THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON FACE SEVEN WEEKLY T. V. SCHEDULE ___________ July 20 - July 26___________ KTVB - BOISE ... CHANNEL 7 SUNDAY (7 A.M. - SIGNOFF) NEED AUTO INSURANCE? Get low rates, FAST, FAIR, FRIENDLY service with Jim Robinson - Nyssa 4 % lawnmowers chain saws ACf SALES A SERVICE 253 E. IDAHO - ONTARIO PHONE 889-9250 SEE OR CALL US FOR Excavating Land Leveling Land Clearing Sand & Gravel EARL BARTRON EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR NYSSA, OREGON 1102 Park Ave. Ph. 372-3039 for PLUMBING and HEATING All Types Sheet Metal Work Sales - Service Eder Plumbing and Heating Ph. 372-3614 Or 372-3325 REAL ESTATE For Sale 80 ACRES NORTH OF Adrian - 73 irrigated. Two-bedroom dwelling, carpeted, fireplace. Garage, tenant dwelling, cinder-block milking parlor. $45,000 - 29% down. $1,000 per yr. plus interest at 67c per annum. TWO-BEDROOM DWELL- ing, part basement, gar­ age, nice fenced yard. $7,000. 156 ACRES - 130 ACRES Row crop. Paid up water right. $65,000. 237 ACRES -137 irrigated, good 3-bedroom house. $60,000. EXCELLENT DUPLEX over 2300 sq.ft.$22,500. At 410-412 Reece Ave. 49 ACRES - THREE MILES W of Nyssa, $21,000. $5,- 000 down. TWO BEDROOM HOME AT 219 N. 3rd St. $5,300. THREE BEDROOM HOME at 415 N. 1st St. $5,000. BEDROOMS - 1 UP, 3 down. Three and one-half lots, 14 Park Ave., Nyssa. $5,000. FRAME BUILDING, on two acres. Mile N. Nyssa, west side of highway. $7,500. THREE-BEDROOM HOME WITH GAS FURNACE. A tional three-room cabin. Excellent condition. East side location. $10, 700. GARAGE BUSINESS AND building-excellent loca­ tion on Nyssa Main St. 3-BEDROOM - paneled family-room, w/w car­ pet living-room, two-car carport, nice yard, cor­ ner lot, paved street. 416 N. 2nd St., $14,500. FARM LOANS BOB THOMPSON AGENCY 372-3355 I960 CHEVROLET, TWO- **3or, hardtop automatic transmission, good condition. Phone 372-2167. 25-tfc ■W For Salo — Miscellaneous For Rent ONE - BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment on Adrian Blvd, across from school in Nys­ sa. Call 889-6473. 26-tfc ELECTROLUX - SALES, SE t T vice and supplies of vacuum cleaners and floor polishers. Harold Potter, Phone 549- 1745, Weiser, Idaho. 35-tfc Farm Machinery 1 966 OLIVER WINDROWER. 10 feet. Good condition. $1,200. Phone 372-2850 or 372-2781 (after 6p.m.) 23-tfc SMALL ONE-BEDROOM house. TWO-ROW, CURL, POTATO Ideal for one person or WOMEN AND CHILDREN’S For Salo — digger, level bed with win­ clothing, dishes, swing set couple. Phone Jess Asu- drower. Like new. Phone 372- Real Estate and etc. 702 Locust Ave., mendi, 372-3225. 29-2tp 2626. 28-tfc Nyssa. 28-tfc THREE - BEDROOM HOME, SLEEPING ROOMS -GENTLE- JOHN DEERE MODEL B carpeted throughout. Family men only, one block from CARPENTERS POWERTOOLS, tractor with cultivator. Good room. Natural gas furnace. Nyssa. Main St., Phone 372- dishes and miscellaneous. condition. $350. Phone 372- FHA appraised $9,650. Small 2951. 26-tfc Phone 372-3286. 28-4tc 2850 or 372-2781 (after 6 down payment. Phone 372- p.m.) 23-tfc 3079 for appointment. 28-tfc WOMEN’S GOLF CLUBS, USED FISCHER’S MOBILE HOME twice. Phone 372-2467. 14’ METAL POTATO BED. New Park. Country living, with 26-tfc Work Wanted paint. Also Lockwood potato city conveniences. Space digger with conveyor. Good available. Phone 372-3393. 1966 YAMAHA, 350 BIG BEAR condition. Phone 372-3288. 