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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1971)
Th« Nyssa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Or«gon Thursday, March 11, 1971 A Pinata For Festive Occasion Joel Lopez, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Lopez, celebrated his 8th birthday anniversary February 27. Shown in the picture.from left,are Carlos Hernandez, Freddy Lopez (blind-folded), Teresa Delgado, Hilda Hernandez, Elena Delgado and Ruben_ Lopez. They are playing a traditional Mexican game '■ Piñata”, which is used at festive occasions. The purpose of the game is to break open the piñata and everyone scrambles for the candy. Those attending the party besides his brothers, Ruben, Nor- berto and Freddy were: Ernesto, Jose, Elena, Teresa, Lurdez and Leticia Delgado; Hilda. Linda and Lisa Hernandez; Estela, Irma, Carolina, Roberto, Juan Jose and Alolonio Rodrigues; Mike, Ralph and Raymond Martinez; Ronnie, Tommy and Shannon Jensen; Vickie and Oscar, Jr. Alcoser. Supervising the games were Frank Rodrigues, Carlos Hernandez and Ruben Lopez. Serving cake, ice cream and punch to the hungry guests were Mmes. Ruben Lopez, Jose Delgado, Frank Rodrigues, Oscar Alcoser and Carlos Hernandez. DAUGHTERS ACTIVITIES Job’s Daughers Bethel #33, Nyssa, met in regular session Thursday, March 4, with Shar- lene Kido, Honored Queen, pre siding. Escorts and introductions were Marilee Wilson, Jr. Past Honored Queen, Roberta Kurtz, Past Princess, Grand Bethel 1st Messenger Pam Me Part land, Past Guardian, Louise Wernick, and Guardian and As sociate Guardian Della and Bob Holmes. Job’s Daughters will furnish birthday cake for the Nyssa Nursing Home on March 11. Junior Princess told of her project, a progressive card party to be held Friday evening March 12. Job’s Daughters discussed having a merchant’s lunch in April. Plans for this will be formulated next meeting. Jobie of the meeting was Jody Holcomb. World War I Group Has Patriotic Potluck Meet World War I Barracks #352 met with the Women’s Auxiliary at the Vale Grange hall Sunday, February 21 for a potluck din ner and meeting. At each place was a favor supporting a tiny flag. White napkins were inserted in red hearts, with a cupid in the center. Mrs. Earl Martin made beautiful ornaments of styro foam balls - surrounded by plastic gilt-edged and red cen tered cups. These along with red and white flower arrange ments, and red, white and blue candles, decorated the table. The decor carried out both George Washington's birthday and Valentine’s Day. On a side table stood a picture of George Washington and beside it, a replica of a cherry tree. The small hatchet was carved of wood. Above was the fa mous slogan, “I cannot tell a lie.” Walter and Vivian Lau Owyhee Riding Club rence were in charge of de corations. Owyhee Riding Club will It was reported that the Au sponsor a benefit dance with xiliary had made napkin tray proceeds to go to the Heart favors for the Boise Veterans and Cancer Charity Fund. The hospital and the nursing homes dance will be held at the Ore in the district. gon Trail Hall, Saturday, March Visitors from La Grande, 20. District #6 were Commander Pag« Five FIRE CALLS! Adrian Volunteer firemen have really been hopping this month. They have already an swered four fire calls the first week in March. On Monday, March 1, firemen were summoned to the Don Pick- erl home in Ridgeview. A chicken house and garage were on fire, they were able to save the garage. The blaze was started by weed burning. March 4, the firemen answered a call at the Ernie Seuell residence in Big Bend. A haystack and derrick caught fire during a weed burning operation, the derrick was saved. On fire at the Merrill Tailman place in Ridgeview March 6, was some trash ignited by a welder. The fire was ex tinguished before any damage was done. March 7 firemen were called to the residence of Vernon Hirsch in Adrian at 1 a.m. A storage shed was destroyed. Cause of the fire was faulty wirine. and Mrs. John Garity, Post Dist rict Comander and Mrs. Robert Lee, Senior Vice President, Mrs. Merle Sherman, State President Jewel Sudbrock and husband, Virgil, and Department Banner-bearer, Shirley Drum mond. Commander Alford Blocker officiated over the barracks meeting with President Agnes Jordon presiding at the auxi liary meeting. Plans were made to make Easter favors for the Boise Veterans Hospital and the nur sing homes in the Oregon Dist rict. It was decided that the auxi liary make lap