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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1971)
Page Six Knife & Fork Club Speaker Thursday, March 25, 1971 The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon APPLE VALLEY -—BY FRANCES SMALLEY — SUNSET VALLEY ACTIVITIES Students Visit Post Office NU ACRES HAPPENINGS ---- BY MARTHA LORENSEN . PHONE 372 APPLE VALLEY - Mrs. Mayme Stout returned home SUNSET VALLEY- Mr. and Sunday after a weeks visit with Mrs. Jeff Parker, Kim and I Ed Price, held at the Oregon her daughter, Norma Stout of Chuck were Sunday dinner I Trail Hall Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Carey was a guest of her Boise. While in Boise they guests at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. parents, visited Mrs. Powers at the Sun Mrs. Jack Wood. Ira Price. set Nursing home who had re Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell, Owyhee Garden Club met cently celebrated her 100th Mrs. Myrtle Hillis, Mrs. Mamie Thursday at the home of Mr. birthday anniversary. Dudley and Mr. and Mrs. A.T. and Mrs. Ira Price. Mrs. Her Mrs. Nell Correll spent the Knowles attended the boat show rin of Vale, who is a District weekend visiting her daughter Sunday at the West Park Plaza Chairman was a guest. Four and husband, Mr. and Mrs. in Ontario. They were dinner teen members attended. Cleo Whittom of Boise. guests at the Eastside. Charles Moore, his niece Mrs. Mary Nichols of Nampa Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reffett Kerry Arnold of Ontario, and visited Sunday afternoon with of Dufur, Oregon were weekend John Knottingham were Satur Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Smalley guests at the home of Mr. and day dinner guests at the home and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nichols. Mrs. Ira Price. of Mrs. Lois Counsil. Mrs. Pauline Boston was Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Prince Dr. and Mrs. John Long and hostess for the SusannahCircle house of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. friends of Nyssa were callers on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. There’s an old expression, “Just like catching fish in Lewis Mitchell, Mrs. Donna at the home of Mrs. LoisCoun- a rain barrel” that was often used to denote something easy. Grace Hill of Notus was a guest. Johnson and Mrs. Flora Garner sil Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Hen were Well, members of the Knife and Fork club won’t be catching Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Harriet Turner of any fish at their meeting Tuesday evening, but they may, shaw of Meridian visited Mon visitors at the home of Mrs. Owyhee Junction was a dinner figuratively speaking, be shooting and hunting Kodiak bear day in the Waldo Smalley home. John Reffett in honor of her guest Sunday at the home of in the far north or zebras and elephants in Africa, from the Reed Wagner has been a spring birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Loren comfort of their dining room chairs. How? -- With "Bill” vacation guest of Mike and Jay Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schu sen and family. They attended Nichols. Consley, big game hunter, who has hunted almost every man and family of Benton City, the open house Sunday after Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ray of where -- and it might be added, with a lot of success - will Wash., were Friday overnight noon at the Oregon Trail Hall be the guest speaker who will take them on a safari to places Midvale were visiting friends guests at the home of Mr. and in honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ed in the Valley recently. where the hunting is good. Mrs. Ira Price. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston, Consely has made three trips around the world. To hunt — Mrs. FroneStradlev of Fruit We were sorry to learn of Mr. and Mrs. John Boston and and also to observe people. He’s done it in 30 different coun land is a houseguest this week the death of Mrs. Leonard New- tries. Equally important is the report that he speaks with as family visited Mr. and Mrs. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. gen, who passed away Saturday Robert Shippy and family of much success as he hunts. Ora Newgen. morning from an apparent heart The meeting will be at the Eastside Cafe in Ontario starting Weiser on Sunday afternoon. Darrell Wilson of Corvallis attack suffered only minutes They were dinner guests. at 7:30 p.m. arrived Friday evening to join before. Last week we reported Mrs. Dibble and Sue visited Mrs. Wilson and the children that she and her husband had Mrs. Mabel Thompson at Cald who arrived here previously. returned home from the Hospital well Memorial Hospital on Sat They are spending spring va nursing home. The Newgens Addressing a large gathering terminus 46 miles to the north urday afternoon. cation visitingparents and other moved into Sunset Valley around Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Fritts of Portland area shippers and was prescribed by the Inter relatives. 