Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, August 13, 1970, Page 7, Image 7

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    Thursday, August 13, 1970
Th« Nyssa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon
■ ■ ■ BY DALE WITT ■ ■ ■ PHONE 372-2183 ■ ■ ■
Salmon Return
Holy Rosary
To Be Honored
Idaho Power Company’s Circle C hatchery, where record
number of returning spring Chinook salmon have been counted
this year, is located in picturesque canyon beside Rapid River
near Riggins.
Facility, containing extensive raceways and
ponds for rearing up to 3 million fingerlings, is one of four
hatcheries Idaho Power has built under a broad conservation
Sister Mao Aloysius Newell,
program to transfer spring Chinook and steelhead runs from
Administrator of Holy Rosary
the Hells Canyon reach to the Salmon River watershed. Idaho
Hospital, will be advanced to
Fish and Game Dept, operates hatcheries at company expense.
Fellowship Status in the Ameri-
of Hospital
Administrators September 13,
TVCC Nursing
at a convocation ceremony to
be held in Houston’s Astroworld
Instructors Return
The announcement was made
today by Arnold L. Swanson,
From Seminar
Citing "increasing evidences M.D., of London, Ontario, and
of vandalism in our parks and President of the AC HA, a pro­
Jean Joyce, Director, Kathy recreation areas,” Senator fessional society comprised of
Tiger and Elaine Balderson, in­ Mark Hatfield urged additional more than 9,000 of the leading
structors in the Practical Nur­ authority be given to the Se­ hospital and health-care ad­
sing Department, just returned cretary of the Interior to deal ministrative personnel in the
fiom a five-day seminar at with vandalism on Bureau of United States and Canada. Dr.
Colorado State University, Fort’ Land Management lands. His Swanson will preside at the
Collins, Colorado, co-sponsored statement came at a ’’•iblic ACHA’s 36th Annual Con­
by the University and the Na­ Lands Subcommittee hearing on vocation.
tional Association for Practical S. 3389, where Hatfield is the
The ceremony marks the
Nurse Education and Service. ranking Republican.
opening of the College’s Annual
(NAPNES). Two seminars were
S. 3389 provides for pena­ Meeting, traditionally held in
held under these auspices—one lties for violation of public conjunction with the convention
.on “Teaching and Learning” land laws and for protection of of the American Hospital Asso­
for practical nursing educators public lands and their uses. ciation.
and the other on “Lets Break
“The BLM, unlike the Forest
the Convocation,
the Communications Barriers?’ Service and Park Service, lacks the ACHA also will confer Ho­
for licensed practical nurses. quick enforcement authority,” norary Fellowshipon three per­
NAPNES, an organization of Hatfield said, “but must pro­ sons who have distinguished
over 30,000 licensed practical ceed through a United States themselves
by exceptional
nurses, teachers of practical Marshall -- hardly a practical meritorious service in the hos­
nursing, and others concerned tool even when officials observe pital field and related areas:
about nursing care, was founded vandals destroying government Father Hector-L. Bertrand, S.J.
in 1941 to promote the deve­ property.
Ph.d., Vice President of the
lopment of schools of practical
“Laws are on the books co­ University of Sudbury, Ontario;
nursing and the continuing edu­ vering garbage dumping, mo­ Mrs. Clifford S. Heinz of Pitts­
cation of licensed practical nur­ torized vehicle use, burning, lit­ burgh, who has been involved
ses. Its headquarters office is tering and vandalism. Autho­ in public service and philan­
at 1465 Broadway, New York rities need the proper tools to thropic work since the early
enforce these laws.”
1930’s; and Earl Perloff,Chair-
■ man of the Board of Philadel-
phia’s Albert Einstein Medical
Sen. Hatfield
Urges Better
Laws For BLM
enough J q
send you»,
25? Anniversary
and Surg«ons
K. E. KERBY, M. D.
Physicians and Surgeons
Dial 372-2241
HOURS: 9 to 12 noon 4 2 to
5 P.M. - Monday through
Friday. 10 to 12 Saturday.
L. A. Maulding, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Dial 372-2216
HOURS; 9 to 12 noon and
2 to 5 P.M., - Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday. 9 to 12 noon, Sat­
urday. Weight labs. “By
appointment only” - Wed­
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'Based on comparison with Ford's former lowest
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Physician and Surgeon
HOURS: 10 to 12 noon &
2 to 5 P.M. - Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Fri­
day. 10 to 12 Saturday.
