Thuriday, Aufluit 19, 197Ì Th« Nysia Oat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Pag« Six Radio Exp. $48.00: Viking Of fice Supplies - Office Supplies; Vale Police $28.28, Clerk Of fice Exp. $11.20, County Court BY DALE WITT Office Exp. ($22.40), Juvenile PHONE 372-2183 Office Exp. $30.94: R.K.Kever- MINUTES OF THE MALHUER fee to Schram. Elliott Tire Stores, Inc.,-As en, DMD - Jail Prisoner Per Request from BLM for County sessor Travel $2.00: Herb’s COUNTY COURT - JUNE 2, KINGMAN KOLONY - Her sonal $39.00: David W. Sarazin to contribute $375.00 for Main ■ Richfield - Assessor Travel 1971: M.D. - Jail Prisoner Personal schel Thompson and Mr. and Court met with Judge Ellis tenance of road to Blue Moun $40.85: Joseph S. Maughan - $11.00: Vale Plumbing & Heat Mrs. Al Thompson attended the tain Relay Station, White presiding and Commis Veterans Travel-May $66.76: ing - Jail Housekeeping $35.00: 60th wedding anniversary sioners E. W. Maag and Henry Approved by Motion to allow ' Ross Burt - Bully Creek Park Sears, Roebuck & Co. - Jail celebration for Rev. and Mrs. Esplin present. only minimum fee set by statue ' $21.70: John Storck - Family Housekeeping $24.95: Burns J.J. Flemming in Wilder Sunday Court met with Walt Gilles for Court appointed Attorneys. Service Clinic Travel - May Surplus Store - Jail Housekeep afternoon. pie and Howard Cockeram in Bob Currier from BLM and $102.96: Malheur County Sher ing $155.40: Certified Laborat Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Laanhad regard to change of road and Irvin Anderson from StateBLM iff Revolving Fund - Sheriff ories, Inc. - Jail Housekeeping a picnic at the Owyhee Lake bridge on Greenfield Road. were present to discuss plans Travel $158.58, Sheriff Trans- $36.13: Albertson’s - Jail Food Sunday. Motion by Judge Ellis for Charbonneau Grave Mem • porting prisoners $11.50: E.W. Exp. $8.84: Vale Floral - Jail Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Les- White to pay May Hussey, 60 orial at Danner. Maag - County Court Travel Food Exp. $14.40: Boston’s - ter Strawn visited their son, month retroactive from Jan Bob Smith appeared before $22.00; Gentry Ford Sales - Jail Food Exp. $163.54: Den- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Strawn uary 1, 1971, one step and lim the Court and advised the Court Sheriff Travel $13.50: Standard tinger’s Feed & Seed-Jail Food and family in Caldwell and Gail it the secretary in the District to notify Insurance carrier of Oil Co. - Sheriff Travel $21.09: Exp. $6.30, Courthouse House returned home with them for a Attorney Office to one step Nursing Home and ask for re Juvenile Travel $4.17: Shell Oil keeping $46.00: Ray’s Food visit. for the coming July 1, 1971 duction of rates. Co. -Sheriff Travel -5.08: Con Fair - Jail Food Exp. - May - Saturday evening Mr. and to July 1, 1972. No second. Approved by Motion to hire tinental Oil Co. - Sheriff Travel $30.94: Dee-Lite Bakery - Jail Mrs. Lester Strawn visited Mr. To be carried over until June Herb Derrick to be Planning $64.34: Texaco, Inc.,- Sheriff Food -May $27.75: Hugh Findley and Mrs. Bill Burress in Nyssa. 9, 1971. Coordinator to prepare County Travel $13.74: Matthews Chev • - Jail Food - May $45.00: Idaho Mrs. Lester Strawn accom Court met with Len Dykstra Planning & Zoning Ordinance, rolet - Sheriff Travel $36.93: Food Products, Inc. -Jail Food- panied Martha Bessendorfer to In regard to insurance contract according to proposal outlined Northwest Gas & Oil-Assessor May $228.76: Powell’s Office Ontario on a business trip. for employees. Mr. Dykstra is by Herb Derrick. Travel $23.23: Elliott Tire Supply - Clerk $2.70, Assessor Mrs. Lester Strawn and Gail to call the office and get figures Meeting adjourned until June Store - Juvenile Travel $48.46: $33.43, Ontario Justice Court were Sunday dinner guests of on new contract for week of 27, 1971: Joseph S. Maughan - Veterans $3.69, Juvenile Dept. $14.00: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carter in June 9. 