1936. civic leaders here tonight, Cur state Commerce Commission visited Mrs. Edna Purvill of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cul Gloria Lorensen was a guest Caldwell Thursday. Mrs. Fritts tiss E. Crippen, president of as one of the conditions to its bertson and family spent Sunday of Susan Stam at her home in the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. approval of the merger that visited Mrs. Luella Breneman at the Frank Coleman Ranch in Adrian Friday for a slumber Paul and Pacific RailroadCom- created the Burlington Northern, of Ontario on Monday. the Harper area. party. Susan’s parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rook pany, called that railroad’s Commenting on the signifi Jimmy Langley is spending and Mrs. Dick Stam, returned stool and family from Paramont cance of the entry, Mr.Crippen service extension to this city spring vacation at the home of the girls to their homes Satur "one of the most important explained that Portland is the Calif., moved into the Harley his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim day. events in the long history of gateway to the California mar Wilson house a week ago. Langley. He attends Northwest Mrs. Bea Grossnickle of Ad Friends of Mr. and Mrs. kets from the Northwest, and the Milwaukee Road.” Nazarene College. rian, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Low- He was the principal speaker the gateway to the Canadian Bernice Gibson of Nampa, who Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alex trip of Ontario, Frank, Roberta it the dinner in the Sheraton markets from Oregon andCali- were former residence of Apple ander and family were Sunday and Louis Asumendi, Mr. and Valley received word that the Motor Inn marking March 22 fornia. dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Gabriel Astoreca,Carmen as the date on which the Mil- He said that, as a rate-making Gibsons left by plane on Fri Mr. and Mrs. John Grottveit and Audrie Astoreca were Fri /aukee Road began physical railroad, the Milwaukee will day for Wakeeney, Kansas to in Nyssa. day evening guests at the home attend memorial services for iperation into Portland. now be a factor in determining Mr. and Mrs. Harold of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatch in The extension of Milwaukee rates on traffic moving to, from her father, Walter Cook who Alexander and family were Sun Adrian after attending the school Road service to Portland from and through the Portland area. had passed away. musical "Lil Abner.” Ice Gary Seward and Mike Lan day dinner guests at the home Longview, Wash., its former caster attended the car show of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Martin. cream and cake were served in Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ekanger honor of Mrs. Astoreca’sbirth in Boise Saturday. and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley day anniversary. Kenny Seward left Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatch of spend his spring vacation with were Wednesday evening visi Adrian were Sunday afternoon tors at the home of Mr. and his sister, Mrs. Margaret Tay Mrs. John Stubstad in Ontario. guests in the Astoreca home. lor of Coal Valley, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGinnis Mrs. Dwight Seward spent received word of the sudden amd family of Joseph, Oregon Thursday shopping and visiting death of Moody L. Johnson of with her daughter Mrs. Hugh were Friday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Grove, Oregon. Mr. Pierce in Boise. and Mrs. Johnson have been Mrs. Dwight Seward visited Ira Price. Mrs. Marion Carey of visitors in this area during the Monday with Mrs. Kenneth Nel Idaho visited hunting seasons for many years son and new baby daughter. Grangeville, Sandra Rucker left Thursday over Sunday and attended the and are close friends of the evening for Seattle to spend her open house in honor of her Chapin families. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin and Mr. and Mrs. vacation with Bonnie Hoagland. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C harles C hapin attended the fun eral service held in Forest Grove Monday. A farm sale was held Monday at the Ora Newgen farm. Jolly Janes Club of Big Bend served lunch at the sale. MILWAUKEE ROAD Professional Directory NU ACRES-The Nu Acres Farmerettes met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Alden Bryan with Mrs. Mike McKagueasco- hostess. Eight members at tended. Mrs. Sue Nesbitt, Home Extension Agent, gave a demon stration on the care of textiles. Mr. and Mrs. Al Welch and two children of Weiser, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw, Sr. Mrs. George Clark and daugh ter, Jean of Drewsey, were in Ontario shopping and then came over to spend the night with her sister, Mrs. Robert Shaw, Sr. Friday night. Joe Edwards of Nyssa had lunch Friday with the Shaws and spent the after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans called on Mr. and Mrs. Buel Clement Wednesday evening. Mrs. Clement has recently had surgery on her eyes in a Boise hospital and is improving now. Mr. and Mrs. RayBenzonand two children of Payette, visited Saturday evening with the Robert Shaw, Jr.’s. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Russell of Twin Falls spent Wednesday until Sunday with their son, Gerald and family. They had been to Renton, Wash., where they visited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ross and Freddie. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans spent the weekend at Shelley visiting their son, Karl and family. Karl is the minister of the United Methodist Church there. Sunday William A. Me- hojah, who is superintendent at the Fort Hall Indian Reser vation, and is a full-blooded Kew Indian of Oklahoma, gave a very inspiring sermon during the morning worship. A potluck dinner followed the service. Word has been received that Frank Fry made the Dean’s list at the University of Idaho the last semester. Mrs. Bill Schilling and two children of Nyssa brought a cake for Mrs. Ben Payne’s birthday, and helped her cele brate the occasion. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Syl Wood land of Wilder visited with the Paynes. They spent the eve ning playing cards. Mrs. Koyama and Kelly and Phillip of Nampa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Payne. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tarter and Mr. and Mrs. George Oxford of Boise came to call on the Paynes. Mr. and Mrs. A.V. Horn of Caldwell were Monday all-day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike McKague. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mell were The first graders from Adrian recently visited the Nyssa Post Office. Mr. Lee Dail, postmaster, and Mr. Frederiksen, his assistant, led the children on an interesting tour through the Post Office and explained many things about the handling of mail. The children bought stamps and mailed letters they had written to Smokey Bear. They were accompanied by their teachers, Mrs. Lorena Comer and Juanita Maggard; three room mothers, Mrs. Donna Webb, Barbara Asumendi, and Mrs. Shig Jijikawa; and the bus driver Don Hatch, The children wrote letters to Mr. Dail, Mr. Frederiksen and *he other helpers to thank them for the interesting trip through the Post Office, Juanita Maggard, Adrian Ele- mentary School, Adrian, Oregon. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Otto and family of Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw, Jr., moved into their new trailer house which they recently pur chased andplacedonhisfather’s farm last week. BRIDGE ACTIVITIES Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans called on her cousin, Mrs. Joe Sellars, of Wendell, and Mrs. Eugene Kreuger of Kimberly on Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard, who were married this week, will be honored at a reception at the New Plymouth LDSChurch March 26, at 8 p.m. Friday. Mrs. Ralph Baxter is spend ing the week with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Schmidt and family at Madras, and then will go on to Portland where she will see her new greatgrandson, Martin and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Walker. She will also visit Mrs. Doctor Newberry of Gresham. She formerly worked in the office of Doctor New berry in Caldwell. Mrs. E. Otis Smith enter tained Tuesday Afternoon Bridge club with two tables in play. Mrs. Kay Brendle and Mrs. Tom Eldredge were guests and were also the prize win ners. * * * Friday Afternoon Bridge club members met at the home of Mrs. Rex Voeller with two tables in play. Prize winners were Mrs. Chuck Michaels, Mrs. Voeller and Mrs. Ray Larson. ♦ ♦ * Mrs. Vaughn Stringer enter tained regular members of the Tuesday Evening Bridge club with a potluck dinner at her home last week. After the pot luck, three tables of bridge were in play with guests, Mrs. Wil ton Jackson, Mrs. Arliegh Adams, Mrs. Ray Larson, Mrs. Bill Stringer, Mrs. Eva- lyn Wieneke and Mrs. Bill Mor rison. Prize winners were Mrs. Ho ward Myrick, Mrs. Wieneke, Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Larson. me Home For The Family 13 DIFFERENT VARIETIES THÍ OLYMPIC Ph. 372-3936 125 Main St. Yes, We Are Painting And Redecorating The Store - Now Is The Time To Save 25% Or More On Every Item In The Store - Save Now (T.V.-Steros A Lawnmowers Excluded) Physicians and Surgeons K. E. KERBY, M.D. K. A. DANFORD, M.D. Physicians and Surgeons Dial 372-2241 HOURS: 9 to 12 noon & 2 to 5 P.M. - Monday through Friday. 10 to 12 Saturday. MAULD1NG CLINIC L.A. Maulding, M.D. Charles E. Vanetti, M.D. Physicians and Surgeons Dial 372-2216 Hours: 9 tp 12 noon and 2 to 5 P.M., - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 9 to 12 noon, Wed nesday andSaturday. Weight labs. “By appointment only” Wednesday. DAVID W. SARAZIN, M.D. Physician and Surgeon HOURS: 10 to 12 noon & 2 to 5 P.M. - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Fri day. 10 to 12 Saturday. Phones; Office 372-3365 Optometrist DR. JOHN k.ASLY 387 S. W. 4th Avenue Ontario, Oregon - Phone - 889-8017 Ontark^ Veterinarians TREASURE VALlFY ANIMAL HOSPITAL Phone 372-2’51 DR. B. E. ROSS Nyssa............... 372-3552 DR. FREDCONKEL Nil Acres .... 674-2023 I v;'3“3% F;0»m SOFA 9950 C 4^ J 4950 $ « 49« i C 8950 NOw$ ] ■j 7 f*/» /»KAim DAVENO& ROCKER Pl hPllIlP 2 - 1 IV« VIIWT 2 STEPTABLES LAMPS - 1 COFFEE TABLE 4 PC. BEDROOM SET VA/AIKHIT WALNUI 6 DR- DRESSER & MIRROR “ 4 DR. CHEST PANEL HEADBOARD TWIN RFD 1 ff in ULU S ea , y mattress a boxspring HOLLYWOOD FRAME COMPLETE choice ' ! J1 ■ | of head boards Pe,erson furniture co.