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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1970)
Pog« Four The Nyssa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon AN ALERT John Storck, Director of the Family Service Clinic for Mal heur County will have some interesting information to add to the PTA i 'gram which is featuring Special Education on February 12, 1970. If you have quesi .ons concerning children’s behav.-ar here is your chance to as* .n : >n who is well e.ialifi.-. .0 provide some r.wrt. L /our friend or neighbor does no’ take the Gate City Journal, you will be doing either one or both a favor by passing on the above information. Hometown News _______ Call 372-2233 Thursday January 29, 197C Herb Sez... _ ________ BALLOU - ADY REPEAT WEDDING VOWS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burning Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hartley This article might be termed ham attended the wrestling accompanied a group of boys as a confessional because I’m matches over the weekend at to Burns January 24 to the telling you about one of my Rexburg, Debbie Adams was wrestling tournament. traits. You, no doubt, already 4 4 4 a guest. know this trait of mine but 0 * Mrs. Albert Fischer visited you have been nice enough to with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sappe keep still about it. I am very- Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Chard spent last week in La Grande who came to visit Mrs. Em- selfish. mette Sapoe of Willow Creek I keep telling everybody about visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Dovn Price and children who had surgery in Malheur County Hospital. what a wonderful country I live while Mr. Price was in the in. Then I keep hoping they hospital in Portland. Mrs. Clyde Hager of Delta will never get to my pet fish 4 4 4 ! love to see Junction, Alaska visited with ing stream, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sappe this tourists bring hard cash into War I to escape the dangers of Emmett were dinner guests Class Reunion Knife And Fork past week. the area and I cry if they raid of warn-torn Belgium. Jan. 25 in the home of Mr. and » » » my berry patch. Quite by accident she made Information Needed Mrs. Ewen Chard. Club To Hear When I speak of tourists I her debut as a speaker while Mr. and Mrs. John Harm, 4 4 4 mean people from other states still a student. At the Annual Janice Hager, Mrs. Frank Ward, The graduating class of 1960 At a double-ring ceremony black accessories and a corsage Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Byers Belgian Sculptor United States Press Banquet, is planning their class reunion gave a birthday dinner Jan. 25 and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sappe such as Californians and people held December 27, 1969 in the of red and white rosebuds. of Idaho who live outside of Suzanne Silvercruys, the being sponsored by the Poor for August 1970. The Chair for both Mr. and Mrs. Frank this past week. Joan Stunz was maid of honor, parsonage of the Homedale » * ♦ this area. I realize I shouldn’t internationally famous Belgian- Richard’s Club in Philadelphia, man, Mrs. Patty Imada would Byers. Christian Church, Miss Linda she wore a street-length yellow Mrs. Victoria “Sun Mr. and Mrs. John Harm, group the two in the same American sculptor will be the the scheduled speaker, Sec like to know if any one can shine” Dunten, and Mr. and Ballou became the bride of dress and a corsage of red and Janice Hager, Mrs. Frank Ward breath BUT when the huckle Thomas P. Ady of Boise. guest speaker at the Knife and retary of War, Baker, failed help her locate the following white rosebuds. Fork Club Saturday, Feb. 7 at to appear and young Suzanne, people to contact them about Mrs. Jesse Higgens, Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sappe berries are taken from my pet Performing the best man Officiating at the2p.m. cere were present. and family were dinner guests stake out I’m unhappy about the a dinner which will be given by who was in the visitor's gallery the reunion. mony, in the presence of 23 duties was Robert Ady, brother 4 4 4 of Mrs. Louise Ward Jan. 21. situtation unless the raider guests, was Rev. Wayne Cutshall of the groom, the club at the East Side Cafe wearing a Belgian costume, was David Poulsen, Shirley Din- 4 4 ♦ happens to be one of my friends. at 7:30 p.m. Her subject will asked to tell of her country’s nebeck, Sharon