1971. MINUTES OF THE MALHUER Travel - June $53.29: Herb’s Dunham Printing Co. - Clerk New Plymouth. Bid from Tom Braniff - Area COUNTY COURT MEETING - Richfield - Assessor Travel Dena and Tracy Ausman of Office Exp. $366.45: Glenna JUNE 27, 1971: No. 1 -$10,000 yard. $14.30: Jean P. Bond - Treas Kinney - Clerk Election Exp. Brighten, Colo., arrived Sunday Court received a request Approved by Motion to trans urer Travel - April 1 through $14.20: Department of Revenue morning to visit in the Earl from Mrs. Ross Burt for a fer $1,500.00 from District June 30, 1971 $77.87: John - Assessor Mapping Supplies Campbell home. Other Sunday light at Bully Creek Park and Council of Government Budget Storck-Family Travel $163.67, $92.50: Idaho Power Co. - Jail callers were Steve Kriegh, and signs at Park to keep automo to General County Budget. June $257.76: F.J. Yraguen - Food - May $10.53, Ontario JP Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie McCain biles and motorcycles off the Meeting adjourned until June D. A. Travel - June $23.84: Vale May Power $31.72, Vale JP and son of Nyssa, who came to grass. Emil Maag to check 30, 1971: Coop County Court Travel Power - May $7.60, Vale JP see Bruce who has a 30 day leave costs and report to Court June MINUTES OF THE MALHUER $87.30, Sheriff Travel $163.67, Office Exp. $5.44, Courthouse from the service. 16, 1971. COUNTY COURT MEETING - Clerk Travel $3.60, Assessor Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piercy, May Power $563.83: City of Approved by motion to spon- JUNE 30, 1971: Travel $38.27, Auditor Travel Ontario - Ontario Justice Court Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer and tor dinner for State Parks & Court met with Judge Ellis $5.01, Surveyor Travel $6.22, Utilities - May Water $4.50: Jan and Mrs. Bill Toomb were Recreation Advisory Commlt- White presiding and Commis Board of Equalization Travel Land Title Insurance - Ontario Saturday evening guests for ice tee August 5, 1971. sioners E. W. Maag and Henry $6.36. and cake in the Justice Court Office Exp. $7.50: cream Court signed Memorandum Esplin present. OFFICE EXPENSES & SUP Scholes Printing Shop - Ontario Earl Campbell home. Agreement for appraisal of in Court met with John Storck PLIES: H.T. Hartwell, Auditor- 1 Justice Court Office Exp. $8.00: Thursday evening Mr. and dustrial property by State Tax from Family Service CHnie. He Circuit Court Office Exp. $3.70, Nita Bellows - Ontario Justice Mrs. Jim Phifer and Jan were Commission. told the Court he plans to re Co. Court Office Exp. $4.37, Court Office Exp. $10.00: E. guests for ice cream and cake Court resolved to pay Bud sign September 30, 1971. Assessor Office Exp. $2.00, Otis Smith-Nyssa Justice Court in the Joe Freitag home honor Munsterman for lease of pro Approved by motion to sell Auditor Office Exp $1.90, D.A. Office Exp. $8.00: Schoen Stud ing Jan on her birthday. perty for transmitter - Law old Sheriff’s Jeep for $175.00. Office Exp. $1.54, Ontario JP Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. ios - Nyssa JP Office Exp. Enforcement Communications. Approved by Motion to pay Office Exp. $.40, Juvenile Of $27.50: Malheur Memorial Hos Jim Phifer