Thursday, September 30, 1971 The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Nine CUSSfífíMSS Instruction For Sale — Miscellaneous For Rent FISCHER’S MOBILE HOME •Park. Large spaces avail able. Can accomodate double wide or expandoes. Phone 372-3393. 14-tfc FINISH HIGH SCHOOL AT home, No classes to at- tend, Also complete secre tarial courses. Diplomas awarded. Free brochure ex plains how. Write Ameri can School District Office. Box 7646 - Boise, Idaho83707 36-5tc ELECTROLUX - SALES, SER- • vice and supplies of vacuum cleaners and floor polishers. Harold Potter, Phone 549- 1745, Wesier, Idaho. 1-tfc SMALL HOUSE, 6 1/2 MILES SIGNS, WE’VE GOT ‘EM—FOR west of Nyssa. Couple or RENT, FORSALE.NOHUNT small child only. Phone 372- ING, NO TRESPASSING, Gate 2850. 39-tfr City Journal. Letuscustom- print your order. 36-tfnc Work Wanted Help Wanted CUSTOM MADE BOAT AND CUSTOM ROTARY CHOPPING trailer, needs painting. straw - stalks - weeds EXPERIENCED WOMAN FOR 372-3106 39-tfc Greenway ’s Cropchoppers Light house cleaning. Every Parma - 722-5566 34-tfc SMALL UTILITY TRAILER two weeks. Inquire at 101 with side boards, in good con Emison Avenue.______ 39-ltp- dition, can be used to haul BABY SITTING IN MY HOME Would prefer pre-school stock. Phone 372-3106. For Sale — child. Mrs. Leo Thompson, 39-tfc Pets Call 372-3051. 39-2tc EXCELLENT HUNTING DOG SPEED YOUR WORK WITH' A rubber stamp. For speedy pups. German Shorthair, For Sale — service order direct from Drahthaar and one-quarter the Gate City Journal. Autos Labrador. C.E. Linegar, 1/2 36-tfnc mile west on Park Ave., 1967 MUSTANG FASTBACK 2 Nyssa. Call 372-3441. 32-tfc plus 2, 289 V-8, AT. $1,100 EARLY AMERICAN CONSOLE or best offer. Phone 372- SPINET PIANO. Excellent, For Sale — 2477 after 7 p.m. assume low mo. pyts. Also Real Estate 38-2tp WALNUT ORGAN. Phone collect 343-5641 or write Ad OLDER 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, justor, 612 N. Orchard, Boise, very reasonable terms. Will Idaho 83704. 38-2tc’WILLY’S ’57 STATION WAGON consider new model pickup jeep 4-wheel drive. Call Ed as down payment. Located Sells, 722-6320. BUSINESS CARD6 - RAISED- at 836 N. 3rd Street. Call 39-ltp letter styles, $8.00 per thou 372-2519. 39-ltc sand. Gate City Journal. 36-tfnc 2 6/10 ACRES 3 MILES N.W. 1969 MUSTANG GRANDE, 351 of Nyssa. Good view of valley 4-speed, vinyl top, stereo. USED MUSIC AL INSTRUMENTS Call 372-3736. 37-3t<? $1700. Call 372-2541. Anyone who has instruments 39-ltp to sell may contact Mrs. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE, Joel Mitchell at 372-2854. this cozy 4 bedroom home is Sponsored by Nyssa PTA. vacant and ready to live in. For Sale — 36-4tnc Formal dining room, family room, fireplace in large li Miscellaneous FROM WALL TO WALL, NO ving room and spacious kit soil at all, on carpets cleaned chen. Large lot, swimming with Blue Lustre. Rent elec USED CORONADA AUTOMATIC pool location, near school. tric shampooer. Coast to washing machine in good con Previously listed at $15,200, Coast Store, Nyssa. Phone dition. $49.95. Firestone now $13,000. Financing avai 372-3545. 39-ltc Store, Nyssa. 39-tfc lable. Call 372-2906, if no answer Boise 208-376-1425. BELLWOOD CAMPER TRA1- RECORD - A - CALL COM- plete with remote control. Real bargain at $500. Call 372-2566. 