Thursday, February 25, 1971 Th. Ny„q Got. City Journo|, Nyoo, Or.aon Page Seven Increase Value Of Your Home Oregon KINGMAN KOLONY NEWS DALE «-«-BY WITT-«-«-«-PHONE Girls Compete For 372-2183-«-« KINGMAN KOLONY-Mr. and Boise were Saturday overnight Mrs. Pete Tallman, Mr. and guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corn, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Al Thompson. Sunday, Earl Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. they and Thompson’s and Mrs. Oregon State Finals of the Carl Piercy were Wednesday Ellis Walters of Nyssa were guests at Eastside Cafe in On­ dinner guests at the Herschel Miss American Teen-Ager Pa­ geant will be held in the Grand tario in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson home. Carl Piercy’s wedding anniver­ Mr. and Mrs. John Zittercob Ballroom of the Sheraton-Port­ sary. of Nyssa were Saturday evening land Hotel in Portland on July Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox and visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Al 2-3, 1971. Girls from all over the state will be at the finals her mother, Mrs. Hazel Cham­ Thompson. berlain, spent the past week The Rev. and Mrs. Raymond representing their respective visiting friends and relatives Wilson of Rosewell called at communities. THIS IS NOT A in Culver and Eugene, Oregon the Al and Herschel Thompson BATHING SUIT OR TALENT CONTEST. Girls are judged on and in Vancouver, Washington. home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott their civic contributions, scho­ Pollyanna Club will meet March 4 with Mrs. Myron Os­ and Mrs. Mabie Piercy spent lastic achievements, poise, per­ born. Roll call is “Myfavorite Sunday afternoon visiting Mrs. sonality, and appearance. This is the 12th year for the pageant Bill Toomb. TV commercial.” Mr. and Mrs. Lester Strawn nationally, and current Miss Mrs. Marvin Wright and children of Boise were Mon­ attended the 70th Banquet held American Teen-Ager is Kim day and Tuesday overnight at the LDS Stake house in Nyssa Graham of Morrow, Georgia. The pageant is cited in the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Friday evening. Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Strawn Congressional Record, and re­ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gehrke of celebrated their 40th wedding cognized by educators through­ Their out the country. Mountain Home were breakfast anniversary Sunday. children took them to Ontario and dinner guests in the Willis Mrs. Klaias Laan and Mrs. Conant home Sunday. Mrs. to the La Paloma to dinner. Lester Stacy and girls of Apple Those present were Mr. and Verl Bishop of Big Bend went Valley were also dinner guests. Mrs. Strawn, Mr. and Mrs. to a Home Extension program Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conant Bill Burress of Nyssa, Mr. planning meeting Wednesday of Nampa were Sunday after­ and Mrs. Arnold Strawn and morning at the Holly Johnson family of Caldwell, and Mr. home in Ontario. noon visitors. Guss Sillonis spent the week Janice Herring and Marlene and Mrs. Paul Carter of New After dinner they end with Jay Kygar. Cox, Ronda and Steve of Pasco Plymouth, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar spent the week end visiting in returned to the Lester Strawn home where they had cake and and family had Sunday dinner the Myron Osborn home. at the Larry Culbertson home Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Viers ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robb in honor of Mr. and Mrs. have sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ervin of Coos and family spent Sunday in Ros­ Charley Culbertson’s 39th wed­ Bay. The Veirs are having well visiting her parents, Mrs. ding anniversary. Saturday, February 13, Mr. their farm sale Monday and will May Lytle and Lee Davis. Mrs. Klaas Laan visited the and Mrs. Wayne Robb spent the move to Jamieson on Saturday in Roswell visting Everett Van Beek family in evening of this week. Rogna and Joyce Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters of Nampa Sunday afternoon. Mi ss Teen-Ager Leeds Bailey, left, Malheur County Ex­ tension Agent, is being shown the variety of plants