and Jan and Mrs. Approved Order No. $4, In Kerby & Danford in the amount fice Exp. $1.51, Courthouse pital - Juvenile Aid $57.57: Bill Toomb were guests in the the Matter of Payment of of $40.00 - Mental Patient Hear Housekeeping $.70, Weed Con Malheur Propane - Courthouse Delno Brock home in Ontario. Claims , hereby ordering the ing and bills approved by Health trol $1.50, Civil Defense Fold Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Cearley Heat $14.03: City of Vale - County Auditor to issue war Dept, in the amount of $23.00 ers & Ft. $5.30, Surveyor $.92: Courthouse May Water $54.82: of Emmett were Sunday dinner rants totaling $61,546.84. - Dr. Kopp - VD Patient. Agricultural Stabilization & Capital Janitorial Supply-Court guests of their daughter, Mr. Meeting adjourned until June A pproved by Motion to ap- Conservation Service - Assess house Housekeeping $21.00: and Mrs. Myron Osborn. 9, 1971. point Judge EUis White to re or Mapping Exp. $137.00: Paul Gold Seal Dust Mop Service - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhodes MINUTES OF THE MALHEUR present the County Court as a F. Wood - Circuit Court Wit Courthouse Housekeeping $8.50 went camping below the Owyhee COUNTY COURT - June 9, member on the County - City ness Fees $75.20: U.S. Post ' Olsen Lumber & Paint - Court Dam over the weekend. 1971: Library Board. master - Vale- Ontario JP Post house Housekeeping $5.43: In Mrs. Ed Nedrow visited Mrs. Court met with Judge Ellis Motion by Emil Maag that age $5.00: Public Employees terstate Electric Supply - Court Jay Lewis Saturday morning. White presiding and Commis Malheur County distribute Retirement Board -General Co. house Housekeeping $87.07: Ed Nedrow and Jimmie went sioners E.W. Maag and Henry Abundant Food four days per 5-71 Contrib. to FICA $2,213.45: Troy Jones Heating-Courthouse on a camping and fishing trip Esplin present. month. Seconded by Henry Es Public Employees Retirement Repairs $74.95: Vale Welding to Unity Saturday. Approved by motion for auth plin. Yes - Henry Esplin and System - General Co. 5-71 Con Mrs. Jeannette Stacy and girls & Machine Shop - Courthouse orization to Sheriff Robert Ing Emil Maag. No - Judge Ellis trib. to Retirement $1,971.65: Repairs $7.00: Pitney-Bowes, of Apple Valley were Sunday din ram to use County prisoners White. Business Mens Assurance-Gen Inc.- Courthouse Postage $138.- ner guests of her parents, Mr. on road and other County de Approved by Motion to trans eral Co. 5-71 Contrib. to BMA 00:. Joseph S. Maughan - Veter and Mrs. Willis Conant. Mr. tails. fer $3,442.50 from Contingency $221.61: W.E. Gillespie - Sur ans Office Exp.- May $9.52: and Mrs. Bill Conant and family Approved by Motion to pay Fund to Malheur Nursing Home veyor - May $50.00: Swan, But Transport Clearings - Abundant were afternoon visitors. $50.00 per year out of Traffic for Capital Outlay. ler & Looney - Circuit Court Food Center Freight on Surplus Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas Safety Fund to C.H. Munster Approved Order No. 36, in Attorney Fees $250.80: The Food $1,597.89: PubHc Welfare of Weiser and Mrs. Mary Hatt man and Betty Munsterman for the Matter of Payment of Coble Co. - Co. Court Adv. & Division- Abundant Food Center were Sunday evening visitors of agreement for placing of a Re Claims, hereby ordering the Promotion - $35.61: Malheur - May Rent $269.87: A-l Busi Mrs. Bill Toomb. peater Station at Cottonwood County Auditor to issue war Enterprise - Tax Dept. Office ness Machines - Office Equip. Mountain and county wide com rants totaling $17,944.26. Exp.