Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, November 16, 1967, Page 6, Image 6

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Malheur Grangers
Install Officials
.Approximately 85 Grangers
and friends attended a Nov. 8
meeting for installation of of­
ficers, at Boulevard Grange
Frank Holub move to the Carl
By Freda Astoreca
Simpson place Sunday.
Officers from Oregon Trail
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Niel­
No. 687, Boulevard No. 389, Price attended a meeting of the sen. Mr. and Mrs. James Lang­
Vale No. 696, Oregon Slope Owyhee garden club held Friday ley visited Sunday evening in
No. 713, Ontario Heights No. in the home of Mrs. Ray Strick­ the Elver Nielsen home.
917 and Big Bend No. 946 were land.
Mrs. Clara Price and Shu-
installed by Mrs. William G.
Mr. and Mi s. Ira Price, Irvin gay Share attended the football
Ross, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Topliff and Ernie Metcalf spent game Saturday at Vale. There
Blaine Girvin, Mr. and Mrs. from Friday until Sunday in they met Linda Albritton,
Harold Westcott, Mrs. Elwood Spokane where they attended daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob­
Standage, William G. Ross, all a Co-op meeting.
ert Albritton and granddaughter
of Vale, and Mrs. William Win-
Mrs. Frank Holub and Mrs. of the Price couple. She was
neford of Harper. Members of Ira Price attended an alumni attending the game as a drum
several granges made up the extension women’s meeting majorette for bidependence
vocal chorus.
Friday at the home of Mrs. Central high school.
Oregon Trail Grange won the Dyre Roberts in Big Bend.
attendance count award with
Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Astoreca
23 members present. A pot­ and girls visited Sunday evening
luck dinner was served by wo­ with Mr. and Mrs. Don Bivins
men of Boulevard Grange.
and daughter in Boise,
Duplicate bridge winners for
Mike Robb spent the week­ the master point play session
end with his grandmother. Mae held Nov. 13, have been an­
Lytle in Roswell. Mrs. Lytle nounced by Mrs. Houston Wil­
and Lee Davis were Sunday son, hostess for the weekly
NO. 2834
dinner guests in the Wayne parties.
First place honors went to
In the County Court
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin the hostess and John Wilson.
Of the State of Oregon
spent several days last week
Mrs. K. A. Danford andCharles
For the County of Malheur
at Lakeview where they at­
In the Matter of the Estate of tended a State soil conservation Michael were second place win­
ners. Third place honors went
to Maryann Beck and Alice
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Wilson
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and Clay of Moses Lake, Wash., Whyman, with fourth honors
that the undersigned, Iona M. recently spent several days with going to Vivian Wilson and Alice
Greig, administratrix of the es­ Mr. and Mrs. George Folkman. Hickox.
Next session will be Nov. 20
tate of Martin G. Greig, de­ The Wilsons and Folkmans
ceased, has filed her Final stayed in Boise two days while in the Houston Wilson home.
Account as said administratrix Mrs. Floiman underwent treat­ It will be a trophy party.
in the County Court of Malheur ments, following recent sur­
County, Oregon, and that said gery at St. Alphonsus hospital.
Court has appointed Monday, She reports that she is feeling PINOCHLE PARTIES
December 18, 1967, at 10:00 much better now.
Members of the Wednesday
o’clock in the forenoon of said
Saturday visitors in the Folk­ afternoon pinochle club met last
day for the hearing of objections
to said Final Account and the man home were Mr. and Mrs. week in the home of Mrs. S. C.
Carl Simpson, Esther Stephen, McConnell.
settlement thereof.
High score prize went to
NOW, THEREFORE, all Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers.
persons interested in the estate Sunday callers were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schoen, low score
of Martin G. Greig, deceased, Mrs. Delbert Garner, Mr. and award to Mrs. Ered Guthrie
are notified and required to Mrs. Dewey Garner, Mr. and and traveling prizes to Mrs.
