BANTAM LEAGUE SPORTSMAN LEAGUE Rieb’s Market Owyhee Barber Shop Zinn Union 76 Parma Water Lifter Idaho Power Idaho Sporting Goods Nyssa Auto Parts Oregon Concrete High team games and series; Nyssa Auto Parts, 1029/1063/ 3089; Owyhee Barber Shop, 2990; Zinn Union 76, 2908; Idaho Po wer, 1032. High individual game and se- ries; Frank Landin, 250/620; George Cartwright, 235/595; Emil Wohlcke, 226/584. 0 0 0 TUESDAY NIGHT MIXED Fangen-Miller 14 2 Reed-Page 11.5 4.5 VanderOord-Focht 10 6 Bullard-Stam 9 7 9 Homes-Myrick 7 VanZelf-Wilson 8 8 Morris-Ponnds 7.5 8.5 Frank-Domenico 7.5 8.5 Stutheit-Pollard 7 9 Riggs-Card 4.5 11.5 Jefferies-Newbill 4 12 Reed-Morrison 4 12 Women’s high games and se ries; Margie Miller, 222/204/ 602; Lee Pollard, 189/491; Beverley Morrison, 188; Con- nie Bullard, 486. Men’s high game and series: Don Bullard, 216/536; Dave Reed, 216/588; Carl Miller, 208/558; Charles Newbill, 190; Dick Pounds, 190/547. High team game and series; Fangen-Miller, 843/2449. Bowlers of the week: Margie Miller, 602, scratch; Gladys Newbill, 609, handicap. 0 0 0 Saraz in-Larson 14.5 1.5 Stedman-Stam 13 3 Stam-Fortin 12 4 11 Looney-Takami 5 Wilson-Metcalf 8 8 Holcomb-Stacy 8 8 7 Lundy-Snyder 9 Talbot-Lar sen 9 7 6 Laan-Phifer 10 VanderOord-Stam 4.5 11.5 Eckman-Westcott 3 13 14 Jones-Knowles 2 Women’s high game and se ries: Marian Danford, 224/564; Lucille Wilson, 179; Anna Tal bot and Dee Stam, 176/488; La Nae Hammon, 477. Men’s high games and se ries: Pete VanderOord, 209/ 517; Louis Stam, 208; Klaas Laan, 206/514; Ward Lundy, 570. High team game and series: Sarazin-Larson, 841/2390. Bowlers of the week, La Nae Hammon, 477, scratch, Edna Stam, 597, handicap. 0 0 0 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Johannesen-Adams 18 6 First National Bank 17 7 Howards Texaco 13 11 M & W Market 13 11 American Foods 12 It Hiatt Brothers 10 M 10 White Satin Sugar 14 Q’s Trophy 10 14 Eastmans Insurance 9 15 Nyssa Co-op 16 8 High team game and series; Johannesen-Adams, 1044/2941; M & W Market, 1025; East mans Insurance, 1001/2867; Howards Texaco, 2878. High individual games and series; Mike Runcorn, 222/558; Jim Robinson, 214; Bill Schir- men, 210; Rudy Marostica, 573; Jess Asumendi, 584. 7 25 Old Timers 13 19 Strike Outs 13 19 Alley Cats 14 18 Lane Brains 15 17 Head Pins 16 16 Bowling Balls 17 15 Top Cats 19 13 Pin Pickers 20 12 Hot Rods 22 10 Belly Bowlers High team games and series; Lane Brains, 373/350/1068; Top Cats, 364/988; Head Pins, 966. High individual girl’s games and series; Shelley Myrick, 154/375; Gwena Orr, 144/335; Nellda Nichols, 129; Jeanne Jefferies, 338. High individual boy’s games and series: Terry Baker, 164/ 408; Brad Johnson, 153; Dan Rodríguez, 143/362; John Lo- pez, 385. 0 0 0 PATRIOTS LEAGUE WINTER WATERFOWL Bulldogs Over INVENTORY COMPLETE john Day 6152 Although cold weather and of ducks were recorded in the J “ freezeup in some areas of Ore gon caused many waterfowl to migrate south, more ducks and geese wintered over in the state this year than was recorded a year ago, according to the final count of migratory birds made in the annual January inven tory. The total waterfowl count was 485,400 birds, just over 9 percent more than the 442,800 tallied the previous winter. The count was made on all major marshland areas of the state as well as several major streams on which the birds concentrate. The duck tally was 364,600, a considerable increase over the 311,000 recorded a year ago. Of these, more than 174,900 were mallards. Pintails totaledover 72,200 while widgeon totaled over 55,000. Eighteen species 3 13 White Satin 12 4 Bowler of the week: E. Strin Nyssa Welding 5 ger, 534, scratch and Judy 11 Wilsons 7 Peery, 612, handicap. 9 Eders 8 Participating Sponsor’s Night 8 Olympic 9 were W.D. Holcomb, Clarence 7 Sugar Bowl 9 Paige, Dick Bashford, Wilbur 7 Mildreds 11 Andersen, Bob Shaw, Jack Nel 5 Brackens 12 son, Sonny Takami and Robin 4 Paulus Jewelry 12 Kassman. 