- $240.30, Vale JP Office & Maint. $68.00: Architects - tlce Court Witness Fee $74.00: munications system. Throughway j greement sign Exp. $1.47: Malheur Drug - County Surveyor $6.51: Bemis Standard Insurance Co. - Mal Approved by Motion to accept ed by the Court - State & County Auditor Office Exp. $7.89, Co., Inc. - County Dump $246.- heur Countv Contribution to bid from Arrow Co. for better plan and propose to construct Dump - Film & Dev. $1.79: 75: Star lite Cafe - Board of E- 7/71 Life Ins. $80.09; OPS - control ventilating system for the Olds Ferry-Ontario Section Stevens-Ness law Publishing qualization- June Meals $28.25: Malheur Co. Contrib. to 7/71 County Jail. of the Old Oregon Trail, State Co.- D.A. Office Exp. $8.75: Thunderegg Room - Board of OPS $170.28: Public Employ Approved by Motion to make ' Primary Highway No. 6 G-80N) S.W. 1st Avenue Office - On Equalization June Meals $55.50 es Retirement Board - Gen application to State Highway as a throughway. tario JP Rent - June $135.00: Jim Hysell Pump - Bully Creek eral Co. 6/71 Contrlb. to FICA Department for use of F.A.S. $2,637.17: Public Employes Re Approved order No. 37, In E. Otis Smith - Nyssa JP Phone Park $39.84: tirement System - General Co. Funds for bridge over Bully the Matter of Payment of' & Utilities $20.75, Nyssa JP OFFICE EXPENSES & SUP 6/71 Contrlb. to Retirement Creek on Greenfield Road. Claims, hereby ordering the Rent $88.50, Nyssa JP Janit PLIES: Dr. Jos. T. Burdlc, Approved by Motion to trans County Auditor to issue war or $30.00; Schoen Studios - M. D. - Family Service Clinic $2,370.71: Powell’s Office Sup ply - June Office Supplies: Cir fer $1,130.00 from General rants totaling $149,492.74. Nyssa JP Office Exp. $23.34: Psychiatric Serv. $420.00: John cuit Court $15.48, Clerk $37.93 County Fund (Juvenile Budget) MINUTES OF BUDGET BOARD Flying Realty - Vale JP Of Storck - Family Serv. Clinic Assessor $6.95, Ontario JP to Law Library Budget. $20.48: National $14.63, Watermaster $5.89: Ba MEETING - JUNE 28, 1971: fice Exp. $2.70: Idaho Power Office Exp. Approved Order No. 35, In Budget Board met for final Co. - Vale JP Utilities - May Council of Family Relations- ron Press - Circuit Court Of the Matter of Payment of hearing on proposed 1971-1972 $8.70, Bully Creek Park - May Famlly Service Clinic Office fice Exp $11.13: F. Morton Pitt Claims, hereby ordering the Budget. Judge Ellis White, Emil $50.21: Austin Barton - Vale Exp. $20.00: Holy Rosary Hos Co. - Sheriff Office Exp $20.04: County Auditor to issue War Maag, Henry Esplin, Norm JP Rent $65.00: Mrs. Laree pital - Family Service Clinic Estano’s - Sheriff Office Exp June Rent $80.00: Patrick Con $32.49: Dunham Printing Co. - rants totaling $28,283.89. Poole & Bert Hawkins present. McFarland - Vale JP - June nelly - Juvenile witness Fees Agreement signed with State Loren Munn not present. $15.00: M,G. Palmer - Jordan $30,80: Malheur County Sher Sheriff Office Exp $223.70, JaU Highway Commission in regard Norm Poole discussed some Valley JP Utilities $10.00, Jor iff Expense Acct - Sheriff Of Exp $247.60: Malheur Drug- to fonds for development or problems brought to him by the dan Valley JP Office Exp. $4.00, fice Exp. $5.00: Postmaster - Sheriff Office Exp $2.28, Jail Prisoner Personal $16.11, Jail construction of marine parks Justice of the Peace Officers Jordan Valley Rent $30.00:Dun Courthouse Postage $600.00: U. Housekeeping Exp $2.85, Jail and facilities. in the County. ham Printing Co. - Juvenile S. National Bank/Vale-Auditor Garden Exp $6.58, Juvenile Office Supplies $15.51: U. S. Na Meeting adjourned. Discussion on salary