THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1967 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE NINE WEEKLY T. V. SCHEDULES DECEMBER 10 - 16 KBOI — Boise . . . Channel 2 * FOR RENT * FOR SALE - # MISCELLANEOUS * LEGAL NOTICE * LEGAL NOTICE SUNDAY (9 A.M. - SIGNOFF) SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS NICE TWO-BEDROOM HOME In Adrian area. Contact Fly­ ing Realty. Call Ontario 889- 24 - HOUR, SELF - SERVICE 6473. 41-tfc ELECTROLUX - SALES, SER- camper disposal facilities. vice and supplies of vacuum Ideal Gas and Appliance, cleaners and flour polishers. ' FISCHER’S MOBILE HOME Nyssa. Ph. 372-2214. 7-lfc Harold Potter, Phone 549- PARK. Country living, with 1745, Weiser, Idaho. 35-tfc city conveniences. One HAVE YOUR POODLE TRIM- vacancy. Phone 372-3393. med for the holidays. Ex­ MARLETTE MOBILE HOMES. pert poodle - clipping and Quality used units. Gateway -grooming. For appointment, SLEEPING ROOMS ■ One block Trailer ( enter, 3987 C h Inden phone 372-2920. 47-4tc • from Nyssa Main street. IT). Blvd., Boise, Idaho. Phone 372-2136. 47-tfc 343-7705. Oj»n daily and Sundays. 31-tfc HOLIDAY SPECIAL. $10 DIS­ REAL NICE ONE-BEDROOM COUNT on labor for any dav­ unfurnished apartment. Very enport and chair. We also do clean. Natural gas heat, gar- SPARKS OIL HEATER. In good tarps and truck seats. Rain­ .» age, excellent location. - condition. $15 - pipe included. bow Upholstery. Phone 372- Bernard Eastman Agency, Phone 372-3042. 49-ltc 2635. 48-2tp e Real Estate-Insurance, 315 , Main street, Nyssa. Phone VACUUM CLEANERS. Slightly • 372-3535. 48-tfc used, older, popular brands. Half-price or less. Guaran­ * WANTED TO BUY ’ UNFURNISHED HOUSE. Seven teed. Call 372-3436. 48-4tc miles from Nyssa. Phone Nu Acres 674-2035. * 49-tfc 40 ACRES ROW CROP LAND. 12 acres beet allotment. With house. Phone 372-2397. 48-tfc THREE ROOM FÏÏRNÏSHË“ house $30 a month. Cali 372-2226 49-tfc * — — — — — FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE 80 ACRES OF LAND, located 4-1/2 miles northwest of Adrian on Overstreet road. $40,000, with $10,000 down. Call (after 6 p.m.) Madras 475-2378, or write Charles Harris, route 2, Box 1146, Madras, Ore. 97741. 46-tfc NEARLY NEW HOUSE, with two bedrooms, wall-to-wall carpeting. Birch woodwork, built-in kitchen range. Car­ port and storage room, nice lawn. Priced at $10,000, with terms. Phone 372-3332. 44-Uc Watch Yule Shoppers Bundle laden shoppers don’t Often watch where they’re going, reminds the Oregon Traffic Safety Commission. Be pre­ pared for the careless pedes­ trian who might step into your path. For Sale REAL ESTA I E 63 ACRES, OLD OWYHEE water, 43 irrigated. $26,- I 000, one-third down. I TWO BEDROOMS UP, TWO tiedrooms down - finished } basement, two fireplaces, 1 dishwasher, disposal, built-in oven and range. Two carports, wall to wall carpets. Bedroom andliv- • ing room upstairs, some furniture. On an acre. S Priced to sell at $16,500. 5 TWO - BEDROOM HOME, nice yard A trees, gar­ den, garage, with base­ ment. On paved street, $11,000. ; TWO - BEDROOM HOME, i Wall to wall ca rpetirig, ■ basement. $15,000. » TWO - BEDROOM HOME « with part basement, gar- age, paved street. South ' side. $7,000. i * FARM I DANS ‘ BOB THOMPSON _______ DIAL 372-3355 HIGHEST PRICES PAID f< r slaughter horses. Clyde Smith. Phone 889 8666. On­ tario, Ore., across from the Ontario Sales Yard. 1-tfc WATKINS PRODUC TS, 420 Maple St., Nyssa. Phone372- SPRINGER COWS and Helf­ 2648, after 6 P.M, 49-3tc ers. Also feeder- and stock­ cattle. Jim Ackerman at C. Clyde Smith’s office, across from Ontario Sale Yard. ★ HELP WANTED Phone 889-8666. 