BRIDGE ACTIVITIES ♦8<1 Duplicate bridge winners for Feb. 26 regular plav. are an­ nounced by Mrs. Houston Wil­ son, hostess for the weekly parties. First place honors went to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michael. Second place went to Dr. and Mrs. K. A. Dunford and third place was taken by Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee. Next session will be regular play, March 4 at tlk* Houston w Hson home. COWBELLES TO MEET KATHY STRICKLAND Mr. and Mrs. Glen Strickland announce the encasement of their daughter, Kathy to Ronald Custer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Custer of Ontario. The bride-elect is a student at Linfield CoUege in McMinnville and her fiance is a student at Treasure Valley Community College. A June wedding is planned by the couple. Malheur County Cowbelles met in the Dragon room of th»’ East Side cafe, Ontario, Feb. 12 with 16 members present. President Adah Schweizer asked Mane Moser, member­ ship chairman to introduce the new members: Joyce McCoy of Juntura, Judy and Hazel Han­ ley of Jordan Valley, Oda Bogue of Willow Creek and Peg Dini- mick of Nyssa. It was reported that the beef broth the Cow­ belles sponsor is being sold at the Bi-Right Variety store in Vale. Oregon State President of the Cowbelles, Joe Schroeder will be present at the next meeting to be held Mar. 11, at noon in the Thunderegg cafe in Vale. I L r IJ 1 CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S k EAGLES I GROUP TO HEAR AUXILIARY^ TALENTED BOISEAN Nominations for th«1 office of inside guard will be held at the Eagles Auxiliary March 5 meeting. A Valentine potluck dinner was served for husbands of members at th«' Feb. 20 meeting, with Thelma Mefford and Faye McGinnis in charge. A January February birthdates were also honored. Elizabeth Pentz and Faye Mc­ Ginnis were winners of door prizes, and Betty W ilson missed th«' attendance award. The annual "ladies’ Night” event will be field March 23, with dancing to the Cal Bowen band from Boise. Ruth Collins, stile vice president attended the Feb. 10- II Pacific Northwest Con­ ference held in Spokane. PINOCHLE PARTIES Mrs W. G. Schoen enter­ tained Feb. 21 for her pinochle club members and one guest, Mrs. Carl Sebum of Phoenix, Ariz. Prize w i n ne r s were Mrs. Charles Zinn, high, Mrs. Sam McConnell, low, Mrs George Cleaver and Mrs. Harry Kingrey, traveling. Area Secretaries Hear Bank Program Discussed Futura chapter’s Program of the Year meeting w as held Feb. 15 at the First National bank in Ontario, where Robert Kniefel, manager of the Pay­ ette office of Idaho First National spoke to the group on the subject, ’’Banking in Action.” Guests of the group included area bank managers and their secretaries. In the absence of Jim Leslie, manager, the On­ tario First National Bank of Oregon’s Assistant Cashier, Roy Sparks, Jr. served as host. Chapter co-chairmen for the event were Mrs. Dale Rain­ water, Leslie’s secretary and Mrs. Clarence E. Miller, sec­ retary to Horace Beal of Beal Seed company. Kniefel pointed out that bank­ ing is tied to development and growth of the nation. He men­ tioned ways in which banking has helped economic growth through sale of money and services. He also stated that during periods of lowered incomes, people can fall back on savings to main­ tain their standard of living. He added that unemployment insurance benefits also serve as a stabilizer during periods of recession, while in peak periods of economy taxes and higher interest are means of controlling inflation. Among services listed by Kniefel as functions of present day banking were bans made to college students, farmers and businessmen. Loans, he stated, makes it possible to put new land into production, increase factories and create jobs for more people to buy more goods and services. Kniefel pointed