for the Office Exp. $49.50: Terry Jan Aid $3.18, Juvenile Office MINUTES OF THE MALHEUR Secretary in the District At itorial Supplies - Courthouse tional Bank/Vale-Ontario Jus Exp $1.16: Grimmett County tice Court Witness Fees $16.92, COUNTY COURT - JUNE 16, torney’s Office. Approved by Housekeeping $29.75: l’acker- Supply - Sheriff Uniform Exp Juvenile Witness Fees $95.40: $31.20, 1971: Jail Exp $63.80: motion to leave the Budget as Scott-Courthouse Housekeeping Patrick Connelly - Ontario Jus Idaho Power Co. - Sheriff Court met with Judge Ellis proposed regarding Mrs. Hus $56.72: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph tice Court Witness Fees $30.80: Radio Exp/May $3.60, Jail White presiding and Commis sey’s salary. Maughan - Veterans Service National Council of Juv. Judges- Housekeeping $17.22, Ontario sioners E.W. Maag and Henry Approved by Motion to ad Rent & Clerlcal-June $100.00: Clrcult Court Office Exp.- JP Power/June $20.88: Scholes Esplin present. opt Budget as it has been re Dept. of General Services $25.00: Malheur County Sheriff Printing Shop - Tax Dept Approved by Motion that the viewed by the Budget Commit A.F.P. Commodities $419.25: Revolving Fund - Sheriff Office Office Exp $20.00: Dr. Eugene County accept the Oregon l’hy- tee on a line by line item basis. Waldo Forsman - A.F.P. Of Exp. $2.25, Jail FoodExp.$3.00 G. Carroll - Jail Prisoner Per sicians Service for group insur Meeting adjourned. fice Exp. - May $16.97: Ontario Postmaster - Box Rent: Sheriff sonal $15.00:HolyRosaryHos- ance on employees and elected The following claims were Laundry - A.F.P. Housekeeping $10.80, Clerk $10.80, Assessor pltal - Jail Prisoner Personal or appointed officials. approved and paid during the $4.80: Ontario Sanitary Service $10.80, Auditor $10.80, Trea $39.20: Sears, Roebuck & Co.- surer $7.20, Dlst. Attorney Mary Graham met with the month of June: - A.F.P. Housekeeping $2.50: $10.80, Vale Justicecourt $7.20: Jall Housekeeping Exp $22.99: Court in regard to the old GENERAL COUNTY FUND Gold Seal Dust Mop Service - Onta rlo A rgus Observer - Clerk Decker’s, Inc. - Jail House keeping Supplies $81.00: Court “Rhinehart’’ Stone House. TRAVEL EXPENSES: Starlite A.F.P. Housekeeping $3.00: Official Advertising $19.98: Plans are to open a tourist Cafe - County Court Travel Nyssa Machine & Welding - Nyssa Gate City Journal-Clerk house Housekeeping Supplies $21.65: The Merc-Jail $6.52: office in front of the house. $10.15, Board of Equalization Marine & Park Fund $416.42: Official Advertising $457.31: Aldred Electric Shop - Jail Court signed Quitclaim Deed $23.50: Henry Esplin - County Golden Slipper Cafe - Board Viking Office Products - As Housekeeping $17.45, Court to transfer corner of property Court Travel $104.80: Doris of Equalization $14.00: Canine sessor Office Exp, $85.40; Idaho house Repairs $25. 53: Albert to Jones and tax or title on land Johnson - Sheriff Travel $13.92: Enterprises, Inc. - Dog Control Blueprint & Supply Ca - As son’s 131 - Jail Boarding O/S owned by County across from F.J. Yraguan-District Attorney $112.00: Stan McNutt - Sheriff sessor MapplngSupplles$31.24: Prisoners $44.91: Ray’s Food Adrian Labor Camp. Travel - April & May $56.16: Search & Rescue $70.55: F.J. Burroughs Corp-Auditor Office Fair - Jail Boarding Outside Approved by Motion that a Vale Coop - County Court Trav Yraguen - D.A. Inst. & Conf. Exp. $122.36: John E. Denenk Prisoners $40.95: Idaho Food CPA 6/30/70 - Audit of County Products - Jail Boarding Out light be installed at Bully Creek el $4.15, Sheriff Travel $173.44. $105.60: U.S. National Bank - Books $6,000.00:ImperlalCar Park fay Idaho Power. Assessor Travel $40.30, Aud Vale-Dump I abor - May $246.