1-tfc NYSSA NO. 2834 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court Of the State of Oregon For the County of Malheur In the Matter of the Estate of MARTIN G. GREIG, Deceased TO CREDITORS NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned rias been appointed administratrix of the estate of Jimmie Ann Hatch, deceased, by the County Court ot the State of Oregon for Mal­ heur County arid has qualified. Al) persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law re­ quired, to the undersigned at law office of Max S. Tag­ gart, 71 SW Third Avenue, On­ tario, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated November 9, 1967. Billie F. Wright, Administra­ trix. Melvin L. Walter, Attorney for Estate, 71 SW Third Ave­ nue, Ontario, Oregon. First Publication: November 9, 1967. Final Publication: December 7, 1967. CALL FOR BIDS SEALED BIDS will be receiv­ ed at the Office of the City Manager, City Hall, 14 South 3rd Street, Nyssa, Oregon until 5:00 P.M., Mountain Standard Time Tuesday, December 12, 1967 and will be publicly open­ ed at 8:00 P.M. the same day, in the City Council room at the above address. The City of Nyssa reserves the right to reject any/or all bids, waive informalities and/or accept the lowest responsible bid as per following quotation for: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Iona M. Greig, administratrix of the es­ tate of Martin G. Greig, de­ BABY SITTER IN MY HOME ceased, has filed her Final sometimes by hour, day, Account as said administratrix week. Good pay. Write 301 * WANTED TO RENT in the County Court of Malheur N. 5th St. Nyssa, Ore. 97913 County, Otegon, and that said 44-tie TWO- OR THREE-BEDROOM Court has appointed Monday, house. Phone 372-3104. nc December 18, 1967, at 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of said day for the hearing of objections * FOR SALE - PETS to said Final Account and the settlement thereof. FOR SALE ONE (1) NEW 1968 STANDARD FREE. THREE MALE DOGS. MODEL FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. NOW, THEREFORE, all LIVESTOCK Weimaraner-Black Labrador persons interested in the estate cross, eight weeks old. Phone Specifications are available of Martin G. Greig, deceased, W. A. Barton, 372-3423. at the Clerk’s office in Nyssa ABS - PROVED SIRES. Ex­ are notified and required to 49-2tc City Hall. - /s/ Fred O. Koch, perienced technician. Phone appear at the County Court City Manager. 889-9484. 49-2tc Published December 7, 1967. Room in the Court House at Vale, ...aiheur County, Oregon, at said time, to then and there * FOR SALE Go Classified show cause, if any there be, ____ AUTOS_______ why said Account should not be settled, allowed and ap­ proved and said e s t a t e dis­ 1959 FORD GALAXIE. In good THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE. tributed and said administratrix condition. Call 372-3332. Attached carport. Spa­ cious lot. $8,500, with 48-2tC discharged. Dated and first p u b 11 s h e d THREE - BEDROOM HOME $1,000 down. Monthly pay­ 1965 FORD RANCHERO WITH November 16, 1967. ments, $60. With new furnace, carpet­ Date of last publication, Dec­ automatic transmission-Call ed living room and main 200-ACRE ROW-CROP and after 8 p.m. 724-5203. 