38-2tc Joe Mollahan Ontario 889-8779 NEW F 826 D 95 H.P. -FOR- REAL ESTATE For Sale PAINTING BODY WORK AND MODERN 2 BDRM. HOME, Dining -Room. Full Base ment with large bedroom, utility room. New forced air furnance. Excellent location, 213 South 4th. WINDSHIELD Gia«« Installation (FREE ESTIMATES) RAY S BODY * PAINT SHOP NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent 105 Main St., Nyssa, Oregon SEE US - FOR - STA-RITE PUMPS SALES-SERVICE WE SERVICE ALL MAKES! CALL Nyssa Co-op Phone 372-2254 or after 6 p.m. Phone 372-3387 aaamfffs ler 15ft. Good Condition. Call 372-2982. 809 Reece Ave. 39-2tp 4” to 8” Wide Water Lines Sprinkler Systems, etc. Jim Robinson-Nyssa SEE US < TRENCHING NEED AUTO INSURANCE? Get low rates, Fast, Fair, Friendly service with 505 Main St. Ph. 372-3524 NYSSA, ORE. REAL ESTATE For Sale BUSINESS BUILDING 1/2 block off Main Street. $3500. WE HAVE SEVERAL choice building sites about 3 miles from town. Most sides have excellent view of entire valley. Lots will be approx. 11/4 acres and will be on dead end road with good access to paved road to town. Priced from $2000 to $2500. VERY GOOD 2 BEDROOM home with extra large lot. Includes large dou ble door shop completely lined. Suitable for small auto repair shop. Easy to heat. Good location. $9,750 with terms. Other Listings Including Commercial Properties 1966 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN AIR CONDITIONED AND FULLY EQUIPPED F. Cub LoBoy w/blade . .$595 F. 560D w/blower . . . .$3500 C. w/3 pt hitch, overhid . .$595 No. 50 2 Row Chopper . .$1995 Fox Chopper, Like New .$2295 F. 806 D, Like New . . .$5995 1966 BUICK LE SABRE 4-DOOR HARDTOP, ALL POWER AND NEW TIRES ' REAL ESTATE Insurance 315 Main St. Phone 372-3535 NYSSA, OREGON 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DOOR SEDAN L jll J T rucks . implement co . ^ y ' ssa 1967 JEEP WAGONEER PS, PB, AIR CONDITIONING cw ^ göh REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 100 ACRES, 81 WATER - ROW CROP GROUND - 4 BR. brick home - part w/w carpet, 2 baths - family room - machine shed and bldgs - 5 mi. S.W. Nyssa on Grand Ave. $74,000 2 BR. - FULL BASEMENT-GARAGE, 917 N. 2nd $8,500. $610 down - $65 per month. 1 1/2 ACRES - 3 BR. - W/W CARPET - THERO WINDOWS - fireplace, family room, built-in double oven and range, forced air furnace, 2 car port, 3 mi. SW Nyssa, $28,000. 40 ACRES 26 WATER - 4 Ml. SW NYSSA - NO BLDGS. $13,000. 24 LEVEL ACRES - CONCRETE DITCH 24 ACRES WATER 11 mi. SW Nyssa, no bldgs, only $9,000. 2 BEDROOM HOME - 425 NORTH 3rd STREET, $5,000 216 EMISON AVENUE. 2 BR - BASEMENT, GAS FURNACE $5,800 ROW CROP AND STOCK 280 ACRES - 82 WATER - 3 BR. home plus full basement - excellent corrals. 7 mi. NW of Nyssa $58.500. Terms. 2 BR. W/W CARPET, GARAGE, FENCED YARD, 520NORTH 4th Street $16.000. 2 BR PLUS FINISHED BASEMENT ROOM - CORNER LOT 402 King Avenue, $11,800. 2 BR. EMISON AVE. COMPLETE BUILT-IN-BED - BUILT in stove and oven, part carpeted, utility room, elec, cooler, auto, furnace, $8,500. 5 BR. 610 N. 1st - NEWLY PAINTED - IN AND OUT- new carpeting, $11,500. 120 ACRES ROW CROP AND PASTURE, 6 MI. SW NYSSA on Enterprise, concrete ditches, dwelling, full basement 2 Br. up, 2 down, furnace, bam, 2 car gagage and other buildings, $65,000. Good terms. 