out that mortgages are actually a means of saving money be­ cause through payments made over a period of years the per­ son eventually owns his own property. Mrs. Gene Grasty, secretary to James Roberts, registrar at Treasure Valley Community college, spoke to the group about activities of The National Sec­ retaries Association (Interna­ tional). Mrs. Grasty, a past president of Futura Chapter, is vice president of the Utah- Idaho division of NSA. Refreshments were provided by the host bank, and the sec­ retaries were given First Na­ tional Bark of Oregon coffee mugs and pens as souvenirs. Note pads were presented as favors from the Ontario Branch AT THE DOLLAR DINER (THIS WEEK ONLY) BACON OR HAM AND EGGS 90t Two Hot (Jakes Three Hot Cakes 40e 50e (WE SERVE BAKED OR MASHED POTATOES WITH LUNCH i DINNER) OPEN AT 6 A.M. Thank You, Bill & Jo 205 N. MAIN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2», 196» THl NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE FOUR NYSSA PH. 372-9953 (ACROSS FROM ARROWHEAD MOTEL) Boisean Mrs. Gary (Patrica Clark) Nelson, who has ap­ peared on national shows and is .i former Miss College of Idaho and Miss Tallent of Idaho, will be guest speaker Wednes­ day, March 6 at the monthly meeting of th«1 Treasure Val­ ley Christian Women’s club. Th«* meeting will be held at I p.m. m the la Paloma cafe at Ontario. A buffet luncheon will be served. Of sjwcial interest will b«> a program on crystal, presented by l 'iii ' Davis of Ontario Miss Polly Newdiger will tw soloist. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend, and reserva­ tions may tw made by dialing 889-8276. Senior Citizen Events Senior Citizens met Feb. 22 in th«' conference room of th«* Nyssa public library, Next meeting will be at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 14. - Uiis Counsil, reporter. Legion Group» Set Anniversary Dinner from the U. S. Army. RFC Martinet I» a son of Mr. and Mrs Manuel Martinet The regular meeting for of Rte. 1, Ontario. members and their guests of the Christian Business and Pro­ George O. Carroll fessional Women’» Council will GMG3 George Orville Car­ hold lheir Mar. 5dinner meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the« I-a Paloma roll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carroll of the Arcadia area, cafe in Ontario. The guest speaker will tie arrived home Feb. 27, by jet Mrs. "A. J.” O’Neal of Boise. plane from New Hampshire for A special interest program a two weeks visit. His ship is will be "About Antique-ing" the U.S.S. I.affe anchored oil the presented by Carroll Pewit! of East coast. the Ontario Paint and Glass company. The music will t>e by Richard Meilinger Ernie lewis of Adrian. For reservations call Mrs. SP4 Richard R. Meininger, Carl Gunderson, 889-6289. ■on of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meininger, arrived home by plane Feb. 26 from Madgin hospital at Fort Lewis, Wash. NEWS He has been undergoing treat­ ABOUT ment for an injuried leg. He SERVICEMEN I* will be home for 21 days and then will return to the hospital Guadalupe Martinez at Fort Lewis. CB & PW COUNCIL MEET SET TUESDAY SATURDAY DANCE M embers of the Nyssa American Legion and Auxiliary will observe the 49th anniver­ sary of the legionnaires, March 7 at 7 p.m. with a potluck dinner to be held at th«' Coni munity hall After the dinner Mrs. Charles Newbill will show films taken in South America. All members and their friends are invited. Bring your own table service and a covered dish. A public dance will be held Saturday, March 2 at the Ore­ gon Trail hall, five miles south­ west of Nyssa on highway 201. Dune mg to the live music of the Armstrong orchestra, will Army Private First Class Mrs. Frank Morgan and son, commence at 9 30 p.m. The Guadalupe Martinet, 20. was affair is being sponsored by th.1 assigned Jan. 