THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 PAGE THREE 701 GI BILL VETS AT OSU THIS FALL 1947 TOTAL, 4895 A total of 701 veterans are enrolled at Oregon State univer­ sity this fall under the Federal GI bill - about one-seventh the number on campus 20 years ago after World War II. The total last fall was 527. During the 1946-47 OSU school year, the number of WW 11 veterans studying under the GI bill reached 4,895, reports from the registrar’s office show. We’ve made great medical About 70 per cent of all stud­ ents on campus that year were progress in the last generation. returned servicemen and What used to be merely an itch is now an allergy. women. This fall’s 701 total repres­ ents about five per cent of the record 14,523 enrollment. WW 11 is not completely past even today, however, it was ristniaer r» special thanks to you .. our good friends through­ out the community ... for your faithful patronage and continued good will. Nolan Field Agency YOUNG CHARLIE SHELL, SON OF MR. AND MRS. LE- Verne Shell of Nyssa, seems to be in deep thought as he prepares to tell Santa Claus what he wants for Christmas. This is a time when a ‘feller’ can’t afford to make a mistake! This photo was snapped by the Journal camera on the afternoon of Dec. 21, 1968 when Santa made his final appearance of the year. His three visitations were sponsored by the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce, and each child was given a candy cane. Why Pick Chimney? St. Nick Has Reasons « I A A / We’re thankful for our many friends and wish them happiness at this very special time. Merry Christmas! NYSSA TAVERN pointed out. Forty-four children of men killed or disabled in the service are enrolled this fall under the federal war or­ phans educational act. Eight OSU students this fall are receiving federal veterans’ rehabilitation benefits and six are attending under the state G1 bill. The Federal GI bill of today provides single veterans $130 per month for full-time study. Married veterans get $155 per month plus allowances for children. Why does Santa come down the chimney? Of all the traditions con­ nected with Santa, his un­ conventional mode of entry might seem the most puz­ zling. Surely the magical gift giver, who has the power to drive reindeer through the skies and who can cover the earth in a single night, could find an easier way to enter a house. Like most of the lore of Christmas, Santa’s choice of the chimney has several ex­ planations. For instance, leg­ end has it that the original Santa, St. Nicholas, present­ ed three maidens with gifts of gold for a dowry. Modest­ ly concealing his generosity, he tossed the gold down a chimney, in secret. Another theory claims that Santa copied a goddess, who was the first to deliver gifts via a chimney. According to this legend, when the Vikings of Norway celebrated the Yuletide or winter solstice in their great halls, a festive feature of the occasion was the appearance of the god­ dess Hertha in the fireplace. As her name Indicates, Hertha was goddess of hearth and home, and most appro­ priately arrived by way of the chimney, to deliver her Christmastime friends we wish a good health. May the Day Yuletide gifts of good luck and good cheer. Still another explanation takes a practical point of view. Housewives of North­ ern Europe, cleaning house for the New Year, used to coax children to help with the chores by saying, "Let's clean the hearth. St. Nicho­ las will soon be coming down the chimney.” The children willingly set to work, and thus, says leg­ end, a tradition was born. Even when he takes to heli­ copter or jet plane, Santa de­ livers his gifts by way of the chimney! Churches Celebrate It’i the season for all to lose, share and show they care. We care about you our loyal customers. Heartfelt thanks. DENNY’S SHELL SERVICE Heartfelt thanks for | . your ¿7 loyalty and friendly *" n good bjk will May your holiday be blessed with the _ sounds i of joy, Q laughter. fa OUS Christmas I with every good (/ with for a beautiful Christmas! And may we express our sincere |oy in serving you. Your patronage is appreciated. GENTRY FORD SALES, INC RODNEY COWGILL, Local Representative PRICES EFFECTIVE: Thursday, December 26 Through Tuesday, Dec. 31 With special services, churches of this community celebrate Christmas — a hol­ iday that is, first of all. a holy day. Festivals of light, music and prayer are dedicated to the birth of a Holy Child in Bethlehem, nearly two thou­ sand years ago. For Christian believers, each of these — light, music, prayer—has a special mean­ ing associated with Christ­ mas. "And lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went be­ fore them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with ex­ ceeding great joy." Matthew 29-10. The Star that guided the Wise Men shines as symbol of Christ, the Light of the world, and it in turn is sym­ bolized by all the bright lights that twinkle at Christmas today. Candlelight services reflect the radiance of the holiday, in Christian observances ev­ erywhere. "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God tn the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:13-14. Since the angelic chorus brought “glad tidings of great joy” to shepherds watching in the fields, hymns and car­ ols of rejoicing have told of the wonder and glory of Christmas. That the words of the an­ gels composed the first of all Christmas carols is a thought repeated again and again in favorite songs of the season. “Hark! the Heruld Angela Sing” makea thia thought ita theme, and another familiar carol, “It Came upon the Midnight Clear,” ia devoted to “that glorious aong of old," on the night when “the world in solemn etillneaa lay to hear the angels ting.” Christmas music in the churches celebrates the joy of the Nativity Assorted Select Pork Chops EflC Pacific Maid Shrimp 39« asst, flavors Western Family Potato Chipsjl INJURED IN MISHAP Nyssa Co-op Supply Mrs. Maurice (Fannie)Corey remained hospitalized at Mal­ heur Memorial Monday, after suffering injuries in a two- car mishap on Dec. 18. Oregon State Police report­ ed that the car, driven bv Mrs. Corey, skidded into the path of another vehicle, driven by Richard Mei singer, and occup­ ied by Myron McCrady and George Jones, all of Nyssa. Mrs. Corey suffered t»ack Sliced is Choose Snacks 2. 79 I