3 BR. HOME ON99 ACRESROWCROP,CONCRETE DITCHES CB storeage, other bldgs. Enterprise Ave. $65,000. Good terms. EXCELLENT BUSINESS LOCATION ACROSS FROM SCHOOL Family restaurant occupied. Good investment return $7,500 2 BR. HOUSE, GAS FURNACE, ELEC. COOLING, CAR- peting, fenced yard, paved street. $8,700. 212 Bower. EXCELLENT BUSINESS - EAST SIDE MARKET, 2 BR. dwelling, 3 rentals, real estate, equipment and stock $45,000. 1/2 down. 22 ACRES COMMERCIAL LAND CORNER HIGHWAY #201 and Market Road. 122 GOOD AVE. 1 BR. HOME - 1500 SQ. FT. MASONARY Building. $15,000 - Terms. 1966 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DOOR SEDAN V-8, PS. PB, NEW TIRES AND VERY CLEAN WILSON BUICK COMPANY t Phone 372-2261 203 Good Ave. Nyssa, Oregon NOTICE OF ZONING HEARNING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that two petitions have been filed with the City Council of the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, requesting the re-zoning of Morgan Addition to the City of Nyssa and of the tract of land lying contiguous with and west of said Morgan Addition, as follows; (a) All of Lots 5 in Blocks 5 to 8, inclusive, including those portions of vacated 6th and 8th Streets abuting thereon from Zone I (industrial) To Zone C (commercial-business). (b) All of Morgan Addition to the City of Nyssa, excepting Block 9 thereof and all that parcel of land situated in the City of Nyssa described as fol lows; Beginning at a point at the West 1/4 corner of Section 32 in Township 19 South, Range 47 E.W.M., thence running south along said Section Line 1287.7 feet to the South 1/16 corner of Sections 31 and 32; thence east along the South line of the NWl/4C"l/4 Section 32, 676.5 feet; thence north, parallel with the West line of Section 32, 1287.7 feet to the East-West center line of Section 32; thence west along said East-West cen ter line of saidSection 32,676.5 feet to the point or place of beginning from Zone I (In dustrial) to Zone R-S(resident- ial) and the Planning Commis sion of the City of Nyssa has, after public hearing duly held, filed its final report on said petitions with said City Coun cil. NOW, THEREFORE, a public hearing will be held before said City Council at the Coouncil Chambers, City Hall, Nyssa, Oregon, on the 12th day of Oc tober, 1971, at 8:00 o’clock P.M., on which date, time and place, all persons having any interest in said petitions for such rezoning are hereby dire cted to appear and show cause, if any they have, why said pe titions should not be acted upon. By order of the City Council of the City of Nyssa. Dated September 22, 1971 Fred O. Koch, City Manager. Published Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 7, 1971. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EXCELLENT CONDITION fr EASTMAN Legal Notice 10 ACRES - 2 HOUSES, BOTH RENTED, ROW CROP LAND, $13,000.00 - 29% down, Balance $100.00 per month, 6% interest on balance. 120 ACRES - 80 AND 40 - FINE 3 BEDROOM HOME, fire place, out buildings, $85,000.00 Mostly in row crop now. 29% down balance good terms for 20 years. 130 ACRES - MOSTLY ROW CROP LAND, 3 BEDROOM house, large barn and house on corner of place, $75,000.00 -$15,000.00 down, F.H.A. mortgage to be taken over by purchaser. 