Pag« Eight Thursday, August 12, 1971 Th« Nyssa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Stop It, America, Before It’s Too Late Nyssa Pool Swim Teams BLACKBURN TO OPEN EBRONIX CENTER Salem Scene Ebronix, a national company headquartered in Boise, Idaho, by Jack Zimmerman (The following column ap­ consciences, to mislead and con- will open a new learning center peared in a recent issue of the fuse us. It is twisting our in Ontario September Ito serve Oregon been reap- ate Caucus of that party now Long Beach Press Telegram. values, making it difficult for the Treasure Valley area. portioned. has the matter under considera­ It is well worth reading.) Larry Blackburn, a teacher our children to know right from Republicans appear to favor tion. Stop it, you anti-Americans! wrong. and coach at Nyssa High School the job done by Sec. of State Almost any individual can Stop criticizing everything and Thousands of American boys the last two years, has been Clay Myers, Democrats gen- challenge the plan, however, and everybody and every motive and have been killed in Vietnam by selected to manage the center. erally, don’t. someone doubtless will before every action except your own. being trapped in hamlets where Blackburn, originally from M 'd- Pundits believe it paves the the Sept. 1 deadline. Stop constantly sniping at your men, women and children were dleton, Idaho, holds both the way for GOP control of the Altogether 12 counties find government. What in the world paraded as villagers; when ac­ Bachelor and Masters Degrees state Senate. The same sages themselves “carved up” to is the matter with you? You tually they were armed with in education from the University believe it may enable Democrats satisfy population requirements have the most wonderful nation Viet Cong Molotov cocktails, of Idaho. to gain an upper hand in the They are Washington, Clacka­ on earth, a nation that has gone bombs and what have you. Our House. mas, Marion, Linn, Yamhill, to extraordianry lengths to uplift boys were trying to be decent Myers inherited the job when Polk, Benton, Lane, Douglas, the poor, feed the hungry, com­ and suddenly they found them­ members of the 56th Legislature Josephine, Klamath and Jackson. fort the afflicted and extend jus­ selves completely surrounded couldn’t agree on an acceptable Due to population shifts there tice to everyone. Yet here you by villagers armed to the teeth plan. One Portland newspaper will be a larger imbalance are, applauding the very people and destroying them. said the result was “a mess.” between Eastern and Western who degrade and mock America, But the poor bleeding hearts but, all things considered "... Oregon representation. But who tell you how selfish and in America. These anti-Ameri­ a pretty good piece of work.” everyone expected that. can so-called patriots, instead corrupt Americans are. Federal law calls for reap­ Simply stated, the Myers plan Your own eyes and your own of having any sympathy for our portionment of states following provides voters will ballot for common sense should tell you boys who, of course, had to each decennial census to keep only one State Senator and re­ that in no other land, under no fight back, felt sorry only for representation of Congress and presentative. The single-mem­ other system is the individual the old men and children who the State Legislature equitable ber district proposition rules more respected or better got hurt in the mixup. as far as population is con­ in rural areas and is maintained Of course they would get hurt treated. Nowhere is a person cerned. Carving up a state in urban areas by use of multi­ as free to do what he wants in that kind of a mess. We to make certain each Congress­ member districts with single­ with his life. Nowhere in the had a lot of boys killed in that man and State Legislator re­ member subdistricts. The anti-Americans world, despite our occasional action. presents a fairly equal number This means the bigger overemphasis on getting and had no sympathy for the poor of constituents shouldn’t be counties are divided into dis­ spending, are charity and ser­ villagers who were simply used, “Providing motivation and an much of a chore. But there tricts with single-member sub­ vice to mankind more prac­ innocently or otherwise, by the individualized learning program are problems. districts from which come a ticed or revered than right here Viet Cong. This is war, make for students who have not suc­ One is called gerrymandering number of Senators and Re­ no mistake about it, but these ceeded in a group environment — the tampering of voting dis­ in America. presentatives. Legislative can­ For the past couple of years anti-American loudmouths seem is the primary role of the Eb- tricts to nullify equal re­ didates must reside within the you have allowed a small hand­ to believe we have no right to ronix Learningcenter,” Black­ presentation of minority groups district. To comply with the ful of hypocritical critics to wage it in our own defense. burn stated. The Ebronix with in-power majorities. Ob­ one-man, one-vote mandate, the One U.S. senator actually said method involves the use