22 as a cannoneel Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morgan and members of the Owyhee Riding in Battery C of the 17th Artil­ family were Feb. 25 dinner club. A midnight supper will lery’s 2d Battalion in Vietnam, guests of another son, Dr. and be served. according to an announcement Mrs. Clay Morgan at Boise. NOTICE OF SCHOOL BUDGET HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the governing body of ADRIAN SCHOOl DISTRICT No. 61 of Malheur County, State of Oregon, will tx* held at Adrian, Oregon on the 19th day of March, 1968, at 8 p. m. o’clock for the purpose of discussing with interested persons th«1 budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1968, and ending June 30, 1969, hereinafter set forth. The budget was prepared on a basis of accounting con­ sistent with that used in the preceding year. Major account- ing changes, if any, and their effect on the budget are set forth in an accompanying statement. A copy of the budget document is available for inspection at Brown's Insurance Agency in Adrian between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. The budget document may be ob­ tained free of charge. (Signed) Calvin Martin District School Boardf hairman FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY I. 19«» Tax Levy Computation _______ (1) Total Budget Requirements DEDUCT Total Budget Resource« Except Tax to Be Levied Revenue Necessary to Balance Budget ADD: Estimate of Taxes to Be Levied But Not Received in Ensuing Year Taxes to Be Levied for Ensuinq Year Total All Funds (2) $357 «30 50 (3) (4) $314,400.50 $21,350.00 130,638.00 227,192.50 103,288.00 211,112.50 $21,350.00 16,000.00 15,000.00 ■9 <9.4*1 e »,, 1 i Q9 r«n $226,112.50 . Analysis of Taxes to Be Levied Within 6% Limitation Outside 6% Limitation Not Subject to 6% Limitation Total Taxes to Be Levied $ 226,112.50 .............. 17,080.00 3,000.00 16,080.00 $ $3,000.00 $ $17,080.00 $ $ > IH, JU $3,000.00 1,000.00 $ 1 j Bus Fund Cff) Bonds and Intrrest (5) $19,080.00 I.unch Fund General Fund $ 1 17,080.00 $ $17,080.00 FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1. 1967 The engagement of Gayleuc Griffin to Leland Dewey is announce/ by her parents, Mr and Mrs. George W. Griffin of the Apple Valley area. Her fiance is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dewvi of Oregon Slope. He is employed at Timber Laminators in Ontario and she at the Twilight Cafe in Nyssa. A March 29 wedding is being planned by the betrothed couple. of the U.S. National bank, which was represented by it’s Assis­ tant Manager Miles Hutchins and his secretary. Mrs. Bill Yundt. Representing the Weiser branch of Idaho First National was Manager Jess Walker, and his secretary, Mrs. A. M. Eddy. Other bank secretaries present were Mrs. Bill Evans from U.S. Nation’s Vale branch and Mrs. Don Humble from the Ontario branch of First Na­ tional Bank of Oregon. More than forty persons attended the meeting. Mrs. John Croner, Futura chapter president, announced that Allan Rainsberry, social security representative for this area, will be guest speaker at a dinner-meeting to lx- held March 21 in Nyssa, with Mrs. Bill Wilt in charge of the arrangem-nts. ELECT OFFICERS Members of Malheur Mem­ orial hospital auxiliary held their regular meeting Feb. 26 at the hospital. Election of officers was held. Installation w ill tie conducted at the next meeting. ’1 You’ll be surprised at the lou> cost of CASCADE HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE Yet look at the complete coverage you get: (For home, personal property) □ Fire □ Lightning □ Windstorm □ Aircraft and Vehicles □ Explosion □ Riot □ Smoke □ Vandalism □ Falling Objects □ Collapse □ Accidental Discharge of Water □ □ □ □ $319,477.50 119 S5115O 199 826 00 95.453.00 184,306.