The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Pag« Six Thursday, February 25, 1971 SUNSET VALLEY ACTIVITIES LIBRARY HOURS SUNDAY and MONDAY - CLOSED TUESDAY - 2 P.M. to 8 P.M. WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon to 6 P.M. THURSDAY - 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. FRIDAY and SATURDAY - 12 Noon to« P.M. According to Mrs Max (Norma) Urry, the following books are now available at the local library. Books for young people now available on our shelves; THE LITTLE SAIL BOAT - Lois Lenski MIFFY AT THE SEASIDE - Bruna POPCORN PATCH - Chandler GRAND PRIX DRIVER - W.E. Butterworth THE MYSTERY OF THE STUTTERING PARROT - Hitchcock MIFFY IN THE SNOW - Bruna THE OLD WITCH AND THE SNORES - Ida DeLage FLAP YOUR WINGS - Eastman NOAH RIDDLE? - Bishop CAREY’S FORTUNE - Emery THE FENCE - Jan Balet WOLFIE - Janet Chenery THE BLUE MARBLE - Hans George Lenzen THE MONKEY AND THE BEE - Leland B. Jacobs HOAGIE’S RIFLE-GUN - Miska Miles McBROOM’S EAR - Sid Fleischman GOOD NIGHT ANDREW GOODNIGHT CRAIG - M. Sharmat BLACKBOARD BEAR - Martha Alexander SANTIAGO - Pura Belpre OLD MACDONALD HAD AN APARTMENT HOUSE - Judith Barrett CRICKET IN A THICKET - Feodor Rojankovsky HARRY BY THE SEAS - Gene Zion ROBERT AND THE STATUE OF LIBERTY - Laurence DID YOU FEED MY COW? - Margaret T. Burroughs OBADIAH THE BOLD - Brinton Turkle HAVE YOU SEEN ROADS? - Joanne Oppenheim IN THE FLAKY FROSTY MORNING - Karla Kuskin STEVIE - John Steptoe FROG, WHERE ARE YOU? - Mercer Mayer THE CROWS OF PEAR BLOSSOM - Aldous Huxley LITTLE SONGS FOR LITTLE PEOPLE - Harlow Rockwell CHAMPIONSHIP TRAIL - Robert B. Jackson TECUMSEH - James McCague 1, CHARLOTTE FORTEN, BLACK AND FREE - Polly Longsworth BETTER ARCEHERY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS - George Sullivan ONE’S NONE - James Reeves CASTLE IN MY CITY - Paty Zeitlin NDIANS ON THE MOVE - Hofsinde ’VERYDAY TURTLES TOADS AND THEIR KIN - Allen THE THREE SPARROWS - Morgenstern GREAT LINEBACKERS OF THE NFL - Richard Kaplan POETRY OF WITCHES, ELVES, AND GOBLINS - Leland WILT CHAMBERLAIN - Kenneth Rudeen POETRY FOR WINTER - Leland B. Jacobs THE NONSENSE BOOK - Duncan Emrich LEONARD BERNSTEIN - Molly Cone GREAT MOMENTS IN PRO FOOTBALL - Zander Hollander SONGS TO GROW ON - Beatrice Landeck THE WALRUS AND THE CARPENTER - Lewis Carroll SONGS THE SANDMAN SINGS - Gwendolyn Reed PEREZ AND MARTINA - Belpre A CHILD’S GARDEN OF VERSES - Stevenson MY VISIT TO THE DINOSAURS - Allkl TENNIS FOR TEENAGERS - Pauline Betz Addie THE PRESIDENTS IN AMERICAN HISTORY - Charles A. Beard IT ALL DEPENDS - Jane Yolen CIRCUS NUMBERS - Rodney Peppe ALONG SANDY TRAILS - Ann Nolan Clark RAMPS - Bernice Kohn ABC OF CARS AND TRUCKS - Anne Alexander LITTLE TOOT - Hardie Gramatky LIITLE BLUE AND LITTLE YELLOW - Leo Lionni HERSCHEL THE HERO - Syd Hoff I HE WHITE HORSE - Edith Thacher Hurd RUMPLE NOSE-DIMPLE—-AND THE THREE HORRIBLE SNAPS Robert Kraus and Mischa Richter FOXIE - THE SINGING DOG - Ingri and Edgar Parin Daulaire THE MILLER, THE BOY AND THE DONKEY - Brian Wildsmith WHAT DO YOU SAY, DEAR; - Sesyle Joslin A RIOT OF QUIET - Virginia Sicotte I CAN LICK 30 TIGERS TODAY! - Dr. Seuss OTE - A PUERTO RICAN FOLK TALE - Pura Belpre THE BARN - John Schoenherr TOO MANY MITTENS - Florence and Louis Slobodkin WHAT’S A GHOST GOING TO DO? - Seymour Fleishman STAYING HOME ALONE ON A RAINY DAY - Chihiro Iwasaki GOGGLES! - Ezra Jack Keats I’LL FIX ANTHONY - Judith Viorst NOBODY LISTENS TO ANDREW - Elizabeth Guilfoile ' NT JOHN - Arnold Lobel ASK MR. BEAR - Marjorie Flack CHILDREN OF THE FOREST - Elsa Beskow Children’s books - with Spanish Translation )UE SE DK 1-, NINO? - Sesyle Joslin TH! KING, THE MICE, ANDTHECHEESE - Eric & Nancy Gurney RAMON MAKES A TRADE - Barbara Ritchie !OME ES I A LUNA? - Franklyn M. Branley MI PARAGUAS ROJO - Robert Bright LA GRANJA PEQUENA - Lois Kenski LOS CAM1ONEROS - Carla Greene HI BE RTO Y El VIFNTO - Marie Hall Ets ’EDRIN EL CONEJO TRAVIESO - Beatrix Potter (r BY MARTHA LORENSEN Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley visited Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley and Mrs. E.J. Hobson and guest, Mrs. Daisy Hester, drove to Hines Sunday and were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Hester’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kinkaid. Mrs. Hes­ ter remained with the Kinkaids where she is “at home”. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lowtrip of Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatch and family of Adrian were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Astoreca. Mrs. Ora Newgen called on Mrs. Frone Stradley at Fruit­ land Saturday afternoon. Later, they visited Mrs. Agnes But­ ler of New Plymouth. Mrs. Butler was recently discharged from a Caldwell Hospital where she was treated for a respira­ tory infection. Mrs. Charles Glenn, who has been ill and confined to her home for the past month, is now able to be up part time. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fogleman and family of Nampa, and Mr. and Mrs. John Grottveit of Nyssa were guests for dinner Sunday honoring the birthdays of Linda and Jan Alexander at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ekaner were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day at the Owyhee Dam. Pomona Grange met at the On­ tario Height Grange Hall Sa­ turday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price were among those attending from this area. Price was pre­ sented with a Past-Master pin, which represented eight years service as a past master. Mrs. Don Share and daug- ters, Kris and Susan were Sun­ A 398-57 - Interchange at intersection ot Ub99t (ivicL-Ougniin day dinner guests at the home Boulevard) and Clackamas Highway which overpasses McLoughlin of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price. Mrs. Elver Nielsen and sis­ ter, Mrs. Homer Whitman of at Milwaukie. Emmett, drove to Baker Satur­ (Oregon State Highway Division photo) day where they met another sis­ ter, Mrs. Doyn Price of La- EL CUENTO DE FERDINANDO - Munro Leaf Grande. The three sisters had JOHNNY LOST - Mariana Prieto dinner together and a good visit ABCDEFGHUKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - Robert Tallon returning to their homes the WE TAKE A SATURDAY WALK - Vamos A Pasear El Sabado same day. “Oregon educators, in co- monstrated by CharlineandEr- MOTHER GOOSE IN SPANISH - Translations by Alastair Reid Trl-Valley Home Extension SUIMI - Leo Lionni operation with resource mana- nest McDonald, nationally met at the home of Mrs. Elver gers, have made a good start recognized leaders in outdoor Nielsen Friday with 13 attending. DUTY, HONOR, EMPIRE - John Lord - A magnificient biography, in developing environmental education, employed by the Fo­ Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen drawn from Colonel Meinertzhagen’s exhaustive personal understanding,” according to rest Service in Portland. and Mrs. Mark Moncur and son diaries and papers Fred Wilbur, a Eugene teacher Also featured will be reports Curtis were Saturday evening FISHING WITH RAY BERGMAN - Edward Janes - Advice from who is president of the Oregon of innovative leadership in en- guests at the home of Mr. and the master angler, on all types of fresh-water fishing. Association For Outdoor Edu- vironmental education byspo- Mrs. Bill Nielsen. They helped ZELDA - Nancy Milford - Biography of Zelda Fitzgerald. cation and Conservation. kesmen from Parkrose, Mil- Matthew Nielsen clebrate his FROM TONGUES OF TEMPLE BELLS - William R. Sides - He reports that cooperative waukie, and Gresham schools, birthday. The essence of Oriental Philosophy. environmental education coun- How to use available environ- Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen HERMANN HESSE POEMS - James Wright - First edition in cils function in several locali- mental study areas, including a were dinner guests Sunday at English of Hermann Hesse’s poetry. ties; most school districts are tour of the Western Forestry the home of Mr. and Mrs. YANKEE GHOSTS - Hans Holzer - The setting in this latest integrating environmental stu- Center and or.-site workshops Charles Schultz in Payette. volume is northeastern United States, and the characters are dies with usual subjects; at the Zoo, O.M.S.I.,andForest Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dail and many and absorbing. and about 20,000 sixth graders Park Nature Trail, is scheduled Sharon were Thursday evening THE QUEEN’S YEAR - Andrew Duncan - An intimate report participate in resident outdoor for the afternoon. visitors at the home of Mr. and on twelve months with the Royal family. schools annually. The Oregon Association for Mrs. Elver Nielsen. AN OREGON BOYHOOD - Dowrick - The people Dowrick tells Interested educators and re- Outdoor Education andConser- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sweeney about are real people and the events he relates actually source management people for- vation represents most of the and family, formerly of Nyssa, med the statewide association ongoing outdoor education pro- occured. moved this week to the farm MY LIFE WITH JACQUELINE KENNEDY - Mary B. Gallagher - three years ago to share ideas grams in Oregon, a state which and ranch recenlty vacated by This book is about the term of employment with the first lady in environmental, conservation, is gaining national recognition Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder the author had. and outdoor