of elec­ flagellate us and our govern­ servers concur the Myers plan districts are divided into sub­ that American prisoners of war tronic machines and private tu­ ment. avoids gerrymandering. districts from whence only one Be realistic. America where in Hanoi might as well just tors to assist students at all Another problem is current Senator and one Representative is your sense of proportion? stay there, because they cer­ grade levels. supreme Court attitude — in can emerge following election. We aren’t a debased or rotten tainly wouldn’t have been pri­ the present case the one-man, Candidates don’t have to live ‘‘Before accepting a student nation. We have our share of soners if they had had enough for enrollment, a diagnostic one-vote mandate. This idea within the subdistrict they criminal misfits, but most of sense not to enlist for a useless profile must be conducted,” is meant to “liberalize” re­ choose to represent. But they us are pretty decent people- and barbaric war. Well, the continued Blackburn. presentation, eliminate any ten­ must pick only one subdis­ ‘‘Our hard-working, law-abiding, fact is they didn’t enlist—they electronically dency of a majority group to trict in which to run. programmed God-fearing. All of us want a were drafted. control a block of at-large seats profile is definitely new to the Most Salem-watchers believe better life for ourselves andour And many of the very men U.S. and is the major key to and bring voters closer to their the Meyers plan — although children, and most of us want a who supported President John the success of the Ebronix me - individual elected lawmakers. contested, will prevail. And a better life for our neightbors too. F. Kennedy when he went into thod.” Another Supreme Court atti­ lot of them believe ’72 elections But this anti-Americanism is Vietnam and who supported the tude involves the equal popu­ will send a lot of new faces to “Following the student ana­ corrupting our national soul. Tonkin Resolution later when the lysis, an individual program is lation concept within voting dis­ Salem for the 57th session in It’s having a harmful effect on war became unpopular, turned designed for the student. This tricts — avoiding the tendency '73. our children, who are beginn­ about-face and blamed the whole individualized program using of a few lawmakers to gain In a few cases veteran in­ ing to believe it. This false thing on President Lyndon John­ various success motivation te­ disproportionate power because , cumbents will be pitted against picture is making it easier for son. And now they are blaming chniques enables the student to of an excessively large con­ each other at the polls next the haters, the doomsayers and it on President Nixon, who didn’t greatly improve readingand/or stituency. year if both choose to run. the malcontents, those with the have a single thing to do with math skills.” The present Myers plan goes Carry-over Senators won’t have biggest mouths and the smallest starting this war. to great lengths to satisfy both to struggle with the problem Ontario’s Ebronix Learning But the very men who are Center will offer courses in of these concepts and, in fact, until elections in ’74. Some loudest in their criticism of mathematics, spelling, and the Secretary of State let the new areas have been created President Nixon and the present reading for all school levels. federally favored population Which jo not now have repre- situation in Vietnam, which gra­ Special programs for adults equality provision guide him sentation. And it’s likely some Lower photo, from the left, front row, Shown are members of the swim teams dually is being solved, are the in improving their reading or through the reapportionment incumbents will move to new displaying their ribbons won during the Duane Griffin, Mike Shannon, Robert Fehl­ very ones who really helped math skills are also available maze that proved fata1 to Legis-neighborhoods by the Nov. 3 season. man, Richard Fehlman and Randy Jones. start the whole mess. This is at the center. lators. deadline this year to facilitate In the top photo swimmers ages 10 and Middle row, Patty Nemazi, Katy Nemazi, the worst display of national But there’s another big re-election. Larry Blackburn resides in under are, from the left, front row, Brid­ Julie Anderson, Jeannie Jefferies, Lori hypocrisy we have ever wit­ Nyssa with his wife Donna, also problem and that’s the fact the County party organizations get Vanetti, Laurie Marsh, Margaret Joyce, Lane, Patty Joyce and Troy Calhoun. Third nessed in this country. State Constitution disagrees will have to innovate where an educator, and their two child­ Sheila Joyce, Ricky Roberts and Scotty Cal­ row, Mariam Kunkel, Dirk Sappe, Lorinda It is unbelievable that so ren. The manager extends an with current Supreme Court vwuul OTC been crossed. houn. Back row, Dana Maxfield, Whitney Baker (coach), Sandra Thomas, Linda Church county lines ,, have small a minority of Americans, invitation to everyone to come attitude. Oregon’s Constitution ^r^Vt'Vrobtem^wonYtare Morrison, Terry Pounds, Rhonda Fehlman and Megan Jackson. these loudmouths, could create