Thursday, Ma y 13, 1971 Th« Nyssa OaU City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Pag« Fiv« ADRIAN NEWS ADRIAN - On May 8, the Dave Matthews, family attended the Old Fort Boise Days Parade in Parma where their daughter Becky rode with the Big Bend Buckaroos riding club. They also had an all day Sunday guest, Nonnie Hopper from On­ tario. K Robin Webb was a Sunday afternoon guest of the Wesley Walker, Jr. family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard An­ derson and daughter Hannah went to Bully Creek Reservoir fishing Saturday but they didn’t catch anything because of a hail storm. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ward and Stuart visited their mo- thers Mrs. Denver Glenn of Parma and Mrs. George Ward of Middleton Sunday. They then went golfing at Ontario and to dinner afterwards. Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. 1.1. Peterson and daughter, Don­ na Hutchinson of Nyssa went to Spokane to attend the funeral of Mrs. Petersons’ sister-in- law, Mrs. Paul Hanson. They all returned Wednesday. Sun­ day the Petersons had Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hutchinson and girls Karen and Jeanette of Nyssa, Mrs. Marie Moore and Mrs. Edna Cowling as dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Parker had Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parker of Ontario. May 4, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Roy attended the Adrian FHA Fashion Show with the theme, “You’ve Come a Long Way Baby.” The show started with a piano solo by Susan Howes. As the curtain opened the first four models dipicted the years 1800, 1920, 1950 and todays fashions. Mrs. Roy was an honored guest at the affair and received a rose corsage for being advisor. Another honored guest from the Adrian area was Mrs. Audrey Franklin who jtó WELLS & DAVIES has really supported the club. 3-lb. Vicki Shenk, president of FHA also presented the graduating FHA members a red rose. CALIFORNIA NAVEL Among them was Kim Webb also oj_ Adrian. M MYSTERY 8B waiting 9// for you to pluck them off the shelves'« B 8 Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Mefford of Nyssa announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Bernice, to Harvey Easton. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Easton of New Plymouth. A June wedding is being planned by the betrothed couple. Mrs. Donna Johnson of Rt. 2 Nyssa announces the engage­ ment of her daughter, Patricia Ann, to Craig E. Robbins. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Merildean Robbins of Rt. . 2 Nyssa. >' A June 19 wedding is being > planned by the young couple, i; JOB’S DAUGHTERS 1 T -BONE STEAK SIMPLOT FROZEN ì|Ir SIRLOIN HAMV LETTUCE R FRESH SUNNY LOU CARROTS I-», bag F CRISP Radishes And Green Onions J fl KRAFT’S 32 oz. BOTTLE-PURE VEGETABLE OIL LITTLE FRISKIES 14 oz. PKGS (NEW FLAVORS) , $|00 DRY CAT FOOD 0 NALLEY’S 24 oz. CAN 79c 49c 79c BEEF STEW DEL MONTE 32 oz. BOTTLE CATSUP FLUFFO 3-lb. CAN SHORTENING $11? SWISS MISS 2-lb. PKG. INSTANT COCOA * P folj BUNCH 1 H A À fl COOKED Or V 5 BONELESS FULLY WIENERS BOX M7’ CUBE STEAKS ■; Job’s Daughters met Thurs- > day, May 6, with Honored Queen > Sharlene Kido presiding. Dinner was held at the Ma- ORDER OH ;- sonic Hall in honor of Grand • ;* Guardian Meryl Reardon. There ♦ EASTERN | < were five visitors from On- > tario present. > Majority Degrees were given Stardusters OES met May 10 ■for Linda Me Partland and Nancy ;• Long. Proficiency test was at the home of Myra Atherton, her mother Mrs. Noah assisted. > given by Miriam Kunkell and There were 17 members pre­ 2 Judy Holcomb. sent. ■2 Officers were elected, they Final plans were made for the > are: Honored Queen, KayC La- ■ Fay; Senior Princess, Marlene “Flea Market,” to be held May ; Jamieson; Junior Princess, Su- 22, at the home of Mrs. Irma • san Davis; Guide, Karen Rig- Myers, 219 Good Ave., from ; 1 ney; Marshall, Carol Nelson. 9 a.m. until all items are sold. > Delegates were chosen for Members are asked to bring sale ' Grand Bethel meeting to be held articles to the home of Louise < in June at Bend. Marlene Jamie­ Wernick the evening of May 21 son was chosen 1st delegate and or to Irma Myers by 8 a.m. ;• Roberta Marrow, 2nd delegate. May 22. Officers thru May 1971 to May ;» Gifts were presented to Ho- > nored Queen and Majority 1972 will be Amalia Pratt, pre­ sident; Edna Bacon, secretary; Degree members. •; A birthday party will be held Vera Paulus, treasurer; Louise at the hospital on May 13th. Wernick, publicity. Returning members welco­ Bob Holmes celebrated his med were Nora Graham and ■ birthday this month. Pauline Mackey. Refreshments were served. PARTS KEIM'S BONELESS N CHICKEN WINNER « V « * OF ONE WEEK’S SUPPLY OF FREE GROCERIES ON ASSOCIATED’S ANNIVERSARY SALE. MRS. PEGGY WOOD RT. 2 NYSSA frozen foofa TREASURE CHEST SHRIMP WESTERN FAMILY 6 oz.CANS .. ORANGE JUICE 6'”*100 WILSON’S^NYSSA SAVE SALE DATES - MAY 13, 14, 15 50< when you buy a 6 oz. Jar of INSTANT FOLGER’S COFFEE CRYSTALS GOODÌFOODLCOSTS|l£SS|HaE H •»Î • • SPECIAL PRICE WITH THIS COUPON EXPIRES MAY 15, 1 >11 < □OLD STRIKE STAMPS TOOI 'I