- bon Co. - D. A. Office Sup side Prisoners Exp $572.56: Meeting adjourned until June itor Travel $1.90, Surveyor 84, Parks Labor - May $21.12: plies $8.09: Stuart F. Coop Nishitanl Farms - Jail Board ing Outside Prisoners $10.90: 23, 1971. ( $12.87), Dump $3.92, Bully Malheur County Clerk - Asses er - D. A. Office Exp. $180.70: Dee-Lite Bakery - Jail Board MINUTES OF THE MALHEUR Creek Park $5.45: Treasure sor- Recording Unzoned Farm Leo’s Camera Shop - D. A. In ing Outside Prisoners/June $5.30; Search & $29.50: COUNTY COURT MEETING - Valley Motors - Sheriff Travel Land Applications $232.50:W.E. vestigation Vale Floral - Jail Seizure Bulletin - D. A. Books JUNE 23, 1971: $100.88: Atlantic Richfield Co.- Gillespie - Co. Surveyor Boarding Outside Prisoners $17.00: Malheur Enterprise - Court met with Judge Ellis Sheriff Travel $11.87: Texaco $113.20: Melvin L. Walter - $6.90: Hugh Findley - Jail White presiding and Commis Inc. - Sheriff Travel - April Circuit Court Attorney Fees Vale JP Office Exp. $39.25: Boarding Outside Prisoners/ Mary Graham - Vale JP Office sioners E.W. Maag and Henry $115.44: Continental Oil Co. - $177.40: Malheur Home Tele Exp. $8.00: Terry Janitorial June $22.50: Dentinger’s Feed Seed - Jail $7.85: Goodman Sheriff Travel - April $51.99: Esplin present. phone Co. - May Phone Bills Supplies - Courthouse House- & ’ Approved by Motion not to Lyle Haines Distributor - Sher $618.53: Stone’s Electronics - keeping $8.60: Gold Seal Dust Oil Co. - Jail Exp $6.72: Finch- Brown C ol - Clerk Office Exp rent or lease County Vehicles. iff Travel $29.95: Northwest Circuit Court Office Exp. Mop Services - A. F. P. House- i $101.60: Nyssa Gate City Jour Approved by Motion that the Gas & Oil Co - Sheriff Travel $55.00: keeping $3.00: Ray’s Food , nal - Clerk Official Advert/ County accept the Supplemental $50.84: Shell Oil Co. - Sheriff Baron Press - Circuit Court Fair - Co. Dump $13.08: Gol- J April $104.74: Ontario Argus Travel - May $13.05: Vale Auto Office Exp. $52.78: Valley Gro den Slipper - Board of Equali- ' Observer - Budget as advertised. Clerk Official Approved by Motion that the Body Shop - Sheriff Travel cery & Supply - Sheriff Office ration/ Meals $11.25: Idaho To- , Advert/'Budget $437.27: Idaho Court send specifications to $37.00: Red’s Phillips66-Sher Exp. $1.49: Police Chiefs & wer Co. - Bully Creek Park/ j Blueprint & Supply - Assessor Power $70.55: American Fac- > Mapping Exp $61.28, Surveyor contractors in county for move iff Travel $13.80: Union Oil Sheriffs Into. Bureau - Sheriff tors, Inc. - County Court Office , $138.05: “ Burroughs Cojjp. - ment of 7,299 yards of dirt — Co-Sheriff Travel-April $22.04: Office Exp. $12.50: Estano's Exp $100100, Assessor Office $5140: Fill for approaches to Bully Assessor Travel -April$16.02: Sheriff Office Exp-May $23.- Fxp $128.72: U. S. National Auditor Office Exp. National District Attorney ’s Standard Oil Co - Sheriff Trav 57: Malheur Drug - Sheriff Of Bank. *V ale - General County Creek Bridge. Assn. - District Attorney Law Approved by Motion to re el $29.44, Assessor Travel fice Exp. $3.95: Jail Prisoner 8/71 Payroll $43,337.35: Ri (Continued On Page 7) fuse to refund the $16.00 filing $3.97, Juvenile Travel $16.37: Exp. $4.49: Mobilcom - Sheriff chard N. Goffena - Ontario Jus- COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS 1 Kingman Kolony NEW MACHINE HARVESTING ONION SEED This is a converted combine which has been re-built into an onion seed harvester by Dessert