into the center and see the fa­ specifically prohibits crossing much bearing on whether or and Larry Church. such a terrible atmosphere in cilities. The center will be county lines to achieve pro­ not the Myers plan prevails. this country. If it were not for located at 1997 SW Fourth Ave­ portionate representation. Re­ After all, the Legislature has Dr. Reed said most of the the loudmouths, the world would nue in Ontario and will open cent Supreme Court decisions been a two-party organization nation’s current economic pro­ know almost nothing about what September 1. tend to eliminate the sanctity since 1939. And you have to blem stem from inflation, and of county lines. is going on here, because it is go back to the turn of the that the main concern is the so much more peaceful here, Therein lies the biggest like­ century to find as many as decline of labor productivity in and safer, than any place else lihood the Myers plan will be 10 parties all squabbling over relation to labor costs. During In the world. But to hear these challenged. And if the chal­ party parity regarding reap­ the first half of the last decade, lenge comes it probably will portionment. bleeding hearts yell, you would Business recovery in Oregon While cash farm income was unit labor costs progressed be from Democrats. The Sen- think Russia is a Utopia com­ continues to run ahead of other down slightly during the first only slightly faster than pro­ pared to America. Pacific Coast states, although half, due largely to the late ductivity; during the last decade, Leo W. Schutter, formerly of Stop this anti-American rot. the second quarter pace was growing season and delayed har­ unit labor costs progressed only Owyhee Junction, now residing Because if you don’t America’s somewhat slowed from the first vests, the prospect is that re­ slightly faster than producti­ in Boise was nominated by youth will be consumed by the quarter, reported Dr. Edward ceipts for the entire year will vity; during the last half, or Boise State College and was 6tench of this hypocritical rhe­ W. Reed, vice president and exceed last year’s$560 million. from 1965 to 1970, net labor selected to appear in the 1971 toric. Stop it, American, before economist for United States This is scant cause for rejoic­ costs spurted at an average edition of “Outstanding Young it is too late! National Bank of Oregon, in the ing, however, since farm pro­ annual rate of 4.5 per cent.; Men of America.” This pres­ Participants in the 1972 wheat all or any combination of his by L.A. Collins, Sr Mutual of Enumclaw’s Rainbow tigious annual publication re­ set-aside program may substi­ acreage to wheat, feed grain bank’s current Oregon Eco­ duction costs are running about This brings into direct focus,; of Protection guards your farm 5 per cent above last year while he said, the great debate over cognizes men between the ages tute barley, corn, or grain sorg­ (corn, barley, grain sorghum) nomic Barometer. with broad coverage for your prices received by farmers are the need for wage and price of 21 and 35 who have distin­ hum for wheat and still earn without loss of planting history The bank ’ s economic index home, for all your farm equip­ up only about 1 per cent. ARCADIA - Sandy and Jim guished themselves by excep­ program benefits and protect or program benefits.” Several controls. I for the state moved up nearly ment and buildings, for nearly Roper from Las Vegas and tional service, dedication and their wheat allotment history, provisions of the 1971 wheat two points during the second all your farming activities Talk Virginia Greenhow from Mo- leadership in community activi­ according to County farm pro­ program are unchanged for 1972' quarter to an estimated 119.8 to your M of E agent today desto, Calif., are visiting their ties as well as their chosen gram official Blaine Girvin. The loan rate will remain at at the end of June. This up­ grandmother, Goldie Roper and profession. Insurance by Also, there is no limit on $1.25 a bushel, national average ward movement continued a their uncle John Seburn. As an “Outstanding Young wheat acreage. Girvin pointed —high enough to provide pro­ trend that started in July, 1970, Mr. and Mrs. Frank James Man” a full biography and re­ out that producers may grow tection of farm income if the the low point of the recession from Pendleton visited his cord of accomplishments will their full allotment, or more market unexpectedly falls, low in this state. sister Mr. and Mrs. Parley be featured in the 1971 edition. than their allotment, and re­ enough not to be the determining Unemployment dropped frac­ Feik from August 6 to 8. They Each man also receives a per­ main within the program. He factor in market prices for MUTUAL OF tionally from 6.4 per cent in returned home Sunday. Mr. and sonal award certificate in re­ explained that “set-aside” does wheat, according to Girvin. ENUMCLAW May to 6.3 per cent in June, Mrs. Bruce Everton and family cognition of their selection for not mean diverting land from Enumclaw Waihmgton from Nampa visited Mr. and this honor. production of a specific crop. The 19.7-million-acre do­ while not at