Page Twelve Thursday, July 9, 1970 The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon ^ACTIVITIES IN ARCADlT^ Senior Citizens BIG GAME RULE Rummage Sale BOOKS AT DEALERS BY AVO MOELLER * PHONE 372-2733 ■*'*>'*> ARCADIA - Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Strove and son from Bre­ merton, Wash., left Monday after a weeks visit with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Houston. The two families went on a picnic July 4 at Owyhee Dam and on Sunday at Malheur Reservoir. Mr. and Mrs. Doyal Carroll and family from Kellogg, visited his parents the Henry Carrolls over the July 4 weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Carroll and family from Weiser and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Carroll and family from Ridgeview were dinner guests in the Carroll home, The Doyal Carrolls also visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blessing at Wilder. Jim Houston who has been working on Roaring Springs Farms near Burns returned home last weekend. He and Hugh Sheehy are running a hay sta­ cker for Ernest Stephensen. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Points visited Saturday in the Henry Carroll home. Mr. and Mrs. George Moel­ ler attended a picnic dinner July 4 at the Tom Pettet home in Lincoln Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Feik visited Sunday in theCecil Hous­ ton home. Mrs. Ray Thompson returned home Monday from California where she went for a load of baby calves. Two ot her grand­ children accompanied her home for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Kesler, Karma and Sally visited Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Decker at Obsi­ dian, Idaho. Decker (Trigger Jim) is a gun collector and post master at Obisdian. The Kes­ lers spent one night in Ketchum md visited Sun Valley. They eturned home Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Hust and Georgia attended a family picnic at Manns Creek July 4. Connell Petterson who attends Portland State left this week for Portland after a months visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Petterson. Miss Cindy Bratton left re­ cently for Alabama where she will take a months officers train­ ing with the army. Mike Hurst spent the July 4 weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Hust and family. Miki' is employed at Challis, Idaho. Miss Nadine Spitze arrived home last week from Portland where she taught the past year. , She and her sister Lois Spitze are leaving soon for a vacation . trip through Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roper from | Las Vegas visited his grand­ mother (¡oldie Roper and uncle | John Seburn June 28-29. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Me- I Lauchlin and family of Portland .md Richard MeLauchlin, of | Tillamook spent the past week visiting at the homes of John Seburn and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Corn and Bruce. Mrs. L.E. Robbins and sis- ter, Marie Gardner from Sheri­ dan, Wyo., left July 2 for Eu­ gene. They spent July 4 with their brother Harold Ziken and family. They visited a brother in Portland and one in Seattle before returning home. Karma Kesler and Joleen Reece left Monday for Provo, Utah on a business and pleasure trip. Mrs. Amy Stradley returned home Sunday from Yellowstone National Park. Where she ac­ companied Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Haney and family. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Far­ mer in Billings, Montana. They reported the park was very crowded. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard spent July 4 at the summer home in McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bullard and family were guests. Proves Sucessful The Senior Citzens of Nyssa have ended another successful rummage sale and wish to ex­ tend their appreciation for the many courtesies rendered to make it possible. Many thanks for the clothing donated from the community, signs and paper bags from Wil­ son’s Market, the usual ge­ nerous publicity from the Gate City Journal and KSRV. Thanks to the Louis Marquez family for the use of their buil­ ding rent free during the ten days of the sale. It is worth noting that the cashier during the ten days was NEW HOME of Associated Oregon Industries will be situated Mrs. Elizabeth Shaughnessy. on