Phones: Office 372-3365
Residence 372-3173
Ontario, Oregon
NEWELL HEIGHTS-The Hap­ mother, Mrs. John A. Stewart,
py Dozen Card Club met Friday went to Buhl Friday where the
afternoon with Mrs. Thelma Krieghs spent the weekend visi­
Hammon in Ontario.
Guest ting relatives. Mrs. Stewart of
players were Elsie Diven and Buhl spent the past ten days
Rose Willis.
Winners were visiting in the Dick Kriegh home.
Sue Ashcraft, Mabie Piercy, She was a Wednesday dinner
Elsie Diven and Edna DeHaven. guest of Mrs. Dale Witt.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Timmer­
Mrs. Nellie Tyree of Canton,
man and family and Mr. Okla., visited her niece, Mrs.
and Mrs. Charles Newbill went Frankie Worden, Wednesday,
water skiing and had a picnic then went to Ridge view where
at the Owyhee Dam Sunday. she visited in the Erwin David­
Their friends, the Harold Kurtz son home.
and Walter McPartland family,
Mrs. Frankie Worden and
Mrs. Lydia Worden visited the
were there.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Fenn formers cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
attended the funeral services Jackson in Homedale, Saturday
Wednesday for Jim Huffman at evening. Mrs. Nellie Tyree of
Nyssa, and later had lunch at Canton, Okla., was also a guest.
Mrs. DonaldCostley and girls
the Earl Ward home. They also
called on Mr. and Mrs. Louis of Beverton, brought her
mother, Mrs. Mary Auker, home
Elsmore Fenn of Homedale last week and visited Mrs. Lydia
and Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Fenn Worden Wednesday. They re­
attended funeral services Sa­ turned to Beverton Monday.
Robert Fenn of Albany was
turday for Dora Gruning in
Nyssa, and were luncheon guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ward.
Donald Fenn and Ora Fenn of
Albany visited the Rollo Fenn
home Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Marie Moore, Mrs.
Lydia Worden and Mrs. Dale
Witt attended the Adrian Garden
C lub meeting at the Varner Hop­
kins home in Big Bend Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Top'.iff
were Saturday evening visitors
On numerous occasions I sta­ first to read thisreport--which
at the Irvin Topliff home. Mr. ted my personal view that Dr. recites Dr. Froines’ behavior,
and Mrs. Harry Warren of John Froines, while employed and also analyzes relavant Fe­
Parma were Sunday evening as a member of the faculty at deral court cases which tie our
luncheon guests of their daugh­ the University of Oregon, has hands in this matter.
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Top­ engaged in conduct which is con­
If Dr. Froines should re­
liff and family.
trary to the best interests of turn to his teaching post this
Mrs. John Downer, Kip and the system and inconsistent with Fall, he is on notice that new
Sue, went to McCall Tuesday. his continuation as an employee. rules of conduct will be in ef­
John was going to play in the
I am informed that the State fect and that he must conduct
golf tournament held there System of Higher Education himself as a responsible mem­
Thursday, Friday andSaturday. finds it cannot legally take ac- ber of the faculty. Failing to do
Mrs. Sally Judd and sons of tion to dismiss Dr. Froines. so, he will be subjected to
Ontario spent Sunday visiting This decision is based on the
immediate disciplinary action
relatives at McCall.
advice of the Attorney General under these new rules.
Doctor and Mrs. Benjeman of Oregon, on a study of re­
Jones and Dr. and Mrs. John cent Federal court decisions in
Tueft and daughter, Ann of Taft, similar cases, and on the im­
Calif., visited in the M.L. Judd precise wording of rules for dis­
Journal Classifieds
home. They went on to McCall missal which heretofore were
Bring Result^
to visit the other relatives. in effect. The board is taking
Mr. and Mrs. R.D. McKinley action now, at my insistence,
went to La Grande Monday and to formulate stricter and more
visited their daughter, Mr. and precise rules--but these rules
returning Tuesday evening.
cannot lawfully be applied re­
Mrs. Louise Hill, and Mrs. troactively to remove Dr.
Evelyn McKinley went Huckle­ Froines.
berry picking Thursday near
As a public official, I feel
La Grande. They had good a sense of frustration. I know
It was 104 degrees what should be done, but there is
here that day, but was nice and no legal way this can be accom­
cool in the mountains.
plished. Noone needstoremind
L. C. McDermott returned me that when I became Gover­
home from the hospital Saturday nor I swore to uphold the law.
evening and is slowly improving. I cannot do an illegal act even
He is able to be up in a chair if I believe I am doing it for a
part of the time.
good purpose. If I did, I would
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keil be embracing the philosophy of
of Nampa were Sunday after­ those radicals and anarchists
noon callers in the Burton who justify any means toacheive
Barnes home.
an end which they consider just.
