THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1966 W & ■ Mi THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON PAGE FIVE I - MINIATURE We Have a Large Selection of Grade 'A' Hens and Toms . . . Broad-Breasted, Young and Tender! Ready to Cook— Prices will be competitive with any in the area. Your sat­ isfaction is guaranteed, regardless of Grade You Select. Make your Christmas Dinner Complete with a WILSON TURKEY! For Dressing — Fresh J Oysters Wilson's—De-Rined U. S. Choice SLAB BACON Round Steak U. S. Choice Sirloin Steak Navel Sliced FREE! 63e LB. U. S. Choice T-Bone Steak U. S. Choice — Boneless Rc Rump Roast Heinz Sweet PickleS 25-O z . Jar Wyandotte 51Z2-Oz.— Medium Pitted Olives 4 Cans Shortening — CRISCO . 3-Lb. Can Wonder — Brown and Serve Dinner Rolls Kraft — 7-Oz. Size s Doz- MARSHMALLOW CREME 5 Jars $1.00 Reynolds — Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Del Monte FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 303 Size Select Your BOXED CHOCOLATES, GIFT-WRAPPED CIGARETTES and GIFT-BOXED WINES HERE! 5 Cans $1 Lipton's ONION SOUP MIX Queen Ann [1 CHERRY ^CHOCOLATES r 10-Oz. Pkg. 390 Sweet's — Assorted CHOCOLATES i 1-Lb. Box $1.79 J Philadelphia CREAM CHEESE . Assorted Flavors — JELLO ........... Meadow Gold—Vi Pints WHIPPING CREAM 2 for 69« SOUR CREAM 2 for 570 Thunderegg Mall — Gold Strike Stamps, Tool