♦ THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, ¡968 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON KINGMAN KOLONY NEWS »-»-BY DALE WITT-»-» » PHONE 372-2183-»-» KINGMAN KOLONY - Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters of Boise went on a recent trip to the Steen Mountains area. They re­ port good fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson of Nyssa were July 28 afternoon visitors in the Al Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schafer returned home July 27 from Portland, where Schafer con­ sulted his doctor. Their son, Fred arrived from California and returned home with them. On July 28 they went to Meri­ dian where they dined with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marshall. They took Fred to the airport to re­ turn to San Diego. He intends to get his family and return for a vacation. Eddie Landes of Roseburg is visiting this week with his sister-in-law, Louise Landes. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Arnold, who resides in a trailer house on the farm of their daughter, Mrs. Landes, left Sunday to visit their children in Albion, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Jensen and family of Portland were July 28 afternoon visitors in the Ed Nedrow home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Strawn accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George Besendorfer on a camping and fishing trip to the North Fork of the Malheur. They report good fishing. Mrs. Karen Griffin and family of Hampton, Va., arrived Wednesday evening for an ex­ tended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Strawn. Keith Salter arrived July 20 to visit his mother, Mrs. Alzina Salter. He has a 30-day fur­ lough, after which he will be sent to Vietnam. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Viers after the picnic... pick up please don’t litter Olympia Brewing Company. Tumwater, Washington. 'Oly *1$) Bill [QUIP. AND SERVICE PARTS WELCOME ROCKHOUNDS and boys went on a recent three- day camping and fishing trip. They met her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Randolph of Bend at Richland, Ore., where they camped and fished. From there they went to Oxbow, then back up Pine Creek. OnJuly 28 they went down the Snake River Canyon to Huntington and report a 120 degree temperature in the can­ yon. The Viers’ son, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Viers and family stayed at the parental home during their absence. Mrs. Inez Martinez; her daughter, Nellie Jimenez and family, all of Walnut Creek, Calif., arrived July 27 to visit the former’s sons, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Martinez and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Martinez and family. Isaac Martinez left July 23 for San Francisco where he will depart for Vietnam. He called Sunday morning and said one of the motors on the plane caught fire and the aircraft had to land. The crew was waiting for it to be repaired. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Conant and Jim; Sherryl and Teresa Stacy of Apple Valley were July 28 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Conant. Other dinner guest were Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Anderson of Vale. Sherryl and Teresa spent July 27-28 in the Willis Conant home. Reta McCain of San Diego left for her home July 27 after spending her vacation at the Earl Campbell home. She was accompanied home by Elaine Orris who will spend some time visiting in her home. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cearley of Hayward, Calif., arrived July 22 to visit their daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Osborn and family; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hinkle and family in Parma. Sandy Osborn left July 25 for Shupe, Ida., where she is serving as a Girl Scout camp counselor. Jerri Lynn and Jan Osborn of Weiser are spending this week in the Myron Osborn home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer were July 28 afternoon visitors in the Charles Bowers home. Mrs. Bill Toomb spent from July 26 until the following Mon­ day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vin­ cent Scott and family in Culdesac, Ida. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy were recent Sun­ day dinner guests of Mrs. Toomb. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer and Jan, Mrs. Mary Hatt took ice cream and cake to the Vernon Parker home in Adrian on the evening of July 27 to celebrate Mrs. Parker’s birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jenkins and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gordon and family were July 28 afternoon visitors in the Earl Kygar home. Two of their children are spending several days with the Kygars. lllllilllOIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIII DRIVER EXAMS SLATED According to an announce­ ment received from the Department of Motor Vehicles of Oregon, a Drivers License Examiner will be on duty in Nyssa, Friday, August 9, 1968 at the City Library between the hours of 9 A.M. and 2 P.M. Persons wishing original li­ censes or permits to drive are asked to file applications well ahead of the scheduled closing hour in order to assure time for completion of the re­ quired license test. Thunderegg Days Aug. 1-2-3 welcome ROCKHOUNDS I TO NYSSA’S THIRD ANNUAL THUNDEREGG DAYS—AUGUST 1-2-3 BOX LUNCHES (ALL THREE DAYS) FRIED CHICKEN (POTATO SALAD, BAKED BEANS, ROLL) TWO SANDWICHES...................................... (WITH POTATO SALAD) CAFE OPEN: 5 A.M. TO 2:30 A.M ----- PLUS------ LIQUID REFRESHMENTS 'On the Rocks'... If You Preferl ■ . - o Brownies Cafe & Lounge ARCADIA BY AVO MOELLER PHONE 372-2733 ARCADIA - Ray Carroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. HenryCarroll, left Boise last week by plane for San Antonio, Texas, where he is stationed with the U. S. Air Force at Lackland field. Miss Molly Yoneyama of Seattle visited July 26 in the George Moeler home and with Mrs. Fred Norman at Cairo. She is a nurse there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kom and four child­ ren of McFarland, Calif.; and her mother, Mrs. Herbert Bergam of Nyssa also visited in the Norman home. Miss Yoneyama, Mrs. Kom and Mrs. Norman were graduated the same year from Nyssa high school. July 28 visitors in the Henry Carroll home were Mrs. Opal Sutherland of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Carroll and family of Weiser. Mrs. Carroll’s brother, Jim Wood from Okla­ homa who had been visiting here left July 24 to visit in Boise and Burley. Mrs. E. L. Mar­ quardt and childrenplantomeet him in Burley and he will accompany her to Minneapolis, Minn., where she will remain until her husband returns from service duty in Vietnam. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morton of Seattle arrived July 25 by pri­ vate plane for a visit with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Houston and daughter of San Bernardino, Calif., arrived July 26. On Sunday they all drove to Council, Idaho to attend an annual Shaw family reunion. Sunday evening they all attended the wedding of their niece, Sandra Houston and Robert Micheli at the Seven Day Ad­ ventist church in Payette. PAGE THIRTEEN B ack « soroofl SALE? ♦ ♦ ♦ » Mr. and Mrs. Lewis (Violet Keller) Riggs attended their July 19 high school class re­ union at Rigby, Ida. There were 44 present, including 20former students and two of their in­ structors, with their husbands and wives. The Riggs* also attended a July 20 Keller family reunion at the Clark LDS church. After visiting relatives and friends in the area they returned to Nyssa July 22. On July 28 they were dinner guests at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Manning and family in Boise. ♦ • * Mr. and Mrs. Owen Froerer, Randy, Craig and Robin; and Mark Jensen left July 15 for the wilderness area in the Wallowa mountains. They rode in by horseback to West Eagle where they found the snow still very deep and hardpacked. At the high lakes they caught trout in Echo and T r a v u s. The childrens’ outing became filled with excitement and adventure when they found an old aban­ doned mine tunnel of solid rock. The Nyssa ns returned home July 20 * * * Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Kin­ kaid of Hartington, Nebr., who arrived in the Nyssaarea July 8 to visit friends and relatives, were July 30 barbecue dinner guests at the home of their neice, Mr. and Mrs. Arleigh Adams and family. Other guests were Mrs. Adams’parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Van Slyke of Nampa. The Kinkaid couple left July 31 for their home. » • To Nyssa hunderegg Days At Aug. 1, 2, 3 BOYS’ - 13 % OZ. JEANS GIRLS DRESSES Wash & Wear $ 997 100 % Cotton k LADIES’ CAPRI STYLE STRETCH SIZES 10-18 ♦ Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Mural Lewis left July 20 for a week’s vacation at the United Methodist church camp on Wallowa lake. While there they attended the Chief Joseph Days celebration and rodeo at Joseph, Ore. They returned home July 28. ♦ Rockhounds STARTS THURSDAY - AUG. 1st PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Corning of Munith, Minn., were July 24 overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Corey. They were enroute home after traveling through the Washington and Oregon rockhounding areds. Mrs. Corey left July 31 by plane from the Boise Air Ter- minal to attend a family re- union at Jackson, Mich. She plans to be gone ten days. [Welcome ♦ Miss Arlene Larssofa re­ turned home July 23 by plane from Santa Barbara, Calif., where she had spent a month with her brother, Dale Lars­ son; Dr. and Mrs. Harry Halde­ man. While in Santa Barbara she participated in a LDS road show and plans to participate in another one next June in Salt Lake City. She is a duaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed C. Larsson of route 2, Nyssa. WOMEN’S - BLACK A WHITE CANVAS SHOES HOSIERY CANTRECE Seamless Tube Nylon 67' 28' 5 X 12 X 17 ATTACHE CASES $5" Many Other Items As Lisited In Catalog ¡3 WATCH FOR OUR SALE CATALOG IN THE MAIL FOR WAYS TO BUY Cash Lay-Away Charge Optional Charge A Department & Variety Store FLOYD RHOADES. MOR. I