THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1967 I APPLE VALLEY % Ry Mrs, Waldo Smalley APPLE VALLEY - Mrs. Lulu Standal was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Springen. Mr. and Mis. Roy Rucker and family were Thanksgiving day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rucker at Boise. Joe Kellogg underwent sur- gery last Thursday at Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario. He was released Saturday and is recuperating at his home. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Van Order and Jill of Nampa, Rodney Roades of Nyssa. Virgil Seward was a Nov. 29 overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. l , v THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Dwight Seward. Mrs. Seward visited Monday with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Hugh Pierce in Boise. Mi. and Mr. I.loyd Ditti* Visited Eriday evening with Ids parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Dibble at Nampa. Sue attended the Madrigal SingersConcert at Northwest Nazarene college. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ditti* and baby of Boise were Sunday evening visitors in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble. Mi. and Mrs. Earl Boston were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shippy at Weiser. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffin and Lori, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hom y of Caldwell were Eriday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Darlene Honey and family at < ahlwell Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eritts, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tuning returned Imme recently from a five-day trip to the San Francisco area. They visited Mr, and Mrs. Henry Tuning, Mr, and Mis. Richard Tuning and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cearley at Hayward. Mrs. Charles Simmons, Greg and Ann of Boise were week­ end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nic hols. Mr. and Mrs. Eay Collins went to Pendelton over the Thanksgiving weekend to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ennor. Tlie Ennors spent last weekend with (lie Collins couple. Another guest was Hilda Collins of Boise. Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Robinson of Wilder, Mr. and Mrs.Charley Willis of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Price of Ontario were last Thursday afternoon visitors in the L. R. Price home. Mr. and Mrs. William Price of Ontario BIG BEND NEWS I By Goldie Roberts BIG BEND - Mrs. Verl Bis­ hop entertained Nov. 28 for members of the advisory com­ mittee for county home exten­ sion. Mrs. Dyre Roberts visited Nov. 29 with Mrs. Agnes Mc­ Clure in Caidwell Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood and Roger were Sunday gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wood in Nyssa. The dinner honored their grandson, Michael on his birthday anniversary. Mmes. Varner Hopkins, Boyce Van deWater and Les­ ter Campbell attended a recent mission circle meeting at the were Sunday guests of the Price couple. PAGE THREE | home of Mrs. Alta Graham near Parma. Mr. and Mrs. John Packwood called Sunday at the Carl Pack­ wood home in Arena Valley. Carl Packwood is recovering from recent surgery. Mrs. Mary Auker returned home Sunday evening after spending two weeks with the Don Costley family in Portland. Little Shelley Costley returned Eriday to her home following kidney surgery and is repotted to be recovering rapidly. Charlie Olsen is a patient at Holy Rosary hospital inOntario where he was taken on the morning of Nov. 28, after suf­ fering a stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Agnes McClure in Caldwell. Mrs. Lavona Porter of Pay­ ette visited Friday with Mrs. Edythe Prosser. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett were Sunday d'nner guests of “There Is more to Home­ Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bennett. making than cooking and Mrs. Phil Clucas and Mrs. cleaning.’’ This was the state­ Bill Van deWater attended a ment of a Homemaking I stu­ Nov. 28 meeting of the J.O. Y. dent who has just begun her mission circle at the home of study of Homemaking tasks. Mrs. Christine Ixtwe. Presently, the Home Ec I Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny ciasses are studying interior took Mrs. Charlie Olsen to visit decorating. To incorporate the her husband Sunday afternoon at newly acquired knowledge of Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario. color co-ordination and the Mr. and Mrs. John Packwood creation of optical illusions in visited Saturday with Mrs. interior decorating, Mrs. Bessie Musgrove at the Cald­ Virginia Steffens asks the girls well care center. to evaluate and redecorate their Mrs. Edythe Prosser kept the own bedrooms. To show actual Carroll twins Saturday while examples of these techniques Mrs. Jim Carroll and Mrs. in use, Mrs. Steffens took th« Dyre Roberts took Mary, Becky girls on a field trip totter home and Susan on their first bus November 21. The girls are ride to Boise in observance of Mary's ninth birthday anniver­ wrestling tournament in Nyssa Saturday when Ricky wrestled sary. Mis. Chet Smith, Mrs. Pearle for Parma high school, winning Abbott and family attended a two matches and losing two. Students Reveal Activities In MIS Homemaking Department also developing study centers within their own rooms. So far this year the girls have studied flower arrangement, covering boxes, and food pre­ servation. “If you fail to plan you must plan to fail.’* This was a state­ ment made in connection with the study of meal planning which the Home Ec 11 classes are currently studying. The girls are in the process of planning twenty-one separate menus. In connection with meal planning the girls must also prepare a grocery list, an in­ ventory of foods on hand, and the cost of such a menu plan. --NHS Bulldog. An adolescent is one who, when not treated like an adult, acts like an infant. Kraft's Marshmallow CREAM 4 Thriftway's Finest Beef*Tender and Delicious Boneless Delicious [ ground beef I r ED SNAPPER |D|CP|||TQ |DI0uUI 1 0 a 2=89‘ r POTATOES sa 39s Idaho Grown Russets U.S. No. 2's Regular and Buttermilk PRESERVES ’ aasr | FROZEN FOODS I | Treasure Chest Fresh Frozen SHRIMP 8-oz.^^ Western Family Birds E Oran AWAKE GRAPEFRUIT Texas Pink ET C g ^^VPkgs.^^^ T.- 69c COOKIES ( Freshly Baked E | ® ¿9* 4’’,85t Dozen $1 £ ■ 602 Main-Nyssa