Thursday, May 13, 1971 The Nyssa Oaf City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Idaho Power's Old, New Chairmen Adrian Names Top Students CRADLE ROLL MALHEUR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MAY 11 - Mr. and Mrs. Ne­ well Cleaver, Nyssa, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Baker, Ontario, a boy. HOLY ROSARY HOSPITAL MAY 6 - Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ bert Johnson, Ontario, a boy. MAY 11 - Mr. and Mrs. Larry Haueter, Harper, a girl Pago Sevan DR. A MRS. SARAZIN Wilson’s All Homo ATTEND MEETINGS For Mother’s Day Dr. and Mrs. David Sarazin attended the Oregon Academy of General Practice meetings May 5 to 9. The Scientific Sessions were held at Bowen Resort near Portland. Dr. Sarazin is on the board of directors for the Academy and also attended board meet­ ings. The Sarazins spept Mother’s Day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl in Portland. They made the trip in their motor home. (Continued From Page 1) Carlsen, stepping to stage center as Idaho Power board chairman, has a tough act to follow. For under Roach’s firm, practiced leadership, the utility took giant-sized strides of growth to pace its ara’s own economic emergence. But the past era’s progress may be merely prologue to even greater growth for Idaho Po­ wer—and the Snake River Val­ ley-in the era now beginning. Carlsen, one of whose chief characteristics is a sound and healthy optimism, pointed to the exciting possibilities for both the company and its area in addressing the annual share- Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilson and Jimmy of Alameda, Calif., are visiting at the home of his pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wil­ son. They plan to return home May 13. Cheryl, a student at EOC in LaGrande and Gary, who is working in Klamath Falls were home over the weekend. So it was a happy occasion and the best gift ever, to have all the family gathered at home for Mother’s Day. ADVANTAGE OF T.E. Roach, left, retired Idaho Power Com­ pany board chairman, saw his greatest goal realized when he switched on huge Hells Canyon Dam generators at completion of three-project developments bearing his name. Albert Carlsen, new board chairman suc­ ceeding Roach, brings to the top management post broad business experience and full awareness of the utility’s responsibility to serve its customers wisely and well. NEWELL HEIGHTS ITEMS a a a by dale witt ■ ■ NEWELL HEIGHTS - Mrs. Marie Moore was a guest on Mother’s Day dinner at the K.I. Peterson home in Adrian. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ir­ vin Topliff visited his father, Leslie Topliff in the hospital at Caldwell and visited the Harry Warren home in Parma. Thursday Mrs. Irvin Topliff and daughter, Mrs. Chuck Brady of Ontario attended the Beef- Orama in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff visited Leslie Topliff at the hospital in Caldwell Sunday. Mrs. Edith Suter was a Sunday ¡afternoon caller in the Irvin ijopliff home. ►2 Mrs. Lydia Worden accom­ panied Mrs. John Fahrenbruch ;£o Boise Thursday where she Consulted her doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Monty Spell- •tnan and sons moved over the ^weekend to the Sunset Valley Prea on the ranch originally ; Inown as the Upper Rust Ranch. Mrs. Marie Moore, returned fitter a month’s visit Saturday ■May 8th. She visited her bro­ ker, Mr. and Mrs. Foster '.Moose, and her sister Mr. and iMrs. Bennett Horn of Mem­ phis, Tenn., and another bro­ ther, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moose in Munford, Tenn. •: Easter weekend Foster Moose took. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Mabie Piercy to Cumberland Mt. State Park. They were there ■ PHONE 372-2183 a a ■ from Friday until Monday, then went to other state parks and waterfalls. Last week they had a cabin rented at Reelfoot Lake from Friday until Sunday eve­ ning. They went sight-seeing and on Saturday they took a three-hour cruise on the lake. There were lots of Azalias and trees in bloom. This was the first time Mrs. Moore has ever been there in the spring­ time. Mrs. Margarete Payne of On­ tario was guest of honor at the Bill Webb home Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day dinner guests at the Alfred Simpson home were Mrs. Carl Fenn, Mrs. Ray Simpson and Mrs. Rollo Fenn. Eugene Pratt went to the Adrian-Huntington game Satur­ day at Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ward and daughter, Mrs. Earl Ward and Mrs. Rollo Fenn were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Ward and family Saturday May 1. Mrs. Earl Ward was a dinner guest of Mrs. Rollo Fenn Wed­ nesday. Mrs. Dale Witt was a Saturday dinner guest at the W.C. Van- De Waters home in Big Bend. She called on Mrs. Edna Cow­ ling in the afternoon. Mrs. Frankie Worden and Mrs. Lydia .Worden spent Mo­ ther’s Day with the formers daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spence and family in Boise. Mrs. Lydia Worden received a phone call from her daughter, Mrs. Bertha Tollman in Grand Coolie, Wash., wishing her a happy Mother’s Day Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Briggs, their daughter Faith Marie and his mother of Boise were Sun­ day afternoon visitors of Mrs. Dale Witt. