Mannix 6:30 - Hee Haw 10:00 - Eyewitness News 7:00 - Ironside Movie,"Heaven Knows ” 10:30 - 8:00 - Dean Martin 12:30 - Morning Headlines 9:00 - Flip Wilson 10:00 - Analysis Seven FRIDAY 10:30 - Tonight Show 6:30 - National Geographic 7:30 - Miss Teenage America FRIDAY 9:00 - O’Hara, UST 6:00 - 1971 Coaches All 10:00- Eyewitness News American Football T 10:30 - Movie,“The Chapman 6:30 - Movie,"The Desperate Report” Mission” 12:45 - Morning Headlines 8:30 - Night Gallery 9:30 - The D.A. SATURDAY 10:00 - Analysis Seven 10:30 - Tonight Show Harlem Globetrotters 7:00 It’s Hair Bear 7:30 SATURDAY Pebbles and Bam Bam 8:00 Archies Funnies 830 6:30 Woody Woodpecker Sabrina 9:00 7 00 Deputy Dawg Josie and Pussycats 9:30 7:30 Pink Panther The Monkees 10:00 8:00 Barrier Reef 10:30 NCAA Football 8:30 Take a Giant Step 2:00 Your Are There 9:30 The Bugaloos 230 Childrens Film 10.00 Mr. Wizard 3:30 Restless Gun 10:30 The Jetsons 4:00 Untamed World 11:00 Run Fast Run All Day 4 30 CBS Saturday News 11:30 Ski Sense 5:00 Chicago Teddy Bears 12:00 Walt Disney Golf 5:30 Bearcats! 1:00 Star Trek 6 30 Funny Face 2:00 NBC Pro Football 7:00 Dick Van Dyke 5:00 Lawrence Welk 7:30 Mary Tyler Moore 6.00 The Partners 8:00 M ssion Imfnssible 6:30 Movie,“Devil & Miss 9:00 Gunsmoke Sarah” 10 00 Eyewitness News 8:00 Movie, "One More Train to Go” 10:15 Movie,“She” 10:00 ABC Weekend News 1:00 Morning Headlines 1015 Analysis Seven 10 30 John Wayne Theatre $s US — fok - PAINTING AND THE JACK OF ALL TRADES OWYHU JUNCTION. l—ARRY DETWILER MECHANIC WORK WKLOINO 1949 CHEV. PICK-UP ALMOST NEW o-PLY TIRES, 4-SPEED TRANSMISSION. ANY REASONABLE OFFER ACCEPTED. Johanneaen-Adams Motors, Inc. NYSSA, OREGON 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 12:25 MONDAY 6:00 - Laugh In 7:00 - NFL Football 9:45 - Coaches Corner 10:00 - Analysis Seven 10:30 - Tonight Show Marcus Welby, M.D. Nichols Analysis Seven The Tonight Show BODY WORK SPECIAL 420 MAIN STREET - - - - - - - - TUESDAY /vrSSA . CONTEMPORY LIVING Captain Kangaroo CBS Morning News Beverly Hillbillies Jack La Lanne Love of Life Where the Heart Is CBSMid Day News Search For Tomorrow General Hospital As The World Turns KBOI News The Guiding Light The Secret Storm The Edge of Night Password Many Spler.doredThing The Virginian Family Affair Theatre Billboard CBS Evening News KBOI News Truth or Consequences Partridge Family Here’s Lucy Doris Day Show My Three Sons Arnie Billy Graham Crusade KBOI News Movietime “The Third Day” 12:30 - Morning Headlines Dick Parker’s TV Repair MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:25 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:30 4:55 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 Open House was held on Sun day afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, at Payette in the home of their son, Don Brown. Among those attend ing were the Ken Lorensen fa mily and Mrs. Harriet Turner. The Brown’s are former resi dents of Nebraska. They have spent sixty years together. Their children hosted their “open house”. A birthday party at the Mal heur Memorial Nursing Home honored Miss. Mertrude King, who was 91, November 19. Among those who attended were, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin, Mrs. Harriet Turner, Mrs. Maude Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lorensen and Mrs. Doris Tolman, Harriet and Gloria Lo- Lorensen sang the traditional birthday song and continued with songs of the earlier years. Birthday cake was served under the supervision of a nurse, with Mrs. Tolman and Mrs. Cooper asssiting. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Monday TRUCKàlMPLEMENT CO Bob Thompson, Realtor Home 372-3337 Phone 372-2254 or after 6 p.m. Phone 372-3387 1967 Chev. Camero, 4-speed, NEW real clean...................... $1495 F1256D 1966 Scout, new rubber . .