4 PAGE SIX THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 19«7 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON located on the Roy Brewer farm. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sandler» No. 2527 Approved Order No 39, in and son. Waller; Mr and Mrs. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT the Matter ot Payment ot Charlie Starkail from Portland, In the County Court Claims, authorising the County spent last week with Mr. and Of the State of Oregon Auditor to Issue warrants tota Mrs. Cecil Houston. They did For the County of Malheur ling $6.690.37. notici : to creditors bird hunting while here, some In the Matter of the Estate of County Court approved the la- MEETING OF SEPTEMBER Judge Ellis A White wtthCom- reimburse $133.00 to Glen By Avo Moeller They left for their home Sun- LLOYD WELLS LEWIS •, 1967 missioners Jacob Fischer and Rose, et ux, and Gereu Long, suing of County Deeds to the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN et ux, paid by them on real following purchaser's of real Called to order by Judge Ellis E. W Maag present. Deceased ARCADIA - Members of the day. Saturday evening Mi. and that the undersigned has been property acquired through the Jim Pike of Moscow, Idaho property sold by mistake on the A. White with Commissioners Approved the resolution of Arcadia club met Nov. 10 at Mrs.___ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN appointed administratrix of the 1967 tax foreclosure sale: and his mother Beulah Pike Jacob Fischer and E W. Maag installing cattle guards on the 1967 Tax Foreclosure sale. that the undersigned, Dorothea the home of Mrs. George Moel The following claims were ap Count» Deed issued t the City estate of Jimmie Aim Hatch, present. Floyd McBride and Mike Need of Weiser called at the Houston ler. Mrs. Joe Bailey was a H. Mitchell, formerly Lewis, of N)ssa. a Municipal Corp., on deceased, by the County Court proved and ordered paid: Approved the resolution to ham roads. home. the following described real GFNEU L COUNTY FUND of the State of Oregon for Mal Executrix of the estate ofj.loyd visitor. Plans were made for reimburse $150 00 to John Approved Order No 38, In the Delbert Vik«»n of Seattle and the club ’ s annual Christmas Wells Lewis, deceased, has fil property: Lot 7, Block 79, Green JUSTICE COURT EXPENS heur County and has qualified. Stringer, on property that was Matter of Payment of Claim« his nephew, Hay Viken of Moro, sold by mistake at a public auc authorizing the County Au ES: A F Peters. Ontario, Tra Addition to the City of Nyssa. All persons having claims ed her Final Account as said party, to be held Dec. 18 at Ore., visited the former's sis Oregon. the home of Mrs. Neil Pat Postage $20.00; vel $72.50, Executrix in the County Court tion of County Tax Foreclosure ditor to issue warrants totaling against said estate are hereby ter, Mrs. L. E. Robbins and Count» Deed issued to the City E Otis Smith. Nyssa, Travel Sale on May 21, 1951 $70,916.75. notified to present the same, of Malheur County, Oregon, and terson. All memtiers are urged family over the holidays, of Nyssa, a Municipal Corp, on to be present, as secret sisters that said Court has appointed The following claims were $66.40; Mary F Graham, \ ate, duly verified as by law re Thursday turkey dinner guests The following claims were approved and ordered paid: Travel $95.40; U S. National the following described real quired, to th»» undersigned at Monday, January 8, 1968, at will be revealed and gifts ex property; Lots 12. 