Thursday, May 7, 1970 Editor, The Journal: I thought this letter would be of interest to our readers. It was written by Robert D. Aber crombie, of Los Angeles,Calif. Mr. and Mrs. David Parra: I am a school teacher here in Los Angel, and have had the honor and privilege of be coming acquainted with your youngest son, Salvador. We have become good freinds. Wednesday evening, April 15, Salvador saved by life, for which I shall be forever grate ful. I wish to express my appreciation to you for the fine job you have done in raising such a fine son. He could not have developed into the fine gentleman that he is without the care and guidance of a won derful home and family. You have good reason to be very proud of Salvador, as well as Vincent, Mario, Carlos, David Thq Nyssa Gota City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon v v vvvvTrwv FRIENDSHIP GROUP ST. PAUL'S OWYHEE REPORTS MEETING EPISCOPAL CHURCH COMMUNITY Members of- the Friendship CHURCH Members of St. Paul’s and Angie. Salvador truly lived up to his name. I want you to know you have provided one of the finest persons I have ever met: a genuine asset to his home and country. It is my sincere hope and wish th; he will go on to college. In order to make my apprecia tion into more than words, I have promised him to help in every way that 1 can. I will guarantee that Salvador has the money necessary to get through college. In my view, he has already earned the opportunity to develope himself to the ful lest extent of his capacity and abilities. I would consider it an honor and privilege to as sist him entering whatever ca reer or profession he might se lect. He has already earned it, and this is one little way I can repay him. Very truly yours, Robert D. Abercrombie LDS Conference Slates Elder Elder Gordon B. Hinckley, a member of the Council of Twelve of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will speak at the Nyssa Stake (dio cese) Conference Saturday and Sunday, May 9 and 10. Elder Hinckley, a member of the Council of Twelve since 1961, is coordinator of the world wide missionary program of the Episcopal Church stayed after church services Sunday for a pot-luck luncheon and “Clean up Day” on the grounds. Those taking part in pre paring food and the clean up were Mr. and Mrs. BillSchire- man, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rinehart, Artie Robertson, Mrs. Wes Brown, A.C. Sallee, Dick Tensen and children, Dr. and Mrs. David Sarazin and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Broad, Mrs. Kay Patterson and Rev. Tom Winkler. Daily Vacation Bible School will start on June I. All chil dren of the area are invited to attend. The school will be lasting through the 12th. The program on the eve of the 12th. The children through the sixth grade, hours are from 9 a m. to 12 a.m. The sixth grade through high school and the adult classes will be in the evenings. ♦ ♦ * There will be a group from the chu.-ch going skating on the evening of May 14 to the On tario Rink. This will be an all church skate. A friend may be invited. The time from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Anyone who needs a way may contact the Pastor, 372-2761 or Boyd Haney, 372- 3342. * * * Missionary Circle will meet with Mrs. Corfield in Nyssa, on May 12. Church. He has authored five books and many pamphlets and articles on Church subjects. He is a director of several com munications and business firms, and also directs Church mis sion activities in South America. The Conference session will be held Sunday at 10 a.m. in the Stake Center. Stake Presi dent Dehlin A. Erickson, 1131 S.W. 6th Avenue, Ontario, says visitors are welcome. Club held their Mother’s Day meeting at the home of Mrs. Beulah Gann, with Mrs. Leona Reeves and Mrs. Karen Ziegen- bein assisting. Preceding the meeting a pot luck dinner was enjoyed by 22 members and 7 guests. President OrmaCleaver pre sided over the business meeting and the