Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, March 25, 1971, Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, March 25, 1971
^^Hometown News
• Dorothy Russell and Ellen
-Jones helped Mrs. Eric Boe­
nig celebrate her birthday an­
niversary Saturday evening. A
complete Mexican dinner from
the El Tejano Cafe was enjoyed
by them at the Boenig home,
Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb was
hostess to the Book Review
class at her home Wednesday
evening. Ten members includ­
ing director Clyde Swisher at­
Mrs. Duane Holcomb and boys
of Culver arrived Saturday to
spend spring vacation in Nyssa.
They are staying at the home of
Mrs. Holcomb’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Garrison.
Mrs. Dan Reece of Mt. Ver­
non arrived Thursday to bring
her children to stay with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Reece, while the Dan
Reeces visited over the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Swede
Mason in Ashland.
The Dan
Reeces returned to Nyssa Mon­
day to take their children home.
Ervin Keller of Rigby visited
overnight Monday at the home of
his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Riggs. Keller was enroute to
Olympia, Wash., to visit his
* *
Mr. and Mrs. John Studer
entertained at Friday dinner,
honoring her brother James
Wallet of Ventura, Calif. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Art Bossel-
man and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell
Mrs. Duane Holcomb and boys
of Culver were Monday evening
dinner guests at the John Studer
Mrs. Bruce Jenkins returned
home Sunday after visiting two
weeks with her sister Mrs.
Bertha Thomas in Blue Hill,
Nebr., and one week with her
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Counsil and family in Denver.
Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
Jenkins were dinner guests at
the home oftheir other daughter,
the Royce Roberts family in
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Boetka of
Ontario visited Sunday evening
at the Bruce Jenkins home.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moncur
and Curtis, and Carolee Sant
were Sunday dinner guests at the
Tom Jayo home.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McConnell
met their friends Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Neary of New Plymouth for
Tuesday dinner at the Eastside
cafe in Ontario.
RusseD Myrick who is visit­
ing his parents, the Howard My-
ficks during spring vacation at
OSU, had as houseguests Satur­
day overnight, Roger Boren and
Duke Kline who live in LaGrande
and are also students at OSU
in Corvallis.
Mrs. Victor Marshall enter­
tained Mrs. George McKinnon
and Nancy Ferrian of Redmond
for dinner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard For-
bess returned last week after
spending ten days visiting in
Vancouver, Wash., at the home
of their son, Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Forbess and Laurel.
Tom Wilson, a pre-med stu­
dent at the University of Wash­
ington in Seattle, arrived Wed­
nesday to visit a week at the
home of his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Foster. Tom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles B. Wilson of Juneau,
Alaska, and was an exchange
student from Juneau to Germany
last year. He presented slides
and a talk about his year in
Germany at the Methodist
Church in Nyssa Sunday evening.
Rev. and Mrs. Tom Foster and
four children of Madras arrived
Sunday evening tn spend several
days visiting at the horn? of his
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Sager and at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann
visited Sunday at the home of
their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Burton Richey in Jauntura.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Byers
and family of Ontario were
Thursday dinner guests at the
home of his father, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Byers.
Pag« Three
FRIDAY, MARCH 25 - Siem­
Adelante, Library Mtg.
here over the weekend, they also room, 8 p.m.
Owyhee Riding Club, 8 p.m.
visited Grant’s father, Pete
Grant, in Boise.
covery Inc., Christian Church,
TUESDAY - 2 P.M. to 8 P.M.
WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon to 6 P.M.
Guests at the home of Mrs. 8 p.m.
z __
1 _____
MONDAY, MARCH 29 - Star­
THURSDAY - 10 A M. to 6 P.M.
Ethel __
for _____
were her sister, Mr. and Mrs. dusters, OES., C.H. Wernick
FRIDAY and SATURDAY - 12 Noon to6 P.M.
Frank Byers; her mother, Mrs. home, all urged to attend8p.m.
Malheur Memorial Hospital
Cynthia Gilbert of Wichita, Kan.;
“Man of LaMancha” - Michael Kapp - Best Musical in 1966
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Grant of Auxiliary, 2 p.m.
award given by the New York Drama Critics circle.