Court Street in Salem adjacent to Capitol Mall complex. She never made an error, She Ground-breaking for one-story, $172,000 structure is sche­ is 91 years old. duled for November with completion due the middle of the next year. Relocation will move eight-member staff and secretarial assistants from Portland to Salem. AOI and pre­ decessor organization have headquartered in Portland since 1913. IT'S FUN TIME CHINOOK SALMON Vandals have been at it again. The willful destruction this time was the thievery of adult spring hinook salmon, which had just been captured by Game Com­ mission personnel for egg­ taking purposes, and the blit­ hering of more fish that the vandals could not get. The destruction took place at the Commission’s new brood fish holding pond at Soda Springs on the upper Umpqua. The big adult springers are held in this deep pool all summer, then stripped of eggs in the fall when the fish are fully ripened. These fish are extremely valu­ able since the offspring as re­ turning adult salmon form well over 50 percent of the Umpqua •pring chinook run. Fifty-two adult females and ten males previously captured at the Win­ chester Dam fish ladder were in the pond. The poachers entered the area at night and speared or snagged 12 of the big adults. Several others received deep wounds from the snagging gear used and it appears that at least ten more will be lost, the result of delayed mortality from rips and gashes in their bodies. The Commission hopes that anyone who has knowledge of this incident will come forward with the information. It’s a good idea to divide home AOI is a statewide organization of employers who employ more than half of the state’s total labor force. It is dedicated pools by depth lines. Swimmers to Oregon's economic development, specifically, and improved suddenly finding themselves in over their heads may be in livability, generally. more than just deep water. ENTERTAINMENT . ATTEND . . . NYSSA’S 24th ANNUAL NITE RODEO Friday and Saturday July 10-11 — - o FOR THE FINEST IN Watches and Jewelry -----SEE US------- PauluA flewebuf. 127 Main Siraat Phon* 372-2916 NYSSA . . . OREGON BONELESS AGED, WELL, TRIMMED RUMP ROAST TASTY, TENDER USDA CHOICE FULL CUT . S«29 CUBE STEAK SLICED SNOW WHITE »89' '■ 39' HALIBUT PURE PORK SAUSAGE ROLLS ARMOUR SKINLESS 12 oz. PKG. HOT DOGS 49< A#* MISSION 7 oz. 6 8 FIGARO 6 1/2 oz. $-|00 GALLON 49' TUNA for CATS I’ll REX bleach M.C.P. PECTIN $|00 for 6 5 sos. for for S-,00 MEADOW GOLD, ALL FLAVORS ASSORTED FRENCH BREAD 79' PILLSBURY OR BALLARD 8 oz. 10 89' ß POTATOES KERNS 32 oz. JAR BERNSTEINS SUPERIOR 10 oz. DRESSINGS NEW CROP THOMPSON \\ A J DEODORANT 3 1/2 oz RIGHT GUARD LIQUID 16 oz. J Sf39 PRELL SHAMPOO 12 oz. SIZE 6/s1 6 - 59' 3pr.$100 ea.$15’ TUMBLERS JERSEY GLOVES PLASTIC COVERED CUSHION GRAPES 5 lbs TRIPLE ’ A ” /■ 59' 59' BAND-AIDS CREAM or WHOLE ... $|00 SEEDLESS BAKERY ITEMS 3/89‘ A 49c GRAPE JELLY s2” OR MORE Of 89' 3 .« Sf 00 TOMATO SAUCE ter HUNT’S NEW CANNED 15 oz. STAMPS W/PURCHASE OF KERNS 8 oz. INDIAN GEM 16 oz. INSTANT TEA 50 BONUS S & H GREEN 49' ICE MILK $|00 LIPTON 2 oz. $ LIBBY 5 VAR. 6 oz. FRUIT DRINKS MORTON 8” 6 VAR. CREAM PIES BEEF, CHIX, TURK MEAT PIES BANANAS X X J 1 M c 1 tomatoes _4_y 11 PACK TRAY -CARROTS lb . 1 0C CELERY Thursday Prices Friday — Effective Saturday 1 » S IÄI i < V. MORTON 8 oz 12 * spo 4 « spo 5... $|oo GOLDEN RIPE I' 5' JI . “This project in still under wraps, huh?" •98' • 89' ROUND STEAK MACARONI DINNERS VANDALS DESTROY Big game hunting regulations booklets are now available. Hunters wishing to obtain the* rules may do so at license dealers. All big game seasons for 1970 are listed in the booklet as well as rules on arms and ammunition, possession and transportation of game animals, general regulations and others. Hunters who wish to file ap­ plications must be received at the Commission’s Portland headquarters by 5 p.m. on the filing deadline date. This rule does not mean that hunters cannot file applications after the deadline, but with the great interest in the special tags and permits it is doubt­ ful that late applications will have much chance. According to the rules, only if surplus tags and permits are available following the drawings will the late applications be considered. FOR THE BEST IO 1 I _u»_1 Qc I markets ’High Quality., Low Prices NYSSA . plus OREGON I