13. and 14. Court Witness approved and ordered paid: Bank. Circuit were Mr. and Mrs. Merlldean GENERAl COUNTY FUND changed. Mrs. Joe Bailey re 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon law office of Max S. Tag GENERAL COUNTY FUND SHERIFF OFFICE EXPENS $99.76; Circuit Court Witness Block 80. Greens Addition, city of said day for (he hearing of ceived the hostess gift at the Robbins and family, Mr. and of Nyssa. Oregon. gart, 71 SW Third Avenue, On CIRCUIT COURT EXPENS ES: Dept, of Motor Vehicles, 1 ee $75.68;NyssaJusticeCourt Mrs. Norvelle Robbins and fam County Deed issued to Julian tario, Oregon, within six months objections to said Final Account Nov. 10 meeting. ES: D. S Denning, Jr., Attorney Supplies $22.00; Estano's, Sup Witness Fees $62.08; Jurors ily, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winchell Mr. and Mrs. John Zitter- and the settlement thereof. R and Hazel Zimmerman, hus from the date hereof. $46.00; Ontario Argus Ob Fees $60 28; W F Schroeder. plies $12 02; Treasure Valiev cob left Sunday for Portland and Mrs. Zora Osborne. Friday MOW, THEREFORE, .<1! per Attorney Fees $60.66. Dated November 9, 1967. Community College. Law En server. Ontario J C. Office band and wife, on the following to spend a week with relatives. they were served a halibut din sons interested in the estate Supplies $10 00; Malheur Home described property: SE1/4 NW COUNTY COURT EXPENS forcement School $13.00 Billie F. Wright, Administra 1/4. Sec. 29. T. 32 S., R. Amy Stradley and Marguerite ner. Mr. and Mrs. l-ewellyn Telephone, OntarioJ. C. $15.60. of Lloyd Wells l ewis, deceased, ES: Jacob Fischer. Special JAIL EXPENSES: Vale* Sup trix. TRAVEL EXPENSES: Stan 41 EWM , Malheur County, Ore Meetings J100 00; Travel pl. Co», Housekeeping $11 48; are notified and required to ap Moss left Nov. 22 by Bus to Rolibiiis and family of Baker, Melvin L. Walter, Attorney $29.42; E Maag. Special Nursing Home Linens $25.93; dard Oil of Calif., Sheriff $41. - gon pear at the County Court Hcxim spend the holiday week-endwith Mr. and Mrs. Austin Robbins County Deed issued to C. C for Estate, 71 SW Third Ave in th*» Court House at Vale, their son, and daughter, Mi, of Lincoln Heights joined them Assessor $7 17; Health Meetings $25 <0; Ellis A. White Dentingers Feed 4 Seed, 13; nue, Ontario, Oregon. Travel $713- Housekeeping 89C; Ml W Mar Dept Travel $4.31; Continental Cunningham and Huth M. Cun and Mrs. Bill Stradley and Saturday for an oyster dinner. First Publication: November Malheur County, Oregon, at said TRAVEL EXPENSES: Vale ket. Food $13 39; Dee Lite Bak Oil Co.. Sheriff $19.94; Union ningham. husband and wife, on The seaftxxi was furnished by time, to then and (here show family. the'following described property: ^67. Coop, Sheriff$183. 53; Assessor ery. Food $39.40; Ontario Gro Oil Co of Cal . Sheriff $10.56; Delbert VII m "f tattle. cause, if any there be, why Dinner guests on Thanks Final Publication: December $60 83; Health Dept. $81.82; cery Co , Food $7.62; Sites Sil Goodman Oil Co., Health Dept. Lot 5, Block 14. in Sec. 27, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers, said Account should not be set giving day in the John Zitter- Juvenile $58 31; Weed Control ver Wheel Freightlines, Inc., $4.90; James G. Taylor, Juve T. 23 S., R. 37, EWM., Out 7, 1967, tled, allowed and approved and cob home were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers look. Malheur Co., Oregon. $760 69; Kessler Chevrolet. Freight on Food $828 92; H 4E nile $7.25. said estate distributed and said Harold Dall and family, Mr. returned home Friday from County Deed issued to Pac CIRCUIT COURT EXPENS Sheriff $27.05; Juvenile $22.75; Egg Co., Food $11.10; Ore- No. 2999 and Mrs. Theo Matherly and Madras, Ore., where they had Executrix discharged. Howards Texaco Station, Sher Ida Foods, Inc., Food $39.79. ES: Carl Burnham. Jr., Attor ific Land and Livestock Co., iff $29 95; Cables Chevrolet Thanksgiving dinner with Mr NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dated and first published Gearld Zittercob. TRAVEL EXPEJBES: Far ney Fees $129.36; Daryl Fill inc , on the following described Co , Sherlff$54 81; Gentry Ford mers Supply Coop. Assessor more, Witness Advance Travel property: SW1 4SE1/4, Sec. 25, November 30, 1967. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin and Mrs. Ralph Phifer and In the County Court T. 30. R 41 Sale». Sheriff $33.84; Health $3.80; Towells Automotive Re $111.00. Date of last publication, Schnabel and family dined at the family. Of the State of Oregon The following claims were Dept $12.95; Elliott Tire Co., pair, Assessor $6.00; Gib's OFFICE EXPENSES: Depart home of his sister, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Parley Eeik December 28, 1967. For the County of Malheur Sheriff $97.40; Juvenile $11.76. Beeline Service, Juvenile ment of Motor Vehicles. Sher approved and ordered paid: /s/ Dorothea H. Mitchell, Mrs. Dale Danke and family were last Thursday guests in In the Matter of the Estate of GENERAL COUNTY FUND VARIOUS EXPENSES: Gar $21.25; Joseph Maughan, Vet iff Office $22.00; Estano's, She Executrix of the estate of Lloyd in Payette on Thanksgiving day. the J. W. Everton home at CARRIE MAY BAKER The Malheur Enterprise, rett Freightlines, Inc., Freight erans $53.29; Mae Ady, Medi riff Supplies$12.02;Idaho Power Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard Nampa. $6.59; Public Employees Re care $45 36; Ruth Ussing, Me Co.. Sheriff Radio $2.00; Jail Clerk Office Supplies $65.00; also known as Carrie Mae Wells Lewis, deceased. entertained with Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stephen tirement Board. Nursing Home dicare $5 06; Emma Matones^ $18 07; Courthouse $561.69, Assessor Supplies $13.70; U. Baker, dinner, for Mr. and Mrs. Marvin son, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cin- NO. 2834 Deceased. $114.81; General Countv $899.- $55.04; Waldo Forsman, Abun Nursing Home $164.33; Nursing S. National Bank, General NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Jensen and family of Boise, dell and son, Mr. and Mrs. 9«; Mental Health$47.96; Med dant Food $10.04. Home Housekeeping $48.50; County Payroll $22,853.85; U Mr. and Mrs. George Boyack J. A. Cindell and family, Mr. icare $2618; Migrant Health In the County Court OFFICE SUPPLIES: Monroy George F. Cake. Co., Sheriff S National Bank. Nursing Home that the undersigned has been $47.82. Of the State of Oregon and Nancy Bullard and family, and Mrs. Dean Winchester and appointed administratrix of the International, Assessor $1.50; Supplies $50.95; Malheur Drug, Payroll $1,725.80; GENERAL ROAD FUND GENERAL ROAD FUND: Id estate of Carrie May Baker, Sheriff Supplies $6.45; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Long, Lee family were last Thursday din For the County of Malheur Burroughs Corp», Auditor $37.- Inc., ROAD MAINTENANCE: Pub 18; Stevens-Ness Law Publi Health Dept. Supplies $2.00; aho Power Co., Tires 4 Shop also known as Carrie Mae In the Matter of the Estate of Dail and family. ner guests at the Art Richard lic Employees Retirement shing Co», D. A. $36.90; Nyssa Nursing Home Medical Supplies Expense $32 53; Malheur Home Baker, deceased, by the County MARTIN G. GREK., Mr. and Mrs. Marvin son home in Boise. Board, Soc Sec. $210.06; C. J. P $50 13; Westcott Electric, $43.14, A. C. Houston Lum Telephone. Road Dept. Office Schnabel and family visited Sun Deceased Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cindell Court of the State of Oregon E. Leseburg, Bishop Road Juvenile $21.25; Joseph Maugh ber Co., Sheriff Supplies $3.40; Expense $15.00; U S National NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN day with his mo I her, Mrs. and family moved last week work $5,378.26; Work on gravel an, Veterans $9.62. Courthouse Housekeeping $2.