School resumes after Spring
Lewiston and Sunshine Dunten.
“Greatest Hits” - Don Ho - Songs such as Tiny Bubbles,
I’ll Remember You - many songs of the Islands are presented
Brad Burningham, a student
in the album.
at BYU, visited at the home of
<< The Original Hits of Right Now” - Steppenwolf, The Grass­
Sugar Beat TOPS,
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
roots, and Mama Cass are some of the groups listed on
Burningham over the weekend. 1 of high school, 7:30 p.m.
1 -
Brad, his parents, Brenda Mc­
“Donavan’s Greatest Hits” - The Mamas and the Papas - 16
Kinney and Debbie Adams went American Legion and Auxiliary
of their greatest hits.
to Anthony Lakes Saturday to Pancake Feed, 7 p.m.
“The Age of Aquarius'“ By the 5th Dimension.
“The Cowsills in Concert *
Dave Danford arrived home
Friday to spend spring vacation
from SOC in Ashland visiting his
parents, Dr. and Mrs. K.A.
Mrs. Tom Eldredge visited
Saturday and Sunday in Payette
at the home of her sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Carpenter. Tom
Eldredge was a Sunday dinner
guests at the Carpenter home.
Everett Heldt and his mother
Mrs. A.L. Heldt returned home
Monday morning after attending
the funeral of Mrs. Heldt’s
sister, Mrs. Emma Sturtevant
in Stanford, Nebr., March 20.
They made the trip via train.
“Moonlight Sonata No. 14 C-Sharp Minor” - Beethoven
“Pathetique" Sonata No. 8 C-minor - pianist, Ludwig Hoffman
We wish to thank our children “Masterworks for the Organ” - Johann Sebastian Bach- Prof-
fessor Michael Schneider
and their families and all of
our relatives and many friends
who made our 50th wedding an­ “Sarah Vaughn’s Golden Hits’- Sarah Vaughn - Misty, Broken
niversary party such a wonder­
Hearted Melody, Make Yourself Comfortable and many more.
ful and memorable occasion. “Brook Benton Golden Hits” - Brook Benton - Songs such
We cherish the love and friend­
as “It’s Just a Matter of Time”/Endlessly” and “So Close”.
ship of each and everyone of “Bouquet of Love” - Percy Faith Strings.
“Memories are Made of This” - Ray Conniff - RayConniff
—Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Price
and his orchestra and chorus perform a number of love songs.
“The World’s Greatest Themes” - Ferrante and Teicher.
by, David Nishitani, Janice and
Diane Okano, Teresa Haburchak,
VACATION AT HOME Charles McConnel, Larry Hirai,
Ralph and Roger Carter and
Bob Ure from Oregon State
Many college and university
you need to practice a division
students are home for spring
of labor. Instead of tackling all
vacation visiting family and
the tasks on weekends, enlist
Among those are;
help to do some every day.
How you divide the work will
Bill Kouns,
Orrin Corak,
depend on the family’s living
Susan Kouns, Margaret Dority,
and work patterns. Clothes, for
Mike Kodama, Larry Minerand
example, can be tossed in the
Dan Wilson from Eastern Ore­
Members of Oregon Trail washer any time, morning or
David Danford andjoycejen- Grange met in regular session night. (But be sure they’re the
nings, Southern Oregon; Steve Thursday evening, March 18, type that can be washed to­
Moss and Lynn Finch, Oregon with Master Don Somers pre­ gether.) Clean clothes can be
folded and some clean-up jobs
College of Education; Karen siding.
done during the week.
Zerbel and Patty Lowe, North­
Legislative Chairman Frank
You might also do marketing
western College
and Craig
Lewis, Joanne Jefferies and Sherwood gave a report on SB during the week. Don’t leave
233, 234, 235.
too much to do on Saturday.
Shelley Schulties from Ricks.
Members voted to contribute Remember, division of labor
Ann Zittercob, University of
Portland; Gary Ross and Leah a $35 4-H Summer School scho­ means planning for help from
Henigson from Willamette; Ray­ larship to an area boy or girl. other family members, too.