49-3tc ember 14, 1967. bedroom. Attached garage. STOCK RANCH. Pump out /s/ Iona M. Greig, Admin­ Excellent location. $14,500 of Snake river. Good istratrix of the estate of Martin LARGE HOUSE. Divided into three-bedroom home, with G. Greig, deceased. Two apartments. Also small full basement. $74,500. 29 * WORK WANTED house on back of lot. Pre­ percent down. sent income, $95 per month. Full price only $6,000. MEL BECK IRONING TO DO IN MY HOME. _ FOR — Esther Reitenbaugh, 715 No. REAL ESTATE Other Listings Including 3rd St., Nyssa. Dial 372- BODY WORK 3195. 49-2tp Commercial Properties 214 North Main - PH. 372-3532 PAINTING AND EASTMAN NYSSA, OREGON For Sale REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE For Sale LAND LEVELING & SUBSOILING For Sale REAL ESTATE ONE ACRE, 1-1/4 MILES north of Nyssa. Two-bed­ room basement house. Large well. Two-car gar­ age, 30 x 60. Three-stall, three sided garage in rear. Frontage for highway business. Cash or terms. THREE - BEDROOM HOME Like new. Fireplace, car­ peting. Nearly 1,400 square feet, plus attached double­ garage. Lot 90 x 120. Financing. 512 North Eighth St., Nyssa NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY 105 Main St., Nyssa, Oregon WE ARE AVAILABLE FOR LAND LEVELING this fall. Cats and rubber - tired equipment available. Also crushed gravel for road­ ways, and gravel for drain fields. C.E. Leseberg WINDSHIELD Glass Installation (FREE ESTIMATES) RAY S BODY & PAINT SHOP 505 M. ST. PH. 372-3524 NYSSA, OREGON CONTRACTOR Phone 372-3323 37tfc BATTERIES See Us for Plumbing and Heating 6 VOLT $8.95 UP 12 VOLT $14.95 UP PLUS EXCHANGE Elliott Tire Stores, Ine. Nyssa - 372-2270 Vale - 473-3935 Real Estate Insuranee 315 Main St. Phone 372-3535 NYSSA, OREGON WE SELL Jacuzzi Pumps and SERVICE All Makes! PHONES Days ..372-2266 Nights . .372-3377 Or 889-877S EDER Hardware NYSSA, OREGON Sales - Service WEEKLY SPECIALS 1967 MUSTANG $2695 EDER PLUMBING AND HEATING Ph. 372-3377 Or 372-3325 1965 MUSTANG $1595 $595 ¡4 DR. SEDAN, 6 Cyl., standard transmission, . radio, heater- (Special this week only) <1959 CHEVROLET ELCAMINO SEE US -FOR- 6 Cylinder, 3-speed, radio, heater 1963 PLYMOUTH OK USED CARS! 1966 CAPRIS 2 DR.HARDTOP V-8, Automatic transmission, power steering V-8, Automatic transmission, power steering, radio, heater $795 I V-8, 3 speed, radio, heater. Exterior and interioi I like new and exceptionally good engine ! GENTRY FORD SALES, ING ! i Malheur County’s ONLY FORD DEALER - For Ford Cars, Trucks; Mercurys, Mustangs andT-Birds 490 So. Oregon MONDAY - FRIDAY (7 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.) 7:00 - Captain Kangaroo (CBS-C) 8:00 - CBS News (C) 8:25 - KBOI News t*:30 - Jack LaLanne Show (C) 9:00 - Andy of Mayberry (CBS) 9:30 - General Hospital (ABC) 10:00 - Love of Life (CBS-C) 10:25 - CBS News (C) 10:30 - Search For Tomorrow (CBS-C) 10:45 - Guiding Light (CBS-C) 11:00 - Secret Storm (CBS-C) 11:30 - As The World Turns (CBS-C) 12:00 - Love Is A Many Splendored Thing 12:30 - Houseparty (CBS-C) 1:00 - To Tell The Truth (CBS-C) 1:25 - KBOI News 1:30 - Edge of Night (CBS-C) 2:00 - Mike Douglas Show (C) 3:30 - Merv Griffin Show