$1295 was $12,604 F656D Tractor, with TA. .$4950 JD72OO tractor w/duals. .$3250 $9,400 F Cub w/blade $595 t BR. W/W CARPET, GARAGE, FENCED YARD, 520NORTH Oregon SUNSET VALLEY - Mrs. Myrtle Hillis returned Friday from a two week visit spent in the Twin Falls and Burley area, where she visited relatives and friends. She was accompanied home by her sister who is now visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones of Middleton visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lois Counsil. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Culbert son and Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ekaner, were among those who attended the Thanksgiving din ner which was held at the Owy hee Community Church Nov. 18. Mrs. John Reffett was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Princehouse in Ontario Wednesday through Friday. Mona and Marie Thorton of Caldwell, were dinner guests Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapin have returned from an elk hunt ing trip to the Whitney area. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen were guests Thursday at the home of Mrs. Rose Douglas in Parma. The Ora Newgens’ were vi sitors Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ellison in Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielson hosted a dinner Tuesday eve ning, honoring the birthday of Ewen Chard, Nyssa. Mrs. Effie Nielsen and Craig Price, were others who attended. Tri-Valley Extension meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holub Friday. Included among those attending, were Mmes. Edith Young, Peggy Nielsen, and Betty Nielsen. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen. Mrs. Larry Culbertson and Mrs. Bill Nielsen hosted a birth day surprise party Tuesday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. Gary Nielsen at her home. There were 12 guests in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Dimmitt STA-RITE PUMPS Don A. Patterson 100 ACRES, 81 WATER - ROW CROP GROUND - 4 BR. brick home - part w/w carpet, 2 baths - family room - machine shed and bldgs - 5 mi. S.W. Nyssa on Grand Ave. $74,000 144 ACRES - 115 WATER, - VERNAL ALFALFA SEED 6 room home - full basement- 2 baths - 2 large mach. sheds- work shop rental dwelling. 7 miles SW Nyssa on Jefferson Ave. $71,000, terms. 216 EMISON AVENUE. 2 BR - BASEMENT, GAS FURNACE $5,800 1 1/2 ACRES - 3 BR. - W/W CARPET - THERO WINDOWS - fireplace, family room, built-in double oven and range, forced air furnace, 2 car port, 3 ml. SW Nyssa, $28,000. Nyssa, ------ BY MARTHA LORENSEN -Management 4 Auctioneer- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 223 Main St. SUNSET VALLEY ACTIVITIES 8:30 - Tabernacle Choir 9.00 - Revival Fires 9:30 - Oral Roberts 10:00 - It Is Written 10:30 - NFL Football 2:00 - Face the Nation 2:30 - Death Valley Days 3:00 “ " - Treasure Island 4:00 - Sixty Minutes 5:00 - The Glen Campbell 6:00 - FBI 7:00 - Movie, “Earth II” 9:00 - Cade’s County 10:00 - KBOI News “Tony Rome” 12:30 - Morning Headlines SUNDAY 7:00 - Agriculture U.S.A. 7:00 - Faith for Today 8:00 - Rex Humbard 9:00 - Bullwinkle 9:30 - Make a Wish 10:00 - Jackson Five 10:30 - Meet the Press 11:00 - NBC Pro Football 2:00 - NBC Pro Football 5:00 - Viewpoint 5:30 - World of Disney 6:30 - Jimmy Stewart 7:00 - Bonanza 8:00 - Movie,“ Banning” 10:00 - ABC Weekend News 10:15 - Analysis Seven 10:30 - Movie,“Johnny Tiger” PHONE 372-2224 FARTS WINDSHIELD Gloat Installation (FREE ESTIMATES) NEED AUTO INSURANCE? Get low rates, Fast, Fair, Friendly service with RATS BODY A PAINT SHOP 505 Maui St. Ph. 372-35X4 NYSSA, ORE. Jim Robinson-Nyssa