Haines, Glenda Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Harold- of the Nyssa, Homedale Chris The bride’s mother chose a Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mon plight. The dramatic appeal Bemot Meili, Mr. MarlynJohn- sen and Kristin of Boise visited by “Self Expression”. tian Churches. cur and family of Burley were fuschia wool knit dress. Her My fishing stream is’nt “Art has no nationality,” made by this young girl was son, Larry Cox, Ardean Child Jan. 25 with his parents Mr. Parents of the couple are Mr. says Madame Silvercruys, “no such a sensation that the Bel and Karen Greaves. and Mrs. Reuben Haroldsen. over night guests of Mr. and wonderful by some standards and Mrs. Elvin Ballou of Nyssa. corsage was of red and white rosebuds and carnations. Mrs. Mrs. Mark Moncur Jan. 25. but 1 like it and can catch my frontier, no boundaries. Art gian Embassy sent her on a If you can give any infor The Elwin Haroldsen family Mrs. Mae Ady and the late belongs to all the people, all speaking tour of the United mation on these persons please are moving to Tacoma, Wash. Brian is a nephew of Mark limit in about one-half mile of Thomas E. Ady of Ontario. Ady wore a cream coloredwool 4 4 4 knit dress for her son’s wedding. Moncur. Brian’s sister, tinkling water. 1 get unhappy the time. People of every States. During the two years call 372-3733 or write Mrs. The attractive bride wore a creed, color and race. It speaks which she travelled throughout Patty Imada, Rt. 2, Box 46, Mrs. Ann Sites visited with Carol Lee Moncur, an assistant when I find out that someone street-length grey dress with She too wore a red and white rosebud and carnation corsage. professor at BYU accompanied else is on my stream. In fact a universal languare.” this nation and Canada, she Nyssa, Oregon. 97913. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. them. Brian is on his way to the stream is getting crowded, A reception for the young Born a Belgian, the youngest raised nearly a million dollars Reuben Haroldsen Jan. 25. career as a sculptor. She * • * Viet Nam and caught his plane last year I saw two people TRAFFIC VOLUME couple followed the ceremony, daughter of Baron Silvercruys, for her native land. at the home of the bride’s fishing like mad, not many late President of the Belgium Later upon making her home studied at the Yale School of Mrs. Hazel Sewright and at Boise. * * * parents. The color scheme people but there will be more. INCREASES ON Supreme Court, Suzanne came here in the United States, Su Fine Arts and completed the Ortha Jackson spent the evening Jack Duncan and friend of of red and white was carried out. to this country during World zanne Silvercruys undertook her five year course in three years. of January 25 with Mr. and Mrs. I’d like to place this stretch Rupert were Jan. 22 overnight OREGON HIGHWAYS The bride a 1968 graduate of Bruce Jenkins. guests at the home of Mr. and of water on a limited basis. * * * Nyssa High School attended Perhaps close the road so the Mrs. Herman Towne. CHRISTIAN WOMEN TVCC. The groom graduated Traffic volume on most of A birthday dinner was given ♦ » ♦ fisherman would have to walk from Ontario High School in at least a mile to fish, this might Oregon’s highways showed an TO HOLD LUNCHEON January 23by Mrs- kayf01-Mrs- Guests at the home of Mr. ¡965, attended TVCC and Boise itvi-. frank Byers. increase in November, 1969, and Mrs. Herman Towne Sunday keep some out. Another idea State College. * * * compared to November, 1968, afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Joe is to double the license for all Both are presently working in according to the monthly report Mr. and Mrs. John Cleaver The Christian Women’s Club people outside of Adams county. Dority of Boise. Boise and plan to resume their will meet Feb. 4 at 1:00 were dinner guests in the home ♦ ♦ ♦ Naw, that idea goes over like compiled by the Oregon State studies at Boise State College in Highway Division. the La Paloma Cafe in Ontario. of Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith Sunday dinner guests in the a lead balloon. I don’t even like A summary of the permanent the spring. January 25. But I guess I’m Elvin Ballou home were his it myself. * « • Guest speaker will be Mrs. traffic recorder data for rural like a lot of people, I resent e +* + **++++++A****** brother, Earl Ballou of Lubbock, and urban state highways showed Wanda Lehmkuhle of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Dude