9-tfc CUSTOM POTATO Harvesting road and trail sprocket, like 29-ltp and hauling. New Lockwood new. Phone 372-2667. harvester. Years of experi­ 26-tfc Wanted To Buy ence. Cal Melvin Rasmussen, 436-4159, Rupert, Idaho. 28-4tp PUSH-TYPE MOWER - in good TWO GARAGE DOORS. 8’wide, overhead lift. Good condition condition. Dad and kids need $35 each. Phone 372-3924. Michael and Brian Bauer of CUSTOM STRAW AND STALK exercise. Phone 372-2044. 28-2tc Kennewick, Wash., arrivedJuly 29-ltp shredding. $3.00 per acre. 11 for a month’s visit with Bob Greenway, Phone Parma their grandmother, Mrs. R. G. USED EQUIPMENT: 14 ’ Al ­ 722-5566. 28-tfc HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR" uminum boat; 12 horsepower Larson, Sr. slaughter horses. Clyde ♦ » * motor. Don B. Moss Fire­ Smith. Phone 889-8666. On­ CUSTOM HAY STACKING, Mr. and Mrs. Murle Marcum stone Dealer Store. Phone tario, Ore., across from the automatic stacker. Phone 372-2124. 29-tfc returned home July 10 from a Ontario Sales Yard. 1-tfc Marion Suiter 372-3726. combined business and pleasure 26-tfc trip throughout the state of Ore­ 1941 CHEVROLET, four-door, gon. The Marcums, their son- For Sale — $75; two-wheel utility trailer in-law and daughter, Mr. and with spare, $35; tinted wind- Pets Mrs. A. C. Baronti of Eugene shield for 1959-60 Buick, went deep-sea fishing at Win­ Chevrolet, Pontiac hardtops, GERMAN SHORTHAIR REG1S- chester Bay during the fourth $44; 1955 Cadillac, four- tered pups, eight-weeks old. of July weekend. The Nyssans door, engine rebuilt, new Call Craig Burbank at 372- report a good catch. brakes, price open; air-con- ♦ » » 2239 or after 6 p.m. call ditioning unit off 1959 372-3701. 29-tfc Mr, and Mrs. Wyatt Smith Pontiac, complete, $35; were Sunday visitors in the Art Culligan water softener,used Hawkins home at Vale and the very little, $100. Lot - Don Strickland home in Sunset 57’xl50’, corner of North 8th Valley. Lost and Walnut, $700. Call 372- TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE, 2820. 29-ltc fireplace, lots of built- HANDSAW - Lost along road ins, two-car garage with between Mrs. Wilson Witt built in fruit room. FOR SALE place, on Willow Lane, and HANNAH’S HUSBAND HECTOR $9,500. Make some down 40-ACRES WITH A NINE- hates hard work so he cleans Adrian. Family keepsake. payment and can get loan room modern home, the rugs with Blue Lustre. REWARD! Phone 372-2183. on balance. cheap water, Oregon Rent electric shampooer $1. EIGHT ACRES ON RIVER, 29-ltp side. $20,000. Will trade Coast to Coast Stores, Nyssa four room house with for a home in Nyssa or Phone 372-3545. 29-ltc bath, machine shed with Ontario. bedroom on one end. MEL BECK Chicken house and fruit SINGER SLANT-NEEDLE REAL ESTATE and pump house. $8,000. sewing machine. Zigzagger, Some terms. 214 N. Main - Ph. 372-3532 fancy stitches, buttonholes, 120 ACRES, 80 and 40, ONE ACRE WITH 3-BED- NYSSA, OREGON etc. Take trade. Ten pay­ fine home, other out­ room house, 2-car garage. ments, $6.30. Write Credit buildings, lots of good Excellent location, just Manager, Box 503, Nampa. row crop on place now, west of city limits. Will 29-ltp SEE US $85,000. 29% down, bal­ sacrifice for cash or con­ ance terms. - FOR - sider trailer home on HANNAH’S HUSBAND HECTOR 40 ACRES, Two-Bedroom trade. house, other outbuild­ hates hard work so he cleans ings, cheap water. NYSSA INSURANCE the rugs with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. $14,500. $4,000 down. Coast to Coast Stores, Nyssa Terms on balance. AGENCY 80 ACRES, NICE TWO- Phone 372-3545. 