Thursday, February 19, 1970 Page Seven The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon We wish to extend a hearty sincere invitation to all of PLAN SEVENTH DAY SABBATH and our and everyone Sabbath Keeping brethren all churches to FELLOWSHIP MEETING an afternoon of of worship and fel­ lowship - Sabbath Feb. 21, 2:30 SET FOR FEBRUARY 21 p.m. Pentacostal Church of U1ÜIAN4NN0UNŒS TO FU£ FOR EIGHTH CONGRESSIONAL TERM Congressman Al Ullman, an­ nouncing plans to seek re­ election from Oregon’s Second Congressional District, said to­ day he would be proud to serve "as the nation begins to con­ front the great economic and social challenges of the Se­ venties.” Ullman, who has represented the District since 1957, said, "The new decade offers a real chance to reduce and eliminate some of the major threats to our way of life--economic in­ stability, environmental pollu­ tion, poverty, and inadequate housing, health care and edu­ cational opportinities.” The Second District congres­ sman said, “I will always con­ sider the first priority of busi­ ness to be solutions to the pro­ blems of my constituents. Equally important is the development of the water, land and timber resources of my district. "The great potential of pu- blic lands in the district for recreational uses must be rea­ lized. The spectacular scenery and heritage of the past must be perserved,” he added. "However," Ullman said, "the 1970’s bring added chal- lenges. The issues are cri- tical. Above all, the cost of living--of food, a new car, me­ dical care--must be brought un­ der control. Prices are still rising more rapidly than they have since the early 1950’s. At the same time, growing un- employment is spreading through the economy.” Ullman added, "elsewhere, tight money and high interest rates are eroding away all the social and economic gains of the past decade. We have a ’housing crisis--only half of the new houses we need are under construction. We have a re­ cession in our lumber economy. In Oregon, prices are down sharply and more than 50 miles are closed or operating on a part-time basis.” He continued, “Welfare, crime, education all need top attention. A sensible farm po­ licy that recognizes the spe­ cial problems of farm income must be adopted. Tax relief for state and local governments must be found if power is really to flow back to the people. ■ “In short, we needtoreorder * our priorities. This means 'eliminating wasteful and unne- cessary spending. Grossly ex- ; pensive and highly questionable I C LASSES GIVEN AT THE NYSSA OPPORTUNITY CENTER GED, Spanish, Basic Education, English, Sowing ♦ and Driving. e The Nyssa Opportunity Center APOLLO 13 COVERS Manned Spacecraft Recovery Forces of the U.S. Navy will provide commemorative cachet and cancellation services for the upcoming Apollo 13 manned space flight to the moon. Philatelic coordinators de­ signated for the Atlantic and Pacific Fleet Recovery Forces (Task Force 140 and 130) will receive all such covers and make distribution to assigned ships. To permit adequate time for required handling of covers, collectors should send pre­ stamped, self addressed enve­ lopes to the appropriate coor­ dinator at least three weeks prior to the scheduled launch date for the mission. For the scheduled April 1970 launch of Apollo 13, covers should be forwarded prior to 23 March 1970, In accordance with U.S. Post Office Department Regulations, only United States postage may be used on covers submitted. Stamps (postage) of other coun­ tries or the UnitedNationscan­ not be used. Cash, money orders or checks in lieu of postage cannot be accepted. It is re­ quested that collectors furnish standard size covers, 3 5/8 inches by 6 1/2 inches with a filler inserted to simplify hand­ ling. Due to the popularity of the cancellation service and the li­ mited postal facilities on re­ covery ships, the coordinators for Task Force 140 and Task Force 130 will accept a maxi­ mum of two (2) covers from in­ dividual collectors. When more than the authori­ zed number of covers is sub­ mitted, such covers will be re­ turned unprocessed. Covers received too late for distribu­ tion to Recovery Force Units will be returned unprocessed, Addresses for the Atlantic and Pacific area coordinators are: Chief in Charge (Apollo 13) Navy Terminal Post Office FPO San Francisco, Calif. 96610 0 313 NORTH MAIN STREET ■ NAVY TO CACHET Apollo 13 Covers Manned Spacecraft Recovery Force, Atlantic BuildingSP-71, Naval Air Station Norfolk, Virginia 23511 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL * programs, such as the Anti­ Ballistic Missile System advo­ cated by the Administration, must be studied throughly be­ fore Congress appropriates the taxpayer's dollar,” Ullman said. “I will use my position on the Ways and MeansCommittee, and work closely with the com­ mittee chairman, Rep. Wilbut Mills, to influence these key policy decisions. Certainly, the annual expenditure ceilings on federal spending that my committee originated two years ago must be maintained,” he added. “Congress can and must do an even more effective job as watchdog of the public purse. I pledge myself to this goal,” Ullman said. OR PHONE 372-3262 > S.tuni.y, Feb. 21 5 to 8:30 P. M. At Adrian Adults........................ $1.50 Family...................... $6.00 Children 6 to 12 . . . 75« Under 6................. FREE GRADE SCHOOL MULTI­ PURPOSE ROOM Sponsored by Adrian PTA To allot our wonderful friends and brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: The beloved Apostle John says in John 3:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth,” and our blessed Lord said in John 8:32 "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you fall.” The Lord Jesus has led us back to Nyssa after many years and has given us a glorious truth which we feel we must share with all of Gods people every­ where. When we lived in Nyssa, years ago, we proclaimed the truth as we saw it, faithfully and fear­ lessly, and walked in all the light God gave us. Two years ago, after being in Nyssa on a visit, we returned to our ministry inGardenGrove,Calif. There in a wonderful way, God revealed to us thru His Word and by His blessed Holy Spirit, that we were to “Remember” the "Sabbath” day to keep it Holy! We had always been taught, and taught our people that Sunday was the Christians Sabbath. We sincerely believed it as many of you dear ones believe and we were shocked and stricken in our hearts, when the Holy Spirit, thru the "Written Word” re­ vealed to us that we were fol­ lowing traditionsandcommand­ ments of men. The seventh day (or Saturday) is the day God commanded us to remember and keep Holy. Genesis 2:1-3 "He blessed and sanctified the 7th day in the beginning when He made the perfect world and when man was perfect. As a memorial of His creation.” And our Lord Jesus Christ declared in three of the Gospels, Mathew 12:8 - Mark 2:27-28 - Di at inc live atyling mark» the All New Camaro Sport Coupe Luke 6:5-The Sabbath was made Jesus Christ, 7th and Emison, for man, and not man for the Nyssa, Oregon. These brethren Sabbath: “Therefore the Son have opened their church for us of man is Lord also of the Sab­ to have services in their build­ bath!” In Exodus 20: 8-11 The ing, and we thank them. May Lord God said: "Remember God bless you one and all. Any­ the Sabbath day to keep it holy. one wishing more information Six days shall you labor and concerning this truth please do all thy work.” But the feel free to call at any time. seventh day is the Sabbath of the Bernice and Lloyd Pounds, Lord thy God! not the Sabbath 372-3084, of the Jews but the Sabbath of 56 Main, the Lord thy God! Nyssa, Oregon Is He the God of the Jews (Paid Advertisment) only? Romans 3:29 No praise He is our His dear name. DRIVER EXAMS God and because we love Him will keep His com- we A Drivers License Examiner The same God will be on duty in Nyssa Friday, mandments. who said remember the Sabbath Feb. 20, 1970 at the City Li­ day to keep it Holy said Thou brary meeting room between the shall not steel! Can the thief hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., continue stealing because He has according to an announcement found this wonderful Lord? received from the Department No - because Jesus Christ has of Motor Vehicles of Oregon. shed his grace upon him, he Persons wishing original stops his stealing and obeys His licenses or permits to drive completely new Camaro design concept combines prestige car styling with remarkably new master. The woman caught are asked to file applications in act of adultry was forgiven well ahead of the scheduled responsive performance handling. Its distinctive long hood, new front end and swept-back roof and rear and told to sin no more! We closing hour in order to assure deck styling are only a few of the many new features found in this sporty model. It also has improved ride and sound isolation. The 1970 Camaros will be on display in dealer showrooms February 26. wouldn’t dare to tell anyone time for completion of the re­ because they are under grace quired license test. they can continue disobeying that law. And the Apostle Paul says i: we walk in the Spirit we wil not fulfull the lusts of the flest and challenges those who way they are under grace and con­ tinuing in sin. Sin is the ■-^1 t transgressions of the Law. 1 John 3:4 Therefore when God spoke to us about remembering His fourth commandment we were so happy to obey - be­ cause we love him. And we love all of His children and know they too will walk in 1 obedience to God’s word when . Y it is made known to them. Jesus kept the 7th day Sab­ bath as Gods word so faithfully records Luke 4:16 And He came to Nazareth, where he had been .Lt? brought up: and, as his custom •»w » was, he entered into the syna­ * 4 * S" gogue on the Sabbath day,and k stood up for to read. Paul the Apostle kept the Sab­ Ever wonder how much food bath. In Thessalonica, Acts ACTUAL PHOTO of Boliver The Bull on the Les you eat per year? Well, hang 17:2 and Paul as his manner Schwab Ranch 6 miles east of Prineville. on to your calorie counter be­ was, went in unto them, and cause the Agri-Business Coun­ three Sabbath days reasoned cil says the average Oregon­ with them out of the Scripture! ian eats nearly three-quarters In Corinthians - Acts 18:4 And of a ton every year. he reasoned in the synagogue This means that farmers pro­ every Sabbath, and persuaded duce about 1.5 million tons of both the Jews and the Greeks! food each year just to feed the Acts 13:14 Antioch in Pisidia people living in Oregon. they went into the synagogue Now, have you ever wondered on the Sabbath and after reading how many different kinds of out of the Law and the pro­ food you eat during the year? phets, they were so convincing According to the council, the that the Gentiles besought that average modern supermarket is these words be preached to them stocked with 8,000 or more good the next Sabbath. Acts 13:42- selling items. 