Page Eight The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon most remote and inaccessible valley in the high Andes, Cuzco is the scene of the rise and fail of the ancient Inca Empire. Sightseeing includes the Pucara Fortress, Kenko Amphitheatre, stone pool bath used for ritu als, fortress of Sacsayhuaman and Temple of the Sun. Machu Picchu is three hours by auto rail through the sacred valley of the Incas. Discovered in 1911, the city's ruins are not only of historic interest, but the area possesses scenic views of remarkable beauty. A side trip to the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecua dor graphically highlights the origins of the revolution in evo lution. When Darwin first set foot on this volcano-spawned archipelago 137 years ago, he marveled at the same variety of finche. eulla .nd «riant America that’s in a class by itself Almost all of the conti nent's countries are included Brazil. Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecua dor, Columbia and Panama are all on the interesting itinerary. Highlighting the 36-day odyssey are Iguassu Falls. Brazil, more spectacular than either Niagara or Victoria Falls. Twelve miles from the meeting of the Parana Stream and Iguassu River, 275 cascades form a mile-and-a-half crescent. The torrents of water sweep down a basin forming majestic cascades 230 feet high, offering visitors an unforgettable sight. From Brasilia to Bogota, from Sao Paulo to Santiago, The history of a whole civi lization comes to light during visits to Cuzco and Machu Picchu, Peru.Tucked away in a Varig Brazilian Airlines offers its Classic Tour of South tortoises that still remain today. Tortoise —hunting pirates were the only humans who came to Galapagos earlier in the search for food. Very few people have had the oppor tunity to view first-hand the descendents of the animals described in Darwin's famous works The Classic Tour, of which there is also a 29-day version, begins in Rio de Janeiro. The morning arrival is followed by transfer to a luxury hotel At a gay welcoming cocktail parti in the evening, travelers meet their companions and hear from the tour managers about the exciting events ahead. For further information about this exciting South American adventure, contact your travel agent or the Varig Airline, office in vour citv. RS10<b.^gtiw Ea OFFER GOOD THROUGH NOV. 22, 1971 Pair of MUD & SNOW TIRES ANTI-FREEZE WITH COUPON gallon Must present Cou n ____ Purchased I it one turkey per pair of tires purchased) ■ Tested safe at 110 mph B Full 4-ply Dynacor* Rayon Cord a Molded to receive Ice Gripper Studs a Deep tread gives you extra traction a Running mate for super wide sports tires EM, Al. A. B, k, fi I, A, n, A, n, >v, ly A MCN Size 6,50x13 7.00x13 C78xl4 E78xl4 F78X14 G78xl4 H78xl4 J78xl4 5.60x15 F78xl5 G78xl5 H78xl5 J78xl5 L78xl5 GRIP 4 Full Ply Polyester White Black 26.26 23.40 27.83 24.79 27.83 24.79 28.62 25.49 30.02 26.75 33.17 29.54 35.33 38.63 26.26 23.40 30.02 26.75 33.17 29.54 35.33 31.45 38.63 40.72 Tax 1.76 1.95 2.07 2.21 2.38 2.55 2.74 2.91 1.74 2.42 2.64 2.80 2.96 3.19 MUD & SNOW CAPS Blackwall Tractor-type lugs inside of wheel penetration you need to power out of deep snow and mud. As Low As UIET (on 5.60x13) Wrap-around shoulder outside of wheel runs smooth, quiet... gives high performance handling on any road surface. Size 7.75x14 8.25x14 8.15x15 8.45x15 Price Tax $14.99 60Ç 15.99 7R 15.99 70<? 16.99 75Ç Thursday, November 4, 197T IO** ■ ,aX Ä,’ ■9 HH Recappable Casing A! THE TOP Of THIS Hit 1. 3 TO SKMX) YEARS AO i PREHISTORIC MEN HAD A ROCK QUARRY U Hl R ÍHEV MADE A VARÍE!) ■ Of SiON!