- Bank, County Road Dept. Pay for Malheur County, and has duly qualified as such. All that the undersigned, Iona M. Emanuel Schnabel in Payette, from ttie Bybee ranch on King pit at Willowcreek $967.99; JUSTICE COURT EXPENS 59; Robert G Ingram. Sheriff, roll $2.420.36. persons having claims against Greig, administratrix of the es and witti Mr. Schnabel who was avenue to a house on the Bytiee Blackline Asphalt Sales of Idaho ES: A. F. Peters, BOAT FUND: K. S. R V. Uniform Allowance $100.00. Ontario, Inc., Oil BiShopRoad$2,765.50; Power $7.00; Rent $50.00; Ja U S National Bank. Clerk Emergency Fund, County con said estate are hereby notified tate of Martin G. Greig, de in the Ontario hospital for ob ranch on Columbia avenue. | Symptom! ot Dlltret* ArlMni) Irony McDermitt Motel. Dist. * 6, nitor $3.75; Carl Lindstrom Supplies $22 00; Burroughs tribution for purchase of cor • to present the same, duly ceased, has filed her Final servation. $63.00; Ontario Pipe Supply, Ontario Witness $5.00; verified as required by law, Account as said administratrix Vale. Malheur County, Oregon, Joe Corp . Auditor Supplies $3.95; pressor of search 4 res Pipe $1,103.39; Vale Merc, Marquina. Witness $5.00; Bob Main Office Equipment Inc . cue work $300.00; to the undersigned at the law in the County Court of Malheur at said time, to then and there STOMACH ULCERS $21.96; Ontario Asphalt Paving Ady, Witness $5.00; Mildred D A Supplies $1.25; Kalbus LAW LIBRARY FUND: West offices of Henigson 4 Stunz, County, Oregon, and that said out TO EXCESS ACID show cause, if any there be, $90.00; A. C. Houston Lumber McNutt $5.00; C. O. Rock, Office Equip . D A. Supplies Publishing $54.00. Nyssa, Oregon, within six Court has appointed Monday, why said Account should not QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST COUNTY PAYROLL: New Em Co., $9 22; Bridge Repair Witness $5.00; Vivian Coons, $15.00; Health Dept. Supplies months from the date hereof. December 18, 1967, at 10:00 be settled, allowed and ap A»k About JS-Day Trial Offorf $65.16; Vale Coop $26.25; Re Witness $5.00; Marian Janssen $4 20. Norris 5C 4 $1.00 Store ployees 4 Employees termin o'clock in the forenoon of said proved and said estate dis ated Paul Penrol, Bailiff pair $32.67. — h <>vw ftv» mdliun *<’z»< IS« Witness $5.00; Mike Cassidy, Health Dept Supplies $13.50; /s/ Vallie Jean Davis, Ad day for the hearing of objections PARTS 4 OUTSIDE REPAIR: Witness $5.00; Harvey Kildow, Intermountain Surgical Supply, $81.00; Claudia Harms, Juve tributed and said administratrix WILLAHD ministratrix of the Estate of fox <•*<♦! M aymplotreU dxlr«Ma.WA« from to said Final Account and the Bakers Hardware $17.20; Han Witness $5.00; E. Otis Smith, Health Dept. Medical Supplies nile $250 00; Bill Ellis, Weed discharged. Memach »nd Ow»«anal Utaara dua Io ■». Carrie May Baker, also known settlement thereof. A«M — Dlgaetkaav, Boor aa Upoo* sens Sales $5.30;Kessler Chev Nyssa, Clerical $66.66, Phone $39.44; Medicare Supplies Control $374.00; Mae C. Ady. Dated and first pu bi I s hed ttamaah. Q om I rom . Haartkaaraa. »laaa NOW, THEREFORE, all November 16, 1967. Medicare $218.40; Ruth Us as Carrie Mae Baker, deceased. rolet $34.00; Peters de Laet 4 Utilities $20 66; Rent $60.00; $24 96; Parke Davis 4 Co., laaanaaa. ata . dua to Kacaaa AaM. Aak far persons interested in the estate $17.98; Vale Grain 4 Feed Janitor $12.50; Mary F. Gra Health Dept Medical Supplies sing Medicare $10.05; Viola •WlUarar. Maaaaaa” which fuUr aa*Mm Date of last publication, Dec iha Sxiu <roauiw.il fraa - «t $2.63; Oregon Radiator Salvage ham. Vale, Phone 4 Utilities $8.03; Stephen Fonda. Juvenile Ruckman, Medicare $108.30; Dated and first published of Martin G. Greig, deceased, ember 14, 1967. $32 50; Bensons Glass & Paint $22 91; Rent $55.00; Janitor Dept. $59 12; Pitney Bowes, Emma Matones. Migrant Health November 23, 1967. MICHAEL'S PHARMACY are notified and required to /s/ Iona M. Greig, Admin $300.00; $70.47; Western Bearing, Inc., $12.00; Office Supplies $10.00; Inc.. Postage $3.00. NYSSA I’HARMAt Y Last publication December appear at the County Court istratrix of the estate of Martin NURSING HOME: Patricia 21, 1967. $3.90; Northwest Gas 4 Oil Co., M G Palmer. Jordan Valley, Nyssa, Oregon COURTHOUSE EXPENSES: Room in the Court House at G. Greig, deceased. $25.85; Motor Fuel $15.12; Phone $10.00, Rent $30.00 Ontario Laundry, Housekeeping Gholson $216.00; Charlene Ba- Tires 4 Shop $564.60; Goodman COURTHOUSE EXPENSES: $8.00; A-l Business Machines. shon $248.40; Marian McClure Oil Co. $5.40; Service Parts City of Vale, Water $34.56; Office Equip., Maintenance$41. $10.00; Leila Moore; Linda Co , Bullock’s Auto Parts$80.