Parks Texas and his father, Hiram someone else crowding in on me. an increase of 9.9 percent in She was the organist on the and daughter of Caldwell and Samba Group Meets Ballou of Adrian. Christian Telecast, Perspect Johnny Glascock visited in the Let’s face it, the majority vehicular traffic in November, » ♦ » Mrs. Tom Eldredge was 1969, compared to November of ive, filmed in Medford andsoon home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wheeler and of sportsmen aren’t so worried hostess of the Samba club Friday to be viewed on KTVB, Boise. Mrs. Harold Glascock Jan. 35. Ruth Vice of Vale were Sunday about the future generation as last year. * * * The first 11 months of 1969 January 23. Mrs. Bert Lien- She has spoken for Christian afternoon visitors of Mrs. Ag- they are about the NOW situ showed an increase of 5.0 per kaemper and Mrs. Ann Tensen Women’s luncheons in Oregon ation. My grandfather walked Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Moore reta Schoen cent in vehicular traffic com received prizes. Mrs. Frank and California, sharing her of Nampa and their daughter, a lot. That was the only way ♦ * Morris was a guest. testimony, “A Song Unending.” Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mumford he had to get around other pared to the first 11 months of 4 4 4 Mrs. Frank Morgan spent 1968. than horseback. I walk a lot Also on the program is Mrs. and daughter, Shelly of Boise from Dec. 27 - Jan. 21 visit- more than many young people OWYHEE RIDING Norma Lewis, director of Head were dinner guests of Mr. and ing with her sister, Miss today. What gives anybody the Mrs. S. C. McConnell Jan. 25. start in this area. She will Jeannette Calkins in San Fran- CLUB MEETS idea that the future generation * * * cisco. present a special “Rainy Day will want to walk any further Kathleen Morgan, daughter of * * * Fun”, finger plays for small The Owyhee Riding club will than the front sidewalk to get Dr. Clay Morgan was married children. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lawrence into the new fangled space car? meet Friday, January 30 at the Music will be by Mrs. Dee Jan. 22 to Jim Weaver of Boise. spent the weekend at Pocatello, Oregon Trail Hall. A pot luck Idaho visiting their daughter, Snoderly of Nu Acres. dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m. Ted Morgan. Mrs. Frank Mor- Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Denney and There will be installation of _ . . .. . gan and daughter, Mrs. Blaine Everyone is reminded to make ‘ ;ere nt family. Capping ceremonies for prac-new officers. Jack Wood, presi 4 ♦ their reservations for the lun- » » ♦ tical nursing students at Trea dent; Don Bowers, vic-presi o- cheon and baby-sitting by calling sure Valley Communitycollege dent; Bonnie Sappe, secretary; *** ACTIVITIES 889-6538, were held Jan. 16 in the Weese Marjorie Jefferies, treasure. A Prayer Brunch is also Memorial Building on campus. Anyone interested in joining scheduled for January 30 at The main address was deli the club is invited. A special meeting will be held vered by Dr. John Sigurdson, 10:00 a.m. in the home of Mary Jan. 29 at 7:00 p.m. for Cub Ontario. The class was pre Wakasugi. Scouts that meet at the Park sented by Mrs. Jean Joyce, Ave. Baptist Church. director of the nursing program. Legionnaires and auxiliary It is requested that all par Caps were conferred by Otis burned after harvest to get rid' Unlimited use of DDT will be of the straw and eliminate the ents attend this very urgent Murray, Dean of Student Affairs, women of Nyssa and members of their families will meet at banned in Oregon on January many diseases and insects that meeting. and Mrs. Elaine Balderson, in 7 p.m. Feb. 5 for a potluck 26, Governor Tom McCall told plague the grass fields. structor. Candles were lighted "M M 1 " MW 1 'Mk 4M dinner at the Nyssa Community a capacity crowd gathered for “A pilot model mobile in by Mrs. Kathy Tiger, instructor. Hall. the fourth annual meeting of cinerator will be used in the BRIDGE ACTIVITIES Students receiving caps from In addition to a covered dish the Agri-Business Council. field this summer to flame the Nyssa were Dorilee Eastman, Check this new convenient commuter schedule and join the traffic beaters. those attending are asked to “This means no use of DDT fields without smoke,” McCall Jackie Franklin, Jean Ocaminca The Mr. and Mrs. Bridge take their own table service. except where there is