I Thursday, Jun« 3, 1971 Th« Nyssa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Three Receive Hometown News 4 Z; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost Z ■spent the weekend of the 27th Z*in Portland where they attended I-the Minnesota Twins ball game, ;and also visited with Harmon ;Xillibrew. They visited their ■ionMr. and Mrs. Vernon Frost •;and son Michael in Bendon their Zway to Portland and with their Z daughter, Mr. andMrs. Ferman ;-Warnock and family in Condon ;on their return home. ♦ ♦ » •; Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann ->nd Mr. andMrs. Walter Looney Zand sons spent the Memorial Z weekend in Pomroy, Wash., Z visiting the Gann’s daughter, Mr. ;and Mrs. Danny Norland and • family. While there, they at- • tended high school graduation - services for the Gann’s grand- - son RodNorland. Rod’s brother, Z Lonnie, who is attending college Lin Pendleton also attended the ^services. * * * Z Guests at the home of Orma deleaver for a Memorial Day Z buffet luncheon were the Del- Zbert Cleaver family, the Alva ; Goodell family, Chris Reece, ;and Mr. andMrs.ChesterChap- ; man and Mrs. Marie" Step and Zson Ronnie of Meridian. ♦ ♦ * Z Mrs. Harold (Dusty) Rhodes Zof Milton-Freewater was a guest ;of her mother Mrs. A.H. Boy- ide 11 over Memorial weekend. ; Monday visitors were Mr. and -Mrs. Edward Boydell and Kent • of Boise. Kent is a student Zat the University of Idaho. » ♦ » J ACL Awards Mr. and Mrs. Del Moody and daughter Gina of Provo visited over the holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burningham. * * * Brad Burningham of BYU and Chipper Burningham who has been attending Ricks College are now home to spend the sum mer at the home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burn ingham. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Richard For- bess spent Memorial holiday in Ogden and Malad, Utah. They were met in Ogden by their son, Mr. and Mrs. Ron For- bess and their son Ronald Ar thur. The Ron Forbess family regurned to Nyssa to visit his parents a few days before going on to Vancouver, Wash , and Corvallis to visit his brothers before returning to their home in Palos Verdes, Calif. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oben- dorf and his mother from La- Grande visited Sunday morning at the Bernard Frost home in Nyssa. The Obendorfs were enroute to Parma to spend Memorial Day. ♦ * » NEWS FROM BIG BEND BY GOLDIE ROBERTS BIG BEND - Miss Jean Oca- Awards were presented to graduates at the 26th annual mica was honored with a bridal Snake River Japanese American shower Tuesday afternoon at the Citizens League graduation ban Big Bend Grange Hall. There quet at the Eastside Cafe in were 41 women attending and several children. She was as Ontario Saturday night. sisted in opening her gifts by Fifty-three graduates from Teresa Corn and Nancy Cal Ontario, Weiser, Adrian, Fruit lahan. land, Nyssa, Payette and Vale Special guests were Mrs. Flo were honored at the Banquet. rence Ocamica, Regina Oca- Sam Harsin of Baker, State mica, Mrs. Floyd Maggard and FFA vice president and a Ko Mrs. Hilda Hoadley of Caldwell; rean War orphan was principal Mrs. Z. Bryant and Mrs. Dan speaker and also provided the Andregg of Boise; and Mrs. entertainment. Uvon Maggard of Greenleaf. