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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1971)
Thursday, September 23, 1971 **•*■»•*■ •* The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon «%. » SUNSET VALLEY ACTIVITIES . ----- BY MARTHA LORENSEN - PHONE 372 - 2186 ------ SUNSET VALLEY - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maupin andCla- • Mrs. Ora Newgen were dinner rence Southern of Sutherlin, - guests Sunday at the home of Oregon and Walter Moore of - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newgen. Sunnyside, Wash., were Sa Lester Schultz of Belling turday afternoon visitors at the ham, Wash., and his aunts, home of Mrs. Lois Counsil. Mrs. Amanda Lewis and Mrs. Lollian Gerboth of Weiser, were overnight guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen Congressman Al Ullman today and Mrs. Frone Stradley of Fruitland visited Saturday called on President Nixon to evening with Mrs. Jim Butler implement special wage guide posts to help break the deadlock of New Plymouth. Messrs, and Mmes. Don in the West Coast longshore strike. Hatch, Duane Smith, Wayne Robb Ullman said that the Admini and Ed Lowtrip and Gabriel As- stration freeze was at least toreca were dinner guests Fri day night at the Golden Slipper partially responsible for the continuation of the deadlock. in Vale. "Pending the President’s an Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Asto- reca, Audrie and Carmen, ac nouncement of any long-range economic policy or guidelines,” companied Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ullman said, “I’ve urged him Lowtrip when they moved to Jacksonville, Oregon Saturday. to apply special guidelines to They moved their household the West Coast dock strike. “If President Nixon would goods for them. Ed plans to attend college at Ashland the allow a limited wage increase coming school year. They based on whatever comprehen previously were located in On sive economic plan I assume he is devising,” Ullman asserted, tario. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wood and “there is no reason why the Adah Louise, spent the weekend longshore dispute could not be at Pendleton where they atten ended quickly.” The congressman said if the ded the Round-Up. administration would issue fu Mr. and Mrs. Max Cleaver of ture guidelines right now, it Newton, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. could create a basis for settle Gary Cleaver and daughter of Grant City, Mo., after spending ment for averting the threatened a week in this area visiting at the East Coast and Gulf Coast walk out. Magnus Ekanger andJohnClea- "When union bargainershave ver homes, departed on Monday some idea of what the econo for their own homes. mic future holds beyond Nov. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sanders of 15—the date President Nixon’s Silverton, Oregon, arrived freeze officiallyends—theywill Friday and are visiting in the not have to be bound so tightly Magnus Ekanger home. to the issue of retroactive pay,” Mr. and Mrs. Connie Kisner Ullman explained. of Visalia, Calif., were vi He also rapped Labor Secre sitors Saturday of Magnus Ekan tary James D. Hodgson and ger. White House aide Herb Klein Mr. and Mrs. Homer Whitman for claiming the West Coast and Dick of Nampa, and Mr. strike had not yet had enough and Mrs. Doyn Price of La impact to qualify as a national Grande were dinner guests Sun emergency — a situation which day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. would allow the President to Elver Nielsen. The Prices invoke the Taft-Hartley Act. were accompanied home by their “To wait until a situation be son, Craig, who has been em comes an emergency before ployed here during the corn taking action is hardly brilliant canning season. management.” Ullman siad. Mmes, Betty Nielsen, Peggy In his telegram to the Presi Nielsen, Effie Nielsen, and Mrs. dent, Ullman told Nixon that Dick Young were among those there were more ways to end the attending theChristian Women’s strike than merely waiting until Luncheon at Ontario Wednesday. the Taft-Hartley Act could be Mrs. Betty Nielsen and Mrs. imposed. Eve Stubstad attended a meeting “It looks like the West Coast of the Garden Club Ladies held is being quietly sacrificedagain, 1 at the Howard Evans home in the same way it was during the Parma Thursday afternoon. The rail strike,” Ullman said. ladles made corsages for the A- Moreover, he said, in his opi drian teachers. Mrs. Evans nion the situation is a clear served refreshments assisted emergency. He noted that: by Mrs. Tallman. Later that —Nearly $40 million in lum evening the corsages werepre- ber shipments have been tied up ' sented to the teachers at a PTA since the strike began; reception. —Oregon wheat growers have Mr. and Mrs. Herbert John- already taken actual cash losses • son of Wallowa, attended a Ma estimated at about $50 million, sonic meeting in Ontario Sunday. and that does not include losses They were dinner guests in the from over burdened storage fa evening at the home of Mr. and cilities; Mrs. Jess Asumendi. —Fruit and citrus growers ; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young, calculate their losses so far run Mrs. Lois Counsil and John to nearly $3 million; Knottingham picnicked at Twin --Many West Coast plants are Springs on Sunday, and returned beginning to lay off workers by way of Oxbow Basin and the because they cannot obtain ne Owyhee Dam. cessary supplies. Ullman Asks President WE FIX FLATS FOR LADY DRIVERS FREE Bob Elliott Tire Center NYSSA, OREGON Page Seven . ■nnnnt~innr-'tnritnr*n~i New Transportation Head Appointed To PUC Russell W. Humphreys has been appointed Acting Adminis trator of both the Transpor tation and Motor Revenue Di visions of the Public Utility Commission. He replaces James E. Singleton and Bjarne Ericksen, division administra tors who retired August 31. Commissioner Diarmuid F. 0*803001310, in announcing the appointment, revealed both di visions are to be combined as part of a reorganization pro gram within the regulatory a- gency. Mr. Humphreys is presently assistant commissioner of the agency. His new duties will be in addition to his present ones. In his new assignment, Mr. Humphreys is to prepare apian to merge the two divisions. Upon approval by the Commis sioner, Humphreys will then im plement the plan by January 1. Combining the two divisions into one was a major recom mendation to the agency from Governor McCall’s Management 70s Task Force. In its report, the Task Force noted “the pre sent organization structure re stricts agency operation,” It noted both divisions work with the same carriers, one auditing for weight-mile tax revue and the other auditing for rates and compliance. The Task Force estimated some 28,000 duplicate manual files on motor carriers are maintained between the two divisions. Commissioner O’Scannlain’s assignment to the acting ad ministrator is to remove the re- ported inefficiencies and dupli- cation and structure anewdidi- sion which will respond effec tively to the agency's revised statutes and rules going into effect January 1. Russell Humphreys joined the Public Utility Commissioner as as a consultant in 1969 and was named Assistantcommissioner in June of that year. He came to the agency having retired from the United States Army as Colonel. Humphrey’s military career provided him with extensive ex perience in the management of transportation services. His responsibilities included di rection and supervision of tran sportation operations, transpor tation supply and maintenance activities, development of man agement practices and pro cedures, and planning, analysis and programing of transporta tion and support service needs for the military. His major assignments were in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Hdqtrs., Dept, of Army, the Office of Chief of Transpor tation, and tours of duty in Eu rope and the Pacific. Having taken his bachelor of science degree from the Uni versity of Oregon, Humphreys went on to receive his masters of business administration de gree at the University of Pen nsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance and Commerce. Hum phreys is also a graduate of the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, the Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Penn sylvania, and the Army Aviation School at Fort Rucker, Ala. (Continued From Page 1) there is also a wide distri bution of water. As a result, animals are well distributed. APPLE VALLEY - Mr. and Fawn production was down last Mrs. Robert Shippy and family year which'will result in fewer of Weiser were Sunday dinner forked horns available. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl ELK — Only a few elk are Boston. Later that afternoon available in the Southeast they visited in the Lucy Rogers Region, with the animals ge home at Roswell with Mr. and nerally located in the Malheur Mrs. Ralph Rogers of Nampa National Forest to the north of and Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Jen Burns. The animals are dis kins of Ashton. tributed sparsely over an ex Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Henshaw ceptionally large area of mar of Meridian were Tuesday din ginal habitat. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. BEAR — Black bear are Waldo Smalley. scarce in the high desert Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Fritts country. A few animals are ta . spent the weekend with Mr. and ken incidentally by hunters after Mrs. Earl Tuning of Baker. deer or elk. They enjoyed the Happy Canyon PHEASANTS — Production of Pageant and Parade at Pendleton pheasants in Lake County was together. poor this spring as a result of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Collins poor nesting weather. Habitat enjoyed the weekend camping here is marginal to begin with at Spangler Dam. and populations are never very Robert Martin was a Monday high. Some stocking of farm- dinner guest in the Dwight Se raised birds will be done in the ward home and afterwards he Lakeview area. Pheasant popu visited his wife at the Caldwell lations are quite low in Harney hospital. County and the south half of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller Malheur County. entertained Sunday, September In the Snake River Basin fair 12 for their son’s third birth pheasant hunting should be ex day anniversary with a party. perienced although pheasant Guests were Mrs. James Stri production is down this year as ker and girls of Payette, Mr. the result of a poor nesting and Mrs. Philip Bale and family, spring. The seed production Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wagner, areas around Ontario, Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller, Adrian, Sunset Valley, and Big Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Miller Bend will produce the best phea and daughter of Caldwell and sant shooting. Mrs. Steven Carder and family QUAIL — Quail are present of Weiser. in the north Malheur district Mrs. Betty Grimes of Cald in all suitable habitat but po well and Mrs. Mary Nichols of' pulations are down a bit from Nampa were Sunday afternoon last year. Nonetheless, nimrods guests in the Waldo Smalley can expect excellent shooting on home. these birds. Best bet will be Mrs. Cora Rookstool was hos the foothills close to the Snake tess for the Susannah Circle and Malheur River valleys as Thursday. One guest was pre well as the brushy areas in the sent. The next meeting will Jordan Valley, Arock, Danner, be with Mrs. Mayme Stout at and Rome. Boise. Late hatches are showing well Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Jenkins in Lake County and a good sea of Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. son is predicted here. Harney Wayne Sharpe and boys of Meri APPLE VALLEY (Continued On Page 8) ^1972 BUICK JEEP CMC PICK-UP THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY SEPT. 23-25 dian and Mrs. Lucy Rogers of Roswell were Saturday after noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston. Thursday evening guests in the Dwight Seward home were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wild and their guests Mr. and Mrs. LeoEisel- tien of Grand Junction, Colo. Mt. and Mrs. Don Derryberry and family of Payette were Friday evening visitors in the Gene Honey home. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffin and Gary went hunting over the weekend and Gary came home with a 5 point elk. Mr. and Mrs. Rawliegh Hen dricks of Broken Bow, Nebr., were Monday dinner guests of Mrs. Roy Rookstool. Mrs. Roy Rookstool attended the Merry Matrons Club meet ing at Mrs. Alberta Tyners Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sells were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ano Mrs. Lloyd Hawkins in Nampa. Newell Heights BY DALE WITT NEWELL HEIGHTS - Mr. and Mrs. Luit Stam and Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Hart went to Kla math Falls last week where they visited the latter’s son, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hart and family, and went on to the coast, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Derrick of the Owyhee Dam area and Terry Strong were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson. Terry is visiting in the Simpson home this week. Mrs. Alfred Simpson and Ka ren were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Ray Simpson home. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wardof Newest model in the Buick line for 1972 is this Sun Coupe in the Skylark series. Caldwell were Saturday over It features a folding vinyl sun roof covering an opening 42 inches wide by 50 night guests of their daughter, inches long. The sun roof is operated by releasing the latch and sliding the head Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lee Hill. er to the rear where the vinyl forms three low profile folds. Included in the Sun Saturday afternoon a double Coupe package is a gold-colored Sun Coupe nameplate and either bright gold or birthday party was held at the bright red carpeting. Also shown is the optional specific short vinyl top. Hill, in honor of their daughter, Terri, on her sixth birthday, and Shellie Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Hill for her fifth birthday. Guests were Dorie and Marcie Beckstead, Keven and The other night I listened Kelly Mills, AndreaWenke, Mi to President Nixon explaining chael Hill, Lee Hill andSherrie how we were planning on coming By Leona Anderson Price. Mrs. Carl Lee Hill accom out of our financial doldrums panied by Melda Schiemer and (the way we all blow money for Idaho Power Company Carol Hill took the group to entertainment it doesn’t look as Home Service Representative though we are really aware Ontario to seethe movie “Pino- Any way chio.” They returned to the Hill of any doldrums). This recipe originated in Armenian Rice ready to serve home later for birthday cake and to get to the point of this Mountain Home and I’m sure I’d when you return from your article he specifically pointed ice cream. go almost that far to eat “Ar bridge club or a shopping tour. Guests at the Hill home later out that we will have a 10% menian Rice” if I knew it was It’s always a lift to know part for birthday cake and ice cream cut back in foreign aid. Why being served. Everyone at the of your meal is waiting at home, were