29-ltc Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent SALES-SERVICE bedroom home, small 105 Main St. .Nyssa, Oregon tenant house, other out­ WE SERVICE RENT A SINGER buildings, mostly row crop land, $40,000. 25% ALL MAKES! down, balance terms. SEWING MACHINE 40 ACRES, GOOD HOUSE, CALL $14,000. May trade for With Built-In Buttonholer good truck on down pay­ ment. A REAL NICE TWO BED- 131 ACRES, BASEMENT room home, new carpet Delivered To Your Home house other outbuildings, Phone 372-2254 or after and drapes in living about 70 acres irrigated, 6 p.m. Phone 372-3387 room. Nice yard with lots some pasture, all can be of shrubs and flowers. irrigated. $42,500. 29% 369 S. OREGON Carport at rear with WE SELL down terms on balance. PH. 889-6167 ONTARIO storage room. Best loca­ 89 ACRES, FINE FIVE- tion. FHA price $11,375.. bedroom house, two baths, good location, lots LARGE BUILDING WITH AND ss US of row crop land on lean-to shed located on place $45,000. 29% approx. 6 acres. 1 mile -FOR- down. from town. PAINTING TEN ACRES, TWO houses, FOR SALE OR TRADE. fine soil, six acres BODY WORK PHONES Very small home, with rented, $14,000. Some AND garage. Excellent loca­ terms. DAYS .. 372-2266 CATTLE RANCH, 130 tion. Suitable for 1 or WINDSHIELD acres irrigated in crop, 2 people. $2500. NIGHTS .. 372-3614 Glass Installation 400 acres private range WE HAVE FOUR TWO- land, range right for 40 (FREE ESTIMATES) Bedroom houses in very head BLM, allfencedand good condition. Would RAY S BODY cross fenced, one section make good income prop- has spring water year perty. A PAINT SHOP around, plus available TWO BEDROOMSUP,TWO 505 Main St. Ph. 372-3524 water during summer. NYSSA, OREGON down. Large living room, NYSSA, ORE. Nice three- bedroom dining area 4 kitchen. hone, bran, machine Nice large yard with shed 4 utility hours, good 2 1/2 extra lots. Good drinking water. Total location. Only $12,000. Drice $75,000. Buyer to Terms. make enough down pay­ SMALL TWO-BEDROOM ment to get loan for bal­ house with two additional ance. KENNETH JOHNSON, PRESIDENT bedrooms in basement. OLD THEATER cinder Moore Hotel Bldg. - Phone 889-6473 Nice yard - best loca­ block building in Adrian, tion, across from south BROCHURES ON ALL PROPERTIES AVAILABLE with seats and good fur­ city park. $11,000. nace, $3,500. 40 ACRES GOOD ROW CROP LAND WITH TWO-BF.DROOM home and fair outbuildings. 1-and lays well can be irrigated Other Listings Including OTHER LISTINGS. one-way from concrete ditch. Good water rights. Located Commercial Properties 4 1/2 miles from Adrian, Ore., on paved road. $27,560 with 29% down $1,000 per year plus 6% interest. EASTMAN C. G. Brown PERSONALS Classifieds Bring Results SEE US DIAL F°r Sale — Autos NYSSA REAL ESTATE For Sale REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE For Sale STA-RITE PUMPS Real Estate For Sale ‘Touch & Sew" $8.50 monthly Nyssa Co-op SINGER Jacuzzi Pumps Service All Makes! EDER Hardware Real Estate A Insurance Agency REAL ESTATE Insurance PHONE 372-2862 115 Mam St. Phone 372-3535 NYSSA, OREGON 7:00 - This Is The Life (C) 7:30 - Faith For Todav (C) 8:00 - Cathedral Of Tomorrow (C) 9:00 - Bullwinkle (C) 9:30 - Discovery (C) 10:00 - King Kong 10:30 - Fantastic Four 11:00 - Meet The Press (C) 11:30 - Issues 4 Answers (C) 12:00 - Movie “G.l. Jane” “Yes, Sir, Mr. Be 2:00 - SumniV-xus (C) “Welfare” 3:00 - HeavywXC' Inc. (C) “The Life Of Joe Frazie/tj^ 4:00 - Congressional/ -ort (C) 4:30 - Frank McGee R<.