Charlie Zinn and Mrs. Orma
appear at the County Court Mrs. Brent Folkman.
Mr. and Mrs. KennethChard, Cleaver.
Room in the Court House at
Next party will be held Nov.
Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, Lance and Steve, and the lat-
at said time, to then and there ters friend of Boise were Sun­ 15 at the home of Mrs. Cleaver.
show cause, if any there be, day dinner guests of the Elver
The grass may be a lot green­
why said Account should not Nielsens.
James Langley and Elver er on the other side of the
be settled, allowed and ap­
proved and said e s t a t e dis­ Nielsen helped Mr. and Mrs. fence; but then again, the neigh­
bor’s water bill is probably
tributed and said administratrix
lot higher.
Dated and first published COUNTY COW
November 16, 1967.
Date of last publication, Dec­ BELLES MEET
ember 14, 1967.
Malheur county Cow Belles
/s/ Iona M. Greig, Admin­
istratrix of the estate of Martin met in regular session Monday
at East Side cafe for a no host
G. Greig, deceased.
luncheon. Present were IZ
members and one guest, Mrs.
Holcombs Entertain Hugh Lackey.
Mrs. Adah Schweizer of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb
entertained at a dinner party Nyssa, new president, opened
Saturday evening in honor of her the meeting and rejaorts were
father, Russell Cochran of given on the Oregon state con­
Nyssa and his sister, Mrs. ference held at Portland Nov.
Grace Stephenson of St. Fran­ 1-4. Mrs. Bert Hawkins of On­
tario was elected State second-
cis, Kans.
Other guests were the Hol­ vice president. She also won a
combs’ three sons, Delwin of saddle at a drawing, sponsored
Grangeville, Idaho; lAiane and by the Oregon State Cattlemen’s
Rodney and their families, and association.
The Tri-county meeting will
Mrs. Dale Garrison, all of
be held Dec. 1 in Burns. Next
Mrs. Stephenson arrived Nov. local session will be Dec. 11
6 and left Sunday to visit a at Vale, and there will be a
Christmas gift exchange.
daughter in San Francisco.
Bridge Winners
Legal Notice
DENNY JONES, JlNTl'RA RANCHER, was elected President
of the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association at its annual conven­
tion in Portland last weekend. He succeeds Larry Williams
of Canyon City. Other officers elected were Fred Phillips,
Keating, First Vice-President; Mel Tingle, Madras, Second Vice-
President, Gordon Stanley, Eagle Point, Second Vice-Pre­
sident; Ron Baker, Hermiston, Second Vice-President; Dick
Dowan, Riley, Second Vice-President; Charlie Kopp, Pilot
Rock, Second Vice-President; Lloyd Sletto, Lyons, Second
Vice-President; Jerry Breese, Prineville, was re-elected Trea­
surer. Donald Ostensoe, Portland, who has been the manager of
Association since last spring, was given a new post with
title of Executive Vice-President. Pat Ream, Prineville,
retained as Office Manager. AH second vice-presidents
elected from five districts in Oregon, with the exception
of one second vice-president’s post which automatically goes
to the cattle feeders representative. In this year’s election,
cattle feeders elected Ron Baker as their feeder representa-
tive. The Oregon Cattlemen also selected Ontario for their
convention in 1968.
Water Heatim
Call Us for
Victor R. Haburchak,
Phone 372-3545
Nyssa Newcomers
Mr. and Mrs. William Rush
and four children recently
moved to Nyssa from Florence,
They owned and operated the
Rainbow Upholstery shop there,
but after one and one-half years
found that the damp weather
was not good for the children,
Mrs. Rush said.
They are living just north­
east of Nyssa where their new
shop is located. They do all
types of upholstering, their
slogan is ‘Your Satisfaction is
Our Success’.
