The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Thursday, February 4, 1971 Patrolmen Of The Month LEGAL SECRETARIES SEE MOCK TRIAL The Malheur County Legal Secretaries Association held its January meeting at the Golden Slipper in Vale on January 25, at 7:00 p.m. After the dinner meeting, the group adjourned to the Malheur County Courthouse and the Circuit Courtroom where a mock trial was pre­ sented by H. Clifford Looney, Rob’t Butler of Swan, Butler & Looney, Attorneys at Law of Vale, and F. LaGard Smith, Malheur County District Attor­ ney. The next meeting of the group will be at the Eastside Cafe in Ontario on February 22, 1971. Any secretary employed in the legal field, law enforce­ ment field or Land Title In­ surance agency in Malheur County is cordially invited to join the group. Please con­ tact any member for more information. Glen Blevins of Mountain View, Calif., who has been visi­ ting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alden Bryan, left for his home Thursday morning. The Bryans and Glen were Sat­ urday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fogle of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw. Keith Keck and Richard Maine were home during semester break. They are students at the University of Idaho. Gary Heap of Emmett spent the week end with his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Strong entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Mosso of Ontario, at dinner Saturday, celebrating their wed­ ding anniversary. Mrs. Gerald Russell and Steve, Rusty Hagerty, and Mrs. Cecil Evans were Friday lun­ cheon guests of Rev. and Mrs NU ACRES HAPPENINGS BY MARGARET EVANS NU ACRES-The community was saddened to learn of the death of E.L. McEwen, a for­ mer resident, who has been residing at Fruitland. Mr. McEwen passed away at the Nyssa Memorial Hopsital on Saturday. We extend our sym­ pathies to Mrs. McEwen and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fortin of McCall visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Payne, and his nephew and family, Mr. and I Mrs. Cecil Fortin. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Payne were Sunday dinner guests a week ago at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Newell in Nampa. Their daugh­ ter, Sonya Baker is home from the Air Force and they visited with her also. Page Five PHONE 674-2074 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sager of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans attended the oyster and chile feed given by the Payette United Methodist WSCS at Pa­ yette Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ballard of Kaslo, B.C., are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Lucy Evans and Janice. On Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Keck, Mr. and Mrs. GeraldRussellandfamily, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans called at the Evans home to visit with the Ballards. They are former residents of Parma. Beginner’s Sewing Class to be given by Mrs. Sue Nesbitt starts at the home of Mrs. Cecil Evans on Thursday morning, February 11, at 9;30. Anyone interested in this class is invited to attend. Ralph Cairns and family of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin and family of Yakima spent the week end with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burton and family. Mrs. Jack Burton and Jackie were honored guests at a baby shower given Monday evening by Mrs. Al Nichols. They received many pretty gifts for the new baby. AHS CALENDAR FEB. 4-7 & 8th Grade Bas­ ketball at Harper, 1 p.m. FEB. 5 - Adrian Varsity Bas­ ketball at Notus, 6:30 p.m. FEB. 9-Tumbling Team at Nampa State School, 7;30 p.m. FEB. 11 - Mother-Daughter Trampoline Jump, Cafeteria, 7:30 p.m. CREGO RECEIVES ARMY DISCHARGE LEGION AUXILIARY Members of the American Le­ gion Auxiliary past presidents met February 1 at the home of Mrs. Joe Maughn. There were nine in attendance. The women made paper flowers for the Veterans Wheel Chair parade which is held in Port­ land each June. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be March 1 at the home of Mrs. H.O. Hopkins. DonC. Crego is visiting at the home of his parents the Rev. and Mrs. J.D. Crego. Don was discharged Jan. 21 after serving for three years in the armed services. He was in Micro Wave Training in the U.S. Army. He spent 13 months in Korea and his last year in the service he was stationed at Fort Huachucha on the Mexican bor- » ■» WILSON'S | December and January at the Nyssa Elementary School. These outstanding young students are rewarded with a trophy and Certificiate of Merit for their work. The top picture shows Brenda Bowers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bowers; and Greg Moffis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moff is. In the bottom picture is Charles Pickett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pickett; and Charles Alonzo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Alonzo. DEL MONTE, FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 PINEAPPLE TIDBITS 5 CLING PEACHES 3 5 SAUERKRAUT TOMATO JUICE 3 4 FRUIT DRINKS NEWS FROM BIG BEND TINS BY GOLDIE ROBERTS BIG BEND-Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Seuell returned home Sunday from a vacation inCalif­ ornia. Sunday evening they came for their daughter, Chri­ sty, who had stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seuell while her parents were gone. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop and Steve attended the recept­ ion for Mr. and Mrs. Mau­ rice Judd at the Eastside in Ontario Sunday afternoon in ob­ servance of their Golden Anni­ versary. Later they attended a surprise birthday party for Martin Wiley in Caldwell. Mrs. Edythe Prosser and Mrs. Dyre Roberts called on Mrs. Marie Douglas and Mrs. Florence Henderlider in Nampa Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Sterling Howes and son, Branen, of Roy, Utah, came Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Howes, Susan and Mrs. Ray Wilson and family. Mrs. Sterling Howes and son and Mrs. Ray Wilson called on Mrs. Dyre Roberts Friday evening. Mrs. Darrell English and Mrs. Raymond Cartwright at­ tended funeral services for Wayne O’Neel in Vale, Saturday afternoon. Miss Nita Spears of Vale was a week end visitor in the Ben Witty home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cheetum and girls of Ontario were Sun­ day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett called Sunday afternoon on Mr. and Mrs. John French in Parma. Later they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stubble­ field. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gifford of Nyssa were lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney. Mrs. Dyre Roberts called on Mrs. Agnes McClure in Cald­ well Friday morning. Mrs. BettySamer entertained at dinner Saturday for Kathy Front End Alignment and Wheel Balancing --------- o--------- General Repairing --------- o--------- Towne Garage PHONE 372-3570 NYSSA . . . OREGON Alexander of Newell Heights, Mrs. Gertye Jones of Adrian, Helen Hatch of Ontario and Mrs. Edythe Prosser. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Chaney and family attended the surprise birthday party Sunday afternoon for Martin Wiley in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Avery were Sunday visitors of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker in Weiser. Mrs. Boyce Van De Water attended an Avon meeting Fri­ day in Ontario. Mrs. Ray Wilson accom­ panied Mrs. Sterling Howes to Roy, Utah, Friday night and then flew to New York City Satur­ day to meet her husband who is returning from Germany, They will drive here from New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Leo­ nard Howes are keeping the Wilson boys while she is away. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Witty and Carl and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spears and family of Vale drove to the Owyhee Dam Sunday afternoon to see the water going over the Glory Hole. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Graham and children of Middleton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John Lee of Roswell, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Turby- fill of Parma, to Ontario Sun­ day where they dined at the Eastside Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. George Cart­ wright of Adrian called on the Ray Cartwrights Sunday after­ noon. Cartwright has been ill with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Delno Brock and Carol of Ontario and Tom Buckles of Vale were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Edythe Prosser. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts accompanied Mr. and Mrs. David Krause of Nyssa to Nampa Sunday afternoon where they visited Mrs. Marie Douglas and Mrs. Florence Henderlider. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water called on the Bill Van De Waters in Fruitland Monday afternoon. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van De Water was quite ill. Noel Tuppeny entered the Holy Rosary Hospital in Ontario Sunday where he underwent major surgery Monday morn- Thanks to Friends! Thanks to the many friends who visited me during my con­ finement in the hospital, and who brought gifts, food and flowers. Also to the Malheur Memorial Hospital staff and doctors. Joy Adams DEL MONTE, FANCY 15% oz. DEL MONTE, HALVES OR SLICED Bob Elliott Tire Center NYSSA, OREGON TINS 29 oz. NEW! Del Monte Fruit Cup and Pudding Cup desserts. Easy open tear off lids- single servings. TINS DEL MONTE, EARLY GARDEN SPINACH OR FANCY 4 TINS DEL MONTE, PINEAPPLE OR 46 oz. TINS I 46 oz. TINS WHOLE OR 6 PACK 12 oz. BOTTLES EA. 49 ( • CREAM CORN PLUS ♦ GREEN BEANS ♦ GARDEN PEAS 17 ♦ PEAS & CARROTS MIX OR MATCH STEAK PORK SAUSAGE FRESH FROZEN HALIBUT 12 oz. PKG. MORRELL'S SLICED BACON 16 oz. TINS SEASONED OR EARLY TOMATO CATSUP 79 DEL MONTE, FANCY TOMATO SAUCE DEL MONTE, WHOLE PEELED, STEWED TOMATOES OR . 49c 3 - 98' 59' TOMATO WEDGES DEL MONTE REG. OR PINE­ PINK GRAPEFRUIT CATSUP JUICE DRINK SLICED BEETS DEL MONTE. PICKLED CABBAGE 3 10 4 3 3 26 oz. BOT. 8 oz. TINS 16 oz. TINS 46 oz. TINS $1 I $1 i i $i I i 51 i « 16 oz. JARS RED RIPE • ----------- 1 TOMATOES »«««*» 35'.. >. A A e. A Ä. WILSON’S MKT. SAVE SALE DATES—FEB. 4,5, 6 68« WHEN YOU BUY A CAN of FOLGER’S COFFEE 3 lb HEADS oz. TINS I i i I i I 4/89 DEL MONTE, RICH i i RIB 17 oz. TINS CUT OR FRENCH STYLE 3»ORK STEAK I i I PACK DEL MONTE, ASSORTED- FOUR FLAVORS WE FIX FLATS FOR LADY DRIVERS FREE ! M|WD|ra¡lESS¡HM; SPECIAL PWtCE WITH THIS COUPON FIRM RIPE AVOCADOS 6 25 99' r.offhe WITHOUT COUPON $2.87 Coupo« CM» velue I ?O Pt 1C . J». A A A » ». j». * - GOOD THRU FEB 7 • .-S-■ N* .4P* J»»,. .*46. .*40i 004.0 STRIKE STAMPS TOO &