Th« Nyssa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Pag* Ten TVCC Starts Football Practice September 1 FISHING PONDS TO BENEFIT ANGLERS The Oregon Game Commis­ sion has approved the purchase September 1 is the day that which is an unsullied 1967 sea- of two small ponds totaling 8 the seasons will come full circle son of 9-0. acres near Ontario, and a 1- A man can’t coach for very acre section of streambank in for Treasure ValleyCommunity College and Gary Farnsworth, long, associating with the ag­ the Siuslaw drainage, both of Athletic Director; and head foot­ gressive striving type that is ball coach for the Chukars. On the athlete without a philosophy that day prospects of all sizes developing, a sort of wisdom and descriptions are scheduled about people distilled from the to arrive for training. During accretion of thousands of ex­ WOMEN BOWLERS the next four months they will be periences with them, some ex- The fall leagues are now under the close supervision and hilerating and some sad. Farney forming for the coming season. tutelage of the proven Chukar said this about the value of ath- All women bowlers, or women coaching staff. Ultimately, how > letics and about the relationship who would like to learn these young men fare in the sea­ between a coach and his players: to bowl are invited to join son ahead, and, in some cases, ‘‘A coach doesn’t develop or a league for fun, exercise in their careers depends much mold a man’s attitude or per­ and getting acquainted. on the Chukar coaches, and, of sonality; he gives him the op­ The Housewife Bowling Lea­ course, most of all on Farney. portunity to do that for himself. gue will have an organization Sport is a constructive outlet meeting Wednesday, September for the aggressive individual. 1 at 1:30 p.m. at the Sugar The aggressive young man Bowl in Nyssa. The Housewife doesn’t get into trouble because League is in the afternoon’s he is an athlete, but rather for those who cannot be away because he is aggressive. from home in the evenings so Therefore, the coach and they can still bowl. the sport give him an avenue Anyone interested is urged for expression in a socially ac­ to attend this meeting if at ceptable way.” all possible. If for some rea­ On the importance of vic­ son you are unable to attend tory he said, “This is very im­ contact either Ida Miner (372- portant. The athlete must win to 3496) or Marian Danford (372- experience success, and suc­ 3525). cess is what gives one pride Amy Mitchell, secretary of and courage. No one can give the Patriots League reports the athlete pride and courage, that they will meet Wednesday, but a coach can put him in a September 1 at 8:00 p.m. at the The 33 year old Farnworth position to find them himself. Sugar Bowl and would like for was born in Adrian. He attended Believe me, pride is more than anyone interested in bowling school in Nampa where he gra­ a word-it is a commitment!” with this team to attend the Regarding his staff, Farney meeting. duated in 1956. He played quarterback for three years at says, “Much of the success of There will be other league’s Nampa High School and then our football program lies in the forming so that all who are in­ lettered three years at the same fact that we have been fortunate terested will be able to bowl, men who have so please attend the meetings position for University of Idaho. to attract He has both BA and MS de­ other responsibilities in the col­ and be ready to bowl when lege; that is to say these men league play starts September 13. grees from that institution. He came to TVCC in 1966 are talented coaches, but most See you there! as an assistant to Larry Ste- important, they coach because vens. Prior to this he had they want to, because they en­ coached two years at U of I joy it. Each coach has his area under Skip Stahley, and four of direct responsibility; what years at Borah High School success is found there is at­ Expert - A person who knows where he acquired a 36-4 re­ tributed to him. In the final cord, Going into his fifth year analysis, however, it is the total a great deal about some special with the Chukars, Farney has a effort that has made theChukars thing. This definition doesn’t say that a person can’t be an record of 26-10 included in what they are.” expert on many subjects or that he has to know so much about any specific