^ .TOOLS h< tdr** kf»r*ws. ►>«■! uraprn ri* tools 04d>* b* th«-*«.' ?afJ* <x <^ <«uqped\t? tbt foot <•/ Th? hni Jhi huflfrd dew <«vt othr< &***. » k;<:<i$ {«hl iista-d . fftttif fl*f fcwv I1» sperrt k | x sr fix but; i«h«^ flwwt Sftrf Ó.R sod Swr-i-i z>io*>«u k-i *t< dt'ient«*d 'sfiwY i.M industry shoi This sign at an Idaho State Highway Rest Area on HighwayHi 95 near the summit of Midvale Hill tells the story of a civili- |.s zation which existed in this area 3 to 5,000 years ago. How ■ much change will there be in the next 5,000 years? Highway Information Available To Travelers The winter road and weather report supplied by the State Highway Division will appear on a daily basis starting Novem ber 1, it was announced by R.L. Porter, state highway engineer. The reports will be gathered five times daily, Monday through Friday, and three times daily on Saturday, Sunday, and holi- days. The Highway Division will initiate a teletype report at 8:15 a.m. and 3;00 p.m. on weekdays. In addition to these reports, the State Police will gather road and weather in formation at 5:15 a.m., 10:30 BLM Advisory Board Members Returned Julian Arrien, Juntura, and Ray Easterday, Jordan Valley, were returned for three-year terms to the advisory board of the Vale District, Bureau of Land Management, in district wide elections held recently. Arrien and Easterday respec tively represent licensees in in the Northern and Southern Resource Areas. Marlyn V. Jones, acting dis trict manager, said advisory board members provide recom mendations and advice relating to grazing administration and associated matters, as well as multiple use management pro grams Concerning BLM’s 4.6 million acres of public lands in the Vale District. Functions of the advisory board are be coming more and more impor tant as demand by the public on these lands increases. The Vale District advisory board consists of eight live stock and one wildlife repre sentative. Professional Directory BATTERIES Physicians and Surgeons GNA GRIP 670x15 ,650x16 700x15 700x16 750x16 No Trade $27.86 27.74 32.03 33 71 44.75 With Trade $25.86 24.74 28.03 29.71 39.75 Group 24 Tax' 3000 Series 30 Months Guarantee $2.82 2.95 3.23 3.78 4.08 MONARCH Magna Grip Exch. Group 24 Thunderbolt 5 Year S 55 4-ply K. E. KERBY M.D. K. A. DANFORD, M.D. F. J. SYKES, M.D. Tiras Physicians and Surgeons Dial 372-2241 6:50x13 F78xl4 G78xl4 H78xl4 G78xl4 H78X15 BLK 18.75 22.00 23.87 26.04 24.50 26.71 HOURS: 9 to 12 noon & 2 to 5 P.M. - Monday through Friday, 10 to 12 Saturday. Guarantee Penetread Re-Capping A- fi Clsws Runs 27S Cooler iv ride with ▼ no road damage TIRE CENTER Val«..Phon« 473-3935 Traction in each Penetretor * Kurv-Trac < Design Normal V Cat Quiet A * uliott Safety Clsws . D Ps tented Shed Host I etrator* 6000 Steel Front Wheel 4 Wheel Design more bruise V and cut J protection Available at Bob Elliott*’ ONLY THE Claws Shield Tire - 60% A Nyssa..Phon« 372-2270 Also LIS SCHWAB TIBI CINTI*.. Weiser, 403 last First-Ontarlo, SIS last Idaho Deliven "Force-Wove” Snow Traction 1X1)1 STR VX EARLY MAULDING CLINIC L. A. Maulding, M.D. Charles E. Vanetti, M.D. Physicians and Surgeons Dial 372-2216 HOURS: 9 to 12 noon and 2 to 5 P.M., - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 9 to 12 noon, Wednesday and Saturday. Weight labs. “By appoint ment only” Wednesday. Herb Sez ■ "CINDERELLA” TO BE PRESENTED 9* íes 111 -» ♦ « We were standing at the top of a cliff on the Mendocino Coast spellbound with the beauty of the ocean. The waves were tumbling over each other in their mad rush to crash against the jagged rocks, With every re- sounding blow they sent spray high into the air. The water was beautiful changing from light blue green, to blue, to blaclf We two landlocked hillbillies were entranced with the view« A car pulled into our view point and a short elderly man with a goatee and a red tarn bounced out of the car and came over to us. Without so much as a hello he asked, “Do you smell something fishey? I have a sensative sniffer and so I took a couple of long snorts of the surrounding at mosphere. All I could smell was the usual fish salt water odor that goes with sea coasts. I told our visitor, “Well, all 1 smell is sea weed and fish so I guess I do smell some'- thing fishy.’’ Rather than satis fying the pompous fellow he puffed up and asked,“You mean you can’t smell all that crud down there?’’ 1 looked to where he was pointing and said, "If you mean that little line of seafoam, I can’t smell it.’’ This wasn’t the right answer, to him the sea foam was pol lution. To me it added to the beauty of the scene. It added to my thinking that if you look for things you’re certain to find them so you may just as well look for beauty instead of ugli ness because it requires no more effort. I have admitted the fact that we have a pollution probleYn but 1 still think a lot of people have gone completely overboard on the subject. We tend to tdkd pictures of rivers where trash is piled high and sludge abounds but neglect showing the miles of clear sparkling water that is also present. To listen to some the ocean isn't fit to swim in but people come from miles around to skin dive at the Van Damme beach in the beautiful sea water. So the ocean’s not all polluted. Only parts of it are polluted. Sure we must protect the rest but we’re not going to get the job done by stopping everything in the pro cess. a.m., and 9:15 p.m., seven days a week. These reports are transmit ted to the Oregon State Police, U.S. Weather Bureau, American Automobile Association Head quarters in Portland, news me dia wire services, cities and counties, and California and Washington State Highway De partments. There is a total of approximately 170 sub scribers to the service. State Police will gather in formation from their patrols and from Highway Division sec tion crews which will include the following mountain sum mit stations; Sunset Summit, Wilson River Summit, Govern ment Camp, Santiam Pass, Wil lamette Pass, Green Springs, Siskiyou Summit, Meacham, Tollgate and Ladd Canyon. In addition, there are approxi- mately 30 other stations which will be reporting. Rehearsals are now under way for the annual Treasure Valley Community College Del ta Psi Omega scholarship show to be staged Nov. 17-20 in the lounge of the Administration Building. The production se lected isCINDERELLA, written by Eleanor and Wayne Phillips md based upon an English pan tomine. The music for the song was composed by Mrs. Phillips and the words were written by both Mr. and Mrs. Phillips. The cast for CINDERELLA includes Angel Walker from Fruitland as Cinderella and John Riker from Klamath Falls as her Prince Charming. Larry Dinger, who hails from Baker, Oregon portrays Baron Good fellow, Cinderella’s father, while Mary Wahlert from Nyssa is his wife, Baroness Good fellow. The two lovely and charming step-sisters, Car- borunda and Linoleum are Dan Meurrens of Ontario, and Rod ney Williams of Vale. Faith Forsman fromOntarioprotrays Cinderella’s kind Fairy God mother and Anita Dorroh also of Ontario is Buttons, a page of the palace and Cinderella’s friend. Russell Edwards from Central Point, Oregon is King Gold and Greg Schultz from Salt Lake City is Dandini, Prince Charming’s best friend. Mrs. Sally Seiler, Treasure Valley Community College drill team instructor, will do the choreography for the dance numbers and Mrs. Lorraine Skousen will furnish the musical background for the song. Tickets may be obtained by ..J calling or picking them uprlp the main office or C-5 in ministration Building. Tickels which are reserved by callirtgi, must be picked up within ;i week or they will go back 06 sale. Z; To quote Mr. Phillips, "Any* one from one to ninety-ode will enjoy this show. Agency Hearing Aids DAVID W. SARAZIN, M.D. Physician and Surgeon HOURS: 10 to 12 noon & 2 to 5 P.M. - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Fri- day. 10 to 12 Saturday. Phones; Office 372-3365 372-3173 Residence FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE WILL DO Optometrists CLEANING AND ADJUSTING OF YOUR PRESENT HEARING AID DR. JOHN EASLY 387 S. W. 4th AVENUE Ontario, Oregon Phone - Ontario .... 889-8017 FREE DR. J. E. HEITZMAN 7 North 2nd Street Nyssa .... 372-3747 Veterinarians TREASURE VALLEY ANIMAL HOSPITAL Phone 372-2251 DR. B. E. ROSS Nyssa .... 372-3551 DR. DICK TEMPLE FREE HEARING TESTS 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. FRI., NOV. 5, 1971 For Home Service Coil 372-3347 Pharmacy »wcw« num KU on«*. OM Nvssa . . .^^37^^32^ á u