The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Ton Thursday, February 11, 1971 ZD NEWS FROM BIG BEND BY GOLDIE ROBERTS BIG BEND - Noel Tuppeny dinner at the Eastside Cafe returned home from the Holy Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van De - Rosary Hospital in Ontario Sa­ turday to recover from sur­ Water and family of Fruitland called on Mr. and Mrs. Boyce gery. Mr. and Mrs. Varner Hopkins, Van De Water Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De - The baby is improving from his Water and Mr. and Mrs. Phil recent illness. Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mrs. Clucas and family attended the potluck dinner at the Roswell Edythe Prosser attended Happy Baptist Church in honor of Rev. Dozen Card Club at the home of Mrs. Dale Ashcraft in Parma Gilchrist. Mrs. Betty Samer and Mrs. Friday afternoon. Mrs. Roberts Edythe Prosser accompanied was a prize winner. Mrs. Gertye Jones of Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller to McCall Saturday for the Snow attended a birthday dinner Fri­ Festival. day for her father, Luit Stam, Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts at his home in Newell Heights. called on Mrs. Marie Douglas Mr. and Mrs. RayCartwright and Mrs. Florence Henderlider were all-day Saturday visitors Sunday. in the Eldon Barbee home in Jolly Janes Club met with Nampa. Mrs. HoraceChaneyWednesday Miss Florence Miles of Boise afternoon. Mrs. Dallas Chaney visited Mr. and Mrs. Phil and Mrs. Darrell English as­ Clucas Sunday afternoon. sisted. Phillis Carpenter was Big Bend Grange held a a guest. Valentine Dance at the Hall Sat­ Mr. and Mrs. Will Bishop urday evening. A good time of Caldwell were Sunday dinner was reported by those attending. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verl Mr. and Mrs. W.C.Van De - Bishop and Steve. Water and Kent, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett Mrs. Boyce Van De Water at­ and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood tended the Ray Bowen sale Mon­ were Sunday dinner guests of day in Nampa. Mrs. Bowen Mrs. Margaret Woodandfamily is their niece. in Marsing. Mr. and Mrs. RonCartwright Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. Don Barbee called Thursday on Mr. and and son of Boise, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Cartwright in Nyssa, Mrs. Don Cartwright of Nyssa and Mrs. Glen Barnes in On­ were Sunday guests of their tario. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Car­ Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. Ray penter of the Owyhee Dam were Cartwright called in the late callers Saturday evening at the afternoon. Dallas Chaney home. Mrs. Florence Gale of Boise Adrian Garden Club met with and Mrs. George Gale of Joseph Mrs. Varner Hopkins Tuesday spent the first of the week with afternoon. They worked on their Marion Gale. Yearbooks. Roll Call was “A Valentine I Remember.” Mr. and Mrs. Joe Witty and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witty and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Members of the Women’s Ac­ Spears and family of Vale drove tivity Club met Tuesday after­ to McCall Sunday to the Snow noon, February 2, at Oregon Festival. Trail Grange Hall for guest Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney day. Guests attending were and Rosalie were guests of Mr. Mmes. Earl Ward, WilburCha- and Mrs. Emmett Gifford near pin, Charles Sytes, Emmett Notus Sunday. Gifford had just Sappe, Lynn Snodgrass, Ralph returned from the hospital after Hite, Mark Morton, William having surgery. Russell and Raymond Sager. Mrs. Harvey Bennett and The meeting was called to Mrs. Verl Bishop called on Mrs. order by Chairman Mrs. Frank Clyde Riggs in Parma Tuesday Holub. The HEC Creed was afternoon. read by the secretary. Mrs. Mrs. Darrell English called Holub explained the new sew­ on Mrs. David Pettis and new ing contest. son, Robert Eugene, at the home Members voted to sponsor a of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clary public card party to raise funds in Parma Monday afternoon. for the Heart and Cancer Cam­ Elmer Wood and Floyd Wood paigns. Date to be announced of Marsing returned Saturday later. evening from a two-weeks’ Feature of the afternoon was vacation. They visited in the exchange of Valentine gifts. Wichita, Kansas, and Coffee- Members and guests decorated ville, Kansas, then visited balloons with funny faces. Hol­ relatives in Mt. Grove, Mo., ders of "lucky” numbered Va­ and with his sister, Mrs. Max­ lentines were called upon for a ine Combs in Taneyville, Mo. song, joke, or household hint. From there they went through (Continued From Page 9) the Ozarks to Biloxi, Miss., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker where they visited his brother, were dinner guests Saturday of John Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bennett, Terry Bowles of Vale. On Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Earl and E.E.Cameron attended the Crocker spent the day with the Federal Land Bank annual Harold Weed family inCaldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skinner were Saturday visitors of the Ronnie Ward family. Mr. and Mrs. MelvinCrocker and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Croc­ Odnnex c»n help you become the trim ker were in Boise last Monday slim person you want to be Odnnex is to visit with Don Brewer at the a tiny tablet and easily swallowed Con Veterans Hospital. tains no dangerous drugs No starving No special exercise Get rid of excess Mr. and Mrs. Perry Crocker fat and live longer Odrinex has been and son were Thursday dinner used successfully by thousands all ovet guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin the country tor over 12 years The reg Crocker. ular price for Odrinex is $3 25 and J5 25 for the large economy size Mrs. Dave Matthews and girls FREE OFFER Buy either size of Adrian were Saturday visi­ Odrinex and receive another one FREE. ters at the MelvinCrocker home. You must lose ugly fat or your money Miss Holly Stout, daughter of will be refunded by your druggist No questions asked Sold with this Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tomjack, guarantee by received her cap for Practi­ Nyssa Rexall Pharmacy cal Nursing during the Capping 129 Main Street Ceremony at TVCC on January Mail Orders Filled 15. She is carrying a 3.5 grade average. GRANGE NEWS OVERWEIGHT? FREE OFFER To our local Boy Scouts and their leaders, Tor your dedicated efforts to fight pollution, we proudly offer sincere congratulations on to protect and preserve our vital resources, the 61st Anniversary of Scouting, we are truly grateful, Scouts! Amalgamated Sugar Co. Michaels Pharmacy B & M Equipment Company Nolan Field Insurance Bracken’s Department Store Nyssa Auto Parts Brownie’s Cafe Nyssa Rexall Pharmacy Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Nyssa Co-op Supply Eder’s . . . Nyssa Eastman Insurance Agency El Tejano Cafe ANNOUNCING Nyssa Food Center Nyssa Insurance Agency Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. THE Farmers Feed & Seed Company Paulus Jewelry OPENING First National Bank Of Oregon Ray’s Food Fair OF Gate City Journal Stunz Lumber Company Idaho Power Company The Nyssa Merc ZIMMERMAN Ideal Gas & Appliance, Inc. U.S. National Bank of Oregon PLUMBING AND HEATING Kassman’s Service Station Wilson Bros. Department Store \ lit liorizrd Lennox Dealer 13 N 2ND ST. PHONE 372-3911 Nytsa, Oregon M & Market L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wilson’s Market, Inc.