Pag* Ten The Nyssu Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon BULLDOGS. ON THE GO Scott Engstrom and Dan Gar ner were named asCommended students from Nyssa for the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT). These two NHS students were among 35,000 in the United States who scored in the upper 2 percent of those expected to graduate in 1972. All students names are re ported to certain scholarship agencies and the colleges they named as their first and second choices when they took the NMSQT test in February. These reports include test scores, an ticipated college major and career intentions of the Com mended students. *********** November 19 and 20 at 8:15 p.m. “Apple of His Eye’’ a comical play will be presented in the cafeteria. The story is about a farmer in Indiana who hires an as sistant housekeeper to replace his regular housekeeper, who had to go to the hospital. The farmer finds himself attracted to the housekeeper and pro ceeds to court her, much to the chagrin of the women in the family. Cast members are as follows; Mary Ann Dority, Alan Blaylock, Mariam Kunkel, Terry Nealy, Martha Lawerence, Patricia Wahlert, Rex Schilling, David Crego, Karen Rigney, Roy Mos- queta, Doug Wade, Beth Ann Barton and David Bench. The play is sure to be funny and quite suspensful, so buy your tickets and be there. *********** Intermediate Grades Entertain Guests • DISTRICT ALL-STAR TEAM OFFENSE I I I I ♦ I I I • • I I I I I • I I I I I I u Rick Chester End Ron Moffis Curt Lords Guard Halfback DEFENSE Scott Engstrom End Darr Haney Linebacker HONORABLE MENTION OFFENSE Scott Smith - Tackle Jay Gibson - Tackle f*aul Trost - Center Scott Engstrom Fullback DEFENSE Jon Reece - End Jay Gibson - Tackle Ron Moffis - Guard Rick Chester - End Compliments of Tarter's O.K. Lire Stori 1 THIRD GRADE * -d COMING EVENTS f I! W .. •. ■ 31S A- FOURTH GRADE SIXTH GRADE The 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades had a special day for the senior citizens, grandparents and parents during Education Week. They planned a special program for them. Shown above are pictures of some of the many youngsters that entertained at the program. The 5th and 6th grades acted as hosts and hostesses and were responsible for taking their guests to lunch, assembly, and on a tour of the library, resource center and shop. At the assembly speeches were made by Shelly Schoene- man, Wayne Lattin, Danny Perkins and Eric Bauman; en tertainment was presented by all the grades with panto mines, dances, song skits, and singing by everyone led by Mr. Condon. V w *» w w <*■ w to w ** * w w w to ------ BY MARTHA LORENSEN SUNSET VALLEY - Mr. and Mrs. Jack ReffettandMrs. Ref- fett’s mother, Mrs. Cooper of Orofino, Idaho left Sunday for a vacation trip into Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite are visiting friends in Fresno, Calif., this week. They left here Wednesday. Mrs. John ReffetiandMr. and Mrs. Jack Reffett were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rogers in Boise Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell visited at the home of their neice and nephew, the James Baremores’ in Union, Oregon Sunday. Others visiting at the Baremores*home included Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kiesecker and family of Anatone, Wash., Mrs. Keisecker is a sister of Mrs. Mitchell. The occasion was arranged to honor the twenty fifth wedding anniversary of the Mitchell’s. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen were Saturday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bingaman at Fruitland. The Owyhee GardenClubheld their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley Friday with Mrs. Ho mer Brewer as co-hostess. Mrs. Odie Anderson of Idaho Power Company gave a demon stration on Christmas decora tions. The group planned a workshop to tie held December 2 at the homo of Mrs. Orville Groves of Parma at 10a.m. with a pot luck luncheon at noon. Mrs. Langley and Mrs. Brewer served refreshments to approxi- served refreshm?nts to ap proximately twenty members and guest attending. Mrs. Harriet Turner of Owy hee Junction attended a meeting of the Senior Citizens, which was held at the M 'thodist Church in Nyssa Wednesday. M . and Mrs. LarrvCulbert- son and family were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and M s. B.ll Wilson in R iswell. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin and Mr. and Mrs. H irold M rkly of Homedale were among those who attended a meeting of State Conservation Districts winch was held at the Indian Hills M itel in Pendleton, through No vember 10, 11 and 12. About 300 persons were among the attendance. M . and Mrs. Ira Price, Su san and Vickie Share visited Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and M -s. K-'iineth Puce in the Ridgeview community, Susan and Vickie Share were weekend guests at the home of i The library has approximately 12,000 books, filmstrips, records, specimens, magazines, pamphlets, and instructional items. Mrs. Tolman and Mrs. Landreth direct the teaching of how to use the library materials with the help of the 6th grade library helpers. The shop is supervised by Mr. Dodaon who guides and directs experiences in wood carving, use of tools, and completition of one project by each contracted students. The students enjoy making articles and self-evaluation follows each completed contract. The students hope that their guests enjoyed seeing their school and it’s equipment on their special day. i» Church in Ontario with Mrs. Fred Arai. Later they drove to Weiser where they visited BY MARGARET EVANS Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Nelson. NU ACRES - Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mike McKague - PHONE 372 - 2186 W.H. Grasmick were Sunday visited Thursday with Mr. and their grandparents, Mr. and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dean Heidemann of Em Lance Jensen of New Plymouth. mett. Mrs. Ira Price. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Loren Late Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Syl Woodman Mrs. Henry Grasmick of Boise sen visited at the home of Mr. of Wilder visited with Mr. and called on the W.H. Grasmicks. and Mrs. Harold Snyder in Mrs. Charles Caward of Mrs. Ben Payne last Monday. Nyssa Sunday afternoon. They Caldwell spent Friday with her were also visitors at the Mal Mrs. Stella Newell of Nampa, heur Nursing home where they mother, Mrs. Lucy Evans, and son, Kenny of Hill, Utah, and sister, Miss Janice Evans. The visited Miss Mertrude King. Cawards are leaving shortly to Scott Scoffield of Hill, were din Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder spend the winter in Death Valley. ner guests last Thursday. visited with Ed Price on Sun- Mrs. Woodrow Wilson enter Mr. and Mrs. Ben Payne were day. tained at a Tupperware party Saturday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mikesell of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lorensen, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Strong Notus. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harriet and Gloria were Sunday evening callers at the home of of Skamania, Washington, vi Robert Shaw took Mr. and Mrs. sited his brother and wife, Mr. Payne to dinner. Mrs. Harriet Turner. and Mrs. Clark Strong last Mr. and Mrs. Marion Seuell Mr. Harriet Turner was a week. of Connell, Wash., and former dinner guest at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Strong and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin Sun attended the bazaar and dinner residents of this community are day. at the Community Methodist moving to Arizona this week. SUNSET VALLEY ACTIVITIES DEFENSE ENDS - Bob Standage, Vale; Rick Vandervort, Burns; Scott Engstrom, Nyssa. TACKLE - Gus Neumann, Burns; Steve Jackson, Wah tonka. M. GUARD - Don Page, John Day. LINEBACKERS - ChrisJohn son, Vale; Jerry Orr, Crook County; Darr Haney, Nyssa. DEEP BACKS - Jeff Stranz, Wahtonka; Chuck Wiley, John Day; Dave Yraquen, Vale; Dan Whithee, Burns Honorable Mention ENDS - Dale Gregory, Ma ras; Randy Furton, Burns; Jon Reece, Nyssa; Pete Walker, John Day. TACKLE - Tom Katherin, Madras; Jay Gibson, Nyssa; Curt Martin, Vale. M. GUARD - Scott Sander ville, Madras; Ron Moffis, Nyssa. LINEBACKER - Craif Wei gand, Madras; Joe Thorton, Ma dras; Guy Blom, Burns, Steve Hinatsu, Wahtonka. DEEP BACKS - Gerald Ni codemus, Madras; Steve Hina tsu, Wahtonka; Rick Chester, Nyssa; Jim Sloan, Crook County. NHS CALENDAR FRia^^Ov'igam^O- ’Pir ORDER O f ! EASTERN | STAR j Golden Rule Chapter #131 met November 15 at the Ma sonic Hall with Worthy Matron Lucille Steiner presiding. Escorted and Introduced was Thomas Turner of Burns Chap ter #40. He is a member of the Home Endowment Commit tee of Grand Chapter of Oregon, and was makinghis official visit. Introduced were Worthy Ma tron Vachel Higgins, Associate Matron, Georgia Kahn, Trea surer, Dorthy Turner and Mrs. Langdon, all of Burns Chapter #40. Worthy Patron Ray Bacon presided Under Good of the Order and Thomas Turner, brought his message on the Masonic and Eastern Star Home Endowment fund raising pro jects. Jessie Brown and Myrtle Sas ser reported on the visit to Parma Mount Olive Chapter #52. Initiation practice will be held December 5 at 4:30 p.m. Next meeting will be December 6. L FIFTH GRADE ADRIAN PT A MEETING AHS NEWS Listed below are the boys who placed on the Greater Ore gon 7-AA Football, All-League Team »or 1971. OFFtnS’ ENDS - Carry Joaes, Crook County; Rick Chester, Nyssa. TACKLE - Jon Teague, John Day; Rex Watson, Vale GUARD - Chris Johnson, Vale; Curt Lords, Nyssa. CENTER - Chris Lew is, Vale. QB - Ken Catron, John Day. HB - Greg Eddy, John Day; Dave Yraguen, Vale; Ron Mof- fis, Nyssa. FB - Jeff Cammann, Vale Honorable Mention ENDS - Dan Whithee, Burns; Ron Lundbom, John Day; Bob Standage, Vale. TACKLE - Rick Vandervort, Burns; Scott Smith, Nyssa; Jay Gibson, Nyssa; RobertCharley, Madras. GUARDS - Mike Weare, Burns; Gordon Beil, John Day; Scott Sanderville, Madras; De wey Warner, John Day. CENTER - Paul Trost, Nyssa. QB - Jeff Stranz, Wahtonka HB - Steve Hinatsu,Wahtonka; Craig Weigand, Madras; Tom Clements, Burns; Chuck Willey, John Day. FB - Joe Thornton, Madras; Scott Engstrom, Nyssa. 1 Mr. W.L. McPartland,Super intendent of School District #26 spoke to the Business Vocational English Class November 5. The topic of his discussion center ed on composing and typing of letters of application as well as the personal qualifications an employer looks for in an employee. Instructor Mr. Dale Schraufnagel noted that emphasis of studying job appli cation letters and employer employee relations has come from Dale Parnell and the Ore- ton State Board o( Education. Students Russell King, Les lie Peine, Raquel Escobedo, Helen Aonzo, Linda Ray, and Jennifer Ure were able to ex amine actual letters of appli cation and learn whether they had been accepted or rejected. WWWWWVWWWVWi Powder Puff football this year at Adrian High School was a great success with a turn out of about 29 girls. Practice took place most of last week. The girls were coached by Mr. Dockter, he was assisted by Bruce Ishida, Mike Condra.Dan Martin, and others. The team played Harper, No vember 11 at Adrian. The game was rougher than a person would expect a bunch of girls to be, but the teams were evenly mat ched and the girls had a lot of fun. The final score was 14-16 in favor of Adrian. Touch downs were made by fullback, Sue Olsen and offensive guard, Sandi Davis, who made a touch down after intercepting a Harper pass. As it was a girl’s football game, It was only natural to have a few boy cheerleaders! The Lettermen are thanked for lending this years initiates. All proceeds went to GAA for new hockey shoes. Greater Oregon All-Star Team By Vedas Estrada “Is my slip showing? I can’t see the back of my dress.’’ This comment could always be heard in the girl’s lavatories. Aware of this problem Mrs. Virginia Steffens, FHA advisor, sought a way to solve it. Jan Saito and Sharmon Sa- damori were selected to buy full length mirrors for the la vatories. The two girls pur chased the mirrors attheCoast to Coast Store in Nvssa. Many thanks to Mrs. Steffens and the FHA chapter. *********** The Adrian PTA will meet Thursday (today) November 18 Ed Ollom and Paul Clayton at 8 p.m. in the school cafe have opened a drop-in center torium. for young people with emotional Special speaker will be Ben and drug problems. They have Cook, KSRV newscaster. He leased the vacant Four Seasons will speak on “Broadcasting Restaurant building on North vs. Government, A threat to Oregon Street in Ontario. The Your Freedom.’’ The meeting hotline telephone number is 889- is open to the public and every 3281. one is cordially invited to at If you have a problem do not tend, it was announced by Rich hesitate to drop by and talk to ard Anderson. them. ^WWWAAA/WWWVWV Thursday , November 11, 1971 NU ACRES "Electric heat is easy on the nerves" TODAY, NOV. 18 - OKK club potluck, Ida Walters, 2 p.m. Job’s Daughters - Masonic Hall - 7:30 p.m. FRIDAY, NOV. 19 - Senior Citizens, Eastside Cafe, 12 noon SATURDAY, NOV. 30 - The PARADE OF HOMES, starting at Frost home, 2 p.m. SUNDAY, NOV. 21 - World War I Barracks #352 and Auxi liary, Thanksgiving potluck, 1:30 p.m. MONDAY, NOV. 22 - Hospi tal Auxiliary, 2 p.m. SRV Football Banquet, Cafe- torium, 7 p.m. Stardusters, IOOF Hall, make posters for Mini Bazaar, 8 p.m. TUESDAY, NOV. 23 - Nyssa Second Ward Relief Society, 10 a.m. Nyssa Sugar Beat TOPS, 7 p.m., TVCC gym, meeting fol lows. Yellow Rose Rebekah Lodge, IOOF Hall, 8 p.m. Cub Scout Pack meeting, Me thodist Church, 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29 - Nyssa First Ward Relief So ciety, 10 a.m. THURSDAY, NOV. 25 - The Couple’s Dance, St. Bridget’s Hall, Siempre Adelante Or ganization, starting at 9 p.m. All-school play “Apple of His Eye’’, 8 p.m. SATURDAY, NOV 20-Pacific International Livestock Show, Portland. MONDAY, NOV. 22 - Foot ball Banquet, Cafetorium, 7p.m. GAA Volley Ball, 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY, NOV. 23 - GAA Playnight at Vale, 7 p.m. NOVEMBER 25 and 26 Thanksgiving Vacation AHS CALENDAR FRIDAY, NOV. 19 and 20 Honor Band and Choir All Day TUESDAY NOV. 23 - Lee Herman’s Box Social 7 p.m. NOVE MB Ji R M .nd 2!i Thanksgiving Vacation Amity Women Meet Mrs. Waynard Talbot hosted the Amity Club Friday, Nov ember 13. Mrs. Taft Pett showed slides of their trip to Europe last summer. She also displayed some of the souveniers they brought back with them. Mrs. Mark Moncur won the door prize. PLUMBING AND HEATING Authorized Lennox Dealer 13 N. 2ND ST. PHONE 372-3911 Nyssa, Oregon Jt * MRS ALT A HOLDEN. ONTARIO. OREGON $ « I furnace was on its last legs, giving me noise and odor instead of comfort.” says Mrs. Holden. “Finally I decided I couldn’t put up with it any longer, and changed to electric heat. I’m glad I did. Now I have clean, quiet, even heat. My electric bills were almost identical with the combination costs of heating and electric use the previous year. One thing sure ami certain, electric heat is easier on my nerves.” ■ 4 L- A £ * ■; i ✓ « 4 Time for you to change to clean, quiet electric heat? You can get full information and planning assistance by calling your local Idaho Power office di 5 » ■ X V pzs- \ a ■ t* Idaho Power Company * 4* 1 FLAMELESS ELECTRIC LIVING FOR A NEATER, CLEANER WORLD