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 $209,826.00 $194,306.00 8 Analysis of Texas to Be Levied Within 6% Limitation Outside 6% Limitation Not Subject to 6% Limitation Total Taxes to Be Levied $ $ I 194,306.00 15,520.00 Bonds and Interest (5) $21,198.50 $15,520.00 Bus Fund (6) »3,000.00 3,000.00 21,198.50 15,520.00 8 $15,520.00 I $ 15,520.00 $ $ $209,826.00 $15,520.00 $ STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding Actual Type of July 1 Indebtedness Current Year $135,000.00 Serial Bonds Total $135,000.00 APPROVED BY BUDGET COMMITTEE FEB. 23, 196». Estimate July 1 Ensuing Year $124,000.00 (Signed) HANS SALOMi>N, Secretary (Signed) EARL WINN, Chairman $124,000.00 Budget Summary — General Fund School District No. 61 County of Malheur July 1, 1968 to June 30, 1969 HISTORICAL DATA Actual Second Year Preceding 1965-66 ____ (1)_____ $___ 377.54 30,040.67 71,184.75 83,130.89 839.53 (3,000.00) $182,573.38 First Year Preceding 1966-67 (2) $ 400.99 27,041.33 71.043.74 83,756.72 84.70 (2,853.87) 27.84 $179,445.77 $ 73,576.92 $ 85,451.04 X X X X $256,150.30 X X X X $264.896.81 Budget Current Year 1967-68 (3) $ 1,250.00 10,960.00 5,800.00 77,443.00 Budgut For Ensuing Year BUDGET RESOURCES 1968-69 (4) Available Cash Balance Revenue from Local Sources Revenue from Intermediate Revenue from State Sources Proceeds from Sales Transfers from Other Funds Approved (5) $ Except Tax to Be Levied ¡5 gg(j qq Sources 5*800 00 __ 78 528 00 - _______ (3,000.00) Total Budget Resources Except Tax to Be Levied District Tax Received in Year Levied District Tax Required to Balance Budget $279,759.00 TOTAL BUDGET RESOURCES x x x x .'■I, 1 $103,288.00 X X X X $212,197.50 $314,400.50 Glass Breakage Rupture of Heating System Budget Summary — General Fund Weight of Ice, Snow, Sleet Freezing of Plumbing and Heating Systems (For yourself end family) □ □ □ □ ....... Lunch Fund (4) General Fund (3) $279,759.00 Total All Funds (2) Tax Lew Computation (1) Total Budget Requirements DEDUCT: Total Budget Resources Except Tax to Be Levied Revenue Necessary to Balance Budget ADD Estimate of Taxes to Be Levied But Not Received in Ensuing Year Taxes to Be Levied for Ensuing Year Theft at Home or Away Personal Liability Medical Payments Physical Damage to Property of Others HISTORICAL DATA Actual Second Year Preceding 1965-66 (1) First Year Preceding 1966-67 (2) Available on Easy Pay Plan, too! Ask us. 840.00 2,160.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Vale Nyssa Ontario 473-3157, 372-3162, 889-6990 .$250,749.31 $264,392.82 400.99 503.99 $251,250.30 $264,896.81 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS (4) (3) $ 13,832.50 1,986.00 173,020.50 14,675.00 190.00 11,895.00 8,350.00 12,000.00 10,450.00 5,850.00 17,910.00 600.00 '.,952.38 INSURANCE AGENCY Budget Current Year 1967-68 $279,759.00 School District No. 61 County of Malheur July 1, 1968 to June 30, 1969 Budget For Ensuing Year 1968-69 Approved (5) Administration - Salaries Administration - Other Instruction - Salaries Instruction - Other Health Services - Other Than Salaries Pupil Transportation Services - Salaries - Pupil Transportation Services - Other - - - Operation of Plant - Salaries -------- Operation of Plant - Other --------- Maintenance of Plant - Other Than Salaries Fixed Charges --------------- Food Services - Other Than Salaries - - - Capital Outlay - Sites..............-................... Capital Outlay - Buildings --------- Capital Outlay - Equipment - -.................... Operating Contingency................................. Transfers to Other Funds - -- --............. $ 15,100.00 2,086.00 194,704.00 13,000.00 190.00 13,264.00 10,010.00 12,989.00 10,950.00 7,350.00 23,517.50 600.00 Total Estimated Expenditures $314,400.50 840.00 3,800.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Unappropriated Balance $279,759.00 TOTAL BUDGET REQUIREMENTS $314,400.50