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lee Hill, Terri and Lee were Saturday evening dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ward in Caldwell. The child­ ren were Saturday overnight guests. Mrs. Vernon Ward was a Sun­ day dinner guest in the Carl Lee Hill home celebrating Mo­ ther’s Day, and Mrs. Carl Lee Hills birthday. Later in the afternoon they visited Mr. and Mrs. Monty Spellman in Sun­ set Valley. Betty Jo and Andrea Wenke rode with the Big Bend Buck- aroo’s in the parade in Parma Saturday. They and their mo­ ther, Mrs. Herb Wenke assis­ ted in the food booth that day. Mother’s Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Barnes were Mr. and Mrs. Artie Allen and Mrs. Cadou both of Nampa. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Barne’s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keil of Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carter of Newberry, Oregon came Thursday and visited Mr. and Mrs. R.D. McKinley until Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kriegh were Mother’s Day evening din­ ner guests of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Palmer in Parma. Mrs. Sally Judd and son Mark of Ontario were Sunday after­ noon visitors in the M.L. Judd home. Mrs. Dave Savage and girls, Mrs. Wesley Walker and child­ ren, George and Timmy Martin and Mrs. Howard Fenn and chil­ dren visited Mrs. Carl Fenn Saturday evening and watched her open her Mother’s Day gifts. Wes Simpson and bride of Grand Junction, Colorado came Friday to visit relatives in this area. They and Ray Simpson took the camper and went to the Malheur Reservoir Friday evening where they camped and fished until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Eason and daughter of Homedale, Mr. and Mrs. MikeCooley were Sun­ day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson. Save! Save! Save! • • • on • • Mystery Day Specials Thursday, Friday, Saturday—May 13, 14 & 15 10% Off On All Cash Sales on Paris and Tools BATTERIES All Sizes . AT WHOLESALE o B&M EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1100 Adrian Blvd. Phone 372-2239 NYSSA . . . OREGON THESE MATSUKO HORI, waa named co-valedictorian at Adrian High School. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kiyomaro Hori and has attended Adrian schools for 12 years. She was chosen president of her senior class, president of the National Honor Society, varsity cheerleader, 1970 homecoming princess, 1909-70 regional secretary-treasurer of FTA and attended 1970 Oregon Girls State. She plans to attend OSU this fall. SPRING Ken Perkins FULL 4-Ply Nylon 7 TIRES GENERAL Tire Size TIRE J Sale Price Fed Tax 650x13 $16.57 $1.76 775x14 $20.42 $2.14 825x14 $22.87 $2.32 ' 855x14 $24.75 $2.50 775x15 $20.42 $2.16 815x15 $22.87 $2.37 Whitewalls CHERYL BURROUGHS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.B. Burroughs, was also named co-valedictorian. She attended Adrian schools for 11 years and has been active in band and chorus during her high school years. She was a member of the Treasure Valley honor band for three years, was a member of the 1970 All-State Choir and participated in the 1971 state solo contest. She was chosen 1970 Tip-Off Queen and was a 1971 homecoming princess. She is presently student body secretary. Clinton Robbins GENERAL JETS All prices exch. for your old tire. Add $1 if no exch. TRACTION PICKUP TIRES <■ * ~ ► Size Ply 650 xl6 6 24.85 2.95 700 X 15 6 29.31 3.58 750 X 16 8 41.56 4.18 Sale Price Fed. Tax Add $2 to $5, depending on size if no exchange P THUNDERBOLT BATTERIES 5 YEAR RUTH EVANS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans has been named saiutatorian at Adrian High School. She has attended Adrian schools for the past nine years. During her four years at Adrian Highy Ruth has been active in Pep Club and drill team and her hobbies include piano and writing. She plans to attend Oregon State University and major in mathematics. B.B. Buckaroo’s At Fort Boise Days by Donna White The Big Bend Buckaroo’s had a wonderful time Saturday, May 8th at Old Fort Boise Days at Parma. Those riding horses in the parade were, Valerie Martin, Donna White, Betty Jo Wenke, Andrea Wenke, Fonda Walker, Donna Walker, Danny Walker, Venesa Zerbel, Beckey Mat­ thews, Hal White, Wesley Underwood, Mary Looney and Wanda Greg, also their 4-H club leader, Mrs. Gladys Swi- gert. The Buckaroo’s had a food booth at the Fort Boise Days, and wish to thank all the pa­ rents who helped with the booth to make it a great success. They are; Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wenke, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Gene White, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mat­ thews, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Zer­ bel and Mr. and Mrs. Pug Swigert. We also wish to thank every­ one that helped to make our first time at Parma’s Old Fort Boise Days a great and wonderful suc­ cess. Next meeting will be May 12th at the Adrian School FREE REPLACEMENT GROUP 24 30 FREE YEAR on all Bob Elliott 30 month battorios. GROUP 24 12-VOLT (3000) All Batteries Installed FREE...anywhere in town. 95 $1095 1 (prices exchange ) Medallion Stereo /J TAPE ECONOMY CHROME and Speakers WHEELS ’47 4’59 EUIOTT TIRE CENTER 50 95 at EXCH. Vale..Phone 473-3939 Nyssa..Phone 372-2270 Also LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER WEISER, 402 East First ONTARIO, 523 last Idaho I