The Rush couple is not new
to the area. He was raised at
Weiser and Mrs. Rush at
AFTER SEVERAL HOURS of afternoon work
in the Kreager beet fields, suddenly it was
dessert-coffee time for the volunteer friends,
compliments of women members of Owyhee
Riding club who also served a ’bang-up* free
meal at noon. With help from Marguerite Moss
who works at The Merc and is one of the
riding club members, Hus Journal reporter
tried to identify those in the picture. Some
of them we were sure of, and on others we
By Mrs.
at the end of
your rope over
the cost of
auto insurance?
buy dependable low-co$f
.. offering
real advantages
Beef Cattle
Full Feed
nA ..
- _
* <*.■
•ÏK .7’’
protection at
substantial savings
Easy-pay plan
Our personal
lo'clized service
117 Good Ave.
Phone 372-2201
Mr. and Mis. Ronald Rook-
Mi s. Luella Breneman of On­
tario spent Friday with Mr. and stbol and family of Nyssa were
Mrs. Ed Sells. Mrs. Sell's Sunday evening dinner guests of
brother, Charles Hawkins of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool.
Ashton and her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Hawkins oft aidwell
were also Friday guests. Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence ¡law kins and
Have trouble understanding
family of la Puenta, Calif.,
the words, but hear the
were Saturday guests in the
sounds? Know ahearingaid
Sells home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul
will help, but just won’t
Tuttle of Notus were Sunday
pay the ridiculous prices?
dinner guests.
I can show you bow to
Out-of-area relatives who
at least $100 00 on
visited in the Jack Wilson home
the style or type hearing
last week were Mr. and Mrs.
aid you prefer. "CAP­
Stanley Jackson of Vancouver,
SULES, all-in ear,” BE­
Wash., Fred Harrison of Port­
land, Mr. and Mrs. Conley W il­
GLASS. American made.
son of Pinehurst, Ida., Mrs.
Just slip in your ear and
Donna Fuller and daughter of
hear better. I will send
Orofino, Ida., Mr. and Mrs.
you a free try, write -
Lorin Morgan of Cambridge,
Mis. Bertha Vinson of Notus.
Mary Jane Akens
Mr. ami Mrs. Floyd Betts
of Nampa visited Saturday with
Box 2095, Boise, Ida. 83706
Mrs. Helen W ilson.
Our Pilgrim Forefathers conceived Thanksgiving as a
day to stop and take stock of all the good things in
life. They had, as we do today, a constant threat of
upheaval. They too were beset by problems — eco­
nomic, political — big and small — but they found
the time, once each year, to thank God and thank
each other for all the good things they enjoyed
We are thankful for the opportunity we have of being
part of a thriving community and for you, our friends
and customers, whom we are privileged to serve. We
pledge our continued efforts to be worthy of your
Use the most completely controlled cattle researched
program ever developed . Lei us work for you in
research, buying, preparation and quality
Farmers Feed & Seed
Waldo Smalley
Leigh and her sister, Mrs. R. B.
Breshears visited Nov. 7 with
relatives in Boise. Mrs. Leigh
visited Sunday in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bowlin.
Krysten Mitchell of Fruitland
was a week-end guest of ixiri
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nichols
entertained with dinner Sunday
for their children who were
home for a visit. Guests were
Mr. and Mrs. 1.. D. Walburn
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Nichols and family of Nyssa,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nichols
and children of Nu Acres, Mr.
and Mrs. Ren Nash and family
of Idaho Falls.
Ralph Kellogg of Nampa visit­
ed Saturday in the Dwight and
Leroy Seward homes.
sorta guessed. On top of the pickup cab Is
Ilea Hall, daughter of Rowena Kreager ami
the late L. L. Kreager. others (I to r) are
Roy Holmes, Neil Dimmlck, Jim Phifer (?),
Peg Dimmick, laiyd Adams (?), Sue Marshall,
and Larry Holmes (?) or maybe it's Dean. •
Other Journal photos and a list of all Hie
workers appears on page 1 of this Journal
B&M Equipment Co
1100 Adrian Blvd.
Phone 372-2239