available at DeBoer’s Greenhouse, Ontario, by Peter DeBoer. This information will be used at the workshop for Malheur County homeowners. / Increase the value of your home by at­ tractive planting of trees, shrubs, and flowers. Get the most for your landscaping dollar by careful planning. Learn this and more at the Landscaping Workshop for Homeowners being offered by the Oregon State University Extension Service. According to HelenConner, MalheurCounty Home Economist, the workshop will be a series of three meetings to be held at the Commercial Building at the fairgrounds in Ontario, March 10, 11, and 12. Two sessions are slated for each day with the day session beginning at 1:30 p.m. and the evening ses­ sion at 7:30 p.m. There will be a variety of exhibits, slides, and leaflets. The guest speaker will be Wilbur Burkhart, Horticultural Specialist, from the OSU Extension Service. However, a minimum of 75 people must be registered before the workshop can be held. Registration sheets are available at the Mal­ heur County Extension Office, City Hall, On­ tario and at gardening supply stores through­ out the area. The registration fee is $3.00 per person or $4.50 for husbands and wives. Should a cancellation be made before the workshop begins, a refund will be made. NEWS FROM BIG BEND BY GOLDIE ROBERTS ’ • •' BIG BENDrMr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Dyre Roberts called on Mrs. Edythe Prosser and Packwood accompanied Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts Mrs. Dyre Roberts attended a Mrs. C.W. Musgrove of Marsing Saturday evening. Bradney Ro­ bridal shower Friday evening and Mr. and Mrs. P.L. Parrott berts of Roswell was a guest for Carol Ann Brock in Ontario, to Nampa recently where they of his granefcarents, Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop recently at­ visited Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Par­ Mrs. Wilbur Roberts. tended a County Planning Com­ rott. They all had dinner at the Mrs. William Mantel of rural mittee meeting at the home of King’s Table in Boise. The Nyssa was a Tuesday luncheon Holly Johnson in Ontario. occasion being the P. L. guest of Mrs. Verl Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood Parrott’s wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Varner Hopkins called on Mrs. Lloyd Wood in Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Avery and Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van Nyssa Monday morning. They of Weiser and Bruce Avery of Water drove to Weiser Sun­ brought their grandson, Scotty, the Adventist Academy inCald­ day and called on Mr. and Mrs. home with them for a few days. well were week end guests of Herb Thomas, former Big Bend Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lovitt and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Avery. residents. They called on Mr. Judy, and Mrs. Julia Callaham Mrs. Ray Cartwright retur­ and Mrs. Bill Van De Water and spent the week end with Mr. ned to her home Saturday from family in Fruitland on the way and Mrs. Larry Hunter and Malheur Memorial Hospital in home. family in Twin Falls. While Nyssa. She was taken there Mr. and Mrs. Ben Witty at­ there they had a four genera­ Wednesday with flu complica­ tended “Oklahoma” at Ontario tion photo taken. tions. Mrs. Edythe Prosser was Friday evening. Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mrs. People of Big Bend were pleasantly surprised Friday Edythe Prosser attended the greatly handicapped Monday morning when Mrs. Katherine Happy Dozen Card Club at the when the Adrian Bridge was Knerr of Hermisiton, Mrs. home of Mrs. George De Haven damaged enough to be closed. Blanche Collins of Portland, in Adrian Friday afternoon. The school bus has to go around Loren Pollard of Columbus, Mrs. Ray Wilson and Todd left by Nyssa. Several were more Neb., and Jim Pollard of Sunday for Roy, Utah, where they or le^s stranded by the closure. Nampa, all nieces and nephews, hope to locate. came to see her. Big Bend Extension Unit met Mr. and Mrs. John Packwood Tuesday with Mrs. Verl Bishop. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Eckley There were 11 members present P.L. Parrott in Ontario Satur- Phone 372-2778 and three visitors, Mrs. Ruby day. Storms, Mrs. Frances Nisha- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer OWYHEE-Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wood were Sunday dinner guests muri of Ontario, who are mem­ bers of the county committee, Shutter and children of Boise of Mrs. Margaret Wood in Mar­ spent Sunday visiting at the sing. and Miss Holly Johnson, County Agent. The lesson on the care home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude of rugs and upholstery was Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith, given by Miss. Johnson. Mrs. Elmer Wood accom­ Steve, Karla, and David were panied Lloyd Wood of Nyssa to Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and «««BY FRANCES SMALLEY«*» APPLE VALLEY-Mrs. Wil- Caldwell Tuesday where his wife Mrs. Bill Nielson. On February 14, Mr. and Mrs. liam Knox was hostess to the underwent major surgery. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Chaney Clarence Patterson and child- Susannah Circle Thursday. A ren, Letia, Melissa, and Michael potluck luncheon was served | and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carpen­ spent the day at the Clifford and members tied five quilts during the day. Smith home. ter at the Owyhee Dam. Mr. and Mrs. Hall and fa­ Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ Mrs. Julia Callaham of Cald­ well is visiting Mr. and Mrs. ford Smith and David called at mily moved recently into the Lee Lovitt. Monday afternoon, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kenneth McNall house. Saturday visitors of Mr. and they called on Carl Callaham in Smith where they helped cele­ the Mountain View Nursing brate the seventh birthday of Mrs. George Griffin were Mr. Cindy Smith. Also attending and Mrs. Leeland Dewey, Mr. Home in Caldwell. Mrs. Edythe Prosser and Mrs. was Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith. and Mrs. Gary Griffin, Tracy, C.K. Smith attended a meeting They all enjoyed a very plea­ and Mr. and Mrs. John Lilly. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Honey of the Simplot Old Timers sant evening helping Cindy with Tuesday afternoon at the home her birthday cake and icecream. of Boise were weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Oran Ostberg of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Honey, of Mrs. Jo Baker in Caldwell. Mrs. Anna Boston, who had Mr. and Mrs. Ben Witty and of Boise spent the day Sunday a stroke Monday, was visited with his sister and family, Mr. Carl, Joe Witty andfamily, Har­ by her children. Mr. and Mrs. vey Bennett, Verl Bishop and and Mrs. Clifford Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Con- Raymond Boston of Portland Steve, Noel Tuppeny, Mrs. Edythe Prosser, Mrs. Dyre Ro­ noughay and Mrs. Colleen Olp arrived Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. berts and Mrs. John Packwood and sons all of Vale were Sun­ Howard (Mary) Jameson of Napa, attended the Presbyterian day luncheon guests of Mr. and Calif., came Wednesday, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boston of Church supper in Adrian Wed­ Mrs. Jim Hite. Vancouver, Wash., were here David Fenn and Mr. and Mrs. nesday. Dale Mailon of Ontario spent Earl Kygar and Jay were Sun­ over the week end. Ruth Bailey who is at the last week with Mr. and Mrs. day dinner guests at the home Mt. View Terrace NusingHome of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hite. Noel Tuppeny. His sister, Sandy Mr. and Mrs. Charley Cul­ in Caldwell was a guest at the Carlson came for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De bertson attended an anniversary home of her daughter, Mr. and Water visited their daughter, dinner in their honor Sunday Mrs. Everette Slate, over the Mrs. Larry Bauman and boys at the home of their son. Mr. week end. Mrs. Elizabeth Grimes and and Mrs. Larry Culbertson. in Nyssa Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eckley Mrs. Mary Nichols of Nampa Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Patterson of Boise were Sunday dinner of Grangeville spent several were Tuesday luncheon guests guests of Mr. and Mrs. John days last week at the home of of Mr. and Mrs. WaldoSmallev. Saturday dinner guests in the Leslie Eckley. Their son, Packwood. Gene Honey home were Mr. and James was in the Nampa Mercy Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spearsand Mrs. Albert Honey, Mr. and family of Vale were Sunday din­ Hospital for several days under­ Mrs. Ernest Honey and family going extensive tests after a ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. George Ben Witty Miss Nita Spears sudaen illness. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hartley, Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Gary went home with them after Mr. and Mrs. Brent Hartley, Griffin and Tracy, and Mr. and spending the week end with the Pamela and Troy, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam King. After dinner Wittys. Mrs. Les Eckley and Steven the men entertained with their Mrs. Edythe Prosser attended musical instruments. the play, “Oklahoma,” in On­ were among those of this area that attended the high school tario Thursday and was an over­ Help somebodv night guest of Mr. and Mrs. wrestling matches in Vale on Thursday night. ba< k to life' Delno Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney and Rosalie were Sunday guests were Sunday dinner guests of the of Mr. and Mrs. Don Kadel in Everett Taylors of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. MelvinCrocker Caldwell. While there, they visited their son, Jimmy, of were Saturday evening callers at the Buster Talbot home. Post Falls, Idaho. OWYHEE APPLE VALLEY Wright Heads Cancer Crusade Ken Wright of Springfield, manager of the Springfield branch, First National Bank of Oregon, will serve as chair­ man of the April Cancer Cru­ sade of the American Cancer Society’s Oregon division, ac­ cording to Dr. Harvey Baker, division president. Wright will be assisted by Worth W. Caldwell Jr., of Port­ land, who will be vice-chair­ man. Caldwell is a former chairman ofthe division's Mult­ nomah county unit. Winner of the Oregon State Finals will be flown, with cha­ perone to Palisades Park, New Jersey in September of 1971 to compete in the National Fi- nals--all of her expenses will be paid. A trip for state win­ ners is planned to Staten Is­ land, United Nations Building, etc. Fifty states will be re­ presented at the National Finals. The National winner will re­ ceive scholarships, trips, and prizes, including a 1972 Dodge --and become Miss American Teen Ager 1971. Girls 13-17 are eligible to enter from all over the state of Oregon but contestants must still be 17 on Sept. 11, 1971. Deadline for certification of applications is May 2, 1971. We urge all interested girls to write for their applications now to Official Certification Of­ fice at 126 Bunn Drive, Rock­ ton, Illinois 61072. Journal Classifieds Bring Results! ows comparison I a é ■y The newly appointed chair­ man was vice-chairman of the 1970 campaign under Ed Hamil­ ton, Portland furrier, andplayed a vital role in the most success­ ful crusade in the division’s history. Wright has been active as a cancer society volunteer for 10 years, serving as an officer with Lane and Jackson county units. In addition to raising funds for research, education and ser­ vice, the crusade also stresses public education and will seek to acquaint Oregonians with cancer’s 7 warning signals. ‘‘Knowledge of the warning signals is particularly im- portant in the control of cancer,” Wright said, pointing out that < early diagnoisis and are “most im- treatment portant.” FROZEN STEW HENS I : RIB . 25' CHUNK STYLE BOLOGNA 00 * 45' WELLS & DAVIES BROKEN SLICED BACON 3 89* 3-39' GRAPEFRUIT POTATOES 20 FOR V \. LB. LARGE BOX TEXAS PINK BELL PEPPERS U.S. NO. 2 RUSSETT 20 lb. BAG s 1.00 59' MENU-MAKING BETTY CROCKER 21'/2oz. UPSIDE DOWN CAKE MIXES 4 KINDS 7" 1 MOD SPECIALS 45* REG. 65< CLOVER FARM 1/2 GAL. 59' ICE CREAM 10 oí. PKGS BIRDSEYE FROZEN PEAS & CORN 3/49‘ SCOTTIES 200 COUNT 4 FACIAL TISSUE JEL’S BEST 3 oz. h GELATIN GALA ftr 99' 3 99' 3 89' ..«< 43c HUNT’S 29 oz. LARGE "AA” F FRESH EGGS 2 Doz. 79e \r^sy- r/ fF- PEACHES KRAFT'S, SALAD BOWL SALAD DRESSING DOZ. Ihr» Main 99' 100 COUNT PAPER TOWELS R f«r BISQUICK far 60 oz. RIEB S NYSSA ' CENTER Nv«»a. Oregon Phone 372-2Ö23 69'