robes of cotton material for the Veterans in White City, Oregon. The guests from District #6 gave reports of work accom plished in the District and State. The committee reported Mrs. Ernstine Kenney and Chaplin Joe Moore on the sick list. Next meeting will be at the Street late Saturday afternoon Vale Grange Hall March 21 only to find a small scrap lum at 1:30 p.m. ber fire, which was started by a little boy playing with matches, Nyssa Volunteer Firemen already extinguished by the were called to the Wilma Gar Garners. No damage was re ner residence at 209 North 6th ported. Governor Appoints Task Force For Veterans Jobs A Governor’s Task Force on Jobs for Veterans was ap pointed here today by Gov. Tom McCall. Warne Nunn, Port land, a vice-president of Pa cific Power and Light Co., was named chairman of the Task Force which will promote suit able employment and training for veterans. It was estimated at the organizational meeting that veterans are now return ing to Oregon at the rate of about 10,000 per year and that there are now about 16,500 veterans listed as unemployed in the files of the Employment Division. ___________ Adrian PTA To Vote On Use Of Funds Adrian PTA will meet in the cafetorium Thursday, March 18, at 8 p.m. At this time members will vote on the project for which the recent somorgasbord money will be used. High school vocal director Jim Johnson will direct the high school chorus as they present a light preview of the musical “ ‘Lil Abner.” After which refreshments will be served. Members of the Task Force include members of business, industry, labor and government, all of whom will spearhead a campaign to urge employers to hire veterans and/or train veterans within their organi zations. The Jobs for Veterans campaign is a nationwide campaign to assist veterans to obtain employment andtraining. Employers nationwide will re ceive letters and return post cards on which they may in dicate their interest in obtaining a qualified veteran for a job or for training. The campaign will also be bolstered by a nation wide advertising campaign in newspapers, on radio, television and even on billboards. The chairman of the Oregon Jobs for Veterans Task Force, Warne Nunn, named chairman of subcommittees as follows; City and County Task Force Organization, Ross Morgan, ad ministrator, Employment Di vision, Salem; Employment De velopment Committee, John Gray, Portland, Omark Indust ries and Public RelationsCom- mittee, Jackson Ross, Extension Service, Oregon State Univer sity, Corvallis. B®®®®®®S®®®®®®0®®®®® KINGMAN KOI.ON Y NEWS DALE WITT-*-*-*-PHONE 372-2183'»-» KINGMAN KOLONY-Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer and Jan attended the wedding of Carol Brock and Tom Buckles Friday evening at the Presbyterian Church in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer spent Sunday at the Marvin Wright home in Boise. Mrs. Bill Toomb and Jan Phifer left Saturday for a week’s visit at Culdesac and Clarkston, Wash., where they will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piercy and Steve and Mrs. Mabie Piercy had lunch Sunday with Mrs. Piercy’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rube Graham in Star. In the afternoon they visited Madge Harman at the Veterans Hospital in Boise. Madge Harmon is a sister of Mrs. Piercy and Mrs. Graham. They also visited a niece of Mrs. Piercys at the Graham home later in the eve ning. She was from Castle Ford, Idaho. . Mr. and Mrs. Willis Conant have a new granddaughter, ‘■•Shanon Sue”, born March 4 to their son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Bill Conant. The other grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cutler. Shanon Sue Weighed 8 pounds and 9 ounces. She has a sister and brother to welcome her. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Conant and Mrs. Lester Stacy and girls Of Apple Valley visited at the Bill Conant home Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar went with Mr. andMrs.Charley Culbertson and Mr. and Mrs. Buster Talbot to Jordan Valley Sunday where they had dinner at the Jerry Gordon home. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox were Sunday morning coffee guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herschell Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Callhoun of Emmett were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Osborn. The Pollyanna club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Myron Osborn. Mrs. J.R. Os born was co-hostess. Eleven women were present. Mrs. J. R. Osborn, president, had charge of the business meeting. Roll call was ”my favorite TV commercial or a household hint”. The next meeting will be April 1, with Mrs. Ode Anderson at Payette. She will ------------------------- j c ♦ I » WHAT IS A DAUGHTER?