subject, just that he must know a great deal about some one item. I suppose this is why we have so many ex­ perts today, since “a great deal” The Oregon Game Commis­ years damage becomes acute is not defined we too often pre­ sion took its first step toward the full length of the valley sume that a smattering of the establishment of an elk from Baker on the south to. the knowledge is sufficient to set Shaw Mountain foothills hear winter range along the foothills one up as an expert. of the Elkhorn Mountains by ap­ Ladd Canyon on the north. I have specifically studied The Commission feels that proving the purchase of the So­ pharmacy for over 40 years renson property in the North acquisition and development of and hesitate to put myself up Powder area of Baker County. the Elkhorn Management Area as an expert, yet I daily en­ Action was taken following will alleviate undesirable da­ counter drug experts who aren’t meetings with the Baker County mage problems in the imme­ even a member of the profes­ An elk-proof sion. Planning Commission, land­ diate vicinity. owners, and the general public, fence is planned if it becomes I read a lot and am know­ with all parties concerned voi­ necessary to prevent the ani­ ledgeable on several subjects, from entering adja­ but being knowledgeable cer­ cing approval of the project. mals The Sorenson property en­ cent agricultural lands. tainly doesn’t set me up as an Extensive habitat improve­ expert. compasses just over 4,000 acres Let’s take the stock of second growth timber and ment will be undertaken to pro­ market for example. I read the brushy rangelands plus some vide additional forage in efforts Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger’s elk from ad­ letter, several letters from acreage under cultivation. Ge­ to attract neral location is in the Tucker jacent lands. Artificial feeding brokerage firms and Standard Flat-Muddy Creek area south may also become necessary to and Poors stock guide. I have of the North Powder River. attract and hold animals on the read several books on the sub­ Agricultural lands at the base management area. ject and have come to one The Commission plans to de­ (expert) conclusion, “There of the Elkhorns have long been subject to elk damage with ani­ velop a viewing site for public ain’t a damned soul that really mals dropping down from use where citizens may enjoy KNOWS much about what the the high mountain meadows to seeing wintering elk herds, pho­ market’s going to do tomorrow winter on the valley floor. There tographing the animals, and for or next year.” In just about is no intermediate range on the study of elk and other wild­ any issue of the Journal you which the animals can winter life that may be present. When can read divergent opinions as steep mountain slopes end fully developed, the winter range from the experts, “The Mar- abruptly in the agricultural is expected to attract mule deer ket’s going up, it’s standing lands below. During heavy snow and many other lesser animals still, it’s going to drop.” Take in addition to elk. your choice, in many instances I’ve found that my guess was as good or better than those GO PLACES WITH who should know. Your opportunity to deflate your dollar to two bits is greater than your chance to inflate a dollar to ten dollars. If you want to invest in a piece of America, do so but investi­ LIBRARY HOURS gate thoroughly before hand. Hunches are not sufficient to Monday........... 12 noon to 6 p.m. place your money on. If you Tuesday.......... 12 noon to 8 p.m. want the winner in horse races Wednesday ....12 noon to 6 p.m. you look at the past performan­ Thursday........ 10a.m. to6 p.m. ces of the horse, once in awhile Friday............. 