guests were introduced. Six tables of Bunco were in play, w inning honors were: Mrs. Hazel Farr, high; Mrs. Nita May Wiley, second high; Mrs. Aileen Morrison, traveling. The guest prize went to Mrs. MaryCurry. The next meeting will he an nounced at a later date. SRV RECITAL SLATED TONIGHT The Snake River Music As sociation will present their spring recital tonight, at 8p.m. It will be heldat the LDSChurch in Ontario. The public is cor dially invited. Pag« Three ^MHtiiUlllllllUtlmillliaillUIHIIimilllllllllllllimilUlllllltllllimHIIII ... . NEWS FROM AROCK BY STUDENTS OF W. W. JONES SCHOOL Boise who stayed at the Fred Eiguren home Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamp shire from Delta, Colorado visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eason April 27 and 28. Jamie Ann and Wesley El wood recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elwood and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elwood. Elizabeth Caywood returned home to Bakersfield, Calif, after a 2 week visit at the Glenn Caywood ranch. Greg King got a new horse, April 26, at the Caldwell O.K. sales yard. The beautiful bay is a 3 year old registered quarter horse. Mrs. Connie Stitzel sub stituted for Mrs. Rita Stitzel April 27. AROCK-Students of the W.W. Jones School went on a field trip to Burns, May 1. The teachers, Mrs. Marvin Easter- day and Mrs. Walter Baltzor chaperoned the trip. The buses were driven by Mrs. Stan Henry and Mr. Jim Montgomery. W hile in Burns we visited the bird and animal refuge, radar base, Crane Highschool, news paper office, library, radio station, and the historical mu seum. Mr. Jesse Cline was admitted to St. Alphonso’s Hospital in Boise, April 30. He underwent surgery May 1. April 29 Mr. Gene Lewin and a friend, David Holland were here for the Protestant release class. They were also here for Bible Study April 28. Many out of town people at tended the wedding of Ron Rhodes and Christina Eiguren April 25. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ugaldefrom Journal Classifieds Bring Results! LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR ASSOCIATED FOOD STORES’ GIGANTIC iKvwvat * V. »% GIANT SIZE 25 oz. QT. SALAD DRESSING 3 LB SHORTENING Miracle Whip Crisco Biz Pre-Soak ($1500 Value) a « T gl 8 OnX* GRAND PRIZES Supply Of Groceries -> 1 SECOND PRIZES with coupon below only with co'jpc.i below only with coupon below only S-PPly ot Groceries ($125 Value) THIRD PRI^®® O0n’"e “"upply of Groceries Saturday, May 9 _______ POT ROAST««*» «“t JO - I f *■! A Be ROUND BONE lean and meaty 9 Wl99 STEAK INDIAN GEM 303 Size * APPLESAUCE " F°R 9" CAL ROSE Sliced L/C 2 1/2 Size PEACHES DOUBLE LUCK 303 Size CUT GREEN BEANS POTATOES a ■nee Scott 4 pack Toilet Tissue ONIONS is. 8« BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY 3 „,89« Popsodont Kleenex 125’f Tooth Brushes Facial Tissue Rog. 69« 12 ro,b $1 4 '<»«99« 4 for $ 1 fob $1 3 FO* WESTERN FAMILY 8 oz. «« __ As TOMATO SAUCE llFO*91 LINDSAY Select 300 Size A __ A] RIPE OLIVES WESTERN FAMILY u 1/2 oz.^ EVAPORATED MILK Q ro"^' TASTEWELL Cream or Crunch 36oz. PEANUT BUTTES. 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TOMATO JUICE 79« »69« ■b. 59« is Round Bono Roast WELL TRIMMED lb. 79« a lb. $1.39 Crisprite Bacon r««™«— — EARLY GARDEN - PEAS 4 for Now Crop White Rose I lb. A»aMeA»A» DEL MONTE 303 Size 4 Jd i Chuck Steak - ¿LETTUCE ■w Fantastic Value it 7 Bono Roast * Pork N’ Beane Tender, Economical Eating 11« <• LIBBY DEEP BROWN 14 m Ternate Soup 10 with coupon below only i i I a i ($25 Value) REGISTER SOON! Contest ENDS HEINZ TALL CAN 4 fo |89( 39< h Decorated Mother’s Day CAKES fäir . 99* WcF -30. PRICES EFFECTIVE - Thursday, Friday 4 Saturday May 7, 8 & 9 WE GIVE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS Home of Quality and Service •NYSSA ’ONTARIO ‘VALE si ssociated FOOD STORES Good Onlv at Rav’a Food Fair ‘Hf WfSFS IF AO'NC 1000 DISTRIBUTION «IHM • ttRVM OWD M MUMU MTMUM