4 B & M Trophy winners were Bob High games and series: Ruth Chadd, 213, 523; Betty Maros- Shaw and Robin Kassman. 0 0 0 tica, 210/509; Phoebe Snyder, 198/539. HOUSEWIFE LEAGUE High team game and series: White Satin, 835/2345. 12 Rolling Pins 4 Bowlers of the week: Phoebe Super Women 6 10 Snyder, 539, scratch and Ruth Pin Pickers 10 6 Chadd, 568, handicap. Alley Oops 8 I 0 0 0 Gutter Busters 8 8 Desperados 8 8 SUGAR BABES Hit and Miss 8 8 Ball Rollers 9 7 4 0 Lane Brains Holcomb Const. 10 6 4 0 Hopefuls Nyssa Sanitation 3 13 4 0 La Paloma High individual games, Emma 1 Benedict 176; Liz Vanderwall, Farmer’s Feed & Seed 3 1 3 191; Beth Ellis, 184. Michael’s Pharmacy 4 0 Parma Water Lifter High individual series, Emma 4 Benedict, 482; Helen Okai, 462; Muir Roberts 0 Kassman’s 0 4 Maxene Stringer, 458. High game and series: Eliza Bowlers of the week, Helen beth Stringer, 198/211/534; Sa Okai, 462, scratch and Audrey die Butcher, 205; Ruth Chadd, Wilson, 562, handicap. 518; Marian Danford, 501. state duringthecountingperiod. Except for five oldsquaw ducks, no unusual migrants were ob- served. Less geese were found as shown by the tally of 66,300 compared with 72,200 a year ago. The main drop in goose numbers took place in cackling geese while the Canada count remained almost the same. Snow geese and whitefronts had also moved south prior to the inventory. Coot numbers showed a sharp drop by almost 10,000, probably the result of freezeup of some open water areas which forced these ducks to migrate. Biologists reported weather and water conditions were good during the survey although flooding just prior to the count had a tendency of dispersing some concentrations of water fowl, especially in the Willa mette Valley. Biologists of the Game Com mission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service completed the coordinated inventory in about a week. The survey is tied in with the national migratory bird count taken at the same time in all states across the nation. In Oregon more than 2,700 miles were traveled by foot, boat, and aircraft to make the in ventory. Nyssa Boys Place In Judo Tournament The Northwest Junior Judo Tournament for boys 16 and under was held at Moses Lake, Washington Saturday, January 30. Clubs from all over the Northwest were represented in cluding the large clubs from Seattle, Spokane and Portland. The Ore-Ida Judo Club from Ontario was well represented, and came home with three first- place, two second-place and two third-place trophies. Tom Okai, Nyssa, placed third in the 13-14 lightweight division; and Sachio Hori, Nyssa, was fourth in the 12-year old lightweight division. EFFECTIVE: Feb. 1 thru Feb. 6 BLACK & DECKER POWER TOOLS DRILLS No No. v/s No. No. Thursday, February 4, 1971 The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Ten 7000 1/4" Drill 7010 1/4" Drill Reg. SAWS Reg. No 7515 Jig Saw 21.29 NOW $17.00 29.98 $23.98 7 1 / 4” Saw 27.95 $22.36 7 14" Saw 34 95 $27.95 7 1/4” Saw 56.95 $45 55 NOW NOW $ 9.88 $13 68 12.35 17.10 Rallying in the second and third quarters, the Nyssa Bull dogs overcame the Grant Union Prospectors 61-52 Saturday night at Nyssa. Leading the Nyssa hoopsters in scoring was 6’ 4” forward Greg Blanch, who chalked up 24 points, 12 in the second period. Blanch was also out standing on the boards in pro bably his best performance of the season. Other Nyssa scorers were Dave Manley 12, Paul Trost 11, Scott Engstrom 6, Keith Olde- meyer, Felipe Martinez, Ron Moffis and Steve Ross with 2 each. Prospector scorers were Lundbom 14, Eudy 11,Catron 8, Beil 7, Shanely 7, Mills 5. Grant Union led after the first quarter of play 17-9, and the Bulldogs shortened the gap to 33-29 at halftime. Nyssa caught up midway in the third quarter, and led 49-45 as the quarter ended. Nyssa was called for 16 fouls to 12 for Grant Union in the second