40 ACRES - MOSTLY IN PASTURE, VERY GOOD HOUSE & outbuildings, $25,000.00 - Cash or $30,000.00 with 29% down. ALSO 80 ACRES FOR $35,000.00 - FAIR HOUSE, 29% down, terms on balance at 6%. 2 BEDROOM HOME ON 1/2 ACRE OF LAND, NEAR ADRIAN City Limits. $9550.00 - 29% down - Balance terms at 6%. 38-3tc C.G. NEW HORIZONS IN HOME OWNING PHONE 372-2882 GreafWs) 1968 BISCAYNE 2-DOOR SEDAN V-8, AT, ONE OWNER For Quality, Style, Space and Value 1968 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Buy now and save on these impressive 2 or 3 bedroom homes in Thompson Addition with wall to wall carpeting, garage, gas heat and many other outstanding features. 4-DOOR SEDAN, V-8, AT, PS, PB, FACTORY AIR AND NEW TIRES. Homes from $16,850 to $17,350 Financing available that requires a minimum cash require ment and low monthly payments. 1966 IMPALA SPORT COUPE 2-DOOR, V-8, AT, PS. 1966 PONTIAC GTO For Information Call Or Drop In At SPORTS CROUPE V-8, STANDARD TRANS. 1965 OLDS 98 4-DOOR SEDAN & Associates,Inc. FULL POWER AND FACTORY AIR 1221 S.W. 4th Avenue Ontario, Oregon Bob Thompson, Realtor NEW RUBBER AND ONE OWNER 1964 IMPALA 2-DOOR HARDTOP ENGINE COMPLETELY OVERHAULED, REAL CLEAN AND EXCELLENT CONDITION. V-8, PS, PB, AT Wm. D. Yost, Broker 223 Main St. A Office Nyssa, 372-3355 Oregon Home 372-3337 Phone Ontario 889-6423 The«* borne* have been approved by the FederaJ Houainf Admin latratine and a OWE YEAR WARRANTY la THESE CARS ARE ALL PRICED TO SELL. Johannesen-Adams Motors, Inc. 420 MAIN STREET NYSSA, OREGON * PHONE 372-2224 WEEKLY T.V. SCHEDULE OCTOBER 3-9 I CHANNEL 7 CHANNEL 2 SUNDAY 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 5:00 6:00 7:00 - - - - - - - - 9:30 - 10:30 - 10:45 - 12:45 - Tabernacle Choir Revival Fires Oral Roberts It Is Written NFL Football Glen Campbell The F.B.I. Movie "Von Ryan’s Ex- nroce pi tab ’ * Cade’s County Eyewitness News Movie "To Sir With Love” Morning Headlines MONDAY THRU FRIDAY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:25 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 - 4:30 - 4:30 - 4:55 5:00 5:30 6:00 - - - - SUNDAY Captain Kangaroo Morning News Beverly Hillbillies Jack La Lanne Love of Life Where the Heart Is Mid-Day News Search for Tomorrow General Hospital As the World Turns Eyewitness News Guiding Light Secret Storm Edge of Night Password Love is a Many Splen- dored Thing The Virginian Family Affair Wednesday - Boise Pu blic Library Theatre Billboard Evening News Eyewitness News Truth orConsequences 7:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:30 11:00 5:00 5:30 6:30 7:00 8:00 - - - - 10:15 - 10:30 - 10:45 - Agriculture USA Faith for Today Rex Humbard Bullwinkle Notre Dame Football Meet The Press Major League Baseball Idaho Yesterdays Walt Disney Jimmy Stewart Show Bonanza Movie, "Sword of Lan celot” ABC News Analysis seven Movie, "Out of Sight” MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:00 7:25 7:30 Today Show Breakfast News The Today Show Dinah’s Place Sesame Street Hollywood Squares Jeopardy Who, What, Where News Ttree on a Match Let’s Make A Deal Newlywed Game Today in Idaho Another World Bright Promise Somerset Love American Style That Girl Bewitched Daniel Boone