Thursday, February 18, 1971 Hometown News The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Owyhee Garden Club NEWS FROM BIC, BEND REBEKAHS MEET BY GOLDIE ROBERIS The Yellow Rose Rebekah Lodge met in regular session February 9 at the IOOF Hall with Noble Grand Nellie Jen­ kins presiding. There were 15 members present. A visit to Harmony Rebekah Lodge in Payette is planned. The Owyhee GardenClubheld BIG BEND - Mr. and Mrs. Word was-received by Mrs. traveled down to the Mexican their regular monthly meeting Ernest Seuell spent last week Holmer Hight that Manuel Silva Border and returned home February 12, at the home of end with their daughter, Lois is now attending Oregon State through Arizona. Mrs. Orville Groves, Parma, at Oregon State University in » ♦ ♦ University. Manuel, a graduate with 14 members present. Mrs. Corvallis. of Nyssa High School, also at­ Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Wiley of Keith Tallman was co-hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson tended Oregon Technical Insti- Caldwell were Sunday visitors tue in Klamath Falls. He is at the Elton Clapp residence. Winners of the poster contest returned Saturday from a trip ♦ ♦ * taking a course in Industrial on Ecology held in the Adrain across the United States. While Arts Education at OSU. En­ Visiting at the home of Mrs. schools was announced. Ap­ in New York they spent two days joying school and working hard Emma L. Wimp this week were proximately 40 entries were sight seeing. They spent four he hopes some day to teach her daughters, Mrs. Bertha Wil­ submitted. The winning pos­ days in Washington D.C. visiting liams of Moses Lake, and Mrs. ters will be entered in the Dist­ friends and sight seeing. Ray industrial arts. » ♦ ♦ Wilson left Monday morningfor Flora Mae Black of Chemult, rict and State contest. Visiting Sunday in Nyssa at Oregon. Mrs. Williams visited Utah to look for living location the home of their mother, Mrs. from Saturday until Monday and It was announced that the for his family who have spent Louise Smith was her son Ed­ Mrs. Black visited from Satur­ Oregon State University Ex­ the winter with her parents, Mr. ward E. Smith and family of day until Wednesday. tension Service willholdaland­ and Mrs. Leonard Howes while ♦ * ♦ Nampa and her daughter, Mrs. scaping workshop for home­ her husband was in Germany. Claudia Grace Taylor of On- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Long, owners on March 10,11, and Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts tario. Mrs. Ethel Lay, Mrs. Cynthia 12 in Ontario. attended Mrs. Marie Douglas’ * * Gilbert, Mrs. Frances Kratz- Plans are being made to finish farm sale Thursday in Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morgan berg, Mrs. Louise Collins and the stone wall in front of the Mr. and Mrs. Delno Brock of spent a few days last week in Mrs. Otis Nichols were Wed­ Owyhee Cemetery. Ontario were Saturday eveing Woodland, Calif., where they nesday, February 10, callers at guests of Mrs. Edythe Prosser. visited at the home of the Frank Byers home to help Mrs. Herron, District Chair­ Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De Morgan’s aunt, Jeanette Calkins. Sunshine Dunten celebrate her man, will attend the club’s next Water entertained with a dinner ♦ ♦ ♦ meeting, which will be held at Wednesday for the Rev. and 92nd birthday anniversary. * » ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sallee and the home of Mrs. Ira Price. Mrs. Paulson of Roswell and family of Davis, Calif., visited Favors consisting of home­ Rev. Michael Gillchrist of Port­ Mrs. Cynthia Gilbert, Mr. and from Thursday until Monday Mrs. Frank Byers andSunshine made cookies with Valentines land. at the home of his parents, Mr. Dunten were dinner guests at the attached were made up by club Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bennett and Mrs. George Sallee. home of Mrs. Dunten’s daughter, members and taken to the nur­ and family called on Mr. and * * * Mrs. Tom Boren in Vale Sun­ Mrs. Eva Embree in Ontario sing home. Mr. and Mrs. Jile Carey of Wednesday to celebrate Sun­ Refreshments were served. day afternoon. Nyssa called at the Frank Byers shine’s birthday. ♦ ♦ ♦ home Tuesday evening to extend birthday wishes and give a gift Tuesday dinner guests at the to Sunshine Dunten. home of Everett and Mr. A.L. ♦ ♦ ♦ Heldt were Mrs. Heldt’s two Mrs. Afton Mitchell, Mrs. other sons, Mr. and Mrs. War­ George Hust and Mrs. Donna ren Heldt and son Steven of Glenn spent Tuesday in McCall Aloha, Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. where they viewed the icesculp- Albert Heldt of Nyssa, also ters and had lunch. Esther Heldt of Ontario. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. S.P. Bybee and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson Donna Glenn entertained Mrs. and family of Othello spent from Afton Mitchell at lunch at the Friday until Monday visiting at Eastside Cafe in Ontario Wed­ at the homes of their parents, nesday in honor of Mrs. Mit­ Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Brower and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Peterson. chell’s birthday. * * * * ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griffin visited Sunday at the home of of Burley visited Saturday mor­ Griffin’s son, Mr. and Mrs. ning at the home of Mrs. Curtis’ George Griffin’s daughter, Mr. brother, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. and Mrs. Phil Nicely and child­ Brower. ♦ * ♦ ren of Baker, arrived to visit. ♦ * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shearer of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hobson Mt. Home visited Sunday and and Libby Jane of Hagerman Monday at the J.E. Brower spent the week end visiting at the home. * ♦ ♦ home of her parents, Mr. and Dareld Steinke and family of Mrs. Muri Lancaster. Vale, Mrs. Effie Murphy and * » ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann and Mrs. Faye Pandoof Apple Valley Mr. and Mrs. Walter Looney and were Sunday dinner guests at sons visited Sunday at the home 1 the home of Dareld’s mother, of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Bond in Mrs. Verda