| | A daughter is sweetness with * ’ gay laughing eyes, jHair ribbons, pinafores, | . lace. I IA lovable lady of charm and ’ I delight | J With dirt on her dignified » | face, ’ j A daughter in no time is | I suddenly grown |With a womanly air and a | mind of her own, | IA daughter is pleasure . . . | ( a treasure to those Who watch with such pride . as their “little girl” grows. I Author unknown | I J show picutres of her trip to Europe. The group will meet at the Chas. Bowers home that day at 12:30 and go together. Mrs. J.T. Cox of, Pasco came Wednesday evening to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Osborn. She returned to Pasco Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Slippy and Lee of La Grande spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Camp bell of Big Bend were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Earl Campbell home. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Brea- shears of Roswell visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robb Monday evening. The Wayne Robb family at tended the Smorgasbord in Ad rian Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Astoreca also at tended the smorgasbord and visited in the Wayne Robb home that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bowers Wednesday evening. ND STEAK USDA CHOICE I RUMP ROAST 98' I 69£ i PORK CHOPS I i i ORANGES BONELESS lb. CENTER CUT lb. 89 LEAN SPARE RIBS KEIM’S SLICED BACON CALIFORNIA CHOICE NAVEL COMING EVENTS TODAY, MARCH 11 - Arcadia Club, Tom Drydale home, 2 p.m. Town & Country Garden club, Mrs. Dale Adams, 2 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 12 - Inter- Agency Mtg, Eastside Cafe, noon SATURDAY, MARCH 13 - Re covery Inc, Christian Church, 8 p.m. St. Patricks Dance, Eagles Hall. MONDAY, MARCH 15 - Gol den Rule Chapter, Masonic Hall 8 p.m. TUESDAY, MARCH 16 - LDS 2nd Ward Relief Society, 10 a.m. (Annual RS Conference and stake visitors. Program on drug use and abuse.) Sugar Beat TOPS, room 1 high school 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MARCh 17 - LDS 1st Ward Relief Society, 10 a.m. Wesleyan Service Guild, Me thodist Church, 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY, MARCH 18-Ruth Robinson Circle, Leroy Her- rman home, Columbia Ave., 2 p.m. Adrian PTA cafetorium, 8 p.m. Job’s Daughters, Masonic hall 7:30 p.m. OKK Club, Mrs. Tom Okai home. Nyssa PTA, cafetorium, 8 p.m. Owyhee Garden Club, Ira Price home, 2 p.m. OREGON TRAFFIC DEATHS DECREASE Oregon traffic killed 34 people last month, a decrease of about 42 per cent from Feb ruary a year ago. The Oregon Motor Vehicles Division said the state’s traffic toll for the first two months of the year now stands at 86, com pared with 106 for that period last year. Tentative reports received by the Division indicated that 17 of the victims had seat belts in their cars, but only three of them were reported as being used at the time of the crash. The deaths occurred in 17 of the state’s counties, with Washington county recording the highest February toll with five fatalities. 100 BONUS STAMPS WITH PURCHASE OF 5 lbs. GROUND BEEF . 59c FRESH FROZEN ;59 SALMON GARDEN FRESH RADISHES K 3 GREEN ONIONS 1 9 CENTER SLICES TOMATOES 39 1OO BONUS STAMPS WITH $2.00 PURCHASE OF PRODUCE ñ ever blooming ROSE BUSHES 5 PACK TRAY II LIPTON NABISCO TEA BAGS i 48 COUNT CHEESE NIPS 59* SUNNY JIM 20 oz. JARS ASSORTED JAMS FAMILY PACK 360 COUNT CRISCO SHORTENING ZEE NAPKINS DEL MONTE 5 oz. CANS PUDDING 3 lb. CAN HOT & COMET 21’/2 oz . CANS CIFANSFR 4/51.00 PET NON FAT 20 OT. PKG. DRY MILK $1.89 KLEENEX BOUTIOUE 125 COUNT /I FACIAL TISSUE 4/M.00 LIPTON NOODLE DINNERS 6 oz. PKGS. io oz. pkgs . REG. 30 oz. CANS NALLEY S CHILI 2"" 69c 2 -, $-|00 49c 4 59e 69c VETS’ 15oz. CANS DOG FOOD 12/M.00 WHITE SATIN POWDERED & BROWN SUGAR £ lb. BAG 59* IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT 99* HALF OR WHOLE I I STRAWBERRIES 4 89c i I SHRIMP I I c I I Frozen Foods WESTERN FAMILY 10 OC. . tor TREASURE CHEST 1 lb pkg 79 ea. I EXTRA LARGE SIZE COFFEE-MATE 79 C DAIRY MU** SAVE 12C SALE DATES - MARCH 11, 12, 13 I ♦ GOOD|(OOD|tOSISjU8S|lffiE «« 22 oz. BOTTLE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS TOO «■ «• « «• -w- •»'.. ,«« 5