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell English Tom Uriu, president of the chapter was toastmaster; Rich went to Nampa Sunday and took Saito gave the invocation; Tom his mother, Mrs. Dora Eng Uriu, the welcome and Janis lish to the Caldwell Cemetery. Takami, the response. The Later they were dinner guests Rev. George Uyemura, pastor of Mr. and Mrs. Don Boren of the UnitedCommunity Metho of Nampa. Mrs. Bethel Wood dist Church gave the benediction. and Kelly of Baker and Doria English were also guests of the Mrs. Joe Saito and Mrs. Jim Borens. Wada were chairmen of the Mrs. Josie Roadman returned banquet which was attended by to her home in Spring 200 persons. field Thursday after spending Wesley Nishimura, Ontario co-valedictorian received the COLUMBIA RIVER top award of $150 and is also eligible for the national JACL STUDY PLANNED Congressman Al Ullman said award. today the Corps of Engineers Arlene Hiuga, Weiser, re have informed him they will soon ceived the second place $75 initiate a $2 million study of award and Janis Takami, Nyssa, the Columbia river and its tri the third prize of $50. butaries. According to the Corps of Ayers near Boise. Engineers, the study, estimated * * * to cost $1.96 million, has four Visiting during Memorial Day basic objectives: environment, weekend with their mother and regional development, national brothers, Mrs. Donna Glenn, growth and the quality of life Roger and Mike, are her child- in the Pacific Northwest. ren Mr. and Mrs. Vai Glenn The study has been delayed and family of Portland, Mrs. for several years pendingcom- Alvin Crawford and family of pletion of the Columbia-North Darlington, idano, and Robert Pacific framework plan, the Glenn, who graduated Friday construction of two large re from BYU in Provo. Mrs. servoirs in Canada and the esta Glenn’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. blishment of a high voltage H. A. Baker of Portland was interconnnection out of the Pa also a weekend guest. cific Northwest, Ullman said. * * * “The Corps has given me as Mr. and Mrs. John Studer surances they will actively seek were Sunday dinner guests of public participation in the Father Charles Young at Mc- study,” Ullman said. Garvin’s in Caldwell. Other guests were aunts of Fr. Young, Carmel Brogan and Helen Bro gan. They are visiting here from the East. ♦ * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Seward recently spent three days vacat ioning in McCall. ♦ * * i Mrs. Len Seward, her mother Mrs. Mabel Johnson and sister Mrs. Lester Peck of Boise, : I spent Monday decorating graves i at cemeteries in the area. They also visited with many of their friends. ♦ » ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost attended a Frost Family picnic reunion in Meridian Sunday. Over 30 attended. ♦ ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Ferman War nock and son Kelly of Condon ( Z Memorial houseguests at the spent Memorial Day in Enter | prise before coming to Nyssa to Zhome of Mr. and Mrs. Frank visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ;Byers were Mr.andMrs. Ever- Bernard Frost. The Warnocks -ett Grant of Lewiston; Mr. and ' returned to Condon but Kelly -Mrs. Jim Carson and four child remained to visit his grand ren of El Cerrito, Calif. Week parents and to accompany them end visitors were Mr. andMrs. to the Owyhee for the week Stanley Byers and their three ♦ ♦ ♦ Zboys from Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reece * ♦ ♦ and family of Mt. Vernon visited I Z Mrs. Tessie Clifford visited over the weekend at the home of I JSunday evening at the home their parents M t -, and Mrs. Ken -Of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Thiel. neth Reece and Afton Mitchell. ♦ ♦ - ♦ - ♦ ♦ ♦ Z The Gregory Thiels spent Mr. and Mrs. Bob Giles of , Zthree days last week fishing Payette were visitors at the ‘and camping at Leslie Gulch. Kenneth Reece home over * :• * ♦ Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. David Beers ♦ ♦ » -Spent May 18 to 26 vacationing. Mr. and Mrs. Thane Lankford I -Enroute to Washington they of Marsing and Mrs. Emma ‘^topped at John Day the 18th Hendricks of Nyssa, were Satur Lpid visited friends there. They day dinner guests at the Ken ;were guests at the home of neth Reece home. Mrs. Lank ;their daughter and son-in-law ford is Mrs. Reece's sister and .Mr. and Mrs. Merril Firestone Mrs. Hendricks is Mrs. Reece’s ; -tn Vancouver, Wash. The Beers mother. • Firestones^ and Mr. and Mrs. * » ♦ Zjialcum Johnson, also of Van Mr. and Mrs. Elton Clapp couver, spent two days at Long spent Memorial Day visiting ZBeach, Wash., clamming. Mrs. at the cemetery in Meridian Sunday visitors at the home of 'beers' reports wonderful and then visitingClapp’s sister, ^weather and the clams were Mrs. Clara Williams, and her Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne plentiful. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dun can and family of Rupert, Idaho. * » ♦ NYSSA SWIMMING POOL RATES AND SEASON TICKETS Pool Opens Thurs. - June 3 (WEATHER PERMITTING) Under Sit Years of Age ... No Charge (Allowed in main pool with parent only, and in wading pool accompanied by responsible adult) Six To Eighteen Years . $.25 Eighteen Years or Over................ $.50 Season Family — One or More Children Under 21, From June 1 . . . $24.00 (RATES LOWER EACH 30 DAYS) SEASON FAMILY - (NO CHILDREN) From June 1..................... $12.00 (RATES LOWER EACH 30 DAYS) Individual Under 18 Years — From Juno 1..................... $5.00 (RATES LOWER EACH 30 DAYS) Individual Over 18 Years — . . . $7.50 June 1 (Rates Lower Each 30 Days) SPECIAL PARTIES................................$20.00 (FOR NOT MORE THAN 20 PERSONS . . . REGULAR RATES FOR OVER 20) ^SE^O^TOKETC^AILA^L^^m^ALLNOW^^ Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wahlert were her nephews Daniel O’ Brien of San Francisco and Michael O’Brien of Shasta, Calif. * * * Eva Klinkenberg, who is a student at Merritt Davis School of Commerce in Eugene , was home for the Memorial Day weekend. » ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. John Savage of Long Beach were weekend visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Haroldsen and Mr. and Mrs. Damon Savage. They also visited other relatives in the area. ♦ * ♦ Family members who were together at the cemetery here Memorial Day and later dinner guests at the Jim Favorelhome were her mother, Mr. andMrs. Jim Griffin, Ronnie Gorrell and Bud Newby of Nyssa, her father Ross Gorrell and a friend of Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Gorrell, Mr. andMrs. Jack Gann and Penny, Mr. and Mrs.Gary Gordan, all of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dixon and daughter of Yakima, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Gorrell and boys, Keith Gorrell and son Timmy, and a niece of Mrs. Griffin’s, Nadine and family all of Baker. Later in the afternoon, Bobbie Ransom and children of Seattle visited at the Favorel home. a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright. Mrs. Dyre Roberts, Mary, Becky and Susan Carroll of Ri dgeview visited Mrs. Marie Douglas and Mrs. Florence Hen- derlider in Nampa Sunday. They also took flowers to the Hill crest and Melba cemeteries. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Graham are the proud parents of a baby girl, Jeanette Aliece born Wed nesday at the Malheur Memorial Hospital. She joins a sister, Peggy and a brother, Ronald. Oscar Lovitt of Spokane, is visiting his brother, Lee and family. Mrs. Bethel Wood and Kelly of Baker and Doria English of Nampa called on Mr. and Mrs. Darell English Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. RayCartwright received word their nephew, Lore Skirvin of Springfield, Ore gon passed away Monday. Mrs. Darrell English left Tuesday morning with Mrs. Don Cone of Roswell for a visit in Snyder, Oklahoma with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Ross English in Alex andria, La. Mrs. Leonard Howes accompanied them to Roy, Utah where she will at tend college graduation ex ercises for her son, Nick, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. David Lodzinski and family of Idaho Falls and Albert Sillonis of Ashland, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Guz Sillonis. Mrs. Lodzinski and children plan to spend the week with her parents. Mrs. Dyre Roberts enter tained the Happy Dozen Card Club Friday afternoon at her home. Guest players were Mrs. Delno Brock of Ontario and Mrs. Elsie Divin of Nyssa. Prize winners were Mrs. Sue Ashcraft, Delno Brock, Carl Piercy and Bernice Toomb. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Chaney and family of Post Falls, Idaho spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney. Pag« Seven Mr. and Mrs. Varner Hopkins treated Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water to dinner at Farewell Bend Sunday in honor of their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. RayCartwright visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harmiston and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Barbee in Nampa, Satur day. They also went to the Kohlerlawn Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dotson of Boise called on Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Bennett Monday. Julie and Angie Sillonis spent the weekend wih Mr. and Mrs. Muri Burns in Nyssa. Debbie Goff of Caldwell was an overnight guest of Rosalie Chaney Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. RayCartwright called on Mrs. Wilma Bernes and Jeff Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Dyre Roberts called on Mr. and Mrs. Cly*^ Riggs in Parma Friday evening. Among the latest victims of the mumps are Phillip and Ro bert Callahan, Dirk and Danny Miller. Mrs. Margaret Wood and girls of Marsing visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. RayCartwright called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gifford in Nyssa Thursday afternoon. They reported Mrs. Agnes Butler had been released from the Caldwell Hospital and was at her home in New Ply mouth. FIES T A SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1971 4 to 11 p.m. ST. BRIDGET'S CATHOLIC CHURCH _ Fifth and Ixx’ust — X\ssi. Oregon •r MUSIC ALL DAY w- OUTSIDE DANCE - 8 to 11 P.M. wBOOTHS OF MEXICAN & AMERICAN FOODS w FAMILY TABLES WITH A SETTING OF SERENADING MARIACHIS wr GAMES i SKILLS, SNACKS, ETC. IT'S GREAT FOR FAMILY FUN DON'T MISS IT, BRING THE FAMILY EVERYBODY WELCOME ! 1 CONGRATULATIONS ■ THUNDEREGG MALL ON YOUR FIFTH 0 0 k“. Xi CEDAR CHESTS lu MAPLE - WALNUT FRUITWOOD ¿Í PECAN OAK FINISH OVER 12 STYLES TO PICK FROM Maple Dining Room Sef OVAL TABLE W/2 LEAVES 4 - SIDE CHAIRS i HUTCH HO7 PICTURES BORDERLESS-VINYL MANY TO CHOOSE 9X !2 1-ONLY SAVE $106. LINOLEUM WALNUT - MAPLE - WHITE - NATURAL FINISH - HIDE-A-BED EROki ■> J. $4950 CHESTS SOFA s1695° WALNUT - MAPLE - PECAN 9 ¿¿KJ $6950 DESKS ^59^ SOFA 20% OFF 5|Q95 6 YEAR CRIB PRICED FROM SARQOO UNFINISHED $^950 FROM REG. 199.50 I WITH ♦ Club Chair ♦ < * BROWN TWEED NYLON FABRIC 9 pc. LIVING ROOM SET $2495° REG. $399.50 $29950 WITH TRADE SOFA BED - ROCKER - 2 LAMP TABLES COFFEE TABLE - 2 LAMPS & 2 PILLOWS - ALL 9 PIECES ONLY LOTS QUEEN MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING SET CLOSE OUT 1 - ONLY FOAM RUBBER REG. $149.95 $9995 AND LOTS 5 PC. SETS 4 pc. SETS MATTRESS 4 BOX SPRING CHOICE OF S99” 7995 Recliners MANS1ZI FROM SJQ50 *♦ 7 Rockers $ jqso PLATFORM $89 95 GOOD SELECTION SAVE 40.00 Room Air Conditioner Save Now 5,000 BTU s135 8,000 BTU Club Chair COMPLETE BED 5<QQ5U J7 7 PARKING HEADBOARD A FRAME SAVE NOW SAVE $50 FREE OF Twin Beds 9 PC SET WOODGRAIN 7OP 1 7050 2 - LEAVES IJ7 HIBACK CHAIRS BY BASSETT 9 DR. DRESSER W/MIRROR LARGE CHEST - (2) NITE STANDS DOUBLE OR QUEEN HEADBOARD 1-ONLY Dinette Sets 7 PC SETS 6 pc. Spanish Bed Room Ser CASE MENI WINDOW $QQ50 07 11,000 BTU ZU 7 s279 PRICES GOOD ONLY IN THE NYSSA STORE » STORE TERMS OPEN OF 9 TO 6 COURSE peterson furniture co. NYSSA, OREGON .217 MAIN ' A <>1 IHf.VAl.LF.Y TERMS STORE OF OPEN COURSE 9 TO 6