meeting of the two teams, with Nyssa also victorious in the first game with the team from John Day. The high scoring JV’s were again winners as they almost doubled the score over Grant Union, 80 to 42. Coach Max Britttngham used his whole squad, with five players in double figures. Rod Lewis was high for Nyssa with 18 counters, followed by John Bernal with 13, Kevin Engstrom 11, Jerry Wilson and Pat Ross 10 each, Gerin Manley 6, Nico Hopman 5, Lowell Wil liams 4 and Mike Fitzsimmons 3. Nyssa Beats Vallivue 50-45 Gaining their eighth victory of the season, the Nyssa Bull dogs glided past the Vallivue Falcons 50-45 at Caldwell last Friday night. Nyssa produced another ba lanced scoring attack with Greg Blanch and Ron Moffis making 9 counters each, followed by Paul Trost 8, Scott Engstrom and Dan Nichols 7 each, Keith Oldemeyer and Dave Manley 4, and Dellas Fredriksen 2. Falcon scorers were Rule 15, Waite 15, McMillian 6, Pfeifer 3, Christensen 2, Sch neider 2, and Smith 2. Oldemeyer, Nyssa and Mc Millian of Vallivue left the game with 5 fouls each in the last quarter, with Nyssa committing 29 fouls to 15 for Vallivue. The JV’s continued their win ning ways with a 53-39 victory over the Vallivue JV team. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Adrian Soil and Water Conservation District NOTICE OF EQUALIZATION Owyhee Irrigation District NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Owyhee Irrigation District will meet on the 4th day of March, 1971, at 8:00 o’clock p.m. at the office of the District, 17 South First Street, Nyssa, Oregon, to sit as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of reviewing and correcting its assessment roll and apportion ment of charges for operation and maintenance for the 1971 irrigation season, and the assessment of $5.70 per acre for operation and maintenance, delinquencies in collections, reserve and administration ex penses and $2.25 per acre for construction charges duringthe year 1971. The assessment roll and re cords for 1971 maybe inspected at the office of the District by any interested person during office hours of each business day. Done by order of the Board of Directors. OWYHEE IRRIGATION DIST RICT - byHarold Henigson, Sec retary. Published February 4, H. 18 and 25, 1971. Notice of annual meeting of District Cooperators andelec- tion of Soil and Water Conser vation District Supervisors. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of District Cooperators of Adrian Soil and Water Conservation District will be held at Vale, Oregon in the Starlite Cafe on the Uth day of February, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. Notice is hereby given that an election will be conducted at this annual meeting for the purpose of electing one (^Dis trict Supervisor. Dated January 28, 1971. ADRIAN SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT First publication February 4, and February 11, 1971. LEEDS BAILEY, secretary NYSSA BEATS BOTH NAMPA, WEISER Nyssa High School wrestling team won a victory over both Nampa and Weiser Thursday evening in a three-way meet at Nyssa, with Nampa taking a team win over Weiser 36- NOTICE TO BIDDERS 18. Nyssa was 43-13 over ' Nampa and 40-10 over Weiser. For Sale; 1 building, commonly Individual results are as called Ridgeview Schoolhouse. Bids will be received in writ follows; ing of at least $10.00 or more NAMPA 34 WEISER II 101 — Maestas (N) pin Cunninghton, sent in care of MasaNishihara, 1st. Route #1, Homedale, Idaho 108 — Moser (W) dec. Russell, 16-2. 115 — Bradburn (N) dec. Vasquez, 24- 83628, Director of the Ridge 122 — Winder (N) pin Hayden, 2nd. view Irrigation District. Bids 129 — Needs (N) pin Hunt, 2nd. 135 — Lybarger (N) dec. Osborne, must be in by February 15, 142 — Pierson (W) won forfeit. 1971. For further information 148 — Moser (W) won forfeit. call 339-3682 or 337-3760. 