THURSDAY, JULY 17. 1969 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON NEWS FROM BIG BEND BY GOLDIE ROBERTS MR. AND MRS. CHARLES BARNHART Miss Carol Ann McCormick and Charles T. Barnhart ex­ changed wedding vows during a 4 o’clock garden ceremony on the afternoon of June 14, 1969 at the bride’s home. The double­ ring rites, witnessed by 65 guests, were performed by the bridegroom’s father, the Rev. Dempsey Barnhart of Com­ munity Bible church of Fargo. The couple’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McCormick of Adrian, the Rev. and Mrs. Barn­ hart of Wilder. Escorted by her father, the bride wore a full-length gown of white lace over taffeta and carried a bouquet of white car­ nations and pink rosebuds. Mary Barnhart, the bride­ groom’s sister, attended as bridesmaid and wore a gown of white lace over pale green satin with white carnation corsage. Serving as best man for his brother, was Paul Barnhart while ushers were Brian and Ronald McCormick, the bride’s brothers. Launa Kay Ward, wearing a dress and veil identical to that of the bride, was flower girl. Ringbearer was Mark Barnhart, nephew of the bridegroom. Vocal selections were pre­ sented by Earnie Lewis with musical accompaniment by Mrs. Ned Denman. Guests were registered by Miss Faye Par- vin and Miss Margy Parvin assisted with opening gifts. For her daughter’s wedding, Mrs. McCormick wore a beige BIG BEND - Mrs. Clarence Nelson underwent major sur­ gery Tuesday at Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz moved their trailer house last week to the Frank Miller farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Frericks entertained July 13 with a birth­ day dinner for her mother, Mrs. William Blevins at her Caldwell home. Guests included the honoree’s husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Erickson of Cald­ well, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wolfe of Middleton, Dawn, Lisa and Stewart Jones of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carroll and daughters returned July 7 from a vacation spent visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carroll and family at Albany and on the Oregon Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeGroat arrived July 7 from Los Angeles. The DeGroats, Mrs. Gladys Devine and Mrs. Boyce Van Dewater left the following day for Deary, Ida., to visit their mother, Mrs. Rist. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney attended July 14 funeral ser­ vices for his aunt, Mrs. Amelia Chaney in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood were July 13 dinner guests of knit dress andthebridegroom’s mother was attired in a blue dress of bonded lace. Both wore white carnation corsages. Mrs. Glenn Ward and Mrs. Ralph Craig were in charge of the reception which followed the ceremony. The new Mrs. Barnhart was graduated from Adrian high school and attended Treasure Valley Community college. Her husband attended school at Sandpoint, Ida., and is now em­ ployed in logging operations at Careywood, Ida. The bride chose a white linen suit with grey print blouse for her wedding trip to Yellowstone park, where the newlyweds traveled before going toCarey- wood to establish their home. Mrs. Mary Wood in Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seuell and Lois attended a family re­ union picnic on the evening of July 12 at the Woodrow Seuell home near Nyssa. Mrs. Dyre Roberts, Edythe Prosser and Steve Prosser visited July 10 with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Blades, Mrs. Florence Henderlider and Del­ bert Douglas. They also took a drive to the Dry lake project. G. G. Holly left July 11 for Pearl City, Hawaii where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. Ted Holly. She accompanied Mrs. Holly home by boat. Mmes. Noel Tuppeny, Varner Hopkins and Dyre Roberts at­ tended Home Extension alumni July 9 at the home of Mrs. Ralph Cone at Willowcreek. Mmes. Darrell English, Horace Chaney and Dallas Chaney entertained July 11 with a bridal shower for Lorraine Cartwright at the Chaney home. Out-of-community guests were Mrs. Frone Stradley of Fruit- ■ '&&' '41 I ' I I I I N I i I land, Mrs. Albert Gifford of Nyssa, Mrs. Pete Graham and Peggy of Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Albertus Wiley of Midleton, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bishop of Caldwell and Jon Stam of Adrian were July 13 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop and Steve. Mrs. Marion Seuell of Con­ nell, Wash., is visitingthis week with her son, Ernest and family. Tim and Randy Hill of Boise are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Varner Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Prosser of Pilot Rock arrived July 10 to spend the weekend with Mrs. Edythe Prosser. Mr. and Mrs. Delno Brock and Carol were July 11 evening dinner guests of Mrs. Prosser. Steve returned home with his parents. Mrs. Verl Bishop attended a Presbyterial Executive meeting at Boone Memorial church in Caldwell, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bockus, former residents of Big Bend left Sunday for their home in Escondido, Calif., after spending ten days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mausling in Adrian and her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Eric k'*' PAGE FIVE Mausling. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Chaney and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carpenter at the Owy­ hee dam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney were July 13 dinner guests of his aunt, Mrs. Blanche Smith at Eagle and visited a cousin, Mrs. Camilla McDowell of Mc­ Minnville, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shelton and Lona of Nyssa were Sunday callers at the C. K. Smith home. Mrs. C. K. Smith and Mrs. William Blevins attended a July 12 birthday dinner for Mrs. Maude Cox at the home of Mrs. Ethel Tiecert at Middleton. All had worked together at Simplots. Mike Gray of Fresno, Calif., was a July 12 overnight guest of Roger Wood. Mrs. Dyre Roberts, Mrs. Jim Car roll, Susan, Carlene and Darlene visited July 8 with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Blades near Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney attended July 10 funeral ser­ vices for Lem Davis in Ontario. He was the husband of Marcia Molt, a former resident of this area. ewee »e we ww e w e AROCK NEWS APPLE VALLEY CHARLOTTE ELWOOD laaaaaaaaaaaa» A new school teacher has been hired by Malheur County School District Number 81. Mrs. Emily Daniel of Sacramento, Calif., will teach fourth, fifth and sixth grades at the W. W. Jones School in Arock. Mrs. Loren Miller will be returning to teach first, second, and third. Mrs. Dean Stitzel will also return as principal and will teach grades seven and eight. T-BONE STEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK lb. I ♦ CUBE STEAK i BACON I i CANTALOUP^ ♦ I POTATOES I i CUCUMBERS I U.S.D.A. CHOICE FOR ■ ■ 10 lb 59t $1.00 BARLEY AND I i i i I » ♦ BAG 49( WESTERN FAMILY CHOICE ASSORTED 20 oz. SIZE CHIPS 22 oz. PKGS 14 oz. PKG. (Modern Equipment For Fast Unloading, KITCHEN CHOICE 6« 39< 9/ÎI.00 2/4« 3 DEL MONTE 11 oz. VACCUM PACK I AJHll 60 COUNT PKGS. I I TOMATO SAUCE a CHOCOLATE SYRUP DEL MONTE - 8 oz. TINS HERSHEY’S - 16 oz. TINS ÏÎ OLIVES 39* 49* (LIQUID SWEETNER) Í NAPKINS potato COOKIES JAM M.C.P. - 7 1/2 SIZE WHEAT 303 SIZE WHOLE KERNEL g, CREAM STYLE ■ i ■i ■ I ■ I GAME HENS ■ i ■ ! ORANGE JUICE CORNISH ALBERTSON'S ■ I ■i FEED LOT CALL 372-2373 4 NYSSA, OREGON h ■ ■ » 3 79C BREAKFAST PRUNES GIANT SIZE TIDE GUM DROPS CREAM PIES HOLLAND DUTCH KE CRUM 2 lb. BAG 'Z j Frozen Foodi SALE DATES ♦ 1 24 oz. AWAKE MORTON’S 5/Î1.00 DEL MONTE - 2 lb. BAG WYANDOTTE - PITTED, RIPE State Inspected And Bonded Scales) 98t POUND ALICE LOVE JELSWEET 98Í lb. 19 25* 2/98* I i 8ft 9ft ¡TOMATOES AND I I lb. 49t LARGE SLICING 3 FOR PEPPERS lb. lb. LUNCHEON MEAT LARGE SLICING LARGE GREEN BELL SLICED lb. RUMP ROAST ASSORTED 4 CHUNK U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BONELESS lb. lb. SAIMON 1 ROUND STEAK 98i lb. NO. 2 WHITE k KING U.S.D.A. CHOICE U.S.D.A. CHOICE RIB STEAK i c^F-. ’-:• • .xWF*.•• • FRESH ais U.S.D.A. CHOICE LARGE JUMBO ■ MBA', v ________ SLICED FREE PREMIUM PRICES PAID FOR (Continued From Page 2) ton were July 5-8 guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. FayCol- lins. Other July 6 dinner guests of the Collins were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Collins and family of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Collins of Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen of Sunset Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Austin of Longview, Wash., were July 6 visitors in the Helen Wilson home. Mrs. Lavone Fox of Caldwell A guest pastor visited and and Helen Wilson were July 6 spoke July 13 at Arock Com­ visitors in the Dorothy Mason munity church. Rod Frost had home at Ontario. spoken in Arock two weeks ago on “Faith”. Marilu Wilson and Mrs. Ruth Klinken berg attended the Former pastor at Arock, the Methodist School of Missions Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Beachell held July 7-11 at Northwest are parents of a baby girl, Nazarene college in Nampa. Deborah Sue, born May 16. Mrs. Beachell was a former primary Jim Wilson, who has been teacher at Arock school. They home on a 30-day leave left have been called and are leaving July 14 for Fort Lewis, where soon for the New Tribes Mis­ he will be processed for Viet­ sion in South America. nam. a ^^F-. SLAB ■ **'BY FRANCES SMALLEY«* 4/$l.00 5W