'i Thursday, October 7, 1971 Hometown News minis- id, who States, n, will > at its :hard- I from ration Insti- id has cities with Fife, Feik. held Julie Elguezabal is a student spent the weekend with Mr. ana at Southern Oregon College in Mrs. Shorty Brandt. Mrs. Davis Ashland, this is her freshman and Mrs. Brandt are sisters. ♦ ♦ * year. * * * Little Miss Jayme Hicks was Mrs. Clayton Jensen left Sept. a dinner guest Oct. 3 of the 30 to visit for a few days with Dennis Fowler family. * * * her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nick De Jonge in Salt Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Brandt’s Lake. grandson Larry Haney bagged ♦ ♦ ♦ his first deer while hunting Clayton Jensen and Harry Mc­ last weekend. Larry is the son Ginley went hunting in the area of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Haney. * * * north of Malheur Reservoir last Saturday. Clayton bagged a two- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tensen and Mr. and Mrs. John Broad point buck. • * * spent the weekend at Malheur Mrs. Eleanor Browne re­ Reservoir camping and hunting. * » * turned home September 18 after a nine month absence. She un­ Mrs. Jesse Shuster and Mr. derwent surgery at University and Mrs. Bob Holmes and fa­ Hospital in Seattle and was there mily were dinner guests Satur­ for six weeks. The rest of the day, October 2, of Mr.andMrs. time was spent recuperating at Wayne Shuster of Payette. the home of her daughter Bar­ * * * bara Browne in Portland. Elea- Mrs. Orma Cleaver was a now reports that it is good to be Sunday dinner guest at the home back home. of Mr. and Mrs. O.E.Cheldelin. ♦ » * ♦ » ♦ Wallace Potter of Portland Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hobson was a weekend houseguest at the and daughter Libby of Hagger- home of Dr. and Mrs. K.E. man, Idaho arrived at the home of Kerby. Potter was here for the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Muri opening of hunting season. Lancaster Wednesday. They * * * will attend Teachers State In­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper stitute in Boise and little Libby of Fruitland were Sunday visi­ Jane will visit at the home of tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. her grandparents, the Lan­ Joe Maughn. casters. » ♦ * * * * Mrs. A.H. Keck and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Thiel Mrs. Arvin Goff of Nu Acres returned Oct. 4, after spending spent Sept. 22 to 27 visiting at nine days in Wyoming moose the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ge­ hunting. Mrs. Thiel reports rald Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. they killed a big bull moose and Ted Keck and family in Portland. encountered bad weather and ♦ ♦ ♦ snow. Don Pitkins and sons, Mrs. Frank Byers and Sun­ accompanied the Thiels on the shine Dunten attended a Tupper­ hunting trip and also came home ware party at the home of Mr. with a moose. and Mrs. Mike Bethel Thursday * * * night. Allan and Bill Zikmund and ♦ » * Tony Zikmund of Roy, Utah, Sunday afternoon Mr. and went deer hunting over the week­ Mrs. Giles Carey and Ethel end. They each bagged a deer. Lay of Nyssa and Mrs. Eva Em- Tony and family from Utah were bree of Ontario visited the Frank visiting at the home of Mr. Byers. and Mrs. Thiel over the week­ * * * end. Alan is home on a one Mrs. Tom Johnson accompan­ month leave from the Army. ied by Mr. and Mrs. Pat Swea- * * * ney of Caldwell were dinner Mrs. Cliff Main returned last guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. weekend after vacationing for Malcom Rousman of Boise. two weeks with relatives in * * * California and Portland. Mrs. Harold Brendle, Mrs. * * * Bert Ross, David and Becky, Little Michelle Quarles, dau­ Mrs. Harry McGinley and ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colleen and Mrs. Buster Talbot (Karen) Quarles of Boise is enjoyed dinner together Satur­ visiting for one week at the home day at the El Sombreo while the of her grandparents, Mr. and men of the families were deer Mrs. Cliff Main. ♦ » * hunting. ♦ ♦ ♦ Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Mrs. Irma Myers spent the Bybee, Kim Bybee, Mrs. Ralph weekend with her friend Mrs. Alvord and daughter Debbie, Ola Lee in Nampa. Sunday Mr. Sharia and Robbin Froerer spent and Mrs. Lester Allen had a dinner and birthday party in the day at Flag Prairie. They Owen honor of Mrs. Myers with ap­ visited Mr. and Mrs. Froerer and Mr. and Mrs. Dar­ proximately 15 guests. * * * win Jensen who were hunting Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reece in the area. * • and Mr. and Mrs. Alme Hen­ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grunke dricks of Vale went hunting over the weekend with a very and children, Jodi, Julene, Bill and Jeri, moved into their new successful hunt. Mrs. Wilma Davis of Boise home on Eureka Avenue Satur- Sparky says FOR ALL POTENTIAL FIRE HAZARDS HOUSEHOLDERS' CHECK LIST FOR FIRE HAZARDS .... Poor Extension Wiring * Overloaded Circuits Lamp Cord Under Rug * Rubbish in Basement Fireplace without Screen * Bridged Fuses * Smoke Pipe too Close to Joist Leaves Under Porch Rubbish in Attic * Antenna Too Close to Power Line Flammable Liquids * Flammable Cleaning Fluid Portable Heaters * Matches Within Reach of Children Heating Plant Poorly Maintained ♦ Refrigerator Motor Without Adequate Ventilation ♦ Cabinets Too Close to Stove ♦ Unlined Chimney or Poor Mortar Joints Your Independent Agent will be at your side ndependent AGENT For service beyond the coll of duty •Fire aAuto "Liability •Disability Hite see - 3 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU ! I DAVE WALDO VALI 473-3197 NYSSA 373-3143 Page Three The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon ONTABIO 1 DALE LAURENCE GRADUATED day, October 2. The Grunke fa­ mily stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Jackson for ap­ proximately eight days, until their home was far enough along for them to move into. They are now in the process of finishing the work. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rankin and infant daughter, who have been residing in Ontario moved into their Nyssa home Sept. 24. They purchased the residence for­ merly owned by the Jim Grun- kes on 514 N. Second Street. * * * CUM LAUDE Dale Laurence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Laurence of Nyssa is employed with the Du Pont Company in Kansas, as a che­ mical engineer. During the summer months Dale worked with the Kansas Legislative Committee, drafting legislative controls on air and water pollution. He is under special training and graduated Cum Laude, from the University of Kansas, re­ ceiving his Masters Degree in August. Dale is presently studying for Mr. and Mrs. Arvel L. Child his doctorate under a special of Quincy, Wash., visited in program with the Du Pont Com­ Nyssa last Monday with the J. pany. Elwood Flinders. * * * Wilson Transferred The Flinders had her sister Mr. and Mrs. H. Hugo Olsen of Utah as guests for To Madras Bank eight days. They returned home Gary Wilson, who has been Sept. 30. employed at the First National ♦ » • Kim Bybee of Brigham City, Bank in Klamath Falls, was re­ grandson of Mr. and Mrs. S.P. cently promoted to operations Bybee spent the weekend visit­ officer. He was transferred to the ing his grandparents. Kim, recently graduated from Navy First National Bank in Madras, Oregon where he started his new Medical School in San Diego. duties October 5. He left Monday for Oakland, Gary is the son of Mr. and Calif., where he is stationed at Mrs. Boyd Wilson. the Naval Hospital. RELIEF SOCIETY