Seed Company. There are only two of them known to be in existence. A four row and this six row machine. It was shipped by truck from El Centro, Calif., here for the fall harvest of onion seed. This machine has a total of eight hydraulic motors and four oil pumps. The “bull rows” are still cut by hand and then the machine cuts the seed and transfers it into the power box wagons. canvas. These have to be hand turned each day to dry evenly and then are combined. This is one time of the year the employees don't like to see it rain, as if a cloud is sighted everyone rushes to cover the onion seed. versity of Denver with his doc toral dissertation entitled “Folklore of the Lower Snake River Valley: A Regional Study.” Attebery had taught published in professional jour high school English in Middle nals several reviews of books ton, Payette, Nyssa, andin Den of western Americana. He is ver’s East High where he was a member of the executive coun chairman of the department, cil of Western Literature Asso prior to joining the C of I He will be accompanied to ciation and is Idaho editor of the periodical “Northwest Folk England by his family who an lore.” His interest in the sub ticipate a heavy sightseeing ject led Attebery to originate schedule. His wife, the former a Folklore Archive at the C of Barbara Olson of Payette and a C of I alumna, is a private L He is a 1950 alumnus of the piano teacher, organist for the C of I and returned aS a fa- local Methodist Church; and was culty member in 1961, movingto organist at the Lakewood Con- his position as chairman of the gregational Church during their English department in 1968. He stay in Denver. Their daugh also has served as principal ter Bobby graduated last spring lecturer in the American Stu from the University of Oregon dies program at the college in and worked in Portland this summer sessions for ten years summer. Brian, their son, is and has been coordinator of the an accomplished cellist and will six-week winter session since take his instrument to England its inception. Attebery received for possible further instruction the “Outstanding Professor” there. He completed his fresh award at the C of I in the man year at the C of I. 1966-67 school year. During the sabbatical leave. Attebery earned his master’s Dr. J. Raymond Lord will serve degree at Montana State Uni as adjunct associate professor versity where he served also as in the college English de graduate assistant. His Ph.D. partment and will replace Dr. The first picture shows a close up of the front of the machine in operation. The second picture is the onion seed going up the con veyor to the power wagon. The third pic ture shows the onion seed drying on long Former Nyssa Educator Receives Fellowship Dr. Louis W. Attebery has received the Bruern Fellowship in American Literature at Leeds, England for the 1971-72 academic year, according to Leeds University Registrar J. V. Loach. Attebery, chairman of the College of Idaho English de partment, will take sabbatical leave from the college, and, with his family, will depart for Europe September 1. Under the terms of the Bruern Fellowship in American Litera ture, Attebery will conduct a graduate seminar in the Litera ture of the American West, drawing from a course he has taught at the C of I for five years. Included in the fellowship are an honorarium and travel expenses and the prerogative of undertaking work in the Insti tute of Folk Life Studies. Considered an authority in the field of folklore, Attebery has been a constant contributor of articles for folklore pub lications in the Northwest and