education (ECO- for the number of elementary and son Royal. They plan to PRACTICAL SCULPTURE - Robert Dawson - In the many ED). Attendance of more than students participating. The operate the farm and dairy this aspects of sculpture today plastic media is the least written 100 is expected at the winter statewide organization includes coming year. about. The author attempts in this volume to help the artist meeting of the group, to be educators and resource agency Charles Moore of Ontario, held Saturday, February 27, and industry representatives with new ideas. John Knottingham and his mo­ MEXICAN CITIES OF THE GODS AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is open to any others in- ther Mrs. Lois Counsil were the Western Forestry terested in the promotion of GUIDE - Hans Helfitz - Many background stories and informa­ at Saturday evening dinner guests tion is given in this volume. Center (WFC) in Portland. The environmental education, ac- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. UPROOTED CHILDREN - Robert Coles - This volume tells WFC, at a cost of over $2 cording to Wilbur. Dick Young. of the early life of migrant farm workers. million, is nearing completion Advance registration for the Valley residents are sorry A CHILD’S MIND, - Muriel Beadle - How children Learn during near the Portland Zoo and meeting and catered lunch can to hear of the death of Harold O.M.S.I. in Washington Park, be made with Robert D. Hostet- the critical years from birth to age five. Fivecoat, Saturday, February New techniques in environ- ter, Bureau of Land Manage­ THE BROTHERS GRIMM - Ruth Michaelis - Jena - This 20. Mr. and Mrs. Fivecoat were volume is the first full length biography of Jacob and Wilhelm mental education will be de- ment, P.O. Box 2965, Portland. former residents of this area. Grimm. They moved to Madras from THE YEAR OF THE PEOPLE - Eugene J. McCarthy - It here. He suffered a heart at­ expressed by the author in this book that may misunder­ Knutsen pointed out that this tack and passed away suddenly standings will be cleared that came about during the presi­ The new loan rate for Fe­ action is in line with the Bank’s at Clarkston, Washington. In- dential campaign of 1968. deral Land Bank borrowers policy of providing farmers terement was at Madras Tues­ I LOVE YOU BETTER NOW -LoisWyse- Contemporary verse- was reduced to 7 3/4 percent, credit at the lowest possible cost day, February 23. Very enjoyable. effective March 1, announced Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite consistent with sound business Fred A. Knutsen, president of and Mrs. John Reffett left practices. The Federal Land Bank of Spo­ The Variable Rate loan plan Thursday for The Dalles where kane. Prior to this action the Mrs. Reffet remained for a rate was 8 1/2 percent. The provides the farmer-owned visit at the home of her son, Land Bank with flexibility to new rate was approved by the meet the credit needs of far­ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reffett. Board of Directors of the Fe­ mers and ranchers in Washing­ Mr. and Mrs. Hite visited in deral Land Bank of Spokane before returning ton, Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Portland at its regular monthly meet­ Alaska, at the lowest possible home Wednesday. ing today. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Cul­ cost, according to Knutsen. This reduction will also af­ The Spokane Bank, with loans bertson, Mr. and Mrs. Buster fect the interest rate on over Talbot, and Rusty Talbot $121 million of Variable Rate to more than 26,000 farmers and and Louella Findley, Mr. and ranchers in the Northwest, with loans written at 8 1/2 percent Mrs. Donald Coleman and son, which will be billed at 7 3/4 over $630 million in loan volume, is one of 12 banks located Shawn, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Mc- percent and those Variable Rate Conathy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl loans written at 8 percent will throughout the country to pro­ vide a dependable source of t«e billed at the rate of 7 1/2 long-term real estate loans to percent from March 1. farmers and ranchers. EDUCATORS TO MEET AT FORESTRY CENTER Federal Land Bank Rate When you’re away, it’s nice to know Your NIGHTGUARD is on the job! Al >w at $3.60 a month • FIXTURE •INSTALLATION • ELECTRICITY • MAINTENANCE •arty installation, your local Idaho f oftica (If you prefer direct purchase, see your electrical contractor ) There’s nothing like light to discourage thieves, vandals and other troublemakers Reddy’s big Nightguard mercury vapor security light turns itself on automatically at dusk, off at dawn, whether you are home or not It's an investment in peace of mind. IDAHO POWER COMPANY I l^fcfMELESS ELECTRIC LIVING FOR A NEATER, CLEANER WORLD OVERWEIGHT? FREE OFFER Odrmex can help you become the trim slim person you went to be Odnnex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed Con tains no dangerous drugs No starving No special exercise. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. Odnnex has been used successfully by thousands all over the country for over 12 years the reg ular price for Odnnex is $3 25 and 15 25 for the large economy size FREE OFFER: Buy either size Odnnex and receive another one TREE You must lose ugly fat or your money will be refunded by your druggist No questions asked Sold with this guarantee by Nyssa Rexall Pharmacy 129 Main Street Mail Orders Filled PHONE 372 - 2186 Kygar and son, Jay and his friend, Gus Sillonis were all Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Culbertson in honor of the wed­ ding anniversary of theCharley Culbertson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Knowles and Phil Mitchell went to Caldwell Tuesday. Phil Mitchell re­ mained at the Caldwell Hospi­ tal for a check-up. He returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Chapin and Mrs. Harriet Turner were Caldwell business visitors Mon­ day. Mona and Marie Thorton of Caldwell were Saturday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin visited Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Butler in Caldwell. Word has been received that an open house party will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Minyard on Feb. 38th, honoring the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Skogan on their 25th wedding anniversary. They are formerly of the Owyhee and Adrian areas. Anyone desiring to send a greeting, may send it to the Minyard home, Rt. 1, Box 146. Boring Oregon. Missionary Women of the Owyhee Community Church served lunch Monday at the public sale held at the Virgil Viers farm. Mr. and Mrs. Viers will be moving to Jamie­ son. NU ACRES BY MARGARET EVANS Future Farmers of America District Award night was held Monday evening at the Fruitland High School. Boys from Wei­ ser, Emmett, Midvale, Cam­ bridge, Payette, Parma, and New Plymouth attended. Nuby Hartman was awarded the first place for the Meat Judging. He received an emblem for his jacket and the school received a trophy for the showcase. Mrs. Hartman attended the meeting with Nuby. Mrs. Aimine Hartman and Nuby attended the American Heritage display Sunday which was held in three trailer houses in Boise over the week end. Mrs. Bill Schilling of Nyssa called on Mrs. Ben Payne Fri­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rudell of Huntington were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Payne. Tommy Otto and Mac Mc- Intryre of McCall, and Judy Holer of Seattle, spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Alden Bryan. The men had just been to Seattle and were returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Bryan attended the annual dinner of the Dairymen’s Cooperative Creamery Wednesday in the Armory at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Stigile, Shelley and Lee, aqd Mrs. Larry Ziegler and Molly of Sandpoint are spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans. A week ago Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Grasmick attended the family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cantrell of Meridian honoring Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Steinbach of Port­ land, and Mrs. Grace Bauer of St. Anthony. The Steinbach’s and Mrs. Bauer spent part of last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grasmick. The women are all sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKagueof Caldwell spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Mike McKague. Mr. and Mrs. Art Jones went to Boise to get Robert Daschen and Pat Krone, TVCC students, who had been to Portland to attend the wedding of his bro­ ther. Mrs. Stella Newell oENampa is staying at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Newell of Nampa brought her here Sunday and were dinner . guests of Paynes. Mrs. Louise Turk and three children of Fruitland called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw Sun­ day afternoon. Ricky and Ron­ nie Turk are spending a few days with the Shaws. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans attended the United Methodist Church services in Vale Sun­ day and were dinner guests of their daughter and family, the Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Cairns. Firemen Summoned Nyssa Volunteer Firemen an­ swered a call to the home of Mrs. Orma Cleaver at 514 N. 4th Street Tuesday evening. They reported very little damage was caused from an over heated furnance.