^ (C) 5:00 - Stampede Countdov 5:30 - Walt Disney (C) 6:30 - World Of Lowell Thoma'^J' 7:00 - Bonanza (C) Or 8:00 - Movie (C) “Take Her, She “ne” James Stewart, Sandra Dee vG 10:00 - News, Weather (C) 10:30 - Showtime “Battle Of Rogue River^J^ MONDAY - FRIDAY (5 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.) 5:00 - WED. ONLY - Apollo II Launch (C) 7:00 - The Today Show (C) 8:00 - It Takes Two (C) 8:25 - News (C) 8:30 - Concentration (C) 9:00 - Personality (C) 9:30 - Hollywoood Squares (C) 10:00 - Jeopardy (C) 10:30 - Eye Guess (C) 10:55 - News (C) 11:00 - Password (C) 11:30 - Let’s Make A Deal (C) 12:00 - The Newlywed Game (c) 12:30 - The Dating Game (C) 1:00 - Another World (C) 1:30 - You Don’t Say (C) 2:00 - Match Game (C) 2:25 - News (C) 2:30 - That Girl (C) 3:00 - Bewitched (C) 3:30 - Dark Shadows (C) 4:00 - TUES. ONLY - To Be Announced 4:00 - Perry Mason 4:30 - Huntley Brinkley News (C) 4:55 - Periscope - Fish 4 Game Report (C) 5:00 - TUES. ONLY - News (C) 5:00 - Huntley Brinkley News (C) 5:30 - TUES. ONLY - Apollo 11 Flight To The Moon (C) MONDAY (6-9:30 P.M.) 6:00 - Rowan 4 Martin (C) FLYING REALTY SPECIALIZES IN EXCHANGES AND IS AMEMBEROF THE SOCIETY OF EXCHANGE COUNSELORS, A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION TUESDAY (6:30 - 9:15 P.M.) 6:30 - Julia (C) 7:00 - Movie (C) “Beau Geste” 9:15 - Perry Mason WEDNESDAY (6-9:15 P.M.) 6:00 - Adam 12 (C) 6:30 - Get Smart (C) 7:00 - Movie (C) ‘*Come Blow Your Horn” Frank Sinatra 9:15 - Kraft Music Hall (C) THURSDAY (6-9:00 P.M.) 6:00 - That Girl (C) 6:30 - Ironside (C) 7:30 - Bewitched (C) 8:00 - Dean Martin Show (C) 9:00 - High Chaparral (C) FRIDAY (6-9 P.M.) 6:00 - The Flying Nun (C) 30 - The Name Of The Game (C) - Back Stage With The King Family (C) 9:^Jz The John Davidson Show (C) MONc<>^- FRIDAY (10 P.M. - SIGNOFF) 10:00 - NeP '/eather, Sports (C) 10:15 - TUE^A'LY News, Weather, Sports (O % 10:30 - Tonight Shif^'l 10:45 - TUES. ONL Tonight Show (C) SATURDAY (6:30 A.M. - (O' /IFF) K 6:30 - Agriculture U.S.A. (C) 7:00 - Super 6 (C) V 7:30 - Cool McCool (C) 8:00 - The Flintstones (C) 8:30 - Banana Splits (C) 9:30 - Underdog (C) 10:00 - Storybook Squares (C) 10:30 - American Bandstand (C) 11:00 - Apollo II Special (C) 12:00 - Major League Baseball (C) 3:00 - Wide World Of Sports (C) 4:30 - Huntley Brinkley News (C) 5:00 - Navy Underway For Peace (C) 5:30 - The Dating Game (C) 6:00 - The Newlywed Game (C) 6:30 - Lawrence Welk (C) 7:30 - The Johnny Cash Show (C) 8:30 - Movie “Saratoga Trunk” Ingrid Berg­ man, Gary Cooper 11:15 - KTVB News, Weather (C) 11:30 - Showtime “Between Midnight And Dawn” Mark Stevens, EdmundO’Brien KBOI - BOISE . .. CHANNEL 2 SUNDAY (9 A.M. - Signoff) 9:00 - Oral Roberts (C) 9:30 - Face the Nation (CBS-C) 10:00 - Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir(C) 10:30 - Linus the Lion Hearted (ABC) 11:00 - Adventures of Gulliver (ABC) 11:30 - Fantastic Voyage (ABC) 12:00 - The Army Big Picture (C) 12:30 - Silent Service 1:00 - Insight (C) 1:30 - Mantivani 2:00 - The King Family 2:30 - NFL Action (CBS-C) 3:00 - International Track and Field Meet (CBS-C) 5:00 - Lassie (CBS-C) 5:30 - Gentle Ben (CBS-C) 6:00 - Ed Sullivan Show (CBS-C) 7:00 - Hee Haw (CBS-C) 8:00 - Mission: Impossible (CBS-C) 9:00 - Jackie Gleason