Mrs. Eric Boenig was elected
mond Wahlert, PortlandCom-
mercial College; Lisa Nishi- to fill the office of grange sec­
lishes are not really waxes but
tani and Mary Wahlert, Boise retary.
plastic in nature. Some home­
State College.
During the lecturer’s pro­
Reid Saito, Pam Saito, Carol gram, Elvin Ballou reported on makers tell us they are hard to
Greig and Nancy Bock from the talk given recently by Mr. remove.
Here’s where the label comes
the University of Oregon.
Hilder. Ballou provided a tape
Barbara Tensen, Sallee Mor­ recording of the talk for use by in handy. You”ll find directions
for removal listed there. Most
gan, Trudy Olsen, Ruth Ann grange members.
of them require the use of 1 to
McGinley, Bob Okano, Russell
Refreshments were served to 2 cups ammonia with a gallon
Myrick, Janis Piercy, Anita
28 members by Esther Stephen of warm water, plus 1/2 cup
Piercy, Susan Bratton, Brenda
and JoAnn Share. The next re­ powdered floor cleaner to re­
McKinney, Ron Strasser, Col­
meeting will be held move the polish.
But, since
leen Brown, Gary Sadamori,
Thursday, April 7 beginning at they differ, the instructions on
Barb Wilt, Bruce Sarazin, Doyle
8 p.m. All grange members the container are your best
Riggs, Terry Oft, Barbara Biel- are urged to attend.
Mrs. Mike Valverde under­
went surgery at the Malheur
Memorial Hospital in Nyssa
recently and returned to her
home Friday to recuperate.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quin-
owski spent the weekend visiting
friends and on business in Port­
Enroute to Portland,
they were dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Kennedy in Pendleton. Other
guests were Mrs. Kennedy’s
mother Mrs. Elizabeth Herman
of Walla Walla, and Father
Cletus Kirkpatrick.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne
visited Saturday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Dority in Boise.
Guests at the Bill Wahlert
home over the weekend were
their son Raymond and his
friend Dale Newell of Portland,
and their daughter Mary and her
friend Laura from Boise State
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Cul­
bertson, Mr. and Mrs. Buster
Talbot, Rusty Talbot and his
fiance, LouellaFindling
Cottonwood Ranch near
Harper over the weekend to help
the Buster Talbot’s daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coleman
brand and spray cattle in pre­
paration of spring turnout.
Gyllenskogs Return
From Prineville
Mrs. Reed Gyllenskog re­
turned home
Tuesday after
spending 12 days in Prineville
at the home of her son, Jerry
Gyllenskog, where she visited
and cared for her grandchildren,
Jim and Julie.
Her son Jerry was attending
a police school in Camp Wis-
comb, Oregon and Mrs. Gyllen­
skog (Judy) was on a Hawaiian
tour with her mother, Mrs. Jim
Reed Gyllenskog and Mrs.
Reed Gyllenskog’s father, Fred
Coburn, went to Prineville
March 10 and on the 15th, Mr.
and Mrs. Reed Gyllenskog, Co­
burn and Jerry Gyllenskog went
to Portland to meet Judy at the
After Judy joined the
group, they visited in Porltand
and in Salem. While in Salem
they visited theCapitol while the
legislation was in session.
The Friendship Circle hosted
a birthday coffee for Alma Kin­
grey March 18th at her home.
The honoree received many
beautiful cards and 33 guests
called throughout the afternoon
to wish her many happy returns.
Merle Johnson and Wilma
Ostrom were in charge of re­
Thanks to Friends!
I wish to thank the many
friends who attended the open
house birthday party at my
home March 18. Also, thanks
to the Friendship Circle for
hosting the affair.
—Alma Kingrey
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bunn
visited Saturday in Boise at the
home of their son, Mr. and Mrs.
American Legions and Au­
Gary Bunn and family.
xiliary and their families will
stage a pancake feed at the Le­
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Grant gion Hall Thursday, April 1,
of Lewiston visited at the home at 7 p.m. Members are asked
of her mother, Mr. and Mrs. to bring their own table ser­
Frank Byers.
While visiting vice.