12 noon to 6 p.m. you can pick a longshot and come Saturday..........12 noon to 6 p.m. out a big winner, but the long According to Mrs Max (Norma) Urry, the following books shots that lost probably cost are now available at the local library. you more than you won. “How To Be A Successful Executive" -- J. Paul Getty -- Remember that sometimes “Businessmen are made, not born” so says multi-billionaire your broker is more interested J. Paul Getty. in getting rid of something he’s “The Education of a Tennis Player” — Rod Laver — This stuck with than in picking a man and author is quite simply the world’s best tennis player, winner for you. On the advice and this is an account of how he got that way. of one broker I sold Flying “More Remarkable Recipes” — Mrs. Mark O. Hatfield — Tigers at $20.00, it’s now $35.00 A remarkable commentary. and bought Ray Resources at “Landscaping for Western Living” -- Sunset Magazine — $20.00 and they’re now $7.00. A western approach to home landscaping. If you can’t take time to be­ “How to Plan, Establish, and Maintain Rock Gardens” — come your own expert to be­ “The Doctor’s Quick Teenage Diet”--Irwin Maxwell Stillman, come a millionaire, don’t expect M.D. -- Teenage diet that really works, safe, medically proven, the broker to make you wealthy, effective and fun. some of them go broke. “The Gerber Report” — Alex Gerber, M.D, -- A leading R. Skeen Pitches surgeon reveals the shocking state of American medical care and tells what must be done about it. For LDS Ballclub “The Gift of the Deer” -- Helen Hoover -- A wilderness Robert Skeen, a Nyssa tale of a deer, his mate, their offspring, and two human friends. graduate, pitched for the Bend “Five Patients” -- Michael Crichton -- The reader is taken Softball Squad in the LDS Na­ step by step with the patients and the doctors in the fight for tional Church Softball Tourna­ life. ment which was held last week “The World’s Racing Cars” -- M.L. Twite -- Fourth edition in Salt Lake City. . revised to give the reader the most up-to-date-information Skeen led his team to the on popular racing cars. Oregon and regional cham­ "A Moment in History” -- Brent Ashabranner -- The first pionship. in his opening mound ten years of the Peace Corps. effort in the national parley, he | “Listening to America” -- Bill Moyers — Result of what the lost a tough 1-0 decision on an author saw and learned on a 13,000-m le swing across the unearned run. The second af­ country. fair found his squad downing “Brides" — Doubleday & Co. — A products report Tremonton, Utah 5-2. which will benefit sport fisher­ men. The 8-acre ponds located just outside of Ontario were purcha­ sed from the Rogers Construc­ tion Company. The company had dug the pits to obtain gravel for its numerous construction projects but the pits are now surplus to its needs. Located on land with a high water table, the excavations have filledfrom spring water and seepage to within a few feet of ground le- Thursday, August 26, 1971 vel. They are expected to re­ main close to this level the year around. The Commission plans tode- velope a trout fishery In the ponds if the fish grow well and can readily be taken by anglers. If the trout fail to respond, the tract was purchased from ponds will be stocked with pan­ Richard E. Baumgartner and will be developed by Lane County fish. The angler access point Is for boat launching. Lake Creek located on Lake Creek, tribu­ is a popular and productive tary to the Siuslaw, near the steelhead stream but has limi­ community of Deadwood. The ted boat access. ECONOMY PACK ROM CHOPS ATTENTION: KEIMS THICK SLICED BACON SLICED HALIBUT 2 lb. PKG. 89C RIB CUT PORK CHOPS lb. LOIN CUT PORK CHOPS lb. LOIN END PORK ROAST lb. 69( 79C 5K LOCAL HAMS SHANK PORTION AQt whole or lb. 7/T BUTT PORTION CQ/ lb’ k/#Y FRESH CHICKEN PARTS 59* LEGS & BREASTS Herb Sei... Game Comission To Establish Elk Range NYSSA Pl IBLIC z LIBRARY * 18 oz. PKG. 3/89C CORN FLAKES 59C LUNCHEON MEAT CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 6/$J SPAM 3 FLAVORS 12 oz. 3 DIAMONDS 20 oz. CHICKEN OF THE SEA 6 1/2 oz. CANS CHUNK TUNA MAYONNAISE KRAFT QT. SHAVER’S 46 oz PINK GRAPEFRUIT JUICE NALLEY’S REG. OR MILD CHILI 15 oz. CANS NALLEY’S 22 oz. DILLS-POLISH DILLS Dirif I CÇ r I v I x LLJ CUKE CHIPS SWEET NUBBINS GOLDEN SOFT 1-lb. TUBS MARGARINE SEGO 13 oz. CANS CANNED MILK PET INSTANT DRY MILK < ■ KERNS 8 oz. TOMATO SAUCE STRAWBERRY KERNS 21b. JAR PRESERVES CERTIFRESH 1/2 GAL. ICE CREAM NALLEY’S 15 oz. BEEF TAMALES KERNS 46 oz. APRICOT NECTAR 3/$l 69t 2/89t 3/89t 2/89t 3/$l 5/8« $2.29 12/S1 5W 694 3/894 3/894 FACELLE ROYALE 50 COUNT DINNER NAPKINS NALLEY’S LUMBERJACK 40 OZ. oz KUÏAL1I HOUSE 4U PEANUT BUTTER BIG 49 REG. 43C TABLETS 300 COUNT FILLER PAPER REG. 69C 294 474 ERASERS 374 BIC PENS 74 FLAIR PENS 234 GLUE 3/$l 2/$l 99C PINK PEARL REG 15Ç 3 PACK REG. 87C REG. 49C ea. ELMER’S REG. 59C » 9( 274 294 374 ea. Prices Effective Saturday MW markets High Quality Low Prices. NYSSA ... OREGON 4