158 — Needls (N) pin Strong, 3rd. 170 — Mansor (W) pin Krommenhoch, Ridgeview Irrigation District 2nd. 188 — Winters (N) pin Scarborough, South Board of Control, 1st. Hvy — Kurpluwelt (N) pin Rainey, Owyhee Project 1st. Beverly Fisher, Secretary Publish February 4, 11, 1971 NYSSA 43 NAMPA 13 Nyssa Grade Wins Over Emmett The Nyssa 8th grade basket ball team won over the Emmett Huskies Friday, January 29, by the score of 29-22. The Bulldogs tough defense gave them their third win The top scorer for the young Bulldogs was Joe Martinez with 14 points, and others scoring were Chris Lords 9, Kevin Adams 5, and Roy Mosqueda 1. Kevin Engstrom was high for Nyssa with 12 points, followed by Jerry Wilson 9, Gerin Man- ley 6, Rod Lewis 6, Pat Ross 6, John Bernal 6, Lowell Will iams 4, Reed Young 2, and Tim Lopez 2. 101 — Maestas (Nam) pin K. Cleaver, 1st. 108 — C. Cleaver (Nyssa) pin Russell, 2nd. F15 — Schilling (Nyssa) dec. Arch uleta, 12-5. 122 — Perez (Nyssa) pin Winder, 3rd. 129 — Joyce (Nyssa) pin Needs, 3rd. 135 — Bernal (Nyssa) pin Lybarger, 141 141 151 170 hoch, — Mena (Nyssa) won forfeit. __ Haney (Nyssa) won forfeit. _ Needs (Nam) dec. Glbons, 10-1. _ Sappe (Nyssa) pin Krommen 2?dp. wllman (Nyssa) pin Wln- ^Hvy1— C. Wllmon (Nyssa) pin Kurp luwelt, 1st. NYSSA 40 WEISER 10 101 — K. Cleaver (N) dec. Cuftlngton, JM. 101 — Moser (W) pin C. Cleaver, 3rd. 115 — Schilling (N) dec. Vasquez, 22- t. 122 — Kane (N) pin Hayden, 1st. 129 — Perez (N) pin Hunt, 3rd. 135 — Nevins (N) pin Osborne, 3rd. 141 — Mena (N) dec. Pierson, 8-2. 148 — Haney (N) pin Moser, 2nd. 158 — Strong (W) pin Calhoun, 2nd. 170 — Sappe (N) dec. Mansor, 5-2. 108 — P. Wllman (N)m dec. Mansell, 4-3. Hvy — C. Wllman (N) pin Rainey, Sot. 3 Spwd No 7545 Jig Saw Circular 7020 1/4” Drill 7100 3 8" Drill No. 7110 3 8" Drill v/s No. 7120 3/8" Drill 21 98 15.49 21 09 $17.58 $12.39 No. 7301 $16 88 Circular 33.29 $26 59 49 98 $39 98 V/8 with Rev. No. 7150 3 8" Drill Circular No. 7310 No U231 Finishing No. 7410 Sander Reg. 17 00 22 20 20 30 26 00 23 60 30 00 37 10 34 80 37 80 47.70 65 30 71 00 NOW $12.75 $16 65 $15.2$ $19 45 $17 65 $22 45 $27 85 $25 95 $28 35 $35 75 $48 95 $53 25 21.29 $17.00 62.95 $50.35 Belt No. U144 Sander 24"x24” 24"x36" 36x24” 36"x36" 48"x24" 48x36" 48x48 60"x36" 72”x36" 72"x48" 80x48" 96 "x48" Reg. SANDERS MAHOGANY Reg. 10.95 BIRCH Reg. 11 50 13.15 13.59 14.59 15.69 24"»8O" 28"x8O” 3O"x8O" 32"x8O” 3»”x8O” Reg. NOW *10.50 *12.15 »12.59 »13 54 »14 69 SPRED SATIN ECONOMY 2x4» Scrubable Interior Latex UTILITY 2x6'» 2x6'» 2x8» $4Ç00 *6900 per M per M BONE WHITE ADOBE VENUS SUN EARTH CHINTI OAK 5.95 OLD SPICE SANDLEWOOD 3.95 3.84 3.49 5.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.79 TROPICAL BANANA All Painting Tools 20% Off Ceiling Tile Regular $8 49 NOW «6” Plain White Reg 18c Pet Sq NOW $5.53 $5.35 $445 $445 $445 $4.30 $3.53 $3.45 $3.15 Counter Topping Rog Formica Typo 69c Por Sq. Ft. Now Per Sq. Stock 49* Ft. Now SHEETROCK PLYWOOD PER EACH $1.95 $2.79 $3.95 $4.79 $5.49 2x4'» — 8-Foot Economy 1/2" - 4x8 Sanded Blows 1 /4" 4x8 3/8" 4x8 1/2" 4x8 5/8" 4x8 3/4" 4x8 Per Sq Ft. . $189 3/8" - 4x8 PER EACH . S|59 Staple Gun Furnished With No Charge For Application of Tile Only ea INSULATION All-Sixes-and Thickness AT 10% OFF STUNZ LUMBER CO New Plymouth 278-5701 Ontario 889-9101 Nyssa 372-2237 Now! Up to $308 off when you buy a new Ford Explorer Special Pickup with luxury options F-100 or F-250 Explorer Specials-take your choice' Either one with comfort extras like Cruise- O-Mafic air conditioning, foam-cushioned seats, special trim and much more . . . lor up to $308 off Don't wait! Special White Sale offer is for a limited time on a limited quantity Manufacturer s suggested retail price now reduced up to $308 when you buy a luxury equpped Eiplorer Special Pickup dm Ford Dealer annual White Sale Better Ideas keep us first in the West. GENTRY FORD SALES, INC 1802 S. W 4th AVENUE ONTARIO, OREGON