Dale Witt was a
I have asked the State Board
Thursday dinner guest in the of Higher Education to send
W.C. Van Dewater home in Big a copy of a report, prepared by
Bend. She visited at the Boyce the University of Oregon’sCom-
Van Dewater home in the after­ mittee of Inquiry, to each
state-wide elective officer and
Mrs. Grace Day and Mrs. to the members of the Oregon
Edna Cowling of Adrian were Legislative Assembly. I’m sure
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. the board will make other copies
Dale Witt.
available to interested persons.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kirby of I urge anyone who would con-
Portland were weekend guests dem the State System of Higher
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Education or other public offi­
Eugene Pratt.
Kirby leaves cers for the present si’ lation
for National Guard next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rhodes and
children of Boise were weekend
guests of his brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Rhodes and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fenn
and Arnoldof Milwaukie, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Beach in
Vale Sunday.
You shall love your neigh- ■
Sunday callers of Mr. and
as yourself.— (Matt. B
Mrs. Gene Simpson were Mr.
and Mrs. Rollo Fenn, Mrs. Ida 22:39).
When we count our bless- J
Fenn, Mrs. Dave Savage and
girls, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald ings. we find that we are better B
Fenn and Arnold of Milwaukie. off than we thought we were. ■
There is always someone we *
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Fenn of
Albany were Friday and Saturday can help to a happier life, even ■
overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. though, all we, may give is a B
Gene Simpson. They came tc friendly
Jl" smile, a
" cheerful
attend the funeral services Sa­ greeting, or a kind act. Any ■
turday of their aunt, Mrs. Dora good we give to others comes B
back to us, but it is up to us
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kriegh to start the ball rolling with •
accompanied bv the Latter’s our love and kindness.
Statement By Governor
McCall On The John
Froines Decision
Malheur Teachers In-Service
August 24, 1970
Ontario High School Auditorium
Ontario, Oregon
8:30 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 9:15 Announcements
9:15 - 10:00 Keynote Speaker - Dr. James D. Marshall,
Associate Professor of Biology, The College
of Idaho.................. “Educating for Survival”
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:00 Group Sessions:
Auditorium ELEMENTARY TEACHERS, “Teaching Eco­
nomics in the Elementary School,” Dr. John
Jambura, Associate Professor of Social
Science, Eastern Oregon College.
Room 13
Enforcement, Mr. Milt Hopkins, Director Mal­
heur County Juvenile Department.
Room 19
Drugs and Alcohol, Mr. F. Verne Flock,
Regional Director Mental Health Division, Al­
cohol and Drug Section, State of Oregon
HOME ECONOMICS, Nutrition, Mrs. Mary
Room 20
Koza, Representative Oregon Dairy Council
SECONDARY TEACHERS, "IndividualizingIn­
struction in the Junior and Senior HighSchool,”
Dr. William Kirtland, Director of Reading
Center, Boise State College
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch (On your own)
1:30 - 3:30 ELEMENTARY TEACHERS, Economics, in
zing Instruction in the Junior and Senior
High School”, in Library
When The Building
Bug Bites You...Dort
Fuss Or Cuss, Call Us
425 N. MAIN ST.
(Modern Equipment For Fast Unloading,
State Inspected And Bonded Scales)
387 S. W. 4th Avenue
Ontario, Oregon
— Phone —
l«02 S.W, 4th Ave.
a Friday overnight guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Fenn and
daughter, and Mrs. Stella
Broughten, all of Albany, were
Saturday evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Simpson. The
above relatives came to attend
the funeral services of Dora
Mr. and Mrs. John Fahren-
bruch went to Stanley Basin
Thursday and returned Satur­
day. They went by the way of
Lowman and came back by Twin
Falls and Sun Valley.
Wesley Simpson of Alameda,
Calif., came Friday to visit
his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Simpson and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Eason
and two boys of Homedale, Wes­
ley Simpson and Emma Blessing
took their camper and went to
the Malheur over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson went
on Sunday and spent the day.
They report good fishing.
Mrs. Raymond Simpson and
family came last week and were
Friday evening guests at the
Ray Simpson home.
Ontario.............. 889-8017
Gentry Ford Sales, Inc.
Fag« S«v«n
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Nyssa .... 372-3552
Adrlan/Parma . .724-8168
■ CALL 372-2373