Perescope Nightly News Analysis Seven 8:00 8:30 9:30 10:00 10:30 10:55 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:55 5:00 5:30 MONDAY Chicago Teddy Bears Here’s Lucy Doris Day My Three Sons Arnie Hawaii Five-0 Eyewitness News Movie "Better A Wid ow” 12;15 - Morning Headlines 6:30 7:00 7;30 8:00 8;30 9:00 10:00 10:30 - - - - - - - - TUESDAY MONDAY 6:00 7:00 9:45 10:00 10:30 - - - - - Laugh In NFL Football Coaches Corner Analysis Seven The Tonight Show TUESDAY 6:00 - Wild Kingdom 6:30 - Movie, "The Child” 8:00 - Marcus Welby, 9:00 - The Funny Side 10:00 - Analysis Seven 10:30 - Tonight Show Mod Squad Cannon Dragnet Medical Center Eyewitness News WEDNESDAY Movie "The Lonely Profession” 6:00 - Adam 12 12;15 - Morning Headlines 6:30 - Mystery Movie 8:00 - Ironside WEDNESDAY 9:00 - Sarge 10:00 - Analysis Seven 6:30 - Eddie’s Father 10:30 - Tonight Show 7:00 - Carol Burnett 8:00 - Movie "What’s So Bad THURSDAY About Feeling Good” 10:00 - Eyewitness News 6:00 - Hee Haw 10:30 - Buck Owens Show 7:00 - Nichols 11:00 - Movie "Tiger by The 8:00 - Dean Martin Tail” 9:00 - Flip Wilson 12:35 - Morning Headlines 10:00 - Analysis Seven 10:30 - Tonight Show THURSDAY 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 6:30 7:00 9:00 10:00 10:30 - - - - - - All in the Family Movie "Butterfield 8" Mannix Eyewitness News Movie “Strangers at Sunrise” 12; 10 - Morning Headlines - - - - - FRIDAY National Geographic Movie "Face of Fear” O’Harra U.S. Treasury Eyewitness News Movie “Don’t JustStand- There” 12:30 - Morning Headlines 6:30 7:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 - - - - - Last M.D. 4? FRIDAY 6:00 - Brady Bunch 6:30 - Movie, ‘‘The Impatient Heart” 8:30 - Night Gallery 9:30 - The D.A. 10:00 - Analysis Seven 10:30 - Tonight Show SATURDAY 6:30 Woody Woodpecker 7:00 Deputy Dawg 7:30 Pink Panther 8:00 Barrier Reef 8:30 Take A Giant Step 9:30 The Bugaloos 10:00 Mr. Wizard SATURDAY 10:30 The Jet sons 11:00 American Bandstand 7:00 Harlem Globetrotters 11:30 Lancelot Link 7:30 Help! It’s the Hair Bear 12:00 1971 World Series Bunch 3:30 World of Snowmobiles 8:00 Pebbles and Bam Bam 4:00 Junior Varsity Quiz 8:30 Archie's T.V. Funnies 4:30 News Sabrina-Teenage Witch 9:00 5:00 Lawrence Welk 9:30 Josie and the Pussycats 6:00 The Partners 10:00 The Monkees 6:30 Movie, "Thief” 10:30 You Are There 8:00 Movie, "Return of the 11:00 Children’s Film Fest Seven” 12:30 NCAA Football 10:00 ABC News 4:00 Death Valley Days 10:15 Analysis seven 4:30 Saturday News 10:30 Movie, "Mystery Sub 5:00 Untamed World marine” 5:30 Bearcats! 6:30 Funny Face 7:00 Dick Van Dyke Journal Classifieds 7:30 Mary Tyler Moore Bring Results! 800 Mission. Impossible 9:00 Gunsmoke 10:00 Eyewitness News 10:15 Owen Marshall Coun selor at Law OMN IO A.M. - • P.M. 11:15 Movie ‘‘The Love God” C olor - B lack ano W hitb 1 10 Morning Headlines TV R adio . S tereo Business Opportunities SERVICE MGR. WANTED. Must have experience to operate high gallonage 2 Bay Station in Nyssa, Oregon. Some invest ment required. Interest ed parties call Mel Wilkes, Week days, 375- 3912. 30-tfc ano H i -W i Fra» Estimata« in shop All Work Guaranteed For 30 Day«. Dick Parker's TV Repair Between North 5th St. and North 6th St. BO« M arie A venue NYSE A, OREOON »7*11 4 i