prosperity levels, Mrs. Parley Feik Sunday. Leo is presently working for It means setting aside an mestic wheat allotment for the the figure was considerably Mr. and Mrs. Barney Oglesby Boise State Collete as a Senior acreage from a farm’s total nation is unchanged from 1971. better than California’s 7.2 per from Orange, Calif., were over­ Programmer. He is married to potential crop production. And farm-stored and ware­ cent and Washington’s 12.5 per night guests August 10 of Mr. the former Shirley Skinner, Set-aside acreage for the house-stored loans and pur­ cent, and also closer to the na­ and Mrs. George Moeller. Ogl­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude 1972 wheat program will be chases will continue to be avai­ tional average. NOLAN Some of the greatest gains esby is Project Development Skinner of Owyhee Junction. equal to 83 percent of a farm’s lable to producers participating Director of the Wycliffe Bible domestic wheat allotment, the in the voluntary wheat program. during the first half of 1971 FIELD Translators, Inc. with inter­ have been in lumber and wood maximum allowable under the national headquarters at Santa law. This maximum set-aside Wheat producers in 1972 also products. Employment in the SUGAR BEAT TOPS was ratablished because of the will receive 100 percent of industry in June was 3,300 above Anna, Calif. Mrs. Oglesby will be remembered as Clarabel possibility of large grain sup­ parity on production of their the same month a year ago, •fright of Boise who taught Bible plies from this year’s har­ full domestic allotment, the reaching 72,400, a level never Sugar Beat TOPS will meet at Plywood •lasses in Treasure Valley for 8:00 p.m. in Room #1 of the vest. In 1971 wheat set-aside same as this year, through attained last year. employment was at the highest ■any years. issuance of wheat certificates. acreage was 75 percent. De ­ high school in Nyssa next Wed­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burgess nesday, August 18, instead of tails of the program were an­ Face value of the certificates level in two years. The health tad family from Redding,Calif., Tuesday, the regular meeting, nounced recently by Secretary will be the difference between of the lumber and plywood in­ DAVE visited Saturday August 7 in the date. of Agriculture Clifford M. Har­ 100 percent of parity on July dustry can be traced to the tome of Mr. and Mrs. Otis 1, 1972, and the national average persistent strength in housing, WALDO Special guest speaker will be din. Ballard. Mrs. Burgess is the wheat price received ay farmers which presently is the strongest Inclusion of barley as a sub ­ Dr. Phaff of Ontario. former Belva Hunter of Ar­ stitute crop and the higher set- from July through November sector in th«3 national economy. cadia and came to attend the Although the rail strike has aside percentage are the most 1972. As was true this year, Nyssa High School 1951 class Firemen Summoned notable changes in the 1972 participants will receive pre­ been settled, it interrupted eco­ reunion. wheat program, according to liminary payments as soon as nomic progress and may have Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard Nyssa Firemen answered a Girvin, who is Chairman of possible after July 1 equal to an unfavorable long-range effect visited Sunday in the Marvin call Thursday, August 5, to the the MalheurCountv Agricultural 75 percent of the estimated face on Oregon because of probable Jensen home in Boise and the Melvin Spitze place in rural Stabiliza’ion and Conservation value of the wheat certificates, increases in transportation George Bayock home in Meri­ Nyssa. INSURANCE Spitze was burning (ASC) Cominitte which adminis­ with the remainder to be paid costs. This state must ship a dian. Nancy Bayock accomp­ trash when the trashfire got ters farm programs in the after December 1, 1972. large proportion of its output AGENCIES anied them home. Tuesday away from him and spread to county. to distant markets. Sign-up dates for wheat and they went to Mason Dam near a field burning between 15 to Manufacturing employment "These changes reflect the •jther voluntary farm programs has made a spectacular re­ Baker where Mr. and Mrs. 20 bales of hay. present possibility of a large Phillip Davis is camped. wheat harvest in 1971, and the will be February 28 through recovery after declining on a As usual, the local firemen necessity of assuring incnm® Apirl 7, 1972. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stradley seasonally adjusted oasis since 3 Offices to Serve You! of Burns visited last weekend made record time in getting protection for the farmer while April, 1969. Making excellent mother Amy to the scene of the fire but it also maintaining his greater here with his A leaflet summarizing the progress, although not at pre­ Vale Ontario her mother seems Spitze, who is a member decision-making freem pro­ 1972 wheat program is expected vious highs, are primary metals, Stradley and Phone Phone 889-6990 Margaret Moss. of the rural fire lioard, now vided bv the Agricultural Act o be received in ASCS county fabricated metal products, elec­ 473*3157 Mr. an