Steinke. The din­ Vale. 1 ner was a belated birthday dinner honoring Kirt, Dean and * * * Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lanig Dareld. Mr. and Mrs. Norville J. moved Tuesday to Route 2, Leuck of Santa Barbara, Calif., Nyssa, from Dallas, Oregon. visited for a short time at the Mr. and Mrs. Lanig are retired home of Mrs. Tom Johnson Feb. and plan to make their home 15. They were just passing thru here. Nyssa on their way to attend a » ♦ ♦ funeral in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bunn re­ * * * turned Sunday evening from a Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Jackson three-week’s trip. They spent and their children, Mrs. John 10 days in Needles, California, Wortendyke and son David of Portland, Mrs. Gary Mason of Ashland, Mrs. David Wimmer of Canby and Bruce Jackson who is stationed on the USS King in San Diego, all attended the fune­ ral of Mrs. Jackson’s father Tom Hillman, in Victorville, California, February 1. * ♦ * Mrs. Irma Meyers returned to her home in Nyssa February Do you ever doubt the 13 after spending the winter sun will rise in the months visiting at the home of her son, Col. and Mrs. H.W. morning? Meyers in Cape Coral, Florida. Even if rain or fog hide On her return trip home, Mrs. its rays, you know it’s Meyers visited in Denver at still there. You don’t the home of her nephew, Mr. and Mrs. John Kenyon and doubt this because you daughter. are familiar with the Life without doubt laws governing the earth's relationship to the sun. In the same way, each of us could eliminate much fear and doubt from our lives if we understood the laws governing man's relationship to God. Hear James Pike, of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, tell how effectively people have been able to act, even in a grave crisis, by listening to God’s direction. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE Feb. 21, 3.00 p.m. High School Auditorium Ontario Sponsored by the Christian Science Society, Ontario THANK YOU ! I wish to thank my friends and relatives for the cards and gifts I received during my recent illness. Also thanks to the nurses and other members of the staff at Holy Rosary Hos­ pital, and Dr. James R. Mann for the wonderful care. Cora Rookstool. WILL TRAIN 3 MEN TO SELL MUTUAL FUNDS INSURANCE FULL OR PART TIME PHONE 459-9633 JACK D. HUNT Division Manager 215 1/2 S. Kimball Caldwell, Idaho WE FIX FLATS FOR LADY DRIVERS FREE Bob Elliott Tire Center NYSSA, OREGON Page Three Mr. and Mrs. RayCartwright attended the wedding of their grandson, Dean, in Nyssa Sa­ turday evening. Big Bend TOPS Club met Monday with Mrs. Horace Chaney, there were nine pre­ sent. Lesson No. 6 on nut­ rition was given by Mrs. Ben Witty. A Valentine exchange was held. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Avery spent the week end with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Greene in La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Witty were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spears in Vale. In the afternoon they attended the Community Concert in Ontario. Laurie Paulson of Roswell was an overnight guest of Gayle Clucas Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Graham and family of Middleton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney. Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mrs. Edythe Prosser visited Mrs. Henry Carroll in Arcadia and Mr. and Mrs. Delno Brock in Ontario Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water were Sunday dinner Each officer found a Valen­ tine favor at her station. Merle Johnson and Harriet Warren served delicious re­ freshments. Next meeting will be Feb. 23. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reed in Boise. Mrs. Mike Sillonis returned to her home Tuesday from the Malheur Memorial Hospital where she had been a patient for two days. Julie and Angela stayed with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Muri Burns for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Witty at­ tended special church services at the Ontario Friends Church Thursday evening. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wood of Nyssa spent se­ veral days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood while their mother was in the hospital. ANK Garden Club Members Plan Spring Show, Silver Tea ANK Garden Club met at the home of Mrs. Gerrit Stam Tues­ day, February 9. The Stam home was beautifully decorated with several arrangements and plants. Mrs. Elton McCormick gave the program on “Hearts and Flowers’’. She presented the program not only because of Valentines Day, but also to coincide with the two golden wedding anniversaries, the Gerrit Stams and the Maurice Judds, and also the wedding of Mrs. Lila Wilson and J. Hoover of Parma. A gift from the club was present to Mrs. Hoover. The group voted to present a spring flower show at the Nyssa Library Club Rooms in May. A tentative date was set for May 15. This will be an arrangement show for the pleasure of the public. A silver tea will be held at the show with the funds to be given to the Malheur Memorial Hospi­ tal. Mrs. Arie Bakker will act as chairman of the show and will announce her committee at a later date. Mrs. Blake Lowell, president, appointed Mrs. Hoover, Mrs. Dale Ashcraft and Mrs. Joe Perecz, all of Parma, to serve as the ANK committee to work on the garden club's part of planting the Old Oregon Trail Park in Parma. This is one of the club’s newer projects. Next meeting of the ANK Garden Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Viola Knight in Parma, March 9. At this meeting, the exchange students from Nyssa and Parma will be guests. Jaycees Sponsor Narcotics Program Parma Jaycees and Jay-C- Ettes are sponsoring a pro­ gram on Narcotics February 23, at 7:30 p.m. at the Parma Junior High building. The speaker will be Ralph Poindexter who is an addict. He will have first-hand infor­ mation to give. He is a mem­ ber of the Tablerock Jaycees at the Idaho State Penitentiary and is also program manager on youth assistance. This is an open to the public meeting and all are urged to attend, announced Jim Eggler, President of the Parma Jay­ cees.