44 verse and the next Sabbath Most people, as they wheel day came almost the whole city their shopping carts from one to hear the word of God. And section of the supermarket to in Phillipi (Acts 16:13) they had the other, probably take this a prayer meeting by the river­ variety of products for granted. side with some women! Truly The people who don’t take it Paul and all the Apostles with for granted are the farmers. all the great prophets and priest Production of all this food of all ages kept the day their is not determined by some cen­ great Lord and Master comman­ tral agency. In Oregon, it is ded to rémember and keep Holy. the result of 41,000 sets of So we too, forgetting the doc­ decisions made by 41,000 far­ trines and commandments of mers. It is they who decide men, with their traditions are what crops to grow, and how striving by His grace and that many acres of each to plant. alone to keep His command- Interest ingly enough, Oregon ments walk in love for love today produces a larger quanity is the fulfilling of the Law. greater cord of food, better quality food, and The beloved Apostle John de­ many more products to choose clares in 1 John 2:1-7 3 verse- body strength from than were produced in 1950 Hereby we do know that we know with the purchase of two passenger or small commercial tires but with 21,600 fewer farms. Him, if we keep His command­ Today's farmer is larger, ments. • Full 4 ply nylon cord construction. more specialized and more me­ He that saith, 1 know Him and • High traction wrap around tread for traction chanized than his predecessor. keepeth not His commandments, And quite possibly, tomorrow’s is a liar and the truth is not and stability. % farmer will determine planting in him. But who so keepeth • PB long mileage rubber for bonus wear. and harvesting schedules off a His word in him verily is the . Tread width and depth compare to original printout from a computer cen­ love of God perfected: hereby with the purchase of a equipment tires. ter. His automated machinery know we that we are in Him. set of four...... will be directed by tape-con­ He that saith he abideth in Him trolled programs. And, robot ought himself also to walk, even harvesters will carry out high as He walked. Whitewall Blackwall speed picking, grading, pack­ We write this, nottocondemn aging and freezing. or judge any but to present the And this will all be done to truth as God has so graciously RETAIL RETAIL SALE TAX SALE provide every person in Oregon given it to us. And we pray with his yearly supply of three- most sincerely that all who love 1.78 6:50 X 13 S36.55 16.28 18.28 32.50 quarters of a ton of food. our Lord will receive it with 7:35 X 14 2.04 humble hearts So it may be 39 80 35.45 17.73 19.91 said of us all as in Acts 17:11 7:75 X 14 18.62 2.17 41.80 20.90 37.20 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that 20.54 23.08 8:25 X 14 2.33 46.10 41.05 they received the word with all readiness of mind, and s< s -:h?d 25.29 8:55 X 14 2.53 50.50 the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so. 2.19 7:75 X 15 18.62 20.90 41.80 37.70 Don’t Get Caught Sitting Down ¿3 Hurry to Your Nearest J Bob Elliott Tire Center Oregonians Eat Near Ton Of Food Annually no NYLON 110 The "Basic Performance" Tire Vo22% (Oregon Beef Council Certificates) Will Be Given Away by Bob Elliott and Los Schwab Tire Centers during February and March $ $ BEEF CERTIFICATE 5 10 Beef Certificate I BE CHOOSY ABOUT Y0VB C0MF0BTI r | i Sealv Posturepedic* | EXTRA FIRM OR GENTLY FIRM |; Chooee the extra firmness many prefer or the more pampering gently firm—gentled ■.by a resilient layer of ‘ | Sealy foam«*. Deeply K quilted, both promise no morning backache ■ from sleeping on a too- | aoft mattreaa. a Water Heatincn 1 Troubles? 8:15 X 15 46.10 23.08 41.05 8:45 X 15 50.50 25.29 44 95 Call Ua for FREE INSPECTION and ADJUSTMENT t N 1 N* QUEEN SIZE. 2-piece eat I n a si- UM SIZE. Sfiaaa eat......... $359.95 1 317 MAM ftTriSOM . /urniture 2.53 FREE BEEF CERTIFICATES on Pick-up Tiros, tool • I L. 2.35 All Sala Price» Exchange Plu» Tax. I _____ *___ ■ * urethane loam 20.54 22.50 Coast-To-Coaat STORE Ontario 91 S. OREGON I Victor R. Kaburehak. Ownor Phone 372-3545 NYSSA... OREGON SEE THE SUDDEN SERVICE BOYS AT BOB [I I I (Ì T T SUPERMARKET LLLIU I I T'««MTER Vale...Phon* 473-3933 4 Nyssa...Phono 372-2270