Mrs. Kenneth Price, Mrs. only 10%? dinner asked for the recipe and A tossed salad and a vegetable Why is it the duty of this Tina Schiemer, Mrs. Louise will add a lot to this meal. we’ve all made it since. Hill and Mrs. Stanley Mills. country to bail out every nation ARMENIAN RICE Use your automatic timer Mrs. Marie Moore attended on the face of the earth? If on your range and have Simmer: 3 strips bacon,Ismail Koffee Klutch at the home of it’s to make friends the policy onion. Then add 1/2 lb. melted Mrs. Tony Martinez in Cairo has been a dismal failure. We no one has explained it to me butter. Junction Wednesday afternoon. have helped everyone so much clear enough to convince me that Add: Mrs. DaleWitt was a Saturday that they’ve become dependant a dollar owed isn’t a dollar to 2 cups uncooked rice At least that’s the dinner guest in the W.C. Van upon us and when we can no be paid. 3 tblsp. soy sauce De Water home in Big Bend. longer afford to give, their attitude they take on my income 1/2 cup slivered almonds Clint Chamberlain went to pseudo love turns to actual tax. 1 small can sliced mushrooms For the life of me and millions National Guards at Gowen Field hate. Take for example, Egypt. 2 cans boullion soup near Boise Friday, and returned I doubt if very many Egyptians of soldiers I can’t see where we 2 cans consomme’ ever knew that the United States actually owe any nation in the home Sunday. Bake in covered casserole at gave them more monev in 300 degrees for 2 hours. Serves Mrs. Leon Chamberlain and federal aid than we did to Israel. world one iota of anything. six. Terri visited her aunt, Mrs. I say gave more money, some Louise Moss in Eagle Saturday times it was a loan but since evening. very few of these loans are Jimmie Fenn was a Sunday ever paid back they might just afternoon caller In the Gene as well be considered as a Simpson home. Mrs. Wesley gift. ( As the result of ourbeno- Walker and Fonda were Sunday ' velence in that area we have evening visitors. the hate of Egypt (if we ever Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb went had even friendship) and Israel to the Round up at Pendleton seems to think that it’s our Thursday and returned Sunday duty to support them in a war THE SHOP WILL BE afternoon. they’re determined to have. The Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren smart thing would be for us CLOSED AFTER OCTOBER 15, 1971. and Mrs. Edith Suter of Parma to keep our nose out of the were Sunday afternoon visitors Middle East and permit them in the IrvinTopliff home. PLEASE PICK UP YOUR to settle their own squabbles. Mrs. Eleanor Bergren of One of the reasons we’re SHOES BEFORE THAT DATE . California left this week after having trouble keeping to gold spending the past two weeks standard intact and Germany visiting her cousins, Mr. can lower the value of the dollar and Mrs. J.L. Judd. She went in Germany is because we have WE HAVE APPRECIATED YOUR on to Vancouver where she will poured so much cash into that PATRONAGE OVER THE MANY YEARS . visit her daughter. country till they’re on a better Mrs. M.L. Judd and Mrs. financial footing than we are. Gerrit Timmerman attended When they demand gold for Book Club Saturday at the home our dollars why can’t we say, of Mrs. Muriel Judd in Parma. “Sure we’ll apply it to your Mrs. Dave Savage and girls back debts”. I’ve been told 311 MAIN ST. NYSSA were Sunday afternoon visitors by the “experts” that this just of her mother, Mrs. Carl Fenn. won’t work but for some reason Herb Sez... Favorite Foods ARE RETIRING ! RONALD'S SHOE SHOP gi 1 T mproving the environment goes hand- in-hand with economic progress. You can’t have much of one without the other.” Quality of Life Starts with Bread and Butter □ Economic progress means jobs, payrolls — bread and butter. It—with environmental improvement — can create a better quality of life for everyone. All of us need both. □ The best and perhaps the only way to achieve these twin objectives is through the greater use of energy other than muscle power. This is how Americans over the years multiplied production, made higher wages possible with shorter weeks and increased leisure time for workers. □ In our business of furnishing your needs for electric power, we know the demand today is twice as great as it was ten years ago, and we think that pattern of growth will continue, perhaps increase. □ So new plants to genprate power will l>e necessary on schedule. We will make them compatible with the environment in every possible way—whether they are hydro, thermal or nuclear. Abundant clean power will continue to l>e available as a driving force for a better economy and for a better environment too. Electricity is essential for both. FREE COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS Samba Group Meets WILSON BUICK COMPANY 203 GOOD AVE. > NYSSA, OREGON 372-2261 Mrs. Alta Stun» hosted the Samba Club last week with Mrs. Ida Miner as a guest player. Mrs. Ann Tensen was high with Mrs. Virginia Brandt taking se cond high. This advertiMment and others in the series are published because we too are concerned about the quality of life.