no safe said. club annual party was held at and Helen Trost. alternative, and then only for The straw from the grass protecting the health, food seed shows promise of being Caldwell with dinner and sources, natural resources and made into beverage bottles dancing, Jan. 24. Couples pre general welfare of our citi which would return to the earth sent were Mr. and Mrs. Ar- liegh Adams, Mr. and Mrs. zens,” he said. when carelessly deposited The governor pointed out that along the roadsides instead of Duane Holcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Oregon has long had a program “outlasting the pyramids like Rod Holcomb, and Mr. and Mrs. Studer. Mr. Arliegh of careful control and limited glass bottles and metal cans John Adams was high for the year. use of pesticides, and that ex do,” he said. (Clip schedule for future reference) tensive monitoring programs Speaking on another area of 4-4* 4s 4« J. 4 any color ... gal. WESTBOUND EASTBOUND reveal no significant pesticide environmental quality, Gover- PINOCHLE PARTIES (Read Up) SCHEDULE (Read Down) pollution in the state. The ban nor McCall said, “The setting of Ar 10 00 P M. 7 00 AM (PT) is designed to maintain this po standards controllingemissions Lv Portland............... 8 35 P M . . Lv 8 30 A M. Lv Hood River sition. from automobiles is underway. €• A pi.i,chle party was held 8 05 P M . Lv Lv The Dalles 9 05 A M He also discussed “Black Controlling and lessening the Jan. 21 in the home of Mrs. 6 20 P M 10 45 A M Lv Hinkle................... . . Lv Any Color - Ot. Tuesday,” the day grass field pollution we dump into the air Charles Zinn. Lv 5 30 P M 11 25 A M Lv Pendleton 3 15PM burning was halted in the Wil- from our private vehicles is a Lv 1 35 PM Lv La Grande........ Prize winners included Mrs. 2 00 P M Lv Baker ................... . . Lv 2 45 P M lammette Valley last summer. major problem.” Lola Guthrie, high; Mrs. Sam Lv(PT)12 40 PM Lv Huntington........... 5 05 P M (MT) “Since that time,” he said, The governor mentioned that McConnell, low, Mrs. Orma Lv 1 05 P M 5 31 P M Lv Weiser “extensive discussions have in the Portland area alone some Cleaver and Mrs. Merle John 12:45 P M Lv 5 50 P M Lv Ontario................. 11 55 A M brought about a much improved 650 tons of pollutants come from son, traveling. Lv ety of Colors - ....................... 6 50 P M Lv Nampa ............. 1125 A M Lv Lv Boise 7:15 P M climate of understanding.” this source every day, more than Lv 9 55 A M Lv Glenns Ferry . 8 40 P M He indicated that a great 60 percent of the total. 8 16 AM .. Lv Lv Shoshone which propose that grain 9 35 P.M deal of research is going on to McCall said he is studying alchhoi be substituted for the Lv 7:53 A M 10 25 P M Lv Minidoka find alternate methods of sani 6 45 A M .. Lv 11 35 PM Lv Pocatello a report from grain growers lead additive to lessen the pol Lv 4 30 A M Lv Montpelier 1 45 A M tizing the fields, which are lution caused from exhaust 115AM Lv Lv Rock Springs 5 08 A M fumes. 11 20 P M Lv We G ive & Redeem SRV Stamps 7 30 A M Lv Rawlins Lv 9 15PM 9 30 A M Lv Laramie In conclusion, the governor 7 40 P M Lv Lv Cheyenne 11 10 A M said, ’’There is no doubt about Lv (MT) 5 15 PM 1 30 P M Ar Denver Don B. Moss it. A lot has already been done in Oregon, and a great deal more is on the launching pad. With thia new and convenient schedule, patrons will have the We are determined not only to opportunity to help us keep maintain this lead, but to build this service through their it and share it as a pilot guide patronage and support for the rest of the nation. NYSSA PH. 372-2124 ot these trains DOG UCENSE DUi No Later Than March 1,1970 On All Dogs In The City Of Nyssa Over 8 Months Of Age. LICENSE FEES JJales, Spayed Females $2.00 Unspayed Females. . . $3.00 Nurses Receive Caps At TVCC Ceremony After above date, any unlicensed dogs will be impounded and own ers are subject to a misdemeanor penalty. Dogs MUST wear the li cense tags. ± NYSSA CITY RECORDER BOYSCOUT GOVERNOR SAYS UNLIMITED USE OF DDT TO BE BANNED IN OREGON FROM NOW ON NYSSA CITY HALL LEGION NEWS forget the weather GO BY UNION PACIFIC'S PORTLAND BOSE FULLER PAINT SALE LATEX W ALL PAINT $3.98 SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL $2.79 16 oz. SPRAY CANS 5 QT. I I L 99t PAINT BUCKETS 39C FIRESTONE DEALER STORE UNION PACIFIC ÍAINTS NYSSA PLUMBING AND HEATING 601 MAIN . . . NYSSA, OREGON 24 HOUR SEWER ROOTER SERVICE Day 372-3741 Night 372-344B or 372-2423