- Nursing Home water $11.00; 50; International Business Wrenn. Jimmy Beryl Markham 90; Crosby’s Service Dist. #6 Aldred Electric Shop, Repairs Machines Corp., Office Equip. $120.00; Sandra Clark $162.00; $445.02; Long’s Service Center $32.73; Housekeeping $16.52; Maintenance 549.58; KelcoSup- Nancy D Jarrett $273.00; Ruby $90.70;. Ontario Amo Parts Vale Plumbing 4 Heating, Re ply Co., Office Equip. $26.87. Van Winkle $276.00; Elva A. $24.94; City of Vale $4.00. $151 20; Mildred L , BULLY CREEK PARK EX Klein pairs $36.30; Bullock Auto HIGHWAY APPORTION PENSES: Gordon Ford Tractor Moore $21.60. Parts, Repairs $24.34; Oregon MENT: Rural Road Assessment ROAD DEPT PAYROLL: Co., $10.32; Ross Burt, Mower Dist #2. $6,761.43; Dist #3 State College Extension Ser gas $20 80; Gold Seal Dust Mop Period ending 9/15/67: Virgil vice, County Service $4,903.75; $6,151 60; Dist, #4 $2,105.39; Business Mens A ssurance Co., Abundant Food Program $3.00. Maupin $213.84; Ted Wilson DiSt 45 $1,631.07. Marvin M'Kinne» medicare . M igrant $213.84; SPECIAL RELIEF FUND: $170.93; Scholes Printing Shop, Operating Contingency $16.50; DRUG 4 PHYSICIANS FUND: $213 94;Mllton McKinne» $213. - Martin Navarro $25.00. Apothecary Shop, Supplies$42 - 00; Albert Stoaks $187.00; Le- Meeting adjourned until Sep Idaho Blueprint 4 Supply Co., 73; Malheur Memorial Hospital Roy Wlon $185.94; Cecil Bar County Surveyor $3.74. tember 13, 1967. NURSING HOME EXPENSES: $159.50; Malheur Drug, Inc., nett $187 00; Freeland Park MEETING OF SEPTEMBER Vale Grain 4 Feed Co., House Migrant $62.45; Nyssa Phar-A $119.00; Marvin Clark $187.00. 13, 1967. Period ending 9/31/67 Carl keeping $38.00; E. R. Budge, acy, Migrant $58.85; Mich Called to order by County Housekeeping $15.00; Ametek, ael’s Pharmacy, Migrant Sperling $500 00; Paul Hale Inc., Housekeeping $ 53.70; $111 44; Wilson's Drue Mi $475.00; Virgil Maupin$194.40; Don's Small Engine Repair, grant $17.45; Ontario Clinic, Tedd Wilson $223.56; Milton $170 00; Albert Housekeeping $14.55; Decker Migrant $97.00; Eugene G. McKinney LeRoy Wlon Bros., Inc., Housekeeping$19.- Carroll, M. D., Migrant Phy Stoaks $170 00; 50; Bakers Hardware, House sicians $14.00; John H. Gordon, $170 00; Cecil Barnett $170.00; FIRST NAT INK OF OREGON keeping $2 80; Blake Moffitt 4 M. D. Migrant Physicians Freeland Park $17.00; Marvin Towne, Housekeeping $12.90; $14.00; David W. Sarazin. M. Clark $136.00; Marvin McKin Bi-Rite Variety, Housekeeping D. Migrant Physicians $147.50; ney $194.00. M «eting adjourned until Octo $2 24; Eddy’s Bread, Food$46.- Augustus M. Tanaka, M. D., 62, Home Dairies, Food Physicians $168.50; Ontario ber 4, 1967. /s/ Ellis A White $153.81; Beckers Market, Food Clinic, Migrant Physicians County Judge $345.55; Bernard Food Indus $10 00; Kerby, Danford, 4 Pfaff /s/ Jacob Fischer tries, Inc., Food $97.60; Idaho Clinic, Migrant Physicians County Commissioner Foods Products, Inc., Food $34.00; J. R. Mann, M. D., /s/ E. W. Maag $248.07; Boyds Coffee Cot. Food Physicians Fund $42.50; A. H. County Commissioner $18.66; Dept, of Finance 4 Kuyendall, M. D., Migrant hos Adm. Food$10. 50; Russell Pro pital fund $165.00; Holy Rosary GOOD THRU duce, Food $10.00; Josie Hager Hospital, Medicare Supplies Food $12 75; Shirley Jones, $8 50; Migrant in-service hos NYSSANS TO ATTEND Food $42.00; Malheur Propane pital funds $1,046.74. Propane $125.12;Intermountaln BOAT FUND: Standard Oil FELLOWSHIP MEETS Surgical Co., Equip. $169.94. Co. of Calif., Expense for Sher ABUNDANT FOOD PRO iff on rescue work $6.70. Each year, junior high and A GRAM EXPENSES: Dept of Gen Meeting adjourned until Sep high school students of the t eral Services Surplus $272.50; tember 27, 1967. Christian Church (Disciples of Adrian Investment Co., Rent MEETING OF SEPTEMBER Christ) gather in District $100.00; Mrs. Wilda Forsman, 27, 1967. World Youth Fellowship Janitorial $45.00; Gold Seal Called to order by County meetings for inspiration and Dust Mop Service, $3.00; On Judge Ellis A. White withCom- tario Sanitary Service $2.50; missioners Jacob Fischer and study. Eastern Oregon district meets will be December 1 and Ontario Laundry 4 Cleaners E W. Maag present $4.00; City of Ontario $5.40; ( The County Court adopted the 2 at Pendleton for junior high Ontario Paint 4 Glass Co., resolution to vacate the fol youth, and in Milton-Freewater $5.18. lowing streets in the corrected for high school students. : MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC plat of Oregon 4 Western Col Pastor Wallace Prowell, will EXPENSES: Dr. Joseph Burdic onization Co. Subdivision, Sec be a group leader at the high Psychiatric $180.00; Dr. tion 33, T. 17 S., R. 47 E.W. Charles Stromber, Psycholo M.; Vacate E. 4 E. 25’ street school session. Allen Prowell gical $180.00; Blair Whipple, lying between Lots 32, 33, 34, will be attending the Chi-Rho Your BankAmericard is ideal for Christmas shopping. Here's why: Everything when the name is Travel $31.86; Malheur Home 35, 36, and Lots 37, 38, 39, meet at Pendleton. They will KitchenAid. It stands for de Telephone Co., $23.35; Holy 40, 41, all in Block 5; Also, be traveling with the Ontario fl Immediate credit at H If you want to make a gift pendability. KitchenAid dish Rosary Hospital, Answering vacate N. & S. 25’ street bet- 1 Christian church pastor and washers are built by specialists Service $15.00. Rent 4 Janitor ween Lots 33, 38, and Lots young people. thousands of stores, for practically of money, or need cash for with over 80 years’ experience $62.00; Harcourt, Brace 4 34, 29, all in Block 5; Also, anything you want to buy holiday shopping, |ust present In building dishwashers. Dish World, Inc., Office Supplies N. 4 S street lying between washers built better to work your BankAmericard at any First D You receive just one bill Thirty is a wonderful age - $7.20; The Psychological Corp., Lots 35, 40, and Lots 36, 41, better and last longer. And there National Branch for a cash especially if you happen to be Office Supplies $5.00; Ontario all in Block 5: the above streets are other great reasons why a covering all BankAmericard advance; pay back later with forty. ArgL„ Observer, Supplies KitchenAid dishwasher is purchases; write just one check extended payment terms $19.60; Blair Whipple, Petty your best buy. See us today. Cash $11.75. B No charge if you pay within Nyssa Legionnaires & Auxiliary Women GENERAL ROAD FUND: U. S National Bank, Payroll, per 25 days of your statement date; iod ending 9/15/67, $1.828.39. extended payment for additional INVITE SPECIAL RELIEF FUND: months with a small service charge Ontario Pharmacy $2.00; Mi COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS l4*gal Notices [ AROUND I ARCADIA B ank ? I DISHWASHERS DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE DEALER STORE NYSSA, OREGON z chael’s Pharmacy $1.75; Vale Coop $3.64. BOAT FUND: Vale Coop $7.78. Meeting adjourned until Sept ember 20, 1967. MEMBERS, THEIR FAMILIES, FRIENDS; EX-SERVICEMEN AND THEIR FAMILIES TO A POTLUCK DINNER-CHRIST- MAS PARTY. MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1967. Called to order withCommis- sioners Jacob Fischer and E. W. Maag present. Approved by resolution to GIFT EXCHANGE (WOMEN FOR WOMEN - MEN FOR MEN) CHILDRENS’ GIFTS WILL BE FURNISHED Thur»., Dec. 7 - 7 P. M. - Legion Hall Bring Covered Dish-Own Table